IS THE NEGRO A BEAST? Dog-Killer Ignores Timothy, and Re plies to Carroll. Mr. Editor : If you will give us space, we will now offer a few thoughts on tho subject Timothy has been bringing before your readers. But before beginning these letters, we wish to say that we will all have to stand before the bar of God and account for all our insincerity, both in word and action. And for this reason, if for no other we could not enter upon this discus sion only with the most sincere regard for honesty and truth. So we shall endeavor to be fair in what we have to say. As Timothy's lettSrs are copied from Mr. Carroll's book and as we have the book, we will give our at tention to the book rather than to Timothy's letters. For by notic ing what the author has said along through the book we shall be able to show up his absurdities and contradictions in less time, than if we wore to wait for Timothy to copy his language in the Reporter. But the reader must not think that we intend to notice all the anther has said in his book. For the book contains nearly 400 pages and it would tpke much more time than we have at our command to notice all the writer has said. In fact, it is not necessary to notice only small portions of the book to show that the author's claims are mere specutation. Before we enter upon the dis cussion of this subject we will ask those who are claiming that the negro has no soul, to differentiate or tell us the difference between the soul and the objective or mor tal mind. Let them tell us what faculties the two have in common, and name the office or function of each faculty. Also let them tell us what faculties the soul has that are not common to the objective or brain mind, and name their func tion. If they can, and will do this. Then perhaps there might be some ground to think that they are in position to know whether or not the negro has a soul. Now we trust that these fellows will not treat this request like a young man once did. He said to us one day, that tho negro had no sal, and that he was no more than a hog or any other brute. We asked him what made him think so or what evidence he had of it, and he said, "just because I know it." Then we asked hiin how he knew it, and ail the answer he could give us was that he just knew it. Then we asked him whether he knew what tho soul is, and whether he could name any of its faculties and tell their uses. And he said that he did not know anything about them, whereupon we remark ed that according to his own ad mission it was possible that he might have a soul in his pocket anil not know anything about it. Then he hushe.l and said no more. And we suspect that it is some what this way with others who are contending that the negro has no FIFTY CENTS IN some conditions the ' gain from the use of Scott's Emulsion is very rapid. For this reason we put up a fifty-cent size, which is enough for an ordinary cough or cold or useful as a trial for babies and children. In other conditions the gain is slower—health cannot be built up in a day. In such cases Scott's Emulsion must be taken as nourishment; a food rather than a medicine. It's a food for tired and weak digestions. Send for trt i—plt Scott & Bowne, 409 * ChwMt N«W Ywk 50c. and li.fto. All dniffliti soul. There are more souls in the world than they suppose. In this letter, wo will not at tempt to offer much proof that the negro has a soul, because it will take up our space to notice some of Mr. Carroll's speculation ii"l contradictions. Timothy hu s copied a great ileal of what Car roll has said about the three crea tions. The creation of matter, the creation of mind and the crea tion of spirit. But it seems to us that all this is irrelevant to the sub ject under discussion; for we fail to see in it any argument i r proof that the negro has no soul. So we will not give it much further attention. Mr. Carroll's claim that matter, mind and soul or spirit are three separate or dis tinct creations, may be true and it may not be true. But if it is true, it would not prove that the negro has no soul. However, we believe that his claim is not sus tained by the findings of science. It seems that the discovery of radium is throwing a great ileal of light on this subject, and scienti fic men are beginning to suspect that there is but one substance — that matter and spirit are only the extreiuo or opposite poles of one and the same thing. Or, in othor words, that matter is spirit in a coarse or low state of vibration anil spirit is matter in a finer or higher state of vibration. But perhaps you will say thatthiscon tradicts the Bible idea that that which is Hesli is flesh and that which is spirit is spirit. No, there is not necessarily a contra diction here. For we could speak of one substance in different states of existence and say that that which is ice (is ice, and that which is water is water. Or, that that which is ice is ice, and that which is vapor is vapor. And yet it would all mean one thing or substance but in different states of existence. In the ice, aud water or liquid states we could sense or cognize the substance, but in the vapor state it might be all around us and we be unconscious of its presence. And possibly, it may be this way with what we call matter and spirit. Recent researches have proven that electrical waves are caused by particles of matter. So we need not decide that just be cause we cannot see a thing it is necessarily different in substance from the things we can see. Now, I do not offer these thoughts as in any way proving that the negro has a soul, but to show that Mr. Carroll's claim that matter, mind and spirit are threo distinct cre ations or substances, offers no certain proof that he has no soul. DOG-KILLER. (TO BE CONTINU ED NEXT WEEK.) The Forsyth County Fair will be held October 3, 4. 5 and *>. Ex-Judge Bynum, of Charlotte, visited I)r. Bynum at Germanton last week. WINSTON-SALEM. Wii stou-Salem, Sept. 9th. Mr. John Holleman was run over by the Salem Hook and Ladder Com pany last Thursday night and died from the results. Mr. Holleman was formerly a citizen of Pilot Mountain and had been living in this city for some time. He was carried to Pilot Mountain f.r burial. Mr. Thurman Benuef, of King Route Two, has accepted a posi tion with the Forsyth Hardware Company. Mr. and Mrs. 0. I). Slate. i>f King, spent last Sunday in f'i"j city visiting friends. Miss Martha Newsoin ha' re-] turned home from a visit to R"an-, oke, Va. Mr. W. R. Johnson has accept ed a position wish the Star Ware house. Mr. Archa Caudle and Miss Birta Fletcher have gon ito Y d it county to-day to visit friends. We hope they will have a nice time. MAYFLOWER. P BASTARD"'? I AlO Delivered in your hoiiie, complete with stool and There is no better piano-value tliun the Harvard, Myle H, at $2,51) Ts and in fact Iscoinpleteiu every dctiil, and lias a TEN AH liL'AItAS'l EE printed in each p.ani. The OS Enf the lIAUV Mil) pleases everybody. Its action is light and responsive. ilile mice md asm ill Oilier dealers thargu jKlju lor ilie same piauy and other pianos of equal grade. Wow do we do itIIV hny them in car I I »•«. »Mh* '* "" . .' jy.,,., ll prolit sitislies us. tVe have other pianos as low as $175. And we aljocarry perhaps the largest stock "'f onjui* l > !'■' found anywhere 1111 tlmllll.l vuiov. 1 rienly of time given to pay for an instrument if you haven't the cash to spare. Write for catalogue suiting whether you want one ut pianos or otiratis. 11 J. ROWRN fc BRO. Winston, N. C. PATRONIZE HOME. Let every Stokes county mer chant, business man ami citizen who feels pride in home institu tions, patronize the Bunk of Stokes County, The Drnbury office is now open and is doing a nice business far better than had been anticipated for the tirst few days. The Walnut Cove otliee will open about Monday the 18th inst. This company, which is behind four other leading b'inks of the State besides the Stokos bank, is amply able to furnish its custom ers every accommodation reason ably expected. By its extensive financial connections, it is pre pared to loan money in unlimited > amounts to its customers on ap proved security. Every protection possible guarantees safety to de positors. It is chartered by the State with $10,003 capital, will carry §IO,OOO burglary insurance, cashiers bonded in the sum of SIO,OOO, and has ljre proof and ■ burglar proof safj^a»»jtoault.s. All business is strictly con fidential, and your account whether large or small is earnestly solicited. Four per cent, interest is pair! on time certificates of de posit. The Reporter gives its luarty endorsement and suppirt to thj men who have come am mg us to buy our property, build among us, lend us money, r borrow of i s at good interest, halp us pay our taxes, and assist in in bringing old Stokes to the forefront of the counties of the Stat i. We ku >w the men personally, wh > are n it only Christian gentle no:', but w ! o are financially able to meet their every obligation and wli.) show to the people, by the history of the conduct of tin other strong and growing institnti ini which they control, that they u,\> safe, con servative, and responsible. GERMANTON ROUTE 1. Germanton Route 1, Sept. 11 Rev. J. H. Robertson tillod his regular appointment at Union Flill last Sunday. Qnite a largo crowd attended the services. Miss Essie Newsom is the guest of Misses Cora and Lula Boyle* this week. Messrs. Theodore Helsahaok •md Frank Vos«. of Mount tin View, called on their cousins S i n day, Misses C.jra B. yles and E isie Newsom. C itne again, W.J like your company. Mrs. R. P. Bennett, of King R iute 1, visited her d iughter, Mrs. Belle Nance. i Mr. Alex. Boyles called on his best vrirl Sunday, Gmss he had a tine time. Miss Bessie Bennett si>ent lust Saturday night with Miss Ma'tle : S .uthern. Miss Bettie Gordon is very sad this week, as she has an idea that Miss Essie Newsom has stolen her sweetheart. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Boyles visit ed Mrs. Martha Ellen Brown, of Rural Hall, Saturday and Sunday. WILD ROSE. Mr. Hardin Covington, of Mead lows, was here yesterday. i SAMPLE PANTS! 300 Pair* Pants 87c. lit) Pairs Corduroy Pants !200 " " " #1.48. 300 " " " 1.98 300 « •' " 2.4». PL ETCHER BROTHERS 430 Trade St Winston, IN C To Cure a Cold in One Day 1 Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, js nt// Seven MilHon boxes sold in past 12 months. Thfe Signature, - k° X - 25c. J. Wilson Mitchell to Cet Married— That Bridge Across Snow Creek. Gideon, S spt. 12. —Farmers hav ing had favorable weather last week, are progressing fairly well in saving their fodder and tiihiicco. Generally speaking, corn will not prove so good us was expected, but tobacco is curing well. Much of the crop is standing yet and improving in quality. A daughter of Mrs. Sarah Tilloy, aged about Li years died suddenly at Kernersville anil was brought to the Tilley graveyard for inter ment last Friday. Mr. James W. Davis and two daughters. Misses Lindsey and Maggie, who have been visiti g relatives and friends about Red Shoals fur some time, have now seturned to their homeat Guilf r d College. Ms. Bettitt M irtin Hiid daughter, Annie, accoiupani «1 them home and will stop i-t Madison and Grensbiro and will probably visit friends al Winston before their return. Report says that J. Wilson Mitchell will marry this week n the state of Patrick. Congratula tions in advance. May joy anil 'prosperity attend them. We hope to hear soon that the citizens of Beaver Island and Dan btiry townships will get a move on f>r a bri Ige ac-ros Sno v Creek i't or near its inuuth and also take steps fur better roads. Best wishes I >r Reporter and its readers. H. xorwK. Having |H i iii-'il ;i* WIMIUW >if Matthew 1' nlliif. 'I.M*I». I I 'i -rt'ti. ii..lice in nil n.n in j eUini > atui ist it «> IMIMH ! Ii pre-vu' I'l i t.i nan fur yiiix.i' ".i • '>"f i i 5 h i! i of .Sep ' «n'*»r. I'i'll. en t ii- ii.iti.v will In- |>l«u*te I lil. II i-t iVI' Hv..v T» Ami nil p*r*nm i ulfti'f.l io *iUI i"iiii'» r" her>''»v n«tlH«l 1.. imKf 1.1111 I'lldr enter ttie HJUIIP. 71. * AHUIM .itsl. I'. (>'• ./nil M V. PHILLIPS, KjniMit'T "f m.i'.ih'* riiiiit|», it«*i. jp^ We D ay in Car load lots Tnereforo we buy at lowest possible cash prices. We give you this saving and then make same profit as other deal ers. Our store i» well Illicit with anything yon can wish for t•» lie had at an up-to-date furniture stord. WHEN IN THK CITY, VISIT ITS. Huntley = Hill = Stockton Co. Winston, N. C. ARE YOU ENGAGED y Entrage I [enp!e should reni"m bcr, tha», iif'er nnrriiii/e. IIMIIV quarre's ca - ' tw avoided, bv keep ing their digestions in co al con dition with l-Jluclric Bitters. S A. Brow. nf R omcttsville. S. C, savs: "F >r vea-s. my wife sulTc ed inten«elv f.'iin dyspepsia, com plicated with n torpid liver, until she lost her strength and vigor, and liecamo a mere wrec i of her former self. Then she tried Elec tric Bitters, which helpe 1 her at once, and finally made her entire ly well. She is now strong and lnalthy." All druggists sells and guarantees them, aJ'tOt' a I tile. For Woman's Ills Every woman suffering with Weakness, Bladder. Ovaries, Uterns or Vaginal Troubles, Delayed. Suppressed, Irregular or Painful Menstration. should talc* On JUDD S "FAMOUS" TONIC The moat reliable medicine aver compounded FOR DISEASES PECULIAR TO WOMEN It cure* and prevents Female Weak liens. Falling of the Womb. Bladder, and Utinary Troubles. Dr. Judd a ' Famous" Female Tonic Regulator. Health and Strength Producer retails everywhere for SI.OO a bottle. To introduce and demonstrate to every woman its gratifying results, we will upon receipt of this advertisement and fifty cents in stamps, or coin, send one SI.OO bottle prepaid in plttin wrapper to any address. It never disappoints. Write oromptlv. Address, The SUveis Med. Institute aid Chemlcil Co. T4T W. MALTIMONC ST., BALTIMORE, MB. UNIVERSITY COLLEQE OF MEDICINE, StOICIHE—PEMTISTIT—PHUMACT {Modern Laboratories (a chart* specialists. Quia System. Superior Clinks. Bedside teaching In oar own HocpttaL For detailed information. write THE PROCTOR.

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