THE ANGEL OF DEATH VISITS MANY HOMES 4 Neighborhood Mews and Gossip* Told By the Reporter's Faithful Correspondents DEADLY MEMBRANEOUS CROUP. Death of Two Children at Westfield —- Other Happenings of Interest. Westtield, Feb. 5. —Rev. R. D. Hay more filled his regular appoint ment here Sunday. Mr. J. W. Tilley, of Mt. Airy, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Tilley. Mr. J. Willard Cobb, of viile, was in town this week. Miss Minnie Crews left Monday for Pinnacle where she will spend 9oine time with friends. Mr. H. L. Newman, of'.Stuart, Va., was here last week. Prof. C. H. Johnson is Visiting his sister, Mrs. Hall, at Pinnacle. Mr. D. A. Hodgin, of Greens boro, was here Tuesday. Messrs. E. J. Payne, E. J. In man and S. P. Christian went to Winston last week with tobacco. Measles are still raging around hero. Lelia, the little four year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs Elliott Jessup died Friday evening of membraaeous croup. She had been sick with measles for several days. The funeral services were con ducted Saturday evening by Dr. Smith after which the remains were laid to rest in the Baptist graveyard We can't understand why Lelin, the light and sunshine of this home should be taken away, but we know God doeth all things well and it is for the best and we know she is at rest. We extend our sympathy to the father and mother and bid them strive some day to bo with their girl ngain. She cannot come back to them but they can go to her and be united again in Heaven where partings come no more and all is joy and gladness. Mrs. Angel, of Mt. Airy, is visiting friends here. Sunday evening the angel death entered the home of Mr. Sam Cook and claimed his little grand daughter, Bertha Jessup. The little one was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Jessup. She WHS one of the brightest children I ever knew. She had membrane ous croup. The funeral services were conducted by the Friends church. Our hearts go out in sympathy to the bereaved mother and Father for we know they have need of cur sympathy for more will the innocent laughter and talk of little Bertha brighten their lives. We will say don't grieve for her for she is safe in the arms of Jesus. A FRIEND. FRIGHTFULLY BURNED. Chas. W. Moore, a machinist, ol Ford City, Pa., had his hand frightfully burned in an electrical furnace. He applied Bucklen's Arnica Salve with the usual re sult: "a quick aud perfect cure." Greatest healer on earth forßu'n*, Woundes, Sores, Eczema and Piles. 25c at all Druggists. CREDIT PRICES — Have you got money enough to raise your crop on ? If not, borrow a small sum fnm the Bauk of Stokes county and avoid paying credit prices for your supplies. MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN STRICKEN. DALTON. feb. 5. Dr. and Mrs. Phillips visited Pinnacle Sunday, • Mr. Tom Dalton i 9 at home agiiri on a furlough. Glad to see you back Mr. Lonnie and Miss May Ola Coe made a trip to Greensboro last Monday. *-little Miss Lucie Cardwoll is is spending some time with her Sunt Mrs. Coe. Miss Addie Keiger, of King, a-ill Miss Ruby Hamm spent Sat urday and Sunday at Mrs. Coe's. Messrs. Ross Hamm, Sam Oliver, and Will Keiger joined the crowd Sunday evening. Quite a jolly time was had by all. Mrs. Jay Cook spent last week with her mother near Capella. Mr. Walter Boyles was appoint ed carrier of Route 1 from Dalton last week, we are more than glad to note. KO-KOON. MAYODAN. Mayodan, Jan. 28.—Sorry to say there is a lot of sickness down here. There are several of Mr. Shropshire's family ill with grip. Miss Lillie Shravi and Willie Griffin are on the sick list. There were two girls coming from church last Sunday and there was a certain fellow asked them if he could see them home and their reply was: You can go with me for twenty-five dollars. Guess he will not get to go very often as his wages are not are not very high. TWO LONESOME GIRLS. PINNACLE ROUTE TWO. Pinnacle, Route 2, Jan. 29. Miss Dora Coon is very low with catarrh, we are sorry to note. Hopo she will soon recover. Misses Ellla and Ida Boyles visited Miss Lillie Marsh Sunday. Hope tney had a nice time, especially Miss Elia. The school at Flat Rock is pro gressing nicely undea the direction of Mr. C. K. Boyles. He had a spelling Wednesday night, Miss Lillie Lawson went to preaching third Sunday and came back with the headache but soon got better when she saw her bast fellow coming. Misses Carrie and Fannie Boy les visited their Consin, Miss Minnie Gordon. FOUR RUDDY CAPS. THE REPORTER'S HONOR ROLL. Some Recent Paid-In-Advance Sub scriptions to This Paper. The following persons having paid their subscriptions to the Re porter in advance are entitled to a place on our honor roll : [More of the names of our le cent paid-in-advance subscribers will be printed next week.] Daniel Stanley, to January 1, HK)7. J. M. Lawson, to January 7, HIO7. Samuel Blancett, to January 7, 15107. R. 11. Lawson, to Jauuary 7, 15)07. Dr. Geo. E. Dennis, to Dec. 16, 15)07. J. W. Hooker, to January 7, 15)07. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR Itching, Blind, Bleeding, Protrud ing Piles. Druggists are author ized to refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure in 0 to 14 days 50c. MR. D. N. ALLEY PASSES AWAY. End of a Promising Young Man Who Expired Saturday of Con sumption at Hartman. Mr. D. N. Alley, who had suf ■ fered for about a year with con- I sumption, died at his home ftt ! Hartman early Friday morning, j While for the last several weeks his health had rapidly declined, oven to the point where it was I found that he could not take the trip to New Mexico which had planned for him by his relatives, yet the end was not thought to be so near. Friday morning he sud j denly grew worse, and passed ; away quietly, attended by his wife and several relatives. Mr. Alley is survived by his wife, who was Miss Ada Young, daughter of Mr. J. D. Young, of Hartman, and the following sisters and brothers: Mrs. Jns. Tilley, of Elko, Mrs. Scott Sim mons, Mrs L. B. Simmons, and and Messrs. Joseph and Will Alley of Hartman, besides several younger sisters and brothers. Dave was an industrious, whole souled and genial hearted young man, and had he lived would no doubt have made his mark. The interment was made at the Young graveyard pear Hartman Sunday afternoon, attended by the relatives and a large number of the friends of the lamented young | man. For Tobacco Growers. I Specials from Washington says: Representative W. W. Kitchen has again introduced his bill to allow tobacco growers to stem jtheir tobacco without paying special tax and the bill has the support of the entire delegation. The bill reads as follows : "That growers of tobacao shall have the right free free from taxa tion to stem and hand twist or hand press or in any other way, and in any quantity, form, or shape, make and prepare for mar ket any tobacco of their growth and to sell the same to any person or persons with license and with out the payment of any tax there on, and that said tobacco so pre pared by the grower thereof shall not be subject to taxation under the internal revenue laws so long as it remains in the form and con dition in which the g ower pre pared it and, that in such form and condition any person may buy, sell or use the same without tax or license." A Washington correspondent says: While the Messrs. Kitchen represent pussibly the two largest tobacco growing districts in the State, the entire delegation is very much in favor of such legis lation, whicli, it is bdievi d, will afford Krvat relief to tobacco plan ters. The Sta'e del' gation will give its earnest suppoit to the measure. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy The Children's Favorite —CURBS--- Coughs, Colds, Croup and Whooping 1 Cough. This remedy Is famous for Its cures over • large part of the civilised wor't. It oan always be depended upon It contains no opium or other harmful drug and may be given as confidently to a baby at* to an adult ; Price 26 eta; Large Size, 60 Ota. 'OR SALE BY N N Death of Miss Claudit Simpson and Other Items From Dillard. I Dillard, Feb. fi.—Miss Claudie Simpson, who has been suffering with consumption sinoe last May died Saturday morning at 7:33 o'clock. The leaves a mother, a sister and several brothers to inourn her loss. She was 18 years, ft months and 5 days old. The remains were laid to rest in the Bethesda cememtery. The child of Mr. Martin's, who has been sick for several weeks, is reported as being very low. No hope of his recovery is entertain ed. Mr. J. G. H. Mitchell is in very poor health this winter. Mr. Nick Mitchell made a busi ness trip to Winston last week. Mr. Jesse Wall spent the night in town last nighf. Miss Eva and C. A. Mitchell visited friends at Boxwood last Saturday and Sunday. They re port an excellent time. Mr. T. B. Martin, who is afflict ed with paralysis, is no better this week. Rev. Mr. Tate filled his regular appointment at Bethesda Sunday. N. Death of Mr. Jas. Highfill. Mr. James Highfill died at his home at Summerfield on January 31, aged about 80 years. He leaves a number of sons and daughters. Among whom ia Mr. J. N. High fill of this county. An obituary notice of Mr. High fill's death will be published in the next issue of the Reporter. W. N. Vest Kills Family Hog. Tobaccoville, Route 2, February 6. Mr. W. N. Vest kills a hog weighing 460 pounds. This hog was 5 years and 9 months old. Mr. Vest has sold 81 pigs from this sow. He sold the pigs at ft weeks old at $2.50 each, amounting to $202.50. Who can bent this. Mr. Vest is looking for visitors today as this is his 6l)th birthday. There is something strange in re gird to his birthdays, so says Mr. Vest,' They have all come at the same time of the year and ev jry one has come during the winter season." JIN-SUE LUCKIEST MAN IN ARKAN SAS. "I'm the luckiest man in Aikan sas," writes H. L. Stanley, of Bruno, "since the restoration of my fife's health after five >ears of continuous coughing and and bleeding from the lungs; and I owe my good fortune to the world's greatest medicine, Dr. King's New Discovery for Consuptioni! which I know from experience will cure will cure consnmption if taken in time. My wife improved with first bottle and twelve bottles com pleted the cure." Cures the worst coughs and colds or money reftind ed.At all druggists. 50c and SI.OO. Trial bottle free. EYE GLASSES-"The famous Hawkes" 35c to $2.50. Can fit any eye, those will cost you from one to ten dollars from Regular Dealers. John G. Fulton & Co., Walnut Cove, N. C. j Lawrence-3lancett Marriage. Francisco, Feb. s.—Mr. H. C. Lawrence, of this place, was mar ried to Mrs. Eliza Blancett, of Carroll county, Va., on Feb. 3rd. The ceremony took pla*e at the home of the bride, Rev. Elisha Barnard officiating. Mr. Law rence was a widower with 10 chil dren, while Mrs. Blanoett was a widow with three i hildren. The bridegroom was accompanied to the scene of the marriage by Messrs. R. E. Smith an 1 Henry Lawrence, of Francisco. J Messrs. David Francis and Sam Lackey, of Rocky Ford, Colorado, are spending a shurt while hert on a visit to relatives. It is very likely that they have come alter some of our Stokes girls, j Messrs. R. R, Smith, J no. M. Smith and Clifford Nunn have gono to Rocky Ford, Colorado, to maks that their home. WALNUT COVE ROUTE ONE. Walnut Give, Route 1, Feb. 5 —The farmers in this section are busy burning plantbeds and fix ing to make more tobacco. Mr. Sam Meadows and family visited Mr. Walker Hampton Sat urday and Sunday. Mr Wattie Wall called on Miss Jessie McAnally Sunday. Hello! Gracie D., Messrs B. M D and M. M and W. M. are com ing over to see you next Sunday. There will be prayer meeting at Youngs School House Sunday night. Everybody come out. GUESS ME. The Bank of Stokes County is proving a good thing for widows, children, and other persons hav ing small sums of money, whicl they nre placing with the Bank, and laying up for a rainy day. An) amount is taken, and 4 per cent interest is paid. For L Troubles Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cer tainly cures coughs, colds, bronchitis,consumption. And it certainly strengthens weak throats and weak lungs. There can be no mistake about this. Youknowitistrue. And your own doctor will say so. "My little boy had a terrible cough. I tried everything I could hear of but in vain until I tried Ayer's Cherry l'ectnral. The first night he wan better, and he steadily Improve. i until he waa perfectly well."— Mita. 8. J. Stbblk, Alton. 111. M Made by J. O. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass. yw Also manufacturers of /4 9 SUtSAPAIILLA. /Itiers HAUMHOQR. m imin— Smmm ——w—— Kc-p the bowels regular with Ayer's Pll9 and thus hasten recovery. JOHN D. HUMPHKEYS, Attorney at, Law, Danbury, - - - N. C Prompt attention to all business entrusted. Will practice in all State courts. Insurance. The Bank of Stokes county is now representing several of the leading tire and life insurance companies, and the cashiers will MILCH COWS AND BEEP CATTLE WANTED—I would like to buy a lot of rnilch cows and beef cattle. Will pay a good price for them. Write to me or come to see me, Z. R. MORAN, Meadows, N. C. TAX NOTICE! Fouth and Last Call. * I will meet the tax payers of Stokes County, for the purpose of collecting their tax»B the y&fr 1905, at the following time's" anil places, to-wit : ' ' '' Germanton, Sat. Feb. 24, 1906. King, Mon. " 26, " : Pinnacle, Tues. " 27, ' " Delk, Wed. '• 28, " Ashury, Thurs. Mch. 1, " ! Vade Mecum, Fri. " 2, " Capella, Sat. " 3, " Dnnbury, Mon. " 5, " Meadows, (G. W. ; Neal's) Tues. " 0, " Walnut Cove, Wed. " 7, ** Pine Hal', Thurs " 8, " Dillard, Fri. " 9, " Tolln Duncan's store, 1 Sat. " 10, " Mabe it Sons store, Mon. " 12, " Willis's store Tues. " 13, " Sandy Ridge, Wed. " 14, " John Lackey's store Thurs. " 15, " Lawsonville, Fri. " 16, " Francisco, Sat. " 17, I trust the people will meet mn at the above times and plaoes and settle their taxes promptly. This is my fourth and last round. The law doos not require me to make more than two rounds, nor to go to more than one place in a Town ship at each round, but in order to give the people all the conven ience that I could to pay IhdiV taxes, I make four rounds, and make from one to four points 'in a township, instead of n'rie. 1 have tried to make a fall couvoniqnt to ill the tax payers of the county, *nd as this is my last call, I re spectfully request all those who have not paid to meet me on this round and pay up the taxes that are still due. , Don't forget that this is election year, and thql you must jwy your poll tax on or by the first day of May, liKXi, or you will be disfran chised. Why not meet me on this round and settle this important matter, and get it off your mind, and be ready to vote in the ap proaching election. It is a good time now to pay, while yon have the money, and it will be best .to settle before the books go out, and save costs. This »he 7th day of Feb. 1906. R. J. PETREE, Sheriff of Stokes County. I HAS STOOD THE TEST 25 YEARS. The old original GROVE'S Tasteless Chill Tonic. Yon know what you are taking. It is iro& and quinine in a tasteless form. - No cure, No pay, ONR $3.) 00 Steel Range to go for $25.00 at Jno. (J. Fulton & Co.'s Cdl on ns. Boys, send thrie two cent stamps to little Robt. MoAnally at Saxon, N. G., and get by mail for seed, an ear of the finest pop oorn you ever saw. PAR-A-SIT-I-CIDE cures Itoh in 30 minutes. Price ooc., Sold by F. C. Smith and' Dr. R. S. Martin.