Briefs Adrift. Col. A. 11. Joyce went to Greens- | boro Tuesday. The Greensboro fair is in prog | ress this week. Mr. T. M. Napier, of Walnut Cove, was here yesterday. A much needed rain fell hero Tuesday night and Wednesday. Mr. liobah Davis, of Pinnacle, i spent Sunday tiere. Mrs A.J. Fagg is visiting at I Pinnacle this week. Mrs. M. T. Chilton returned J Sunday from a visit to Winston , and Kornersville. Mr. and Mrs. N. O. Petree re-' turned Sunday from a visit to rel-' atives at Germanton. Miss Mary Joyce, who has been i visiting in Greensboro somo time j is expected home today. Luin Edwards was placed in jail i here yesterday charged with re tailing liquor. Mr. Louico Manuell, who has been seriouly ill with typhoid I fever for some time, is out again, j Messrs. D. Riser, F. L. Tuttle and R. C. Fowler, prominent citi zens of Germanton Route 1, were in town Monday. Messrs. Thos. Petree, Ray Mar-j tin and Samuel Stewart are at ! tending the fair at Greensboro j this week. Miss Mattie C. Taylor returned ! to her home at Winston Tuesday, l after spending some time here with relatives, M«ssrs. W. L. Hall, of Vade Mecum, and J. J. Priddy, of Dan bury Route 1, aro among the! Stokes citizens who will attend the Raleigh fuir, The school committee of "Jfad. j kin township will meet at King, I Oct. 21 for the purpose of eni-j ploying teachers for the schools of j the township. Miss Sudie Rierson. of Elko. Dies In Operation at John Hopkins Hospital. j Mias Sudie Rierson, daughter| of Mr. James ttierson. of Elko,' died at John Hopkins Hospital in: Baltimore yesterday at !i o'clock A, M., after submitting to an op- j erution, M iss Rierson's death will be! learned of with sincere sorrow by her large circle of friends. She was quite young but had been in l delicate health for several years,- arid recently decided to undergo an operation. Miss Rierson's mother died a few weeks ago. She is survived! by an aged father, and several | brothers. The Bank Gf Stokes County Making Rapid Gains —A Great Convenience To Our People. It is gratifying to learn that the Bank of Stokes County, with of. tiers at Danbury and Walnut Covo, is starting out with a good busi-j ness. A bank must of necessity j be slow in its growth, because it must first win the confidence and good wiil of the people whoso support it expects, nnd this takes time. Though the new Bank of Stokes has Iwen running less than a month, its deposits are nearly #IO.OOO, and new customers among the merchants, business men and farmers are being added every day. The Bank of Stokes County is a conservative and safe institution. 11 is backed by men who are well known and experienced in finan cial circles. They have spent a good deal of money in giving our people banking facilities up to-date, and the people are show ing their appreciation by their patronage. Mrs. Dr. Neal Goes North To Be Op erated On For Appendicitis. Mrs. Dr. J. Walter Neal, of Meadows, was taken to Baltimore ! | to a hospital Monday to be opera-: ted upon for oppendicitis. She! was accompanied by her husband. This is the second attack Mrs. Neal has had. Patronize your home bank that is here to help you do business; it has invested money in your county and is helping you pay your taxes, FULL OF TRAGIC MEANING arc these lines from J. IL Sim mons, of Casey, In. Think what night have resulted from his terri cough if he'had not taken the medicine about which he writes : "I had n fonrful (tough, that dis turbed my night's rest. I tried everything, but nothing would re lieve ii, until 1 took Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Conghs anil Colds, which com pletely cured me." Instantly re lieves and permantly cures all throat and lung diseases; prevents grip and pneumonia. At all drug gists; guaranteed; 50c and SI.OO. Trial bottle free. WESTFIELD SCHOOL TO OPEN. Protracted Meeting At Friends Church Other Mews and Personals. Westfield, Oct. o.—Mrs. T. L. Brim and children are visiting Mrs. E. Y. Payne this week. Messrs. Luther Simmons and Nume Christian, of this place, left a few days ago for Indian Terri tory. The Baptist church here is be ing repainted, which adds very much to its appearance. Miss Roda Williams, of Virginia, is spending this week with rela tives near here. Messrs. J. H. Lowe, E. J. Payne, L. L. Lowe, S. J. Tilley, J. H. Payne and J. W. Tilley attended the fair at Winston last week. Mr. C. D. Scales, of Madison, spent Thursday night here. The school at this place b.-gint. Monday with Prof. C. 11. John son and Misses Minnie Crews and Maud Payne as teachers, Dr. R. D, Flippin went to Wins ton last week, A protracted meeting at the Friends church here begins the fourth Sunday. PANSY. ASTONISHING I NCI DEN T. It was, to all her friends, an astonishing incident, that Mrs. 1. B. Hunt, of Lime Ridge, Wis., was cured of her dreadful sick ness. "Doctors/' she writes, "had given me up: friends were rend> to bid me tiie last farewell; clouds of despair darkened my horizon, and I was a wreck on the shores of despondency, when I began to take Electric Bitters, for my frightful stomach and liver com plaint. To the astonishment of all, I was benefited at once and am now completely and miraculously restored to health." At all drug gists; price 50c; guaranteed. GIDEON. Gideon, Oct. 10.—News scarce in this section. Wheat sowing, dry weather and dust seein th ■ principal topic of conversation, Mr. J. G. H. Mitchell and W. M. Flyut started to. Winston thi> morning. Hope they will have ii pleasaut trip. J. F. Branson and James Dunlap also stalled with, tobacco for the Winston market. The school at Gideon taught by Miss Dora DeShazo is going on nicely. Several more pupils are | expected to enter soon, Miss Dora is an excellent Udy and we wel come her in our midst. S. B. Gatewood, Joe Bullen and others are attending Federal court at Greensboro this week. We bear of another shooting affair above Sandy Ridge caused no doubt by that awful demon liquor. Miss Berchie Dunlap visited Mrs. J. L. Gann yesterday. R. G. Hall visited his mother and sister here last Sunday. Mr. Albert Lasley, of Almagor da, N. M., who has been visiting his mother and sisters here for several weeks, has returned to N. Mexico. Mr. Frank Lasley, salesmam for Brown & Co., of Winston for several years, has entered a Den tal College iu Baltimore. We wish him much success and hope he will soon return a first class dentist. R. ■MKIu. •- ICZLJ 'ttVl Buy Hair at Auction mmmmmmmmm ■■ imin n w v«.u«u ■maauaooii At any rate, you seem to be getting rid of it on auction-sale principles: "soing, going, g-o-n-e!" Stop the auction with Ayer's Hair Vijor. It checksfalllnghair, and always restores color to gray hair. A | splendid dressing also. Sold | for over sixty years. " Mv hatr eime ont no hadlr I nearly loct it I all. I had h(>«nl to inucli nbc»tit Ajrer's ii.itr fi Vigor I thought I would give it a trinl. I did B ■o and It complAt«lr stopped Iho falling. and B tnnde mv hair Krow v«:y rapldij • MAUV 11. ■ PIKLU. Nuithnold, M*»». A. Bffado by J. C. Ayor Co., Lowell, Mna. yl Alto manufooturara of * JLJk _ _ _ SMtSAPARILLA. TOBACCO PRICES NO BETTER. Preparation For Wheat Crop—ltems From Dillard. Dillard, Oct. 10.—Somo prepa-, rations are being made for a wheat crop and some tobaceo is being marketed in this section. Far mers are not realizing any better prices for the weed than last year. Mrs. W. L. Hairston, of Pine Hall, was in town yesterday doing some trading. Mr. Harry H. Davis, who has held a prominent position with Fulton, Sons & Co., of Walnut Cove, for the past .'i years passed through town yesterday. He says he has resigned his position at Walnut Cove and will accept one at Winston. Constable J. H. Mitchell has already harvested 200 bushels of sweet potatoes and is not done yet. Messrs. JJ. 11. Carter and G. C. Roberts and Misses Cora and Minnie Roberts visiter} friends and relatives near Stoneville Sat urday and Sunday, Miss Delia Roberts, of Stokes, dale, is visiting relatives at this place this week. Mr. C. A. Mitchell is sinking a now well at his mill here this week. Air. Cabbal Richardson, who has been sick several weeks with fovor, is reported as improving. Mr. J. W. Mitchell, who has a contract to build a school house near Mr. A. S. Stewart's, left yes terday with three carpenters to do the work, N. PATRONIZE HOME. Why will you build up other counties, and let your own county look out for itself. Give your ac count to the Bank of Stokes Coun ty. PINNACLE. Rev. C. C. Haymore preached a good sermon at the Baptist church Sunday night. A lai'go crowd was present. Miss Ola Mickey and sister, of | Walnut Cove, are visiting Miss i Nina Culler for a few days. Mrs. A. .T. Fagg, of Danbury, jis the guest of Mrs. J. S. Slate. |We are glad to have you with us | again, Mrs. Fagg. Mrs. Dan Marion, of Piiot Mt., j is visiting friends at this place for I several days, Mr. Ralph Sullivan is expected to leave Tuesday for Loaksville where he will enter school. We are sorry to see you leave, Ralph. Among those who attended the Winston Fair were Messrs. Will and Ernest Moser, Ellis Stone, Edgar King, W. A. Sullivan, Misses Line Simpson, Lucy Spain hour, Rosella Savage and Mrs. llossio Caul well. Mr. E. W. Culler anil son. Wal ter, spent one day of the past week in Winston on business. "ME." RURAL HALL ROUTE 2. Rural llall Route 2, Oct. 9.—: Mrs. Polly Wall is right sick, but is some better, wo are glad to note. • Little Eunice Burrow is visit ing her grandparents. Mr. and M rs. Jones. Billie and Clade visits down the rood as usual. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Westmore land visited Mr. and Mrs. John Grubbs Sunday. Miss Annie visited Mr. Frank Edwards Sunday. I guess she had a nice time. A protracted meeting begins at Chultt Sunday. Mrs. Cora Jones and little daughter, Clare, visited Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Newsom Saturday and Sunday. W. M. Bnrrow has a sweet po tato that measures 61 inches long. Who can beat that? Anyone doubts this call and see for them selves. He will take great inter est in showing it to you. ONE THAT LOVES THE RE PORTER. All busiuess entrusted to the Bank of Stokes County—whether it lends you money or takes your drposit is absolutely and strictly Iconfidential. DEATH OF MR. M. 0. JAMES. Methodist Quarterly Conference Fourth Sunday—Dr. Scroggs To Preach. Tuttle, Oct. 10.—Mr. M. O. James died on last (Saturday with the dreaded disease, consumption, and was buried Hun day at Bethesda M. E. church. 110 died leaving great consolation to the bereaved ones saying that he was ready and willing to give up his journey on earth, fie leaves many friends and relatives to mourn bis death. There will be services held by tho Episcopal Minister, of Wal nut Cove, at Mr. J. I. Blackburn's old factory next Sunday evening at .'I o'clock. On the fourth Saturday and Sunday the Methodists will hold their fourth quarterly meeting at Pisgah M E church. Hope all will come out and hoar Dr. Scroggs' sermon, Services will begin at 11 o'clock. TWO FRIENDS. Sale Of Valuable Lands. lJy of* decree of tlio Superior cmii'l of SLokea I'd.iiity, rendered on tlie I'J (lay or Aug. I!it)*i, jo 111 11 sjieeial pi'tn'eedi I'g entitled "J. Wall atlnir. of Win. Wall, deceased, against Jas. Kieraon and others," I will st-ll nl i-iilil!c aiieijoi! to (lie highest bidder, upon tlie terms hereinafter sot forth, at tlw court house il >or in tho town of Danbury, N. !., on Monday the 4lh day of December, 11)0.*, beginning at twelve o'clock M . seven valuable trucis of land in •Stokes county, belonging to tho estate of Win. Wall, deceased, to-wit: First tract, Anowu as tlw V. W. (tilde well place, ISo :i-4 acres, nlore or less, in Sauratuvu township, ndjoiniig the lands of L. T. Is run, F. .). Tuttle an d others. This tract of land is a very line farm, and is well improved, with a very good lot ol limber laud on it, and is a good tobacco, whoat, corn and grass fiiriu, with a good meadow and good orchard. flag two good dwelling houses on it, both now, one of which ha two story frauu building with six rooms, with another good bull ing iu Hie yard, used as an officii, with a good well in a few s'eps td''h i d .vailing, good feed staid" newly hni , crilu, g in aiy, pack house .villi bav nient, and is well supplied with g.viti t-ili i a e>> b irm, in good condition, and also two cut houses near the dwelling first, above named. 7'lie other dwelling IIOIIST* has live rooms, ami is a two story building in good condition, with, stallies and out houses, and a good wt II in the yard. This farm is located 4 miles north west of Walnut Cove, in a good neighborhood. •Second tract, known as the John 11. Young tract, adjoining the liist tract above named, and contains 212 acres, more or loss. This is also a very fine farm and is well improved, with a tine lot of original timber it.nil on it. This farm Is a good to bacco, wheat, coin and grass farm, with a lot of good meadow, and a good youug orchard oil it. His two dwelling houses on It, one of which has seve al rooms, and is a good comfortable dwelling, the other house has three rooms and there are good stables at both of tho dwellings. This farm is also well supplied with tobacco barns, and has also a small cabin house. This tract is also wiihin four miles of W.tluul Cove, in a good neighborhood. Third tract, known as the J ;. .Sholton tract con'Aining 28 acres more or less, ad joining the lands of Win. Mcpherson audi others ill Saurntown towns'iip, and is well Improvod" has a good dwelling house with ihicen oins and also a kitchen, stables, three tt hacco burns, out' go v! pack house, and other out houses, good young rchard, and is a good tobacco, corn anil wheat firm. Onlv a half interest, in this f ie will be sold, hut vho other lu.lf can bet bought fur a reauorr.iile price* located one mile west of Walnvt (Jove. Fourth tract, all part of the Rnehon lliown or K. S. Muljli tract lying north of i the (lormanton road, leading from Dan-1 bury to (iermantiin, adjoining the lands of I 1. (i. Hoi.s and others, and is suppose I to I contain 00 or 75 acres. 7'his iracl has one tenant house, and three tobacco birns on it with some good original forest land" and is j Hue tob icco, wheat and corn land, anil : a niimher of good fruit trees on it, and is in a good neighborhood. Filth tract, known as tho ./oo Southern | place, near Flat Shoal church, adjoining | the lands of W. V. (Jonloii, and others, containing Ki acres more or less, and is a tine farm, with a grod two story frame dwelling house of live rooms, stable and out houses, and one fcnant hous >, and is well supplied with tobacco barns. This tract is a fine w heat, corn and tobacco farm and has a gKOtl orchard on It, and lies on the public road leading from Danbury to Duiton, and is in a good neighborhood. Sixth tract, known as the Fulton pl.vv,' containing 511 acres, more or less, and ad- j joins the doe Southern place above named, j This 'j also a good farm, and grows good com, .v heat and tobacco, ami has some bottom land on it; on the waters of Neat man reek. .seventh liaet, known as the Uracketl place, on Panther Creek in Meadows t iwn shi|. adjoining the lauds of .). Mailer N'eal, ami others. Containing -40 acres, m ire or less, and is a good farm, with a good dwelling house, stables, out houses and to bacco barns, w it It a good young orchard ou il, and is suited to Ihe gmwih of tobacco, oorn. wheat and other c.ops li a's iliis a | good lot iif timber of original forest, and is j 111 a good neighborhood. ' Persons desiring to purchase I rid will do j well to examine tlie abo.'e I a ids. an I to attend the sale. 7'ernis o! sale, one-third cadi, one-third p;i) able on tho first tlay of May, lttOri, a i l tlie other third |iayahle ou til •. 2Mb divnf Dec. l'.MK'i, with lion.l and approve 1 s>- curity for the deferred payments, bearing i six per Clint, iiileres! from day ofsalo. This tho tith da> of Oct . 1903. JAMES (.'. WA1.1,, Administrator of iridium Wall, deed. Walter W. King and N. )■ Petree, Attys. | tSCHOULER's MEW FALL GOODS J COMING IIM DAILY Some cliicc things have already ar j rived and 3011 are cordially"invited to inspect them as fast as they come in. The styles are beautiful this fall, f Our buyers have been in New Y r ork I for many weeks, and you can rest as- I sured that om store will be this sea son as it has always been—tlie center of fashion. e guarantee prices as low as can , be had anywhere in this country on | up-to-date, reliable merchandise. js c h O tl I Cf 's WINSTON-SALEM, N. G. k r SB S "II —I—lr1 —IrI —I 111 IIWMH ■ ■ 111 !■*■!■— ill—— A Great Demonstration in front of Our Store On October 21st when we will demonstrate the workings of the most remarkable., most talked of heater in the world—the Buck's Hot Blast. Everybody invited to the dem onstration. Huntley ■ II ■ Mtom Company Winston, N. C. 1)7 1 nESTED COMMIT, Department Store. 441 44.-J TRADE STREET. The Store That Saves You Money. We sell a little of everything—Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Millinery, Tinware, Glass ware, Hardware, Crockery, Groceries, Etc. A handy and safe place to trade. We sell tho bargains that bring the crowd. Our Fall Line is now arriving in largo qualities. We cordially invite you to call and inspect our big stock of merchandise. Miss Martha Newsom, of King, Stokes county, will be with us this fall and will be glad to havo her friends to call anil see her. Tlie J. I tlestei Company. send Your Job Work to the Reporter Office.