{ SEE OUR | | ■ ■ j NEW TALL HATS! J | The Season's Latest. I | PRICES: SI.OO 1.20 2.00 3.00 4.00 and 5.00 j J N. L, CRAUFORD & COMFANY, | I|* '§ 10fM To the Pacific Coait—to California, Oregon, Washington— round-trip, long transit and return limits, liberal stop-over J The rate is practically on the basis of one fare for the round trip. Of course, if you wish to visit both California and Oregon or Washington, the cost is slightly more. These reduced rates are in effect on certain dates in months Wr*\ ( 1 of May to October, inclusive. They apply from all Eastern points J 1 via Chicago, St. 1 />»i« or Memphis gateways. The Rock Island yj II System will take you up in either Chicago or St. Louis, or at hundreds \ of other Middle West poinU and carry you to the Coast in through Standard or Tourist Sleepers with unexcelled Dining Car service. The Rock Island also affords a choice of routes: on the Scenic j'route you can stop off in Colorado—see Salt Lake City—visit I 8a& /TM Yellowstone National Park; on the "Southern" route you can go I .* f v via El Paso, thru New Mexico, then "up coast" to San Francisco If |;y 7j; and on to Portland or Seattle if desired. If In short, these Pacific Coast excursions offer an unusually good Ji |, chance to see our western country in a comprehensive manner. ft If you desire to go only as far as Colorado, there are excursion 11i" '* rates in effect to that section and return, all summer long, AiT-VoJtflC V 4 >CS »P«cially reduced June 30 to July 4, August 12 and 13, MlMtltV VI /jM and August 30 to September 4. Extension trips to Ogden /iM U\\V\Y"l / till 1 or Salt Lake and return at low cost also. llsdll vMuiJ 1 I 111 IUK From September 15 to October 31, 1905, one-way Hafw If Ti si 11 U 1 ) lU/lilV tourist or" colonist" tickets will be on sale to California and HQ I y ,1 I wij jm 11 W the Pacific Northwest—about half regular fare. MEvaT VnEHUI B/7Jr\\| \ «»d name and addre.. on thi. coupon, de.ign.hng VI which booklet wanted and to what point jron plan to go. Nam* probable j start alio, «o we can adviae definitely with reapect to rate*, etc. Addreaa JOHN SEBASTIAN, ' [o(tf^\A /Pm*.Traf. Mgr., Rock bland Syatem. Umaboat cwcAco - twwi— HAW Harfolk-Westemfli SCHEDULE IN EFFECT JUNE 11,1905 Dally Daily Ex. Sun. Dally Ex Sun PM AM PM PM 2:50 7.30 Lv Winston Ar 2.00 lU.OO 3.28 8.13 " VVul. Covtt " 1.21 9.20 A. M. 5.00 9.50 " Martinsv. " 11.45 7.49 7.25 12.30 Ar Roanoke Lv 9.15 5.15 WESTBOUND— LEAVE ItOANOKK DAILY. 4:10 a m—Fur Kant Had ford, llluefleld. Tftie* well kihl Norton, Pullman Sleeper to Coluiuhu*, Ohio, cafe car. 5:15 a in ( WuHhlngtoii himl t Limited) tor Pulaski. principal station*. Ilr'wtol ami the South Pullman Sleepern to New Or leam* ami Memphis* Cafe car 4:25 p in—The St. Kx press, for itluetield, Pocnhonta*, Kenova.' Clucl nnatti, lndiHiio|ajiis, St. Loui*. Raiisa* ity. Columhu* and Chicago. I'ullinan Battel Sleeper.» ftounol e to Columbus and Itluetield to Cincinanti. C..fe ear 4:35 pm— For llhietleldaud interme«liate sta tion». 4:4spm—l>ally. For Bristol riml Intermediate Matioiis, Knoxville, and |x»lnts South. Pullman Sleeper 10 Knoxville. 9:10 a m—For I riMol ami intern eillate §tatU>n». Itluetield, Noiton, Pocahontas and Welcli. Pullman Sle6|-y to Welch. NORTH AND KASTItOI'N!). 1:50 p m—For Petersburg, Ith hruni.d and N«- folk. Pullman HutletParlor far to Noribll. 1:45 t» m—Fo» Washington, Haueretown, Phila delphia and New York via ilagfrfttown aid; Harrlnhorg. rullman Sleeper to New York. 5:10 p in—For Ha gem town. Pullman Sleepei to Philadelphia. 1:01 a m— For uichmond and Norfolk. Pullman Sleeper I.ynchhurg t»Norfolk and Richmond. 12:01 a m— (V ashlngton and « hattanooga Lim ited). For Wnfthlngton. Pliiladelphlii and New York via Lynchburg. Pullman Slee|>erft to Washington altimore. Philadelphia and New York. ":10*in—For Lynchburg, Petersburg. Itichmoml :• ml Norfolk* 8:05 p n —Daily. For Lynchburg. I'ull inan .Sleeper for Richmond. DURHAM DIVISION. Leave Lynchburg (Union .Station) daily except .Sunday 3:00 a in, 4:80 p in for South | Huston and Durham and intermediate sta | tions. | For all additional information apply to ticket officer, or to W. H. BEVILL, M. F. BRAGG, Gen'l Pass. Agent. Trav. Pass. Agent. ROANOKF., Va. I KILLth. COUCH i™ CURE th» LUWCB j "Dr. King's ! Hew Discovery ; „ /"'ONSUIAPTION Prle* FDR I G JOHB and 50c «i SI.OO I Fr»« Trial. I V t iud ftuioSert Cai« for «U , T'Ti.CAT XKCXTIi- * I I i, ;r bLCK. g ■ -iiT~ * ' J —1 O'HANLUN'S f DRUG STORK. WINSTON SALEM, X. C. Stokes people will not find a better or more reliable place to piii.-ha.se the.r OftUOS iluu at litis reliable IIUIIM;. v ALL KINiJS OK TOILET A UTICLt;s ! KMT .VI M.I UNIKS. 1 also keep lbe largest and finest line of TriiHxex in tlie .State and guarantee satisfaction in Imtlt quality and pi ice. COME AND EXAMINE MY STOCK E. W. O'HANLOX. : You will never make a mistake l»y selling your Tobacco at PIEDMONT WAREHOUSE WINSTON, IV. O. Winston manufactures over JJO million i>onmU of tobacco every year. Our manufacturers can afford to pny you more money for your tobacco in Winston than anywhere else. Rriujr your tolmrro to I'ieil msnt and you shall have the top of the market for every |>ili*. Hoping to see ydu soon, we are Your friends, !M. W.NOR FLEET fit CO.