THE Danbury Reporter. N. E. & E. P. PEPPER, Publishers. TERMS TO ANY ADDRESS : One year, sl, 6 mo. 50c., 3 mo. 25 JANUARY 25, HKXi EFFORT TO BE MADE TO CUR TAIL R. F. D. ROUTES. STOKES MAY LOSE SEV ERAL. The Postmaster General in his annual report issued recently, rec ommends in the interest of econ omy the curtailment of the rural free delivery service in localities where less than 2,000 pieces of mail matter are handled per month. It is said that Uncle Sam's pocketbook has been con siderably depleted by by the ex tension of the r. f. d. lines. If the suggestion of the Post master General is carried into' ef fect, Stokes county will lose near ly all of her r. f. d. routes, for but few of them Come up to the requirements of the Depart ment. Of the~ routes established in North Carolina, the carriers do not carry on an average more than • l.'.KXf pieces of, mail each month. In this county the average is probably great deal less. t The Reporter is emphatically . opposed to the curtailment of the rural free delivery system whether it pays the government or not. Nothing within the past 25 years has "done more towards getting the kinks out of our county than the r. f. d. It is making life on the farms pleasanter in a hun dred different ways. The people *nre taking more papers, maga zines, etc., by far than ever be fore. Xhey feel themselves in touch with the outside world, aud are better satisfied with their lot than formerly. Instead of trying to sell out and move to the towns, they are turning their attention to improving their lands and beauti fying their homes. Land, too, is more valuable and commands a higher price since the invasion of the r. f. d. Anything that improves the condition of the rural districts is a good investment for Uncle Sam, whether he finds immediate profit in it or not, for already a danger ous movement town-ward has thinned many country communi ties in every part of the United States. The r. f. d. has been a powerful agent in checking this tide of immigration away from the farms. The Reporter trusts that every North Carolina congressman will tight the movement to take from us any of our r. f. d. routes. If the system does not bring imme diate profits in dollars and cents, •we can answer, neither are the Philippines paying on the inYwtw inent, but we have already sunk little short of a billion there which can nover be recovered. A small proportion of the amount the government pays as tribute to the trusts would long maintain the r. f. d. system. A hundred ways could retrenchment be begun without striking at the few bene fits enjoyed by the farmers. How about that County Fair next fall y Tomorrow a week is Ground Hog Day, the beginning of winter. The election is a long distance off, but the time in which you must prepare yourself to vote next fall is growing short. Have yon jjaid your poll tax t A HARMLESS LIE NAILED. A friend writes tho Reporter that certain parties have circula ted the report that "illegal" votes were cast for some of the candi dates in the voting contest conduc ted by this paper during tho last three months of 1905; that unfair ness and partiality were used, and that Ray Martin and Alvan Blair turned up with about a thousand mysterious votes on the last day which were sold to tho friends of the leading candidates. The Reporter would say in reply that it is not troubled over such idle vaporings. Anyone who makes the above charges either does not know what he is talking about, or else the statement 4k inspired by malice. In the one case, his state ments were unimportant, in the other, harmless spite. And any one who circulates such a report without knowing whether 'it is true or not, is no less base than the one why lie. The.Reporter's voting contest was conducted with absolute fair ness to all parties concerned. No partiality was shown to any of the candidates. When a subscriber came into the office and ■ paid his subscription, and did not care to vote for anyone, he was given a coupon entitling him to as many votes as he had paid for. These coupons were often sold to parties outside. Ray Martin and Alvan Blair bought a large number of them, which entitled theftn of course to the votes the coupons called for. On the last day of the contest Martin and Blair sold their coupons to some friends of the leading candidates, which they had a perfect right to do, as the votes were entirely "legal." Probably this is what the above reports grew out of. Tho publish ers of this paper challenge any person living to say that he receiv ed a single vote without paying full "value received" for it There is a good deal of discus sion among some of the State papers of the question "Shall Capital Punishment .Bo Aban doned V" A theme a good deal more apropos would be: ' How Shall We Enforce Capital Pun ishment ?" If mud were legal tender, Stokes would be the richest county in the world. TRUSTEE'S SALE. By virtue of the power contain ed in a certain deed in trust exe cuted to me by J. (). Southern and wife E. S. Southern on the ISth day of Nov., 1891, to secure the payment of a note therein recited, which said deed in trust is duly recorded iu the office of the Reg ister of Deeds of Stokes county, in Book No. 32, page 130, default having been made in the payment of said note, and the holder there of having applied to me to sell the lands conveyed in said trust deed, I will expose to public sale to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door in the town of Danbury. N. C., on Monday, the sth day of Feb. I'.KXI, at 12 o'clock, M., the lands con veyed in said deed in trust, lying and being in the county of Stokes, adjoining the lands of Z. L. Wall, and others, and described in said deed as follows, to-wit: "Lying on the north side of County Line branch, adjoining W. B. Carter on the East side, Z. L. Wall ou the North side, and J. C. Flinn and M. T. Glenn on the South and West sides, it being that portion of the Jonathan Flinn land conveyed by him to J. C. Flinn, and by him conveyed to J. O. Southern, containing 20 acres, more or less." Thißthe2nd day of Jan., 1 VK>». J. (i. H. MITCHELL, Trustee. | THE NEWS AT PINNACLE. 1 Quite a Lot of Sickness A Batch Of Personals. Pinnacle, Jan. 20. —Mrs. .Julia Needham, of Mount Airy, Route No. 1, returned home Saturday, after visiting relatives here for several weeks. She was accom panied Mrs. E. W. Culler as far us Pilot Mt. Miss Flaud Kallam is spending a week or so with her mother near Donnaha. Mrs. Bessie Card well loft last week for Greensboro, where she will accept a position clerking. We had quite an enthusiastic spelling at the academy Friday night. A large crowd present and it was enjoyed by all. Master Kay Boyd has been right sick with pneumonia, but is im proving. we are glad to note. Miss Agnes Venable has pneu monia. Hope she will soon re cover. ' Miss Rosella Savage has gone to Mt. Airy to spend two or three weeks with her sister, Mrs. Rena Watson. Miss Ida Watson is visitimt her sister, Mrs. Martha Slate, of King, for a few days. Mr. Ernest Moser visited King Fiidhy afternoon. Mrs. J. T. Hurrin and Misses Kate Swanson and Irene Simpson, of Pilot Mt., spent Sunday with Mrs K. M. Loft is. Mrs. Dr. J. S. Slate and Miss Connie Haley visited Pilot Mt Si inlay evening. It is feared that Mr. Sid Jones who has been sick since Christmas is taking pneumonia. Mr. Charles Jones, of Danbury ni ide his parents a short visit re cently. The infant of Mr. anil Mrs. R >. Moser is right sick. ME. DKAFNESS CANNOT BE CTRED. li local applications, as can nit reach the diseased portion ot the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, nnd that is by con stitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an intlamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rum bling sound of imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Cattarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dol lars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars free. F .i. CH EN FY & CO., Toledo, (). Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. JOHN D. HUMPHREYS, Attorney at Law, Danbury, - - - N. C Prompt attention to all business entrusted. Will practice in all State courts. I of iibcrnlly tiainff our fcrtili- I I I lets, id to pay tII a mortgage ' I ■on the old farm lleiultbefol- I 1 I lowlu* from Messrs. Wherry | I I A Son.ownera of the Magnolia \ » ■ Fruit Farm, Durant. Miss.: I LiE "Wemado S'JOO from one aero 1 jrß strawberries, on which your « a fertilizers wore used. Eljfht SwwJ I ycnrsujfo we bought tills place ■EgSM j] ut V.M per enio. It wu then ■MP H considered to hnve been worn 9 out twenty years before, but by liberally using Virginia-Carolina Fertilizer! under peas and velvet beans, we can now grow almost any ■ tbiug, and have been offered $360 per acre for the place. Wo experimented with a groat £ many brands of fertilizers, | but And the highest per-cent. I cheaper." Now don't you think Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers I would enable you to pay oil a %x-\ wortirago if you had one? 1 Well, don't use any other. 4a -■ Vlrg Inla-Ca rolls* Chemical Richmond. Va. » Norfolk. Va. mgi) llurhain. N. C. Charleston, S. C. Baltimore. Md. Atlanta, Go. Bavannah, Og. MontKomery, AI« NH Memphis, Tenn. till BUroveport, La. 11] fw m HIT LIFE" —That's what a prominent druggist said of Scott's Emulsion a short time ago. As a rule we don't use or refer to testimonials in addressing the public, but the above remark and similar expressions are made so often in connec tion with Scott's Emulsion that the}' are worthy of occasional note. F rom infancy to old age Scott's Emulsion oilers a reliable means of remedying im proper and weak develop ment, restoring lost flesh and vitality, and repairing waste. The action of Scott's Emulsion is no more of a secret than the composition of the Emul sion itself. What it does it does through nourish ment —the kind of nourish ment that cannot be ob tained in ordinary food. No system is too weak or delicate to retain Scott's Emulsion and gather good from it. » Wt will und you a jjv sample free. vVWk B« sure that this picture in the J form of a Utxl Uon the wrapper .'nL Vah erer Y bottle of Emulsion you Wp f scon & bowne Chemists 409 Pearl St., N. Y. 50c. and SI; all druggists. NOTICE! Pay Your Taxes! THIRD CALL! I will meet the tax-payers of Stokes county for the purpose of collecting the taxes for the your l!t05 at the following times and places, to-wit: John Lackey's 9tore, Thurs. Jan. 25, l'.K)t>. F. K. Nelson's store, Fri. " 2t'», •' Germanton, Sat. " 27, ' Walnut Cove, Mon. " 29, " Pine Hall, Tues. " iiO, " Sandy Ridge, Wed. 31, " Dillard, Thurs. Fob. 1, " Tuttle Bros. store, Fri. " 2, " L. W. Fergu son's store, Snt. " ii, " Danbury, Mon. " 5, " I hope the people will meet mo at the above time and places and pay their taxes promptly. Next year is a general election year, and all those who are liable for a poll tax must pay the same on or before the first day of May, 1906, or they will be disfranchised under the law. Don't put the payment of ytnir taxes off, but pay them now, while you are selling tobacco and have the money. It will be best for you to do so, and besides the money is needed to pay the school teachers, and 'for other matters that have to be paid. It will save you and me trouble to meet me at the above times and places and pay up. This the 19th day of Dec. l'.tO.j. R. J. PETREE, Sheriff. AT THE STORE OF R. DAVIS, Winston, INI. C. Yon will now find the newest and nicest of all kinds tilings for Chrisl inas, such as ladies ready made Suits and Hats. (all and examine her STORE WALNUT COVE, C. 1 don't claim lo have tlic LAiUiSC&T vliwv on earth, hut Ihe CIIKAI'KST. J. WILL EAST, WALNiJT COVE. | Savings Ban k j W illi mon limit i .«if t-«; 10. ins tin deposit; 9 nn>re than two tiiiiii- uil |>. - iti i.. invites both com-C M mercial and savings accom t.-i uiii i!i> s to depositors every itsistrnt ; ill> m-ium: batikinc M /WH WANT Yon? II'.'SIN'KSS. (iIYHIJsC C A TRIAL. # Si'. VV. OKl*T Cashier.X \ \ 1 1 /.A TO. \S. 11 /: )/, AC. J '——— THE ' J • j Danbury Reporter ' N*) \\ ! 11J. «» . LA It !>T ' I! JSCU NATION * { ■ I . OL Aiij COUNTRY \S e. K • PU ! lifdu'd TIL ( j j X ' ump Advertisers, Remember This.