SHOT HIS BROTHER'S HEAD OFF.| A TERRIBLE AEFAIR NEAR NETTLE RIDGE, VA., SCN-I DAY, DECEMBER 24. News reaches here of a terrible affair near Nettle Ridge, Va , Sun day, December 24, in which Charley DcHart was shot with a breech-loading shot gun and iu stautly killed by his brother, Buck DeHart. The dead man':? head, it is stated, was severed frotn his body. The atfair was the result of an old grudge between the brothers, which culminated with fatal con soquences. Buck DeHart. the murderer, is now in jail at Stuart, Va., and will be tried for his life at next term of Patrick court. Stokes Court Jurors. The following person were last Monday drawn by the county Commissioners to serve on the jury at the spring term of Stokes Superior court: FIRST WEEK. L. L. Nunn. T. J. Boles, Gabriel Moore, John W. Bowman, D. S. R. Martin, W. C. Dennis. 1). W. Hart, J. C. Yates, L. J. Young. J. Frank Duulap. W. H. Spencer, C. W. Wall, C. C. Creasy, Jack Roiniuger, J. H. Fulton, S. S. Blackwell, J. W. Lewellyn, J. W. Hatcherson, Riley F. Fulk, W. T. Clark, M. F. Tlittle, W. S. Slate, L. 1). Hall, N. B. Duggins, G. G. Shelton. Sr., W. T. Ziglar, W. N Jackson, J. S. Jtephens, V. S Smith, C. Bowman, G. Jeff Tuttle. W. A. Nelson, Wm. Brown, J. W Taylor, George L. Ziglar, and W A. Bennett. SECOND WEEK, J. E. Jessup, R. M, Stephens. P. F. Mitchell. E. S. Lawson. J. A. Amos, H. Dt Mickey, W. H. Slate, S. C. Hi I, K. B. Simmons 11. 11. Young, George W. Smith J.N. Lasley, J. H. Hampton, J C. Flippin, \V. T. Lawson, R. H Watts, W. W. Hicks. Rpfut Robinson. R. T. Joycee, accompanied bj Mrs. Joyce, left this morning foi Savannah, Ga., where they will spend the winter. They will alst visit Cuba before returning ti North Carolina.—Mount Airj Leader. Consumption There is no specific for consumption. Fresh air, ex ercise, nourishing food and Scott's Emulsion will come pretty near curing it, if there is anything to build on. Mil lions of people throughout the world are living and in good health on one lung. Cj From time immemorial the doctors prescribed cod liver oil for consumption. Of course the patient could not take it in its old form, hence it did very little good. They can take SCOTT'S EMULSION and tolerate it for a long time. There is no oil, not excepting butter, so easily digested and absorbed by the system as cod liver oil in the form of Scott's Emulsion, and that is the reason it is so helpful in consumption where its use must be continuous. J We will send you a sample free. Be sure that this ! icture in the form of a label is on the wrap- Jr7~\ per of every bottle of J hmuhion you buy. m Scott & Bowne F 409 Pearl Street \. fe? J. t. ami all urujf i»ta Social Event At Pilot Mountain. , Pilot Mountain, Deo. ;i().—Mi- Rap Napier entertained a nntuber ' of his friends at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Napier, last evening. A guessing contest was greatly enjoyed by those present. Miss Kallam won the first prize, while the booby went to Mr. Yinee Swatison. De licious refreshments were served and all present enjoyed a pleasant evening. Mr. Napier's guests were: Miss ! Bessie Card well, of Pinnacle; Miss I Essie Brim, of Brim;MissClaudie | Smith, of Francisco; Miss Zilpha I Fnlp, of Wheeling. W Va.; Misses i Ruth Redman, Kate and Maiy Swatison, Myrtie Smith, Mollie! Hiatt, Ruby and Rosi Stephens.! Rosa Kallam, Elma Forkner. | Annie Redman, Daisy Whitker, j Bettie Fulk, and Messrs. Jno. R. ! McDanid, of Tallahassee, Fla.;| John Marion, of Elkin; Prof. C. I E. Redman, of Bingham School, ; of Mebane; Herbert L ivery, of i Kernersville; A. L. Ashburn, of Winston; C. ('. Fulp, of Elkin; John Mathews, of Fayetteville; D. R. Fulk, i.f Eikin; Clias. 1 lintt. Rice Smith, Squire Lawrence, Vince Swatison, Po.vcil Simmons, 0. W. Kallam, of Pilot Mountain. * Some Big Hogs. Following is a list of some line | hogs which have been killed in \ the Francisco section : W. L. Smith, two hogs, 375-375 George Beasley, two, 475-42.") Dr. J. J. Leak; one, » 378 | Andrew Jessup, one. tifit'i; J. M. Goin, one, 500 [ A. J. Collins, three. A J. Flippin, one, 335 j Floyd Owens, two, 574 j J. C. Flippin. four, 1174 ! J. M. Forest, one, 515 ! Dr. S. A. Moir, three, lol'.'> Trustee's tale Of Land, By virtue of the power of sale i contained in a certain deed in 1 trust executed on the 11th day of Aug. 1893 by Solomon G Crammer and wife Martha E. Crammer and Martha L Fulk to the undersign ed I 6 Ross to sjeure the pay ment of a certain bond for !?327 31 together with interest thereon, to Drs. J. Win. Neal and J. Walt, r Neal, and which deed in tru>t np pears of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Stokes coun ty, rJ. C , in book No, 32, page 207 and default having b?en male in the payment of said bond and re quest having been made to me by the said Drs. J Win and Walter Neal, according to the terms, stip- 1 ulations and conditions contained in said deed in trust 1 will sell to the highest bidder for cash on the first Monday in February. BKXI, the same being February the sth, 1900, at the court house d or in the town of Danbury, N. C., the andsconveyed in said dt ed in trust which are defined and des cribed as follows, towit : A certain tract of land lying and being in Stokes county aforesaid ■uid more particnlm ly described ind defined as follows: On the waters of Zilphy Island creek ad joining the lands of William James, Dr. William Neal, James ri 1 ley. and others and known as the old Martin Til ley homestetd ind bounded as follows: Begin ing at chestnut sprouts, running West 110 poles to a white oak old corner, thence South IS poles to •» black oak old corner, then'-** West 25 poles to a pine old c r tier, thence North on old line 32 poles to a stake old corner, thence East 15(> poles to a black gum, corner of dower, thence South 70 poles to a hickory corner of lot N> j 5, thence West 22 poles to a largo chestnut, thence South 12 poles to j the beginning, containing 91 acre* 1 more or less. It being lot No. ("> | in the division of Arrnistead Ab j bott's old land and allotted to Joel Fulton (see same of record). This is subject to a conveyance to James M. Tilley, leaving 09 acres. This January 4th, 1900. I. G. ROSS, Trustee. J, D. Humphreys, Atty. THE NEWS AT JD. A Great Deal of Moving Around Among the People. Webtfield, Jan. 1. —Mr. and Mrs. Dwight H. Cook nnd Mr. |). E. Marion, of Elkin, spont part of the holidays hero with relatives. Miss Minnie Crews spent Inst week at Madison. Messrs. 8. 8. Lawrence, Charlie Hiatt, Tom Simmons and Vinoe Swanson. of Pilot Mountain, were visitors hero during Christinas. Miss Ellen Jessup, who has been visiting here for several weeks left Tuesday for Birming ham. Ala., where she has a posi tion. . Messrs. J. H. Payne and J. W. Tilley, of Mt. Airy, spent the holi days here. Messrs. Clias. and Torn Sim inons and sister, Miss Alpha, of Stuart, Ya., were the guests of relatives here last week. Mr. A. L. Ash burn, of Winston- Salem, spent last week at his home. Mr. .J, A. Pell came home from (i nil ford College to spend the h >lidays. Mr. R. M. Simmons left Tues dtyforhis home at Stuart, Vs., where he will spend some time with relatives. Misses Mattie Simmons, Maud Flippiu and Annie Woody, of Francisco, were visitors here du ring the holidays. Mr. Sara Carson and sisters. Misses Maggie and Georgia, of Pilot Mountain, spent a part of last week here with friends. Quite a number from Westfield attended the Xmns tree at Pilot M intlny night. Mr. C. 1). Hill, of Statosville, is visiting revives here.^-A Mr. L. R. Martin, Brown Mountain, was here last week. Mr. Frank Tilley, of Smith, came up Friday to spend a few days. Mr. ard Mrs. J. T. Avers, of Stuart. Ya., were guesH of Mrs. Ayers' parents, Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Ashburn, last week. Miss Burtie Dix came home from Guilford College In spend the holidays. P. M. NOTICK. In ottler to make a division or settlement iu our business tiy F -b. Ist., l'.KXi, we will sell some bargains for the eexl 30 days. An I then on Ist, 2nd, at tl 3r l of Feb. continue tale by auction until our t-t ick of Meicliandise is clijsed out. All persons who are indebted to 11s will please settle their accounts promptly. AMOS BROS. & Co. Per L. A. Amos ami J. C. Amos. Cham V:.' Lisa's Cough Remedy i The Children's Favorite • c A... Cousrhs, Coir.a, Croup and Whooping Cough. TUii r«m> \y J« it-ctirf over n llPiro pv 1 .»f lh«. , t vi«l v.»-»t wo. it enn J.LWN,* IH» U, •U. H ••• itnlriP uo opium or oMirr I.nn>.am nifty 1»« Iflv. 11 nn.l. nily a J.ab> h« iv >m ndult Price 25 etc; Larpo 61r.-e, 50 cts. I'NIVEBTITT COLLEGE 0? MEOICIKE, H^WA. 0 - fliOlCl>£-D£Slr Ti'r -fV lIIWACT {M'xlcrn oratories u: juu^o# Qui* Sfrtcui. 3upcriot CI at & Bedside te.vJ »r . H For detailed in*, t m »ti r>i. hi-- J'sK i'vO C* I'Webster's Warehouse Madison, N. O. For the Sale Of Leaf Tobacco 'Hob Webster, late of Winston, N. C., Pro prietor, 1 TO THE TOBACCO GROWERS OF STOKES ( Ol XTY : l This is a free country and you have a right to haul your tobacco to Richmond if you choose to do so. But why haul it so far, when by hauling only 10 to 25 miles and by selling with me you can got just as " much money for any grade of tobacco as you can get on any market in the I nited States, and run no risk of being run over by trains, street cars, automobiles, etc. We have established this market here as much for your benefit as our own and surely you are men of too much sense to bo misled by the thousands of ' letters that are being sent out to prejudice you asjainst this market. The question for you to decide is " whether you had rather haul your tobacco 35 to 50 miles iu preference to hauling 10 to 2a miles for the same amount of money. I tell you plainly lamin a position to iret you as much for your tobacco as any market in the world. If it was not so I would not tell you so. We have orders at Madison for the big. ' ijest manufacturers in the world who want your tobacco and want it bad and I never go to sleep when 1 I am selling your tobacco. We are selliug for hundreds of people who have just sold on other markets and [ without exception claim our market is up to any of them. We are adding fifty new stalls under our warehouse for the comfort of your stock. Come and give me a trial —I will do the rest. Remember IJdoJnotVequire yon to bring any letter written by mo to insure good prices. Your friend, R. EWebster, PIEDMONT WAREHOUSE Stoncville, N. C- M TAYLOR & CO., Props. We have orders from the American Tobac co Co., 11 J Reynolds Tobacco Co., Penn Tobacco Co., and Bpencer Bros. Frank B|>encer, formerly of Y\ in&ton, is a buyer 011 this market. FORCE : .1. M. Taylor, Jim CJ Roberts, J as. Price, Smith Bros., and Hannibal Simpson, Auctioneer. j Kring us your tobacco, we promise you Hie highest market prices and the best service. 1 Your friends, I J M TAVLOH & CO., Proprietors. l B L O 0 M 1 N G My *|i"p '•» 111 full bloom— emih dipa-luiyut is riuuili-K ove- »i lliii wawti: ofr,li« 1/ wil p,y you l» ounn HIHI li* i i'»») erii pi'f til-1" ih'im !•••■ C roiu« Thl l» l-u'v anm it limy seaa • i .-»n l ev-«rv'!irnj i.. I> n,j, 'j |„. '«I i. I II"t I I'Hlltlf I 11. lln« f• In I|m Ici-pt er\ litijv. In A rciijim 9 III« HIM* in «i IUIIL-. aat Wup In .VI. TIH-P «r- mini* IN-«IIII*>, UHI tlx* Int. n-mie wltli ni.U-% I I 'HI Jo«— Hli R l«it. Wi uiiij »i * i 2", iri-lnc up l" *!'' All prii!.'* li-nvi'i'ii. Irt in I'lii* h i, , »i, n vsi out I;iu » s Hluu'ir il ak ami Overcoat lint os. S; ft-iy I'l'"". it 11 »'*■•* llmiu of ffulilie- liaiidt fi.r nlnw*? all piirpri«Ps. 'hie uf Vh»- 7'-M,uir>ii , , I", l.*» mi 2.V au'l up In is Some j AllilK.l ill I'll* lot. All s /.••* of Afoiim? Ti-»|.» 11-at wII mtcli aitl kil' |I-H|l«. » mninM* liii". \II (' l,>, Is for rli'lilcen Tin* I'UL'i-s lum i f ChiMn-trs Wat* iml >li • u-vert nl* I .« • I l.v pi.--* i;. „ c,,. ~ 9 ,|j s |\ |, .u ~ Kui'inii I pry l:iue«. ail sir. * I l.ift ir Web; nil »fM-i|it»|'t«. "icpii • Ml couis ami lip o \ Big nwii"uii'iit iu Miri-ms In pric- » ml »iz". Men's Bobs to fit anyone. Violin B iws. nice line- Hats for Misses and Boys and Men. A big line Toy RiHes for Boys, 7i and some at !K), revolving, shooting 50 times, self loaders. P.-p-corn pop pers plentiful. Men's and Ladies' Mufflers, la-ge white hemstlt-lied, 31x4S inches. The latest muffler out. Can be sent I y mail If sent by mail, 4c extra. Beautiful line of Ties—ti >ys', ladies and mutt's. Different kinds and prices. Door Mats, nnd coco, Children's Moccasins or shoes—lo pair different si/, n Cobbler Sets, complet-. mend sho. s, i>.V to 125 Big lot. Cnko Pans, dilFerent patterns. Floor oil cloth and carjiet, a oil line and cheap. 1 gross pint cups, 2 for 5 cents. Nine line guitars Capes, a big line, 1 0'), children's jackets, good assortment. Ladies li 4 jackets, the newest thin ' out. ('OlllO and see, and then the rain routs—my line is surely complete. Nice line glass dippers, lOc.nts iwli. Big assortment of heaters, coal grates, etc. Beautiful linn of Picture* fr .111 25 cents ur». Kugs, niv line is groat, isune nnd see them. They >ie gin at 25 cents and go to 4.80. Mugs for C iri-itnias preterits, tea sets for children. Toy wa'ches masks •Je.vs Inrps. laundry sol t, pastry sets, doll carnages, crokonnie boards, toy pianos, with 22 kev* nn'd some 50, 1 00, 1.50, 201 T/K), 4.00, 500. fi 25. B >ys' wagons, baskets, fire shovels, plates, A B C chil dren's t-l -cka, wat'-hes, i'.lni'es, rugs, »lip|iers. combs, hair pi-is, the old time comfortable shawls from 2.25 to 1.50. owing to»i«» »nd quality, s une 74x145 inches. Big line fascinators. Oun wa-ls, printers, aliuL'i, sinult* and double barrel shot guns. Beautiful lino d'ess u 10-Js, pant go l |»|s ani| a job lot shoes cheap, December 1 1, I'.MD. Yours truly, j b. P. TBBH.

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