THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. Jurors Drawn For Stokes Superior Court—Other Eusiness Transacted. The county commissioners were in session at the court house Mon day with a full board in attend ance. and business was transacted as follows : The sheriff was ordered to stop further collection of the special taxes in the Pinnacle graded school district, and redeem oil moneys heretofore collected. The jurors for spring term of Stokes court were drawn and their names are given at another place in this issue. Joseph H. Fowler, Coroner of Stokes county, tendered his offi cial bond and the same was ac cepted and ordered to he recorded. The road opened up by John Burrell, under order of the board, was declard a public road. Claims were allowed as follows : CLAIMS ALLOWED. Win. R. Stephens, keep ing home A. & 1., $ 1 .H).03 R. P. Joyce, repairing Walnut Cove bridge, % Jane Smith, pauper, 3.00 Sinnie Manuel, " 1.50 J. L. Freeman, " 4.45 Mark Johnson's sis ters, " 4.45 V. W. Newsom. " 3.00 Fannie Plummer, " 3.00 Joe Padgett, " 5.00 R. H. R. Blair, one pau per coffin, 2.50 Pepper Bros, printing 1904 county exhibit, 30.00 R. J. Petree, jail acct. and keeping C. H. 1 year, 46.70 John Mabe, lumber for bridge, 2 27 Henry Dirrett, pauper, 1.00 Insolvent witness claims Spring term PX)S. James Pyette, State vs W. 11. Reid, 1.85 James Tucker, State vs W. H. Reid, 1.87 The Reporter's New Gasoline Engine Now at Work. The Reporter asks the indul gent of its readers for the late n :ss of this issue of the Reporter, which is owing to the extra work of installing >ur new engine, etc., making the paper necessarily one day late. The press is now being turned by our now engine, which works beautifully, and all friends of the paper hove cordial invitation to drop in any time and see it. Lock Up Your Tickets. If presented within 15 days No. 304 gels the handsome dinner set at the store of R. P. Joyce at Walnut Cove. If this number is not presented in the given time then No, 1850 takes it and if this number doesn't turn up in twenty five days then No. 12 will get the dinner set. Remember the sale at Pepper Bros, store Saturday, 6th. Mr, S. P. Jones, of Pinnacle, recently killed a hog 210 days old that weighed 275 pounds. Deputy Davis says he thinks he will get old "Hiki" fat. "Hiki" can make a mile in 2:20 saddle j_atos. Messrs. T. llucliens and Louie Fogg, of Madison, spent last night nt the MeCanless House. FOR SALE—One J : A. Vance saw mill carriage, 25 with saw box for same. Every thing complete and as good as fjpw. Hos been run but a short while. For further information write or apply to A. A. MILLER, Walnut Cove, N. C., Route No. 1. Marriage of Mr. Will Wall and Miss Kate Wall. It whs a runaway couple, but they succeeded in getting married at the Central Hotel in this city last Friday, Dr. Mebane, of the Presbyterian church performing the coremony. Mr. J. W. Wall, of Stokes, and Miss Kate Wall, of Rockingham, were the contract ing parties to the happy event and loft on the 2:30 train for home, happy in love's young dream.— Mt. Airy News. Mr. Wall is the popular young son of Ex-Sheriff J. C. Wall, of Meadows, Miss Wall is the daughter of Mr. Garlie Wall, of Rockingham, and is a very attractive and ac complished young lady. The many friends of the young couple wish them the best of luck and a happy and prosperous New Year. Marriage Licenses. Register of Deeds Jones has is sued marriage licenses to the fol lowing named couples during the past week : George Brinkle to Mary Wall. J. Willie Brown to Lucy Reid. Scales Cromer to Martha A.Tib lotson. John H. Carter to Maggie Low. Ernest Kiser to Ola Tillotson. Thomas Martin to Ada Aaron. Samuel Priddy to Murphy Nel son. Walter C. Sally to Mary Ed wards. Grover C. Shelton to Vera Mar tin. James F. Smith to Dixie Dun lap. Joe Wilkins to Mary Webster. Mnncie Wilson to Caroline ). Martin. Capt. Blackburn Weds. Capt. Thomas J. Blackburn well known in this section as a school teacher and an ardent member of the Confederate Veterans' Associ ation, has become a benedict, for on last Thursday evening, at the residence of Tyre Moody, in this city, he was quietly married to Miss Margaret J. Snow, also of this city. Rev. J. E. Smith, of the Baptist church, performed the ceremony in the presence of a few friends, and the happy Captain is receiving the congratulations of the entire population.—Mt. Airy Leader. Why pny the expense of regis tering lettc.sand buying postoffice money ordnrs, when you can send money anywhere only at the cost of a 2 cent stamp by simply writ ing a check for the amount. The checks of the Bank of Stokes County are taken at par all over the United States. ■MMFR*%r*KI gK-Z II ■ ■>« Have You a Friend? Then tell him about Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Tell him how it cured your hard cough. Tell him why you always keep it in the house. Tell him to ask his doctor about ir. Doc tors use a great deel cf it for ihroat and lung troubles. " 1 hud * torrllilft cold m.d cotifti and «u thr«Htftn*d mtli 1 trnl Ajor'o ( horrt Vector*! mid it gnvi tiifqiMctc «n«l per fort relief. It i* rwrti»>wlv :i moat wonderful couch imrdlrJno."- life* A h Y* HITMAN, Bioux Falls, Dak. C Ayar Co.. Lqwjl*. Mua. Ai«o manufftoturor* of JLM 9 sarsaparilla. ix .iters sw wrtll hasten recovery. Gently laxative. 20,1 VOTES M (15111 the Many of the Young Should Feel Proud Support Received. At the close of the Popular Voting Contest Haturd: total vote of all the candidates stood as follows : Miss Ada Leak 4001 Miss Mirtie Wall 15380 Miss Mary Lee Venable 3200 Miss Lettie Sue Brown 2710 Miss Mamie Leak 1(5(13 Miss Rachel Moore 132;! Miss Beulah Neal 1145 Miss Maude Payne . (>SI Miss Nannie Spainhour >o3 Miss Hessie Carroll 359 Miss Fannie Voss 250 Miss Maggie Adams 230 Miss Jettie Young 158 Miss Lula B. Moser 100 Miss Connie Haley 100 Miss Delia Mabe 100 Miss Rachel Priddy 08 Miss Cosby Taylor 70 Miss Maud Flippin liO Miss Hessie Young (i 0 Miss Berchie Dunlap 40 Miss Annie King 40 Miss Martha Oliver 40 Miss Kate Joyce 40 Miss Eva Mitchell 30 Miss Topsy Morelield 20 Misses Lettie Sue Brown, Mamie Leak, Beulah Neu! Moore as well as several of the leading candidates, have gratulation that their friends supported tliem so staunc! should the very popular and attractive Miss Brown feel vote. She held the lead until late Saturday evenin came from everywhere, and were the spontaneous expi warm friendship of hundreds of persons. The Reporter extends to all the young ladies its best i greetings of the season. Brown's Wareh LEADS IN HIGH PRICES Made an average of about lOcei - fc- Tobacco sold the past two w Us. tli;bl Prices [OF Several le Bring your Tobacco to the Old Reliable and John >S : , s > v you the best prices on the best market in the • ate Ml. (MR J m First Sale this yeek—Wednesday and Friday. First Sale Deceml>er —Tuesdays, Thursdays .1 Sutu To the Tobacco Growers of Stc \es Adjoining Counties: Martinsville, Va., NV ! i. I!i r, 1 take this method of informing you tli it Tol> uvo has taken Martinsville market. All grades are selling lieUer, and it \vi |u . . -t v one of you to patronize this market. Our m iiiulaclurci-s h i i :-1 card stating that they will pay moie money for your t"bi'co M vllle than elsewhere. They can afford to do t his. Connno teach you this. All our factories are having good trade, and l plug for the next year will heat all past records, ('OTIIJKMitii. here aud you will be pleased with present prices. 1 conlidenll seenrlces good on balance of this crop. The Banner Warehouse is the best equipped //one in handling yonr tobacco. All my men a-e experienced anil r. ling to servo you. My facilities for handling your tobacco cu ten, and it will be my pleasure to look after every load of y and see that you get the. highest market price. Itemi-mber first you conie to Martinsville with your tobacco, our good prices no good: and second, unless you come to seo meat the It.vNN I not hc'nelil me, nor can Ibe of any service to you. With liest trusting to liave the pleasure, of scing yon with your tirst load, un Your friend truly, E. J. DAVIS Martinsvsiie, Va, .ad r " 3. Danbury Reporter cvenii: f . : NOW HAS THE LARGEST CIRCULATION (>l' Any Country Weekly Published In NORTH CAROLINA and Km iu so for >. ]•: : ■(> >roud m Advertisers, Remember T his. H OT ICE! 3 ay Your Taxes! THIRD CALL! I will meet the tax-payers of tokes county for the purpose of ollecting the taxes for the year 905 at the following times and laces, to-wit : ling, Mon. Jan. 15, 11KM5. | 'innacle, Tues. " 10, " . M. Mitch ell's store, Wed. " 17, " r. H.Wrighf'a store, Tliurs. " 18, " 'rancisco, Fri. " 11), '■ ade Mecum, Sat. " 20, " Vilson's Store, Mon. " 22, " . Wesley More field's store. Tues. " 23, " jawsonvillo, Wed. " 24, " 'ohn Lackey's store, Thurs' " 25, " ■\ E. Nelson's store, Fri. " 2(5, " iermanton, Sat. " 27, '* Valnut Cove, Mon. " 29, " 'ine Hall, Tues. " 30, " •andy Ridge. Wed. " 81, " >illard, Thurs. Fob. 1, " 'uttle Bros. store, Fri. " 2, " j. W. Forgu son's store, Sat. " .'5, " )anbury, Mon. " 5, " I hope the people will meet me t the above time and places and ay their taxes promptly. Next year is a general election ear. and all those who nre liable >r a poll tax must pay the same *i or before tho first day of May. 4)00, or they will bo disfranchised nder the law. Don't put tho ayment of your taxes off, but pay lem now, while you are selling >bacco and have the money. It ill be best for you to do so, and asides the money is needed to ay the school teachers, and for ilier matters that have to be paid, t will save you and me trouble to ieet mo at the above times and laces and pay up. This the 19th dav of Dec. 1905. R. .). PETREE, Sheriff. I Be-Sale Of Valuable Land. By virtue of a decree of the Superior court of Stokes county, rendered on the 12th of August, 1 ( .t05, in the special proceedings entitled "J. C. Wall, administra tor of Win. Wall, deo'd, against James R. Rierson and others, - ' 1 will sell at public Auction to the highest bidder, upon the terms hereinafter set forth, at the court | house door, in the town of Dan | bury, N. C., on Monday, February sth, l'.tOfl, beginning at 12 o'clock, M., one valuable tract of land in Stokes county, belonging to the estate of Wm. Wall, dec'd, to-wit : A tract, known as the John H. Young tract, adjoining the C. W. Glidewell tract and contains 201 acres, more or less. This is a very tine farm, and is well improved, with a tine lot of original timber land on it. This farm is a good tobacco, wheat, corn and grass farm, with a lot of good meadow, and a good young orchard on it. Has two dwelling houses on it, one of which has several rooms, and is a good comfortable dwell ing. The other house has three rooms, and there are good stables at both of the dwellings. This farm is also well supplied with tobacco barns, and has also a small cabin house. This tract is within four iniles of Walnut Cove, in a good neighborhood. Terms of sale—One-third cash, one-third payable May Ist, liXXi, and the othor third payable on Dec. 20th, ISXM, with boud and ap proved security for the deferred payments, bearing (i per cent in terest from day of sale. This Dec. 27th, 1905. JAMES C. WALL, Admr. of Wm. Wall, dec'd. W. W. King and N. O. I'otree, Attorneys. JOHN D. HUMPHREYS. Attorney at Law, Danbury, - - - N. C Prompt attention to all bnsinesl entrusted. Will practice in all State courts.