THE BATTLE AT LAWSONVILLE. SHARP FIGHT BETWEEN STOKES COUNTY OFFICERS AND SMITHTOWN WHISKEY MEN TiII'RSDAY AFTER NOON—DEPUTY SHERIFF JOHN R. SMITH. JIM TOM LAWSON, 808 LAWSON, WATT MABK AND CONST \ BLE BULLEN SHOOT WITH DAVE NELSON AND h> CAR SISK -SMITH AND SISK EACH GET A BALL IN THE LEG, DAVE NELSON BADLY SHOT IN FACE AND NECK AND WATT MABE'S SHOE HEEL TORN OFF BY FL\ING BULLET—MORE THAN FIFTY SHOTS FIRED SISK CAPTURED AND PUT IN JAIL Bl'T LATER RELEASED ON BOND Thursday afternoon about I! o'clock a fierce battle took place at Lawsouvilie, seven miles north of Danbury, between Stokes county officers and Smithtown whiskey men, in which Deputy Sheriff John R. Smith, of Hard hank, was shot in the leg; Dave Nelson, f Smitlitown, was perhaps fatally wounded in bowels, neck and face; Oscar Sisk, of Smithtown, receiv ed a ball ill the leg, and Watt Mabe had the heel of his shoo torn off by a Hying bullet. More than 50 shots were tired, and sever al bystanders narrowly escaped in jury. The true details of the scrimmage would read like a page from a dme novel. There were incidents of desperate daring and reckless bravery on both sides. The fiulit occurred in the road in front of E. C. Sheppard's store, and was the immediate result of the efforts of Deputy Slieriit' Smith to arrest Dave Nelson and Oscar Sisk, for whom lie had warrants, and who are charged with retailing whiskey. But ther.j are many tlying reports, one of which is that the desperate Nelson and Sisk came to the scene with the intention of killing Bob and .Hjn Tom Law son. From a great mass of conllicting statement!), the Reporter has gathered the follow ing facts : A trial had been set for '.I o'clock at Sheppard's store in which Nelies Cardwell, wife of Frank Card well, had bSen arraigned on the charge of selling liquor. From 75 to 100 persons, among whom were a few witnesses and a large number of spectators, came out t i the trial. In the crowd soon ap peared Sisk ami Nelson. Sisk had a repenting shotgun which ha was showing to a bystander when Deputy Smith, seeing the men for whom he had papers, ordered Jim Tom Lawson to assist him in the arrest, at the same time drawing his revolver and commanding Nelson to throw up his hands. Nelson refused to do so, but began backing and making an effort to pull a pistol. Smith fired over hn head to scare him into surrend er, but instead Nelson drew a Smith & Wesson and began blaz ing away at the officer, one shot taking effect in Smith's knee, who sank down and leveling his Colt's began tiring at Nelson who was fast escaping to the woods. In the meantime Jim Tom Lawson had seized Sisk's repeating shotgun and Sisk had taken to his heels, but got a bullet in his knee before he reached the brush. Bob Law son, Watt Mabj an 1 Constable Walter Bullen had now taken a hand, but Nelson i scaped to the woods nearby, from where he took refuge bohind a tree and fired at the officers several rounds, one of which struck Mabe in the heel of his shoe. Nelson was hit in sev eral places, and was bleeding pro fusely. Sisk made his way to ward Smithtown but his suffering becoming so acute, ho had to ask assistance of a wagon passing near John Lawson's which brought him back to the scene of the fight where he was placed under arrest. Nelson escaped. About 4 o'clock a phono mess ago reached here from the scene of the battle, asking for a physi cian to attend Smith's wound and for Deputy Sheriff Davis to come at once. Davis shortly afterwards, accompanied by J. D. Cardwell, went to Lawsonvillo where they took Sisk and the Cardwell woman in charge. The woman gave bond for her appearance at court. Sisk was brought to jail. He has quite a severe w fund in tho leg, Rtid can't get out of lii 3 bed. Dr. W. \ . McCanles? probed fur tho bal but coukin t fin 1 if. Sisk claim: that lie diiln t fire a sliet, but los his revolver when ho rati. It is reported tha f Nelson i: badly wouiulod, mil that hi; friends have conveyed him across the line into Virginia out of rqacli of the North Carolina authorities Blood was found on the fence wlu-re he escaped into tho woods near Lawsonville, also on the ground behind tho tree where he stood and shot at the officers. The tight is described by eye witnesses as fierce. .V large crowd of people had gathered to hear the trial and when the shooting began they scattered like chaff before a March wind. Among the audience was Mr. Conrad, a young IT.l T . !S. Geological Surveyor, who was on his way tn Dan bury from Stuart, \a. Conrad says as ho sat on his horse a bullet passed between his arm ami body, grazing his cloth ing. He thinks that Sisk did not join in the shooting. Deputy Smith's wound was dressed by Dr. W. V McCanless, and he is progressing finely. Smith is said to have stood his ground and fought bravely, also Jim Tom Lawson exhibited splen. did courage, while Dave Nelson in refusing to surrender under tire while badly wounded, showed a reckless daring that was the ad miration of even his enemies. THE NEWS FROM DALTON. Rev. J. A. Ciark Preaches Good Str mon—Notes of Interest. Daltofl, Oct. 9.—Rev. J. A. Clark filled his regular appoint ment at Trinity M. E. church yesterday. An elegant sermon was preached, if only tho people will heed. Several from this place visited tho Winston Fair last week. Mr. John Haram and daughter, Miss Ruby; Mr. Ross Hamm and Miss Maud Coe taken n private convey ance and went Wednesday. A very jolly time was reported by them. Miss Dora Tnttle returned from a visit to Mrs. Coo's last Friday accompanied by Miss Maud and Master Austin Coe. They report quite a jolly time. Mr. and Mrs. W. (J. Meadows were visitors at Dalton last Mon day. Mr. ('. F. Dalton, who was married this summer, is having a portion of tho old Dalton furni ture shipped to Charlotte, where it is supposed he will mike his home for a while. The work of Mr. J. \V. Rut- ' ledge's new residence it going on 1 rapidly. Mr. Albert Phillips was si-en dotfti in town last week. We are ' glad to see him out again. Mr. C.|T. Hamm left last Mon day for Winston where ho will spend winter quarters at work. MAMA'S JOY SANDY RIDGE ROUTE TWO. Sandy Ridge Route 2. October].!. : 1 Protracted meeting will ruin. 1 meuco at Mt. Hennon next SUM- ' day. Friends, go and bear Mr. Ratledge, then peih'ips you ni>.\ not have the blessed privilege of ' hearing so able a minister again ■> soon. Miss Beatrice (inmi has gone to ; Greensboro to attond the fair at that place. She will also remain \ in Greensboro and attend seh.i .1 the winter following. TO CURE A COLD IX ONE DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine ,| Tablets. Ail druggists refund tho „ money if it fails to cure. E. W. Gro' e's signalure is on each box. I MADISON ROUTE 3. Madison Route 3, Oct. 9.—Rev C. \\ . Glidewell filled his regular appointment at Reaver Island Saturday and Sunday. Mr. IS. L. \ enable, of Delk, wae in this section last week on bus iness. Mr. Venable expects tc move ti this place soon. Some tobacco is being 6old in this section and the farmers seem ; to b.' satisfied with the prices. Rev. ,1. T. Rat ledge held prayer : meeting at Mt. Herinon last night. ' Farmers are busy preparing land for wheat, but they say the land is getting too hard to tic much plowing. There is a lot ol fertilizer being hauled from Mad- I ison for wheat sowing. R. 11. M, JR. People's Column. i (.Try an ail under this head, ' words for 5 cents.] jIF YOU want a nice Lap Robe A. S, Mitchell at Walnut Cove has it. All prices. COOKING and Heating Stoves I'ry A. S. Mitchell, at Waluni Cove. HI \ \ OUR Guns, Leggins and Shells from A. S. Mitchell, al Walnut Cove. Prices right. - DOORS, Sash and Glass—A. S Mitchell, at Walnut Cove, has them. J NO. A. BURTON, at Walnut (Jove, desires toannounne to the Stokes trade that ho is still in the merchandise business and keeps the best goods at the lowest prices. \Y hen you go to Walnut Cove you should drop in and see his stock. FARM FOR SALE—I desire to sell privately for cash, my farm, lying between Moore's and Pied mont Springs. The place contains l'.»t>A acres and has on it 4 good tobacco barns, good basement, cum cribs and stables, 3 dwelling houses and a fine mineral spring. Tho land is especially tine for growing tobacco. For further particulars call oulfir write. M. ATujA YVSON, Moore's Spring.-, X. C. PAIR HANDCUFFS LOST—be tween Dan bury ami Lnwsonville. Finder will be rewarded by return ing same to A. W. Davis, Dan bury. \\ K ARE still at our old stand in \\ alnut Cove where all of our former patrons and the public generally will meet a lu-arty wel come. J. H. Fulton is In k again and will appreciate a call from his jld friends and will please you in quality of goods and prices. Our stock is complete in every depart ment. JACOB FULTON, SONS k CO. „—j- DON'T FAIL to examine my goods and prices before buying your Fall atnl Winter supplies. L. R.COE, Dalton. N. C. >4 INCH Broadcloth or Dress l x.luds at Lonnie Coe's oidy 50 ?cnts per yard. COE at Dalton sells the celebrated Craddock-T err y Co. line of Sho. i. Also the old reliable John lon Home-made Shoos. WHEN IN Walnut Cove come to the Red Store; and if you don't -i'.e what you want ask Harry Davis to look it up for yon. We have got it and will please you in pric-' and quality. JACOB FULTON, SONS & CO. II YOl want Fine Poland China i'lgs call on T. J. Davis, Riverside Farm, Danbury, N. C. NOOK AT our stock of Ladies' I '.-ess Goods before vou buy. JACOB FULTON, SONS & CO. R N'OCK of Shoes can't lie excelled by any bonne in the ' unity. Try a pair of the famous Jamestown or Johnson Shoes— on will never regret it. JACOB FULTON, SONS fc CO. li I™D. S. 7;OYLKS * h^Ttes everybody tu come in and see >er Hats. k...- Tri ■ - | n |, mm „,, tl VIIEKE have >on be>*n y I have been up stairs o see Mrs. .levies Hats. They are just lovely nd )'ie prii-ns are light. >LD VIOLIN—I have an old v •>1 in, made 172.1, iri good con !iti'»ii. For fuither information ddress T. A. NAPIER, Walnut Cove, N. C., Routes. I NOW IttiADY FOR BUSINESS. 2-BIG STO RES-2 FULL of M.VTO-DATK CLOTHING Shots, HATS and UNDERWEAR. Our buyer has just returned from New York where he bought some big bargains in Clothing, Hats and Shirts and we have just gotten through opening up same and are now ready for business. First come gets the pick. 400 first? Sample Hats, all colors and styles, sizes 6 7-8 7, and 7 1-8. worth $1.50 to $2.50, our prices l)8c while thev last. FLETCHER BROTHERS 430 Trade Sreet Winston IN. C. f TcTCure a Cold in One Day 1 I Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. £ tve// £* § I Seven Million boxes sold in past 12 wonths. This Signature, fc>OV - | \ GETTING M s 4 Per Cent \ / FOft YOtJII MOM3YB? y € If not, call on or write f Pitll 51105 DAtIH. | \VIATSTOJ\-SALEM, .V. C. JOHN H. GLENN, R. B. PRICE, T.J.GLENN, Manager. Bock-koepw. Auctioneer Farmers Warehouse, SToi\iiVlLll, N. G. Fo Our Many Friends and Patrons : At the (Mtginning of the new tobacco year, we lake tin's un'tlnx! if thanking you, one a-u! nil. fur the liberal patronage given us the )re>tr just closed, and solicit your patronage in the future, assuring you that Stoneville will have tin superior hs n tobacco market this leasori. We beg to say that H. J. Reynolds. with many «>t!ier leading riunufaeturi'S from Winston, Ma'! i ns\ i! le will l>e represented ou our narket, from the faet tiiat iliey want Sloueville's Original Sweet To- I imcco, with no South Carolina or Kentucky leaf mixed with it. These, -villi it. T. Stone Tobacco Company, and a number of leaf men, will teep our market lively. OUR TEAM. John 11. Glenn, the ni st experienced ai d one among the best ivarehousemen in the Stale, Gem-"al Manager. R. B. Price, better known as "Happy Bob,'' who has a smile for ivoryone, and does his work with neatness mid dispatch. Bookkeeper And as much depends on a good auctioneer for high prices. VV inve the best. T. J. Gelnn, the chompion. His sales are full of life tnd high prices, hence we assure you that no warehouse in this IT my other city can hook a team to excol &lenn Bros. A Price to pull 'or the farmers' interests. OUR ACCOMMODATIONS. We beg to say our accommodations are riot surpassed bv any . farmers Warehouse in every respect is complete. Large, well-lighted taloa floor ; large storage room ; c.. ifortablo ofS-e for farmeis : good ! water in the warehouse ; good stalls ; everything convenient. Hence i'oii can see Stoneville is the market. and Farm' Warehouse the dace lo sull your toliacco. A c> we lcome av. >its you. B'ing us ,'our first load and be convinced. Very respectfully, _ GLEN/N RQS. 8: PRICE. .VOTICK. rUHIVEKSITV COLLEGEI Having pia.iil"il aa executor of M ,ttlww OF MEDaCIKE. R v?«g?nia?' I ■lii:iip», demwd. | hereby uivc ..„ij,v MIDiCIIb—DEb'TISTHr—MMM ACT II having claims ■rwld d«v*m,. in pro*,,, U,.,.,, , , f „ r fQ^,,W6up^Cu22. 'C\z? r1 h * vh .. r ; fs *v- {...chm,L w «ho^ul .. 1 ' notice will h« pleaded ForUtmlledlnfonnatk>o,wrft.THE PROCTOR. n l..ii of tlieir t' l very. Anil till p tsoih 1 iidcblml t/i said »»Uile are herein- notified j II make Immediate pavinenl of the same. . 7l»is \ugttM :11st, 1005. i •JOHN \ . I'll I LI,U'.S', rh»mh»rl«Jti'« Co"*- Cliotrra «nn I."editor of Matthew Phillips, deed. vnamueriSin 8 DUrihoea Remedy. Never fail* Buy It now. It may save lite. HATS! HATS! My fall and winter slock >f Indies lints and millinery arc now complete. Lntest ityles and lowest prj cos guaranteed. Vou will find ine on leeond Hour nt Batno old stand. Jt vill bo to your interest to soe my foods before you buy. Yours truly, MRS. D. 8. BGVLES, Walnut Cove, N. C. NOTICE ! I will meet the tax payers of Stokes county for the purpose of jollecting the taxes for the year nt the following times and daces, to-wit : K»»K. Mon. Oct. ]('»1005. Pin uncle, Tm-fl, " 17 '« V'nde Mecuiu, Wed. " IS " Francisco, Thura. " 10 " Lawsonville, Fridny " 20 " Wilson's Store, Sat. " 21 " rermanlon, Mon. " 23 " Walnut Cove, Tues. " 24 " 3. A. Mitchell's Store, Wed. " 25 " Sandy Ridge, Thurs. " 2i " J. Wesley More field's Store, Fridny " 27 " Danbury, Sat. ' " 28 " 1 hope the people will meet mo it the above times and places, an I pay their tuxes promptly. This the 14th day of September, 1005. R. J. PETREE, Sheriff. NOTICE OF By virtue of a decree of the .Sim-t |»r ■"tut or Stakes cnuntv rendered in the ipecial proceeding, entitled, K (J mn in ! others vs. Vlnli George a „ | oih-rs,'' in th- i-econd day of .Sept., 11)05, i «ill sell o Mi.- highest bidder for cash. upon the •minim's in .stokes comity, onSuturd.iv the list liny or October, 1805, „t I o'c|o.!k, l>. If, tliu following tract of land in .stokas '•Jinny, to-wit: Lot No. 0, known as a put of the ltyiium raet, in the pirtitlo i of the lui | of r J. loaze, Sr., docd., beginning at two pine , l/iekey'sco-iter, runs V. '3-* 1-i chains l> "'■lit ■!•». corner of lot No. 5, tlun -t east fitli the line i.f lot No. 5, *0 87-100 clnis. MI pin*, thence S. 12 degrees W. "10-KM liains to a rock in Gordon's Jam, tlienc- W. .'lO 25-11)0 chs. to the Iteginniu:;, m'.- ilning 110 !»-10 acres, inoie or less. Said tra.-t .if land will be soil fur the eirpotes of partition, and tint ini'iei il liW erest In the same will lie reserved. 7"his IIk! t th day of Siipt.., UK)j. S. K. SIMMON'S Commissioner. s'. O. retree, Attorn •y. NOTICE. Having this day duly qualified as ad. nluistratoi of Aicli Fry, Jr., deceased, u I wrsons owing said estate will please come 'or ward and make in mediate settlement, knd all IMM-SOIIS holding claims against said •state are hereby notified to present tlmn n me properly authenticated for payment >n or before the 10th day of Sept., IIXHi, or his notice will be pleaded in bar oftlieir recovery. This September 51 ti, 1005. WALTER I-. MeCAN I,ESS, Admr. of Arch Fry, Jr., deed. J. D. Humphreys, atty. lor adtnr.