THE Danbury Reporter N. E. & E. P. PsprKß, Pnbiioh#r». TERMS TO AST ADDRESS : One year, sl, (5 mo. 50c., .1 mo. 25. JANUARV 11, J 906 CHANGES IN ADS. Changes in advertisements are made this week as follows : N. L. Cranford & Co.. call atten tion to their nice line uf overcoats. S. P. Tesh, jf Mayodan, has something to say about the nice spring goods he is receiving. Piedmont Warehouse would have the farmers remember their first sale days. Brown's Warehouse wants to sail your tobacco and otfers some statistics. WILSON-MARTIN. On Sunday morning at 10:30 o'clock, Jan. 7, 190(5, at the home of the bride's parents, Miss Cor nelia O. Martin, of Prestonville, was happily married to Mr. Mun cio Wilson, of Dillard. The cere mony was performed by Afr. Edgar Willis in the presence of a large number of friends and relatives. After the ceremony they retired to the dining room where a pala table reception was served which was enjoyed by all. At 2 o'clock the bridal party startod for the home of the groom where a deli cious supper was served. The bride was the beautiful and attrac tive young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Martin, of Prestonville, while the groom is one of Dillard's most popular young men and the youngest son of Mr. Dock Wilson. A GUEST. The Bank of Stokes County is anxious for every person who has never done any banking business to come in and let it show you how it is done. No up-to-date business man can do -without a bank! BEATS THE MUSIC CURE "To keep the body in tune," writes Mrs. Mary Bron, 20 Lafayette Place, Poughkeepsie, N N. Y. 'I take Dr. King's New Lifa Pills. They are the most re- i liable and pleasant laxative I have found." Best for the Stomach j Liver and Bowels. Guaranteed by all druggist. 25c. i lijieiieTMi : i Impoverished soil, like impov- erished blood, needs a proper 1 fertilizer. A chemist by analyz ing the soil can tell you what ' fertilizer to use for different 1 products. 1 If your blood is impoverished your doctor will tell you what you need to fertilize it and give I it the rich, red corpuscles that I nre lacking in it. It may be you need a tonic, but more likely you need a concentrated fat food, and fat is the element lacking ' in your system. There is no fat food that is ( so easily digested and assimi- c luted as i Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil i £ It will nourish and strengthen the body when milk and cream fail to do it. Scott's Emulsion f is always the same; always (] palatable and always beneficial where tjie body is wasting from any cause, either in children or adults. I We will send you a sample tret. Be HUr»» that this pic turn jn the form of a w i 'tfgyqk lnbel in on tho wrapper n /gEpNSj# of every bottle of Kami- . HkvMl m B * on y° u jiplf SCOTT i BOWHE > •m(| I CHEMISTS 3 Svp 409 Pearl St., Hew Tork g i 60c. oiid fl .00, tl LETTER OF THANKS FROM MISS ADA LEAK, TR fl WINNER OF THE GBAND PREMIUM IN THE REPORTER'S POPULAR VOTING CONTEST. Motor's Creek. Vn. ( January 1. Editors Dan bury Reporter : 1 wish to oxtend my heartfelt thanks to my friend* and neighbor# and also my relatives of the west who have so nobly and enthusiastic ally stood by me in the graat contest. As it. would be impossible to thank them nil individually, I lake this method of expressing my appreciation toull. Without their assistance, lam fully convinced 1 should have not succeeded. I beg to assure them that the high char acter tliuj have formed of me shall ever be maintained. And I sin cerely hope that not one of them will ever havo cause to regret their j kindness shown me. Wishing them, and also the editors, a happy New Year, I am Respectfully, ADA LEAK. i ■ ii ■ ■ ' ii in. ■ ■ ■ GERM ANTON. German ton, Jan. 9.—The far mers in this section are busy cut ting wood to cure their next crop of tobacco. From all aecourits there will be another large crop of the weed planted. ' Miss Flora Petree, of La Grange, who has been visiting friends and ( relatives in Stokes for the last few weeks, returned to her home last Sunday. Miss Maggie Petree ac companied her home and wiil spend a month or such a matter visiting in the eastern part, of the State. Miss Myrtle Samuel, of Martins ville, spent a few days with her sisttfr, Mrs. Oscar Petree, last week. Miss Ellen Petree is expected to return to Bethlehem, Pa., in a few days. She is studying for a trained nurse. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bloom, of Huntington, W. Va., spent a few days last week with their cousin, Mrs. R. J. Petree. The public schools in Stokes are half out now. It is such a pity we cannot have a longer school than four months. LOOKER ON. PINE HALL. Pine Hall, Jan. 7.—Mr. J. S. Neal and son began their poplar w jrk last Monday. They say the roads are most impossible to get out with the blocks. Wonder how Mr. Gabe Tut tie is getting on with his pink bow. He says it will take a barrel of sugar to sweeten his girl. Bless your life, she surely must lie sour some. Ha, ha! Mrs. Delia Boon has been visit ing her frther during the holidays pf Christinas. Also visited Miss Minnie Neal and Flecta. Miss Calla Boon and litt'e brother spent last Thursday night with their cnuß'ns, Misses Minnie and Fleeta Neal. Mr. Aca Tuttle called o'i Miss Lillie Neal Saturday of Christn as. Mr. Tom Yates came home fr jin W. Va , where he hai been for the past year He sp.Mit a few days with Mr. Grover Neal during Xma3. Miss Ella Shelton spent Xmas with Misses Fleeta and Minnie Neal, of Pine Hall. Mr. Grover Neal visits Walnu! Cove very often. Wonder what calls his attention up there so n.U'h? Miss Elia, I stress. Miss Minnie Neal and brother visited Walnut. Cove last week. Mr. Perry Napier called on Mis* Fleeta last'a/and se inj t> enjoy himself very much and of course sho did. Mr. Jennie Dick has p'ux-d foot I all so much he has o e deaf ovi r it. THAT'S WHO. HALF THE WORLD WON DERS how the others half lives. Thi.srf who use Bucklen's Arnica Salve never wonder if it will cure Cuts, Wounds, Burns, Sores and ill Skin eruptions; they know!. Mrs. Grant Shy, 1130 E. Reynolds St., Springfield, 111., says: "I ie ;ard it one of the absolute necessi ties of housekeeping" Guaran teed by all druggist. 250. Mrs. Gaston Allen's Death—A Sad Accident Near Gcrmanton. Mr. Editor: Please allow ine a little space j to write a few items from here. Miss China. Bennett, who has been very low with typhoid fever for some time, is no better, we are sorry to note. We trust that she will soon recover. Mrs. Nannie Allen, wife of Mr. Gaston Allen, quietly passed away, last Thursday evening after a long suffering of typhoid fever. Mrs. Allen leaves a husband and two children, father, mother, three brothers and two sisters to mourn her loss, besides a hoste of friends. Mrs. Allen was 3t> years old and hid been a faithful member of Hawpond Christian Church for many She will be greatly raised fh har community. But j w? think our loss is . her eternal ' gain, for we think she has gone I where pain nor sorrow never comes, • and sad parting is no more. Mrs. Allen and Miss Roberta |" Bowles both living on the same plantation, were members of the same church, both died on the j a irrte day and both were buried at Hawpond Church the same hour. „ It was a sad time, as but ftew J 3ver saw two of their friends layed e to rest ahtlie same hour. J Miss Roberta Bowles was 18 j daughter of Mr. and Mrs. j Rergess Bowles. She was getting j stove wood in an old smoke house I where she was splitting a piece of I V plank on the door sill and by the j 1 striking of the axe jarred the old house and causing it to fall, break ing her bones in pieces and kill- | * her instantly. It was oh! so t=ad, ! * hut in the hour we think not the I !' Lord calls His children home. |j! The Lord's will be done. j We believe she is at vest with , her blessed Jesus. I' May God bless the jJ, families of the decease i ones |j May they so live ilint, when 'lie j Lord shall cuil they will be lei l> j ® to meet their lovrd 011*3 in a 0 brighter world than tnis ! Mr. Thomas Wesley Petree condu ted the bur- i H ial services lust Friday at 2 "'clock. w A large crowd was in linen lanc.t. J 1 C. A. B. J! TRUST UK'S S.ILE. By virtue of the powe- contain- 1 v ed in a'ertaiu deed in trust \ xe- ! cuti'd to me by .J, (). S.-uti ern nrd wife K. S. Southern on tn»- IS h y day i.l Nov., ISWI. to s.-r imt t'ie payment ot a note therein iecited. which said deed in trni-t. is duiy p iecordul in the o(K uof th* Ke^. is'or of I)-jed» or Stukes county, in Book No. ;{*3. page 1 -If), default ~ lia.ii.g been made in the | avment 1 f said note, and the leddi-f there- * ■ f having applied t.J IIIH I ( . KC|| the Ullds conveyed in sii I !rn it dee I, • ! will to puhli* t-al' to the liirhest bidder for cia'i, at tr.« g i'nut hotis« dtxir in th.» town of • Danluiry, N. C., 011 Monday, tlie sth day of Feb • t 12 o'clock. M , the iai'd? veyi-d in said deed i:i t us : . |\i» g .J "tid being in the county • ' S ck -t. 1 ndjuining I lie la'ids of Z L. Willi. ;nd others. and drM-i il» 1 11 m.'il leed as fol|o»« s. t>-« it: "Lving 'U the 11 rlh - iili» of • '(iiiily Line !i:H:xh, adjiinilitf \V. B. Ca;tiT mi t!ie Fast Mile, '/, st li, Wall oil the N' itii r-ide, and J. F '. Flinn and M. T. Glenn on tl e b Sinth and West s-'de^.. ; t being A 1 tint portion of the J"iiathat) Flinn F ;»nd conveyed by Issin to C, U [•'linn, and by him -nvevrd to J. vj I). Southern, ruiithii ii g 20 acri more or les*.' Jmi This the 2nd day of Jan., l'JOtjß ♦ J. G. n. MITCHELL. J§g| Trust cefj A Happy New Year TO . EVERYBODY. m * " / " 'V *' This will no doubt be a prosperous year and tnis stoMJpmds ready to mod (lie doninudi of a prosperous people. A big lot of Barbed Wire. price than yon have bean nstd to. All sizes in Nails,' Clevises, Back Band Webbing, Hame llairies. almost anything needed in the farming line. Then Mfchines, the goM kind, at slt> anl S2O. I hen we have Cook Sfoves, complete, $lO, wflpls pieces. Afc"» ami axe handler. Then the •Jewelry line Bpeaks for all ages of people. The I'nited States Navy Shoes at the price of 2.25, made for the United States government, l'ocket Books, Shoe Laces, liifc>derc|nef>», Safety Razors, a. beautiful lino of Window Shades, a beautiful line of Dish faun, Wash Pans and Pota, B. B. Cartridges, Cartridges of.almost every kind, Gun Shells of almost any size, shot, etc. I have a nice line ot G uus,"22 RitJes, single-tmrrel Shot Gniw. 12 and • 16 gauge. Therjf the double barrel guns. Steel Traps of every kind from 15 cents to (50. Dog chains, gun hagr to carry guns in. Then we pass to a .very large line of new washgoods just coming in for spring. Von all pleased to see the nice things g >t- flj ten together iu 'this up-to-date store. fl • \ . §g| Yours most trulv,. S. P. TESh Mayodaa, N. C. The /New Clothing Store wilL sell you your next suit or overcoat cheaper CHAS. M. PHELPS & COMPANY * Winston - Salem jV. t. Trustee's Sale Of Land. By virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain -deed in trust executed on the 11th day of Aug. 1893 by Solomon Gr Crammer and wife Martha E. Crammer and Martha L Fult to the undersign, ed I G RoB3 to seeyre tlio pay ment of a certain bond for $327.3] together with interest thereon, to Drs. J. Wm. Neal and J. Walter Neal, and which deed in trust ap pears of record in the office of the I Register of Deeds of Stokes conn ! ty, N. C., iu book No. 32, page 267 and default having been made in the payment of said bond and re-! quest having been made to me by the said Drs. J Wm and Walter i Neal, according to the terms, stip ulations and conditions cortained ' iin said deed tn trust I will sell to the highest bidder for oasji on the first Monday in February. 1906, the same heing.February the sth, 1906, at the*ci>urt house door in the town of Daiibury, N. (\, the lands conveyed in said d ed in j trust » hich are defined and di s cribe l as follows, towit : A certain tract of laud h ing and lieing in Stokes countv nf ire-aid and moie particularly describe I Mini defined as follows: On Ill waters of Zilphy Island creek ad joining the lands >f William .lames. Dr. William Neal, .James Tilley, and others and known as , the old Martin Tllley homestead | and bunded as foil .ww; Begin ! ing at chestnut sprouts, running | West 110 poles to a white oak old corner.* thence South 4H poles to I a lilnrk oak old corner, tileries , West 25 poles t > a pine old cor ner, thence North on n|d line 32 poles to a htuk« old corner, thi'iicc East 156 poles to a black gum. corner of dower, thence South 70 fxiles to a hickory corner f lot No. 5, thence West 22 poles to a larg • chestnut, thence South 12 pole* to the Iwgimiing, containing 91 acre more or less. It lieing lot No. 6 in the division of Armiste&d Ab- j butt's old land and nliotte*l to Jowl j Fulton (see 6nnie of record) This I is subject to a conveyance to Jaines i M. Tilley, leaving 69 acres. This January 4th, 1906. I. G. ROSS, Tro,tee. i .J, I). Humphreys, Atty. i NOTICE. In order to make rvMivision orj seitltinent in our business by I Feb. Ist., 1906, we will st»lf sonu i bargains for the next 30 days.! Aiid then on Ist, 2nd, and 3rd of j Feb. continue, sale by auction r r ji/I \ 4 Per Cent I y POIt YOLIt MONHYB? VI C If not, call on or wri(e I PIEDHfIiI W nil I Y If [A'STOA -ML KM, A'. ('. FIRST ~SALE~DAVST pitDiionr wAitnyi— WINSTON SAf.EM, N. C. M FOR JANUARY : Every Tuisday, Thursday mifl FOR FEBRUARY : Every Monday, Wednesday FOR MARCH : Every Tuesday, Thursday mjfl ISiySale days rhnnge on the first Monday in Bring un jour next IK tobacco and yon slial full market value iy • M. X\\ SOHVLVA THE SANITA^^ ')ff( rs the quickest, best and jf treatment for liheumatisnmSilßji I i« l I •*■l*l li il • f i*l t I I li! 'llll tUni Iff I'll fV t m li U I*I I* s « fuel iltiil tin* «| I- «k« '» 'V m I!I- oi'ivli thr '*ri» i.d ki\ M''Kfl li .i a i MKI Eta r«• i»ig'*l I*'* »m iln.» I* i >,i» tj - I -r- «lh I lir.w I \ Urtfl M ill* 11 10 M It,\ t K tI%U jjpw j inr uil.', i.ilr «u.c uikl KiicUc j mm 1 I IIM.IIIC LILMWI'K JWMFFLY. Drs. RIERSON & COfF tmi * 127 8. MAIN ST., WlN&agfr fc*Alhftl

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