I FALL ATJD "WINTER, CLOTHING, Hats, and T rv now i ST3H E WITH Hlfi:iT STYLES AMD RlfiHT PRICES. 1 There is nothing spasmodic aiiout ilit* ( lo(!iing (li.ii centers here. Our K lotliing so satifies (he wearer fhat with taeh recurring need he comes here again Our new Fall and Winter Overcoats are now ready and our Clothing is Still Better Than Ever. Tell o. if you can, where '.MI you find a SUIT OR OVERCOAT /at tlit-; same price, thai will In any respect equal our excellent 111 garments at SB, SIO, fi1i2.50, £l s or sl*, Wv ask for your / trade because we say frankly that we expect to do better by you tliaa other stores caai or nilldo. We're always at jour Uprrt|ki oy n»n xiun«i • mm— ~Y.L, CR A UFOED & COMPANY, Your Clothiers. Winston, N. C. OpporiuiiMss In California The trace in the Orient is opening up. Our experts to Japan and China multiplied during the hi t year. 'I here will soon be a tremendous increase in the trade of the Pacihc Coast cities with the Far Bast. Big opportunities for the man who lives there. Why not look the field over? Only $62.50, Chicago to San Frant isco or Los Angeles and return, May 1, 2, 3, o, j.>, 11, 12, 13, 29. 3°> 31. June i ; August 6, 7, S, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14, 1905. 1 ickets good for return for 90 days. Rate for a double berth in a comfortable tour ist sleeper from Chicago to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, and many other points in California,only $7. Through train service from Union Passenger Station, Chicago, via the Chicago, Milwaukee St Paul, Union Pacific and Southern Pacific Line This is the route of The Overland Limited, leaving Union Passenger Station, Chicago, 6.05 p. in., find The California Express at 10.25 P- ni - I'he Calitornia 1 xprr >s carries tourist sleeping cars to California every day. iioth trains tarry through standard sleepers. Complete information sent free on receipt of coupon with blank lines filled. Name W. S. HOWELL, street addre „ Qeo'l Eastern Agent, 381 Broadway, ~ ——————— ___ NEW YORK CITY, or City SU.t« F. A. MILLER, D . ~ . . . _ . ' Probable destination General Passenger Agent, CHICAGO. CALIFORNIA MpeW VwMisWeslnUL SCHEDULE IS EFFECT JUNE 11, 11K35 l »i»ll v I In? It Kx. S|iu. Daily hx Sun PM AM PM PM 2:50 7.:su Jjv Winston Ar2.W> 10.00 3.2S s.i:{ '• Wnl. Cove " 1.21 9.20 A. M. 5.00 9.50 " Marl ins v. " 11.45 7.49 7.25 12.3U Ar llontioke Lv 9.15 5.15 Wi:xTIIOUNI)-I.KAVK KuaNOKB IjAII.Y. 4:10 a m—K«r Kaat Uadford, itluetleld. T axe well and Norton, i oilman MeOpcr in Coluuihu*, Ohio, cafe ear 5: 15 ain ( aalilntftnn ami « 'hattaimoga Limited) lor i'ulaxki. principal station*. I!r.■:•»! ami the South. Pullman Sleeper* to New Or le>ni> kim! Memphli. Cal'c t-ar 4:2* |i m—Tbe St. louU Fx prone. for ltln«*t!ulil. Pocahontas. K«i."\a. Cimi iinattl, htUi(Liionolii>, St lajiil* K*ui**i» tJltv. ColumhiiH ami Chicago. Pulltnan Hiiflc? Hleupoi* .Voauoke to Coutnihnx and Itluetic'.d to t.'in.'iii mil. liate r-ir pm— For IliueheUland intoi inodiaie Ma llow*. 14* i> til--Daily. For |tr«t»l ai»»l Intermediate 4tat:ona. Ktmxvllle. Ctnitia'.oogn and point* South. Potman S!#epor to KnoxvHle. 9:1 n a in—For Bristol ami intermediate station/, lilnotlchl, Norton Pocalmntae and Welch. Pull man si cper to Welch. NOKTH AND F.AHTMOI'ND, l:6o !• in F«»r Peteri-hurir, Ulclimond and Noi. f»lk. Pullman Hurtet Parlor Car to Norfolk, l:4 »i>m—For Wellington, Phd». • delphia and New York v!a 7lager*tnwn and HarrUhuriT. Pullman Sleencr to New York, ft:in j. to—For l!aper»t»wn. Pullman Sle«i»er to Philadelphia. 1:01 n m—ror itirhm »nd and Norfolk. Pullman Sleej»er I.vurhhur*: to Norfolk ami Richmond. 1201 a ni—("Washington and Ch«tt»i»H>ifa I .fin ite* I). For Washington, Philadelphia and New S'ork via 1 ynclihurg Piillm.m Sleepers to Wellington, Baltimore. Philadelphia and New York. 7:10 a m—For Lynchburg, Petersburg. Richmond and Norfolk' 8:0.) p tn—Dally. For Lynchburg. PmH inan Sleeper for Aictim'Mid. DURHAM />!V BION. JA* avi' Lynchburg (Union Station) dil! ox «'pi tfundav 3:00 a n». «J:Bnp mf«»r AfcMill* f).,toii ai d Durham and int-u mediate Un tlnn*. For a'l addilW Hal information apply N ticket offlcflr, or to W 11. IIKVII,!., W. r. HKAOO, Oen'l Pun* Aueiit. 7>»v. Pan. Acnt. ROANOKK, VA. fjCiLITHi COUCH j j/y CUREJTHE LUWCB if™ Dr. Ring's i Kovv Discovery „„„ /CONSUMPTION Prist FOR 1 OUCHSand BOctJI.OO V° Lo# Fr ® B TrUI - Curort and Quickest Cure lor fell THBOAT »nd JLUWO THOT7B ZJSS, or MONEY BACK. ©H ANION'S DRUu STOKE. WINSTON SAI.KM, S". C. Stokes jieople will n .( HIMI a better or more reliable plaee to pun-base the.r I»WUOS than at this reliable hou.se. AM. KIN/AS OK TOILET ARTICLES KEPT AT AM, TIMES. 1 «!»•■ keep the luruint anil finest line of Trusses In the .state and guaiantee SMtisfactli n in both quality anil pi int. COME AND EXAMINE MY STOCK E. W. O'HANLON. FIRST SALE DAYS AT PIEDMONT WABKHOUSE WINSTON. NORTH CAROLINA. FOli OCTOBER: Every Tueaday, Thursday and Saturday , ( FOR NOVEMBER: Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. FOR DECEMBER: Saturday. Sale Days Change on FIRST MONDAY in Each Month. Come to PIEDMONT, vvhetli er first or second sale, and you shall have full niarlst*tr * value for every pile of your )' tobacco. YOirK FRIENDS, M. W.NOB FLEET K CO. I