Briefs Adrift. Mr. P. 11. Young, of Lime Rock, wns here yesterday. Mr. Taylor Dunlap, of Gideon, was in Danbury Tuesday. Rev. J. T. Katledge, of Casos, spent the day here Monday. Mr. F. G. Southern, of Pink, called on the Reporter Monday. Mr. Alex. Flinchum, of Red Shoals, visited Danbury Monday. Attorney John Y. Phillips, of Dalton. visited Danbury Monday. There were fifty-three dogs list ed for taxation in Stokes this year. Mr. I. M. Gordon spent a few flours in Danbury last Saturdry. Mr. Stauly Flinn, of Pine Hull, is spending a few days in Danbury. Mr. Harry Petree, of German ton, came over and spent the day Tuesday. M essrs. Rufus and Watt Mabe, of Danbury Route 1. were here Tuesday. Dr. Andrew Tuttle, of Spray, is spending some time at Piedmont Springs. President and Mrs. L. L. Hobbs, of Guilford College, are at Pied mont Springs. Mr. J. C. Flinn, a prominent merchant of Pine Hall, called on the Reporter Monday. The Stokes County Sunday School Association will be in ses sion here Friday night and Satur day. Dr. and Mrs. J. 11. Ellington, of Sandy Ridge, came over Tuesday. Mrs. Ellington is attending the teachers' institute. Col. J. M. Galloway, of Mad ison, who is summering at Pied mont Springs, had the misfortune to lose a good horse last week. Messrs. W. W. Hampton and Frank Flinn, two of Leaksville's prominent citizens, are spending ' a few day* at Piedmont Spring. • M iss Blanche Pepper returned from Mount Airy Monday. She was accompanied home by Miss Lilla I>rigg3, who is her guest. Itislcarnol that Mrs. I. MJ Gordon, who is suffering from an attack of typhoid fever at the home of her parents near Dalton, 1 is improving. Dr. John Patterson, of Oak Kidgc, accompanied by Misses Mozelle Partee and Gertrude Don ell, of Bluefield, all of whom are at Piedmont Springs, visited Dan bury Tuesday, One of the most interesting fea tures of the Sunday School Con vention to be hold here next Fri day and Saturday will be the lec ture of Prof. W. M. Cundiff on his travels in the old world. License wns issued Tuesday for the marriage of Miss Letha Whitten to Mr. J. Watt Mabe, both of Stokes. This is the first license Register Jones has issued in more than two wtieks. The mar ket is awfully dull. Mr. Robert George has accept ed a position with Farmers Ware house at Winston. He expects to enter on his duties September 1. Mr, George is a popular young man and will no doubt fiil the place well. He expects to travel over Stokes a part of the season. All of the school committee men of the county are earnestly requested to attend the Teachers' Institute on next Friday, as I that day will be set apart especial-; ly for them. Prof. C. L, Coon, 1 who is conducting the Institute, will lecture to them at that time. An Increis; In the Valuation of Our Property. According to the tax books, which are now l>eing made out, the total value of the real and personal property in Stokes this year is $2,395,2%, which is on in crease over the valuation last year of $95,211. THE TEACHERS INSTITUTE.! A Fine Body of Women and Men—No '■ Entertainments at Night Not Pop ular—List of Teachers Present. The Stokoß County Teachers' Institute is in session this week conducted by Prof. Chas. L. Coon, of Raleigh, who is being assisted by County Superintendent of Schools J. T. Smith and Prof. Burkett, of the A. & M. College, of Raleigh. The attendance at the Institute is not quite so large as usual. Some of the teachers attended similar schools in adjoining counties, which makes them eligible as well as being present here. Otheis were kept away by different causes. Superintendent Smith announces that certificates to teach in tlio | public schools of the county will, not be granted to those who have been kept away by other than providential causes. While Prof. Coon is an able in structor, some of his methods are not meeting with popular favor here. He seems to neglegt the social and recreative features al most entirely, For Instance there is no music at the opening of tl)o sessions, which is considered by | many people as a necossary adj u net to the best* results in teaching, ■ as its inlluence is elevating and refining and has a tendency to in spire dull intellects. Neither are there any recreations or amuse ments for the touchers at night, which lias formerly been a plei^s-1 ing feature of these gatherings.. The arguihuiit that the teachers j should be spending their nights at. study, is met by the assertion that the human mind is not a machine,' and needs refreshment and rest and that some moderate form of enter-; tainmtmt would better lit the teachers for their work the follow-, ing day and enable them to make more progress than if the recess hours had been spent over their books. Following is a complete list of the teachers present: Miss May Wall, Madison I{. F. 1). Mo. S, Miss Margaret Adams, Walnut Cove. Miss Claudie Smith, Francisco Route 1. Miss Fannie Yoss, Walnut Cove! Route 1. Miss Ada Leak, Peter's Creek, Va., Route 1, Miss Annie George, Francisco 1 ltoute 1. Miss Hattie Pepper, Pilot Mt. Miss Nancy Watkins, Madison.' Miss Annie King, Madison. Miss Cora Young, Dillard. Miss Bercha Dunlap, Gideon. Miss Lula Tuttle, Meadows. Miss Ruth Lasley, Gideon. Miss Dora Covington, Susan Miss Mattie Stuart, Walnut ! Cove Route 3. Miss Mary Shelton, Moore's Springs. Miss Maud Flippin, Frencisco Route 2. Miss Rachel Moore, Smith. Miss Lettie Sue Brown, Camp bell. Miss Fannie Hawkins. Sandy Ridge. Miss Minnie Crews, Madison. Miss Anna Reid, Yade Mecum. Miss Lizzie Adkins, Red Shoals.' Miss Loo Anna (Trillin, Sandy Ridge. Miss Nora Covington, Delk. Miss Mamie Leak, Peter's Creek, Ya., Route 1. Miss Jessie McAnally, Saxon. Miss Lelia Flinn, Pine Hall. Miss Beulali Neal, Walnut Cove Route 4. Miss Ella Salmons, Hampton ville Route 1. Miss Lela Smith, King Route 2. M iss Wilmeta Smith, King R. F. T). No. 2. . Miss Li'/.zie Moore, Smith. Miss Blanche Pepper, Danbury, Miss Lindsay Davis, Guilford College. Miss Cosbye Taylor, Yerona, Ya. Mr. James M. Fagg, Gideon. Mr. Lindo Pell, Pilot Mountain Route 2. Mr. Ollie L. Pulliam, German ton Route 2. Mr. Paul 11. Hill, Germanton. Mr. Sam Heath, Danbury. Mr. Sam Stuart, Danbury. Mr. Gaither Davis, Danbury. Mr. J. Walter Simmons, Fran cisco Route 2. Mr. J. Frank Bondurant, Fran cisco Route 2. Mr. Robt. F. Shelton, Moore's Springs. Mr. Jasper A. Slate, Mizpah. Mr. Thos. H. Priddy, Danbury Route 1. Mr. Oscar Petree, Germanton. Miss Dora Wall, Pinnacle R. F. D. No. 2. Mr. C. K. Boylos, Pinnacle R. F. D. No. 2. Mrs, H. L. Ellington, Sandy Ridge. Sounds Like A Working Man. The following sign hangs con spicuously in the office of Register of Deeds Jones : Time 1% money. Business is business. We have no time for monkying. Be brief. We are here to make a living and it takes con siderable time tg do it. MT. VIEW. Mountain View, August 21. — There will be an ice-cream supper at this place next Saturday night. Also a bi a - show and a balloon ascension. We will have a good string band and a large phono graph played publicly. The ice cream supper will begin at 5 and last until 11 o'clock. All over fifty years old can go in the show free. And all under that will be charged ten cents. One-half will go to the benefit of the Sunday School: Everybody aro cordially invited to come out. JUST ONE, Sanitarium Specialties. Special Treatment—For chronic rheumatism, lumbago, sciatica and chronic blood diseases. It cures. Special Treatment—For catarrh of throat, nose, lungs. It cures. Special Treatment—For neu asthenia, nervous exhaustion and nervous dyspepsia. It cures. Special Treatment—For skin diseases, eczema, acne, pruritia (intense itching), faoe pimples, moles, warts, etc. It cures. Special—Birth marks removed, cosmetic effect perfect. Special Treatment—For sprains Ijruises and inflammatory joint affections. It cures. The Sanitarium has special ap paratus in every department. Such as is used by tlie best sanitaria and specialists, both in this coun try and Europe. Practice limited to Sanitarium work. No pain iu any of the treatments. * Call at the Sanitarium or write us. We will be glad to send you literature, DRS. RIERSON & COPPLE, 127 S. Main St., Winston-Salem, A TOUCHING STORY is the saving from death, of the baby girl of Geo. A. Eyler, Cum berland, Md. He writes: "At the age of 11 months, our little girl was in declining health, with serious Throat Trouble, and two physicians gave her up. We were almost in despair, when we resol ved to try Dr. King's New Discov ery for Consumption, Coughs and colds. The first bottle gave re lief; after taking four bottles she was cured, and is now in perfect health." Never fails to relieve and cure a cough or cold. At all drug stores; 50c and SI.OO guaran teed. Trial bottle free. Ma Ha Scrag gly Do you like it? Then why be contented with it? Have to be?! Just put on Ayer's Hair Vigor and have long, thick hair; soft, even g hair; beautiful hair, without;« i single gray line in it. Have c little pride. Keep young juit as long as you can. " I Jim Vfnra old, ut>d mill! re cent!* ray h*lr wn rery jrr«y. But In u f«» wnek« Ayer'n Ifotr Vliror re«tore»l the color to mv lialr *0 now ihi»re In net f tfrnv h*ir to be —J. W. Han**. llouWlcr (Jrbuk, Ci»i. A Kjule by J. C. Ay»r Co., Lowell, L'iv, yV Alio iu*aufiMturar« of ! SARS.'.WUUUJL Siuers CHANGE IN LIVERY BUSINESS. Messrs. James Hill and Geo. Chaffm Form Partnership lnteresting Meeting at Baptist Church. Ger manton -New Sunday School Or ganized at Corinth. Germanton, Aug, 2;i.—Messrs. James Hill and George Chaffin have purchased the livery from Mr. Snm Hill, and will continues to do an up-to-date business at this place. Quite an interesting meeting was in progress at the Baptist church last week. There was quite a large attendance at every service, A good interest was manifested. Several were united to the church There seems to be a religious awakening throughout the whole country. Sunday Schools are be ing organized, revivals are being held. Generally speaking, it seems, that this old world of ours is grow ing better in spite of what the pessimists tell us. A Sunday School was organized at Corinth church last Sunday. There was a very good attendance and an unusual interest was man ifested. We think much good can be accomplished in a Sunday School. We can reach the child ren and there is where the im pressing is made. A famous relig ous educator once said that if you would give him a child until it was eight years old, you might have it for he would be satisfied you would never turn it from the teaching he had given it. Then let us work in the Sunday School and j try and do some good while there j is hope of it doing some good. Miss Lillian Crews, who has! been visiting Miss Maggie Petree, returned to her home in Salem last Friday. Miss Minnie Blum, of Winston, is spending a few weeks with Miss Maggie Petree. Miss Fannie Poindexter has bean spending a part of her vaca tion at home. She left for Wilkes boro Saturday to spend a few days. Miss Poindexter is one of D. D. Schoulef's popular salesladies. Misses Maggie Petree and Min nie Blum are talking of going to Danbury for a few days next week. "LOOKER ON." DELLAR. Dellar, August 21, —Baso ball game played at Yade Mecum by the Dellar club and Yade Mecum club. The Dellar score was 13, while Vade Mecum was only four. Come again, boys. Players at Dellar were Rufus Owens, John Burge, Gilmer Watkins, Jarvis Burge, Alex Rogers, Walter Mabe, Richard Mabe, Cabel Lawson, Wesley Priddy, Ep Lawson. Miss Fera Martin was all smiles yesterday, as her best fellow is just from Bluetield to see her. Communion meeting at Snow | Creek next Sunday. Some of the farmers around are cutting tobacco, Mr. Fletcher Simmons and wife | visited Mrs. Jettie Tucker Sunday. Guess they had a nice time. Mr. Ried Hall and family visit-' ed Mr. Emmett Hall Sunday. GOOD TIME. PUBLIC IS AROUSED. I The public is aroused to a knowledge of the curative merits of that great medicinal tonic, Electric Bitters, for sick stomach, liver and kidneys. Mary H. Wal ters, of 557 St. Clair Ave., Colum bus, 0., writes: "For several months, I was given up to die. I had fever and ague, my nerves were wrecked; I could not sleep, and my stomach was so weak, from useless doctors, drugs, that I could not eat. Soon after be ginning to take Electric Bitters, I obtained relief, and in a short time I was entirely cured.," Guranteed at all drug stores; price 50c. THE greatest bargain over ottered in tlie South: s>s.o() organs for $42.75. Guaranteed 10 years. These aro beauties. Send for cat alogue and songs free. E. M. Andrews Music House, Greensboro, N. C. I THE NEWS FROM WALNUT COVE. I Almost a Fire Sunday Morning—Four Negroes Jailed Charged With Steal ing Chickens Two Horses Driven Nearly to Death—Other Items. Walnut Cove, August 215—Miss Charity Kallam, of Mt. Airy, left for her home last Sunday evening after some days' visit at this place the guest of Miss Minnie Lan droth. Mrs. L. T. Kelly is stopping at the Central Hotel with her lies band. Mr. Kelly is superintend ing the Walnut Cove Roller Mills. Mrs. Lottie Donkloy, of Chris tiansburg, Va., is visiting her fa ther. Mr Cabel Hairst.on. in this city. Mr. Nat Hedgecock. of Win ston, stopped over at the Central last Friilay night. Mr. I'ink Rierson and wife, of Charlotte, are visiting relatives in this place. Mr. Frank Flinn, of Pine Hall, was in town Sunday. Postmaster J. 11. Voss has re turned after an extended trip north. W. P. Landreth, of Walnut Cove, has a hen that has laid 45 sggs this year and is still laying. Who cau beat it V A few days since the youngest son of S. C. Rierson threw some ashes nearCapt. Murphy's fence and on Sunday morning Mrs. Murphy discovered smoke near the stable. Capt. ran with two buckets of water when he found the fire burning half way up the fence. People should be more i careful about handling ashes. Four negroes, all from Greens- j born, made a raid on Mr. Hill i Burton's chicken roost last week and even took the little noisy bantam rooster who gave them away. They were bound over to court in the sum of SSO each and in default of bond were locked up in Danbury jail. Five or six white boys near Tuttle last week were arrested for stealing chickens The feathered tribe seems to be very palatable and tempting this fall. Albert Samuel and his son, Jim, drove two horses (the property of Messrs. Petree V Samuel), nearly to death two weeks ago. They were tried bofore Dr. E. Fulp and bound over to court on a SSO bond each. Mr. A. J. Fair is their se curity. The Walnut Cove bank build ing will soon bo completed and ready for business. It will be a great help to the business men of this place. Messrs. Banner and Laura Sam uel got their ankles severely sprained playing ball last week. Never in the history of Walnut Cove can the oldest inhabitants remember when peaches and ap ples were trampled under foot. The people have to watch while walking on the side walks to keep from slipping and falling on them. Numbers of peach and apple tree are breaking, almost resembling a sleet. SOLOMON STOKES, 1 THE OLD RELIABLE Brown's Warehouse i Loiiils the marl-el every your in tlu> highest average prices for Miami. Talk is cheap, lint, it takes work to make averages, tiring your Miami to Brown's unit every plii' sli.ill liave lose attention ami bring the wry highi's/ market price. Our new Auctioneer, Mr. .lack Palmer, stays with every pile till he gets the very last hit! possible on it. j Firs ule D.iys for January 190o —Tuesdays, Thursdays, atuidays " " " February, 190.") Mondays, Wednesdays Fridays " " " " Matfh, 1905—Tuesdays, Thursdays. J aturdays We you for your liberal palrnnap tor the pist years, ami lint year especially, ami hope by liaril work In liav- Ihe same in the future. Brown's is Headquarters for Prices Your IVienits. BROWN & CARTER. MRS. C. H. FALUN DEAD. 1 Mrs. R. P. McAnally Stricken with ' Paralysis. But Improving Miss Claude Simpson Very Sick. Dillard, Aug. 22.—Mrs. C. H. Fallin, of Mayodan, but formerly of this place, was buried at Be tliesda last Friday. The cause of her death was cancer. Her hus band is very much in declining health also. Mrs. R. P. McAnally, of Saxon, had a very serious attack, of Piiral ysis of the throat lust Friday night, but she is. convalescent, now. 1 am glad to say. The fever patients, of this neigh borhood, are improving some. Wo have had lots of it this summer. 1 ain glad to say I recovered from it O. K and don't want it any more. The Beaver Island annual Sun day School convention was held at Botliesda last Saturday. There was a large crowd in attendance. The music and recitations were well rendered. Mr. Albert Lasley, who has been in the western states for five years, surprised his people last week by returning home. Frank, his brother, is also visiting his people. Mr. John White is very low with consumption. Miss Claude Simpson is very sick, disease supposed to be con sumption. There is a series of meeting go« ing m at )ak Grove. N. Chamberlain's COLIC, CKOLEKA AND Diarrhea Remedy A few doses of this remedy will invariably cure an ordinary at tack of diarrhea, t It has been used in nine epi demics of dysentery with perfect success. ! It can always be depended upon, even in the more severe f attacks of cramp colio and chol -3 era morbns. 5 It is equally successful for S summer diarrhea and cholera £ infantum in children. and is the 1 means of saviußthe lives of many V children each year. I When reduced with water and I sweetened It is pleasant to take * Every m in of a family should t • dy in his home | | Buy it now It may save life. I PRICE MC. LAROESIZE, 60C. For Woman's Ills 1 ry woman suffering with Weakness, Blad'lc?, Ovaries, Vterus «>r Vaginal Trouble*. Delayed, SUHPI«SSI l. Irregular or Painful Menst ration. should take On JUDO'S "FAMOUS" TONIC The m« re'lo medvin** ever compounded FOR OISEASES PECULIAR TO WOMEN It cu and pn enta Pemalt Weakntn, Falling >f tho Womb. llladd«T, and Urinary TroubU-s. Dr. Judd's ' PaniouH'' Female T«»nie •. Health and Strength Producer, reiailsev.-j vwhere f«rsl.oo a bottle. To introduce and demonstrate to every woman its gratifying result*. we will upon receipt cf this advertisement and fifty cents in stamps, or coin, surd one *I.OO bottle prepaid in plain wrapper t any addlt never disappoints. Write pi >»mpt 1 v Address The Stsvcns Med. Institiite and Chemical Co. 747 W BALTIMORE 8r . BALTIMORE. MO INTVIRSTIT COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. N FFIS. N A°- WEDICIME —OtiVTISTIiY—PHARIWACT {Modern Laboratories in charge of specialist*. Quit System. Superior Clinics. Hcdaidc teaching iu our own Hospital. | 1 >r detail-d inform.u on, write THE I'ROCTOK.