Briefs Adrift. StokcH Superior court will Convene Monday. Mr. K. It. Vosß, of Walnut Gove, spent Sunday night Imru. | Mr. I*. A. Gorrell, of Winston,' spent n few hours liore Saturday. M iss Mary Joyce left yesterday for a two-weeks visit at dreens tniro. Miss Nellie Joyce left yesterday fur (ireensl)oro UJ enter the State , Normal College. Messrs. G. W. Hudson und J. J. Stevens, of Francisco, passed i through Saturday. Mr. /. N. M orun, of Meadows, ! t-arried a large nuinlwr of cattle to j Winston last week. Mr. Floyd E. Nelson, one of; our leading merchants of Hard hank, visited Danbury Friday. j It i« learned that Mr. It. P. i Joyce will remove with his family to Walnut Cove within a few days. Attorneys N. O. Petree and J. j I). Humphreys visited the Gor manton section yesterday on pro-\ fessioual business. The sale of marriage licenses at( present is remarkably dull, Regis-' ter Jones liHfl not solil one for, some time. Mr. O. L. Pulliaui, of Piuk, lost' a barn of his best tobacco l>y hre | last week. He places his loss at about $125.(X). Prof. C. 11. Johnson, of Pinnacle,' was in town a short while Friday. Prof. Johnson will conduct the \ VVestfield school next term. Mr. Walter Booth was in town Saturday. He says he has the best crop of tobacco he ever raised and is curing it exceptionally tine. Mr. Jno. W. King, who holds a position with the America* To- 1 bacco Co., with headquarters at New York, visited his parents here this week. Mrs. Schaub, who has been ill ■ with fever several weeks, was taken to her home in Stokes coun ty this morning w here she hopes io recuperate. High Pointcorres- 1 pondence. Mr. E. L. Martin, of Madison, | was here Friday and Saturday, in the interest of his suit against T, li. Knight, administrator of the' late W. L. Fallin, which is set for, trial here next week. Walter Sliutf, colored, aged 17, was brought to jail Saturday by Mr. J. W. Southern, charged with stealing SI.(X) from J. W. Mitch ell near Pink. He will have a hearing before Judge Bryan next week. Mr. W. A. Southern, who has Insert living for several months at High Point, will return to his former home in Stoker to make his future home soon. Mr. South ern recently recovered from ty phoid fever. Mr. J. W. Southern, of Pink, was here Saturday. Mr. Southern says ho has just cured the finest j crop of to baccy of his life. Mrs. Southern is at High Point nursing her sou, Jas. Southern, who has! typhoid. I .hn o-/ Old | And you know why, too. It's those gray hairs! Don't you knew that Ayer's Hair Vigor restores color to gray hair? Well, it does. And it never fails, either. It stops fulling hair also, and keeps the scalp clean and healthy. Do not grow old too fast 1 ••I hare unfd Ajr«V* Hair Vigor for m*nr ypiirn I•' oil|4| l||«(«al Ihi forry «rt Ih* «»b fltfo.l to «l" Without II It my Imlr fnuu I tiirntiiK vrm ».»••• •!*» fcwiw uij srwlp miul i I'Hiiiiy." *»• ■niyoi# » iiy. ga a ni /i 0. Af«r f?c., Lowell, Ham. Jn AUi. lii.mtsv..urcr« oi At ? | tj (ft ttsi'lf P?CtOC/.L. j MURDER AT PLEASANT GROVE, j John Ray Shot and Killed Sunday By Frank Smith. John ltay was shot and killed Sunday at Pleasant drove church by Frank Smith. Kay lived only l.~> minutes. Smith was seriously wounded by ltay, who tired two shots. The troubls grew out of a horse swap between the two men. They met at Pleasant drove, which is in Patrick county, Va., near the Stokes line. A quarrel ensued, when ltay drew a revolver and tired twice at Smith, tlio second shot taking effect in the shoulder. Smith then pulled a 45-caliber pistol from his pooket and shot ltay as the latter ran around the crowd. The hall severed the man's backbone. Smith, whose wound is con sidered serious, is confined to his bed at his lioine near Srnithtown, this county. The residence of Ray was not learned, though he is thought to be a citizen of Patrick. GERMANTON. Gernianton, Sept. IS. —Mr. T. J. Glenn, of Stoneville, preached in the Baptist church in Gernianton Saturday night. Postmaster M'Gee's little daugh; ter, Maud, is just recovering from the acarlot fever. Sheriff Petreo and daughter, Miss Maggie, made a short trip tu Winston-Salen last Tuesday. "LOOKER ON." The many friends of Stant Hicks, formerly of Meadows, will regret to learn of his continued poor health. Mr. Hicks has hail a JH.weeks siege of typhoid fever at High Point recently, where he conducted a store. The disease has left Mr. Hicks with consump tion of the bowels, and he can't leave his bed. He will return to his former home at Wilson's Store for permanent residence early as he can. Mrß. E. W. O'Hanlon and Miss Mary Critz, of Winston Salem, went up to Piedmont Springs Satuiday to spend a day or two with their father, Mr ltobt. Crit/., who has been there for the past fflw weeks. The Mt. Airy News says that Miss Nina York, of that place, has a rose geranium five feet in diam eter, fourteen feet in circumferen ce, and two feet high. Who can beat this? Mr. P. H. Young, of Sandy Ridge Route One, who was here on business Monday, says he is curing a good crop of tobacco. A series of meetings are in pro gress at the Methodist church here this week, conducted by Revs. J. T. Ratledge and J. H. Robertson. Mr. J. Spot Taylor and family, who are still at Piedmont Springs, expect to return to Danbury Sat urday. Messrs. Tuttle Bros., two lead ing merchants of Gernianton, were in town Tuesday on business. There are eight prisoners in the Stokes jail at present. Mr. J. F. Smith, of Red Shoals, visited Danbury Tuesday. Mr. Abel Edwards, of Dalton, was here Tuesday. Mr. Joseph Coleman, of Pied mont, was here yesterday. ATTACKED BY A MOB and beaten, in a labor riot, until covered with sores, a Chicago street car conductor applied Buck len's Arnica Salve, and was soou sound and well. "I use it in my family," writes G. J. Welch, of Tekonsha, Mich, "and find it per fect." Simply grert for cuts and burns. Only 25c at all drug stores. COY 7 E HOTEL- Having lwused the Bailey Hotel at Walnut Cove, I wish to announce that 1 will appreciate the patronage of the traveling public. Give us n call. MRS. M. L. NEAL, Walnut Cove, N. C. WINSTON-SALEM. Delightful Straw Ride Given By Mr. Walter Crater. Winston-Salem, Sept. 18. —A delightful straw-ride was given by Mr. Walter Crater Saturday even ing. A party of ten girls enjoyed the ride. Seven o'clock found us mounting our wagon, which was drawn by four elegant horses. Never was there a more delightful evening spent, singiug, hollering, eatiug confectionaries, which were abundantly supplied. The party were as follows : Misses Dora, Miranda, Emma and Josie Crater, Flora and Paulina Styers, Kate Ryans, Bessie Morris, Flossie Kallaui and Daisy Spainhower. Mr. Crater placed himself in the center of the wagon and siaid, "Now girls, we will go anywhere you all say." You may know he was the center of attraction as he was the only boy in the crowd ex cept the driyer. The roads were simply grand. We went cjriving about five or six miles out in the country. Misses Dora and Flora, two old maids, espied something in the road and yelled to the driver to stop. They had found a sweetheart, but as it happened we had a sensible driver and he wouldn't stop. We passed a house where they wore killing chickens for Sunday and Miranda, another old maid, hollered to them to save her the gizzard, as old maids are always choice. As we drove on we passed a persimmon tree and we could scarcely hold Dora il) the wagon, but we finally made her understand that they were not the kind of "Simmons" that she liked so well. Well, for fear of the waste bas ket, I will close. A JOLLY BAND. PECULIAR DIAPPERANCE; J. D. ltunyan, of Butlerville, 0., laid the peculiar disappear ance of his painful symptioms, of indigestion and biliousness, to Dr. King's New Life Pills. He says: "They are a perfect reme dy, for dizziness, sour stouiaoh, headache, constipation, etc." Guaranteed nt all drug stores, price 2">c, Mrs. J. T. Ratledge, of Cases is here this week with her hus band, wh» is assisting in a series of meetings at the Methodist church. Mr. Louico Manuel, who is crit ically ill with typhoid fever at his home near here, is reported some better today. QUAKER. Quaker, Sept. 12.—There was a wedding at Mr. J. H. Covington's Sunday morning. Mr. R. W. ' Southern, a prominent young man ' and the accomplished daughter of 1 Mr. T. B. Darnell, wore married sitting in their buggy. They were afraid to get out of the buggy. It was a run away match. NO. 7. If a Cow gave Butter mankind would have to invent milk. Milk Is Na ture's emulsion —butter put In shape for diges tion. Cod liver oil is ex tremely nourishing, but it has to be emulsified before we can digest it. Scott's Emulsion combines the best oil with the valuable hypo phosphites so that it is oasy to digest and does far more good than the oil alone could. That mikes Scott's Emulsion 'ha most strengthening, nourishing food - medi cine in the world. Send for free aampla. nCOTT & BOWNE, Chamlsta Hi 415 Pearl Straat Naw York ' :-c. and SI.OO. All drugglata BURNED BY A LAMP. Boy Mashes His Foot—Baptizing Al Bethel and Other Notes. Meadows, Sept. 18.—Mr. James Bullen, Jr., while carrying a lamp in his hand, was badly burned fr.»m the lamp exploding. Dr. and Mrs. J W. Neul, of Meadows, ure visiting relatives near Mount Airy this week. Mr. YV. A. Johnson loft Tues day for Davidson College where he resumes his study of medicine, Mr. John Neal, Jr., while stay ing at the tobacco barn Wednes day night, bad a severe attact of rheumatism. The doctor was summoned and he is now getting better. Peter, the '.l-year-old son of Mr, Kt|fus Mounce, had the misfortune of having his foot badly mashed by a horse stepping 011 it. There will ho a baptising at Bethel next Sunday the 24th. "COUNTRY BOY." NOTICE ! 1 will meet the tax payers of Stokes county for the purpose of collecting the taxes for the year 1905, at the follow ing times and E laces, to-wit : :i»g, Mon. Oct. 10 100 ft. Pinnacle, Tues, " 17 " Vade Mecura, Wed. " |M " Francisco, Thurs. " lit " Lawsonville, Friday " 20 " Wilson's Store, Sat. " 21 " Gennanton, Mon. " 23 " Walnut Cove, Tues. " 21 " C. A. Mitchell's Store, Wed. " 2ft " Sandy Ridge, Thurs. " 2'i " J, Wesley More field's Store, Friday " 27 " Danbury, Sat. " 28 " I hope the people will meet me at the above times and places, and pay their taxes promptly. This the 14th day of September. 190 ft. R. J. PETREE, Sheriff. Mr. W. R. Bennett, of Danbury Route One, who is one of the bail ing merchants of the connty, was In town on business Tuesday. LIKE FINDING MONEY. Finding health is like finding money —so think those who are sick. When you have a cough, cold, sore throat, or chest irrita tion, better act promptly like W. C. Barber, of Sandy Level, Va. He says: "I had a terrible chest trouble, caused by suioke and coal dust on my lungs; but, after find ing 110 relief in other remedies, I was cured by Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds." Greatest sale of any cough or lung medicine in the world. At all druggists; ftO and $1.00; guartnteed. Trial bottle free. Rufe Estes, Lee Bailey, Gus Mitchell and Alonzo Campbell, all negroes, were bonded over to court by Justice I. G. Ross Mon day charged with stealing S2O for Mr. Josiah Tuttle, near Ger manton, Sunday night. The parties were arrested by Sheriff Petree, but all gave bond for their appearance. ARE YOU ENGAGED t people should remem ber, that, after marriage, many quarrels can be avoided, bv keep ing their digestions in good con dition with Electric Bitters. S. A. Brown, of Bennettsville, S. C., says: "For years, my wife suffer ed intensely from dyspepsia, com plicated with a torpid liver, until she lost her strength and vigor, and became a mere wreck of hor former self. Then she tried Elec tric Bitters, which helped her at once, and finally made her entire ly well. She is now strong and healthy." All druggists sells and guarantees them, at ftOc a bottle. MOTIVE. Having qualified as executor of Matthew Phillips, deceased, I ho ruby give notice to all persons bavins' claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to mo for payment ou or before the sth of .Sep tember, liioti, or this notice will he pleaded in bar of their recovery. And all persons Indebted to said estate ■re hereby notified lo make immediate payment of the same. 7his August 31st, IIM)5. JOHN Y. Executor of Mu/thew Phillips, deed. jSCMOULERs ■j NEW FALL GOODS I ; COMfiMG IIV DAILY. f A i Some cliice things have already ar f rived and you are cordially invited to inspect thcin as fast as they conic in. 5 1 The styles are beautiful this fall. Our buyers have been in New York for many weeks, and you can rest as sured that our store will be this sea son as it has always been —the center of fashion. We guarantee prices as low as can be bad anywhere in this country on up-to-date, reliable merchandise. Sc ho u I er's WINSTON-SALEM, N. (\ 1.1 l I—!■ 'lll'll HI I—L ♦ « The Mattress Store : j M S - I \ V f I SL t : * ♦ - ♦ ♦ One=Third Your Life is Spent: In Bed. : •; ♦ • ♦ ♦ 1 X You should have 11 mattress that will help to insure rest for J J both mind and body. There are lots of different grades. We ♦ ♦ handle the best. Come in and examine our springs and mat- * « tresses. * ♦ ♦ Huntlei) = Hill = Stockton S.o. \ ; ♦ Winston, N. C. ; ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦»♦♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦ inf J. IFIRA (OIM. De p a rlm en 1 Store. 441-443 TRADE STREET. The Store That Saves You Money. We sell a little of everything Dry Goods,_ Notions, Shoes, Millinery, Tinware. (Glass ware, Hardware, Crockery, Groceries, Etc. A handy and safe place to trade. We sell the bargains that bring the crowd. Our Fall Line is now arriving in large qualities. We cordially invite you to call and inspect our big stock of merchandise. Miss Martha Newsom, of King, Stokes county, will be with us this fall and will be glad to have her friends to call and see her. He- J. I Hester (oipy. | He ml Your Job Work to tlic Reporter Oilier.

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