CLOTH ING FOR FALL. If you want a nice stylish suit, and a good suit and a cheap suit or an overcoat or a pair of pants, the only place to go to is J. E. BARKER'S MOU/NT AIRY, IN. C. We were fortunate to secure our stock of fall and win ter clothing below their regular prices and even below their real values and we are offwrjng our customers the benefit of it. We can fit you up in a stylish up-to-date suit at any price from S'J.OO to $15.00. Overcoats ft'l styles and weights at $:»\00 to $20.00. Men's pant# from SI.OO to $5.00. . . Our stock of shoes is unsurpassed, the price is right, the kinds will suit you, the stock is probably the largest in the place. . , Oar stock of shirts, underwear and all kinds of men s furnishings are representative of the best manufactured. Get in the habit of going to BARKER'S —it will pay you. THE LEADER FOR LOW PRICES, HONEST MER CHANDISE AND FAIR DEALINGS. John A. Burton Walnut Cove, N. C. Headquarters for the Stokes County peo ple who want the best goods at the lowest prices. Keeps always on hand atl kinds of farmers' sup plies — Dry Goods, Shoes, Groceries of all kinds, farming tools, and Guanos. At ffinston Prices. JUST RECEIVED BY R. P. Joyce and Co., * At Walnut Cove, N. C. A Big Lot Of il« KUMUK Mi FOR MEN AND BOYS. In the latest outs and prettiest styles. Also just received a beautiful new line of Dry Goods, Hats and Shoes. Our prices are rock-bottom. Coine and examine our stock whether you buy or not. ;R U 1 k GETTING # 1 4 Per Cent I ► POIt YOUR MONEYS? \ If not, cill on or write J pimit m miik, ] INSTOJv -SA L EM, N.''C. MEETING AT MOUNTAIN VIEW. To Begin Next Sunday -Union Hill Sunday School Growing. Oermanton, Route 1, Oct. 22. Our protracted meeting began at Union Hill M. E. church on the 3rd Sunday. It was conducted by Rev. J. H. Robertson, assisted by Rev. 11. F. Lowe, of Greensboro. As the meeting continued the in terest increased and it seemed like everyoue enjoyed the meeting. Mr. Robertson and Mr. Lowe will begin a protracted meeting at Mountain View M. E. ohurch on the sth Sunday in October. We hope to have a good meeting. Our Sunday School at Union Hill is still growing and we hope iit will continue to do so. We ex pect to have a nice Xmas enter tainment and want everybody to come to Sunday School, KATE. MEETING OF THE TEACHERS. Important Business To Be Transacted —Saturday, Nov. 4. the Date. At the Teachers' Institute held here the past summer a Teachers' Association was organized. The association has been called to meet on Saturday, Nov. 4, as will be seen from the following notice : There will be a meeting of the Stokes County Teaoheps' Associa, tion at the court house in Dan bury on Saturday, Nov. 4, 1905, at 10:30 o'clock, a. m. All the members of the Associa tion and all those who expect to teach in Stokes are requested to be present, as there is some im portant business to be transacted. October 24, 1905. J. T. SMITH, Pres. O. N. PETREE, Sec. The Public Knows Nothing About It. Remember that whether your account at the Bank of Stokes County be large or small, or whether the Bank lends you mon ey or takes your deposit, remem ber that all business is strictly confidential, and known only to the party and the Bank. ASTONISHING INCIDENT. It was, to all her friends, an astonishing incident, that Mrs. I. B. Hunt, of Lime Ridge, Wis., was cured of her dreadful sick ness. "Doctors," she writes, "had given me up; friends were ready to bid me the last farewell; clouds of despair darkened my horizon, and I was a wreck on the shores of despondency, when I began to take Electric Bitters, for iny frightful stomach and liver com plaint. To the astonishment of all, I was benefited at once and am now completely and miraculously restored to health." At all drug gists; price 50c; guaranteed. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy The Children's Favorite --ODBte-- Coughs, Colds, Croup and'" \yhooping Cough. Thin remedy if fnmou* for ltd rure« or*r • largro part of the civilised world. It can alwnyM be depended anon. Ii contain* no oniuin or other harmful drug end may be ffivvn aa confidently t«» a baby as to en adult Price 25 cte; Large Size, 60 eta. I L . ... - , For sale by N. A. MARTIN HATS! HATS! My fall and winter stook ( of ladies hats and millinery goods are now complete. Latesl ► styles and lowest priooi guaranteed. You will find me on * second floor at same old btand. II will be to your interest to see my goods before you } Yottr»4suly, MRS. D. S. B&YLES. ► Walnnl|ove, N. C. ( J.~H. PRATIIER, JV. O. PETREE,' Ih >. BYERLY, President. Attorney. Wce-Pres. ] Tilt mi or stokes (ounnj Authorized Capital., $50,000. I Paid in 44 10,000. t 1 : « Chartered by the State of North Carolina, and Registered in $ j the office of CU-rk Superior Court Stokes County. Carries j ♦ cashiers' bonds of §'20,000 and burglary insurance for $lO,- o ♦ " 000. Has burglar-proof and (ire-proof safes aud vaults, solid * T steel, equipped with time locks. Every protection, every i facility, every courtesy will be extended patrons that any ♦ 2 hank can give. We will appreciate your account and will do * X you every favor in our power consistent with safe and sound J ♦ principles of banking. ♦ Banbury; Walnut Cove : EVGEA n U PEPPER, R. R. ROGERS, Cashier, • (■ashler. The G orrells OF Farmers Warehouse Winston, N. C. Have gained more new trade and sold far more of their old custom ers this year than ever before in the history of their warehouse bu iness. This shows very plainly that they have been getting the best prices and making the highest averages. We are justly proud of this record and desiro to thank our friends for this immense trade. We will be delighted to handle the balance of your tobaooo, and, undoubtedly, wo can make it pay you to sell with us. Your friends, A. B. UORRELL & SON. FIRST SALE DA YS : For January—Mondays, HVxlnesdays, Fridays. For February—Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays. R. L. MURPHY, Walnut Cove, N. C. I invite everybody to come and see my stock of General Merchandise, examine same, get my prices, buy and save raoneyi Pay cash for what you buy. By so doing you never buy more than you need. Every customer who buys on time and pays his bills, helps pay for goods bought by other customers who do not pay their bills. So come to Murphy's aud buy your goods. Bear in mind our stock is complete and we most cheerfully solicit your patronage. I thank you all for your past trade and ask aconiinuance of same. YOURS TRULY, R. L. MURPHY. THE OLD RELIABLE - • p t . si . ' V- Brown's Warehouse Leads the market every year iu the highest average prices for tobacco. Talk is cheap tiut It takes Work to make averages. Urina your tobacco to Brown's and every pile shall have lose attention and very highest market price. 4 Our new Auctioneer, Mr. Jack Palmer, stays with every pile till lie gets the very last bid possible on It. Firs Sile D.iya for January 1905—Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdayi " " " " February, 1905—Mondays, Wednesdays Fridays " " " " March, 1905—Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdayi We thank you for your liberal pationagi for the past 32 years, and I last year especially, and hope by work to have the same in the future 1 Brown's is Headquarters for High Prices Your friends. BROWN & CARTER Thompson's Drug Store, Winston, JV. C. The largest ami most varied stock of pure Drugs in i , Win«lon-.S'alem. I have hail 80 years experience in fitting trusses ami can advise you in selecting one. Come And See Me. V. O. THOMPSON. NOTICE! I will meet the tnx payers of Stokes county for the purpose of collecting the taxes for the year 1906, at the following times ami places, to-wit: King, Mon. Oct. ltt 1905. Pinnacle, Tues. " 17 " Vade Mecurn, Wod. " 18 " Francisco, Thurs. " 19 " Lawsonville, Friday " 20 " Wilson's Store, Sat. " 21 " ftermanton, Mon. " 23 " Walnut Cove, Tues. " 24 " C. A. Mitchell's Store, Wed. " 25 " Sandy Ridge, Thurs. " 2> " J. VVesley More field's Store, Friday " 27 " Danbury, Sat. " 28 " I hope the people will meet me at the above times and places, and pay their taxes promptly. This the 14th day of September, 1905. R. J. PETREE, Sheritf. NOTICE OF SALE. Ily virtue of a decree of the .Superior court of Stokes county rendered in tin special proceeding, entitled, "X. E. Cook and others vs. Virda jrg# anil others," on the second day of Sept., 11)05, 1 will sell to the highest bidder for cash, upon the premises in .Stokes county, on Saturday the 21st day of October, IHOS, al 1 o'clock, I'. M", the following tract of land In Stokes county, to-wlt: Lot No. 6, known as a part of the Bymim tract, in the partition of the lands of T J. Boaze, Sr., deed., beginning at two pines, Mickey's corner, runs y. 28 1-2 chains to pointers, corner of lot N'o. 5, thence oast with the Hue of lot No. 5, 40 87-100 clius. to a pine, thence S. 12 degrees W. 28 50-100 chains to a rock in Gordon's line, thence til'. 80 25-100 clis. to the beginning, con- -10 acres, mine or less. Said tract of laud will lie sold for the purposes of arlition, and the minora! in terest in tlie same will be reserved. This the Bth day of Sept,., 1005. S. E. SIMMONS, Commissioner. N. O. Petree, AUm uey. R. DAVIS, Winston, IN. C. Keeps constantly on hand a full stock of men's, women's and children's dress goods. Lcidies' hats trimmed are the latest New York styles. j "Silrcr Plate that Wears. " I THIS TRIPLE PLATED KNIFE f And has a | Round .Bolster A doing away with all sharp 1} corner* on that part hav- J ing the hardest wear. This *1847 WOOERS BROS." patented improvement insure* much longer wear on plain or fancy knives than the other makes »should they be plated equally a* heavy. I Bold by leading denier* everywhere. f For tUootnUod catalogue "C-L" address 3 International Silver Co.. Merldtn. Corn*. LADIES '(§ si Safe, Quick, Reliable Regulator Riip*rlor to other r»m«1U« fold at talrti prloM. - lißi, UFrasMi Philadelphia, fa.