SEE OUR ( NEW FALL HATS! I The Season's Latest. I PRICES: SI.OO 1.20 2.00 3.00 4.00 and 5.00 I N. L. CRAWFORD & COMPAIY,'^ Your Hatters. Winston, N, i\ I Opportunities mSagifdrnlc. The trade in the Orient is opening up. Our exports to Japan and China multiplie 1 during the last year. There will soon l>e a tremendous increase in the trade of the Pacific Coast cities with the Far East. Big opportunities for the man who live?; Why not look the field over? Only $62.50, Chicago to San Firm ;! .00 or L* Angeles and return, May 1, 2, 9, io, .1,1 2, 13, • 29. 3°> 31, J ur ) e August 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. :1, 12, 13, and 14, 1905. 1 ickets good ior return lor 90 days. Rate for a double berth in a comfortable tour ist sleeper from Chicago to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, and many other points in California,only $7. Through train service lrum Union Passenger Station, Chicago, via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul, Union Pacific mo Southern Pacific Line* This is the route of The Overland Limited, leaving Union Passenger Station, Chicago. 6.05 p. in., and 1 lie California " Express at 10.25 P- ITI - h e California Kxj.i"ss carries tourist sleeping cars to California every da)-, iioili trains carry through standard sleepers. Complete information sent free on receipt of coupon with blank linei filled. Nam* W. S. HOWELL, SkfMt addre „ Oto'l Eastern Agent, 381 Broadway, NEW YORK CITY, or City State F. A. MILLER, _ .., . .. _ , „ . Probable destination •eaeral P&vaenfer Agent, CHICAGO. rMiroKNU NortDlksWesternßJL SCHEDULE IN KFKIJCT JI'NE 11, UK).) I»«llv Daily Ki. Sun. I>»llv Ki Sun PM AM PM PM 2:50 7,."i0 Lv Winston Ar 2.00 10.00 3.28 H.lii " Wal. Cove " 1.21 9.20 A. M. 5.00 9.30 " Martinsv. "11.45 7.4y 7.25 12.30 Ar Kunnoku Lv 9.15 5.15 WKSTUOUNK-I.KAVK KOANOKK I'AII.Y. 4:10 a in—For Ka*t Hadlord, IlltietfeM. Tiu well and Norton, Pullman 9lt«|i«r :o Columbia*. Ohio. cafe rar. &J5 M 111 ( WtOtlllligtOll Mini CliattailOOgM Limited) lor Pula»kl. |*rin«;i|>iil HtatioiM, Hrintol ami tht* South. Pullman Sleej»ers to New Or leans and Mrii)|ihix. Cafe ear i'/S |» in—The St. lunula Ki|irrH>, for Itlueuel«l, Potation* a», Kem»vt. Ciitei niiKili. I ndiaii>|>oli*, St. IjOtiin. Kannan City, Coluinbu* aiut Chicago. Pullman Mullet Sleeiier* tfoanoleto Colu iu bun ami Hlueheld to Cliiciiiaiiti. Cafe car 4:35 |i in— For Pli.eHeldand intermediate tin lions. 4:43 i> ni—Dully, l or Br into I and intermediate ntatioiiM, Kit- w lie, Chattanooga him| |*»int>- South. Pu'lmait Sleeper to Kimxviile. lo ii in—For llrbtol and Intermediate Nation*. Minefield, Not tin. Pocahoiitm* himl Welch, rullinan Sleeper to Welch. NOHTII AND EAST BOUND. 1:50 p in—For Petersburg, Kiehmond ami Nor folk. Pullman Bullet Parlor Car to Norfolk -1:45 it in—Fo: Wellington, Hageratowu. Phila del pit ia "»nd New York via HMgci«t»wn ami If arriffbiirg. Pullman Slee|*?r to New York. 8:10 |» m—For Pullman sirei»er to Philadelphia. 1:)! AM— For. chu-mdand Norfolk. Pullman Sleeper Lyn l.b rg to Norfolk ami Klcbniond. 1 'J.OI a in—( v\ hmli i gton and hattaiiootfa Lim itel). For Wan Ington, Philadelphia and New York via Lynchburg. Pullman Sleepem to WaMhlngron, laltimore. Philadelphia and New \« rk. 1:10 a n —For Lynchburg, Petersburg. Richn nd and Norfolk* 8:05 p n —Daily. For Lynchburg. Pul!* in ii Meeper for /fichmond. DURHAM DIVISION. J v avt* Lynchburg (Union >Uti»n) dailv *o pi Minday 3:00 a in, 4::W»p m f« r Noqth' iintiiou and Durlu in ai.d intermediate sta tions. for a I additional information ap| ly to :rl i t officer, or to W . IJ. HEVILL, M. F. UK AGO, Qen'l I'M. Agent. 7>av. I'ass. Agent. KOANOKK, VA. KILLTH. OOUCH am> CURE TH« LUNCB "" Dr. King's New Discovery /Consumption we« FOR I OU6HV and 50c t$ 1.00 FrM Trial. Sureat And Quickest Cure for all THROAT ud LUNO TROUB LES, or MONEY BACK. O'HANLUN'S DRUG STORE. WINSTON SALEM, C. Mtokes |»MI|,IC wj|| „ot it,,,) ;l |„, (u . r „ r llimt , reliable place to purchase ihe.r than at this reliable house. AI,I. KIN/>S OK TOILET ARTICLES REIT AT Al.l. TIM KM 1 also keep tlit-Urgest an. I finest line of Trusses in the >State and fcuaianti- satisfaction in botli quality and pi ice. COME AND EXAMINE MV STOCK E. W. O'HANLON. I You will never make a mistake by selling; your Tobacco at PIEDMONT WAREHOUSE WINSTON, IV. C. Winston manufactures over iK) million pounds of tobacco every 3f»ar. Our manufacturers can afford to pay you more money for your /tobacco in Winston than anywhere else. Bring your tobacco to Pied jnsnt and you shall liavo the top of the market for overy pile. Hoping to nee you soon, we are Your friends, HI. *V. NOHFLEET it CO.