Briefs Adrift. : Mr. W. M. Mabe, of Meadows, was here today. It is learned that Mr. F. W. Owens, of Delk, is very low with grippe. Mr. Samuel .Johnson, of Wal uut Cove R. F. D. No. 1, was here yesterday. Mr P. H. Young, of Sandy Ridge Route 1, was here a day or t wo since. Mr. J. A. Mabe, of Campbell r Route 2, passed through Mondny enroute to Winston. - Mr. John G. Fulton, one of WaTnnt Cove's hustling merchants, was here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Davis, of Pinnacle, visited their son, Mr. A. *V. Davis, the past week. Mr. R. O. Slate, of Germanton Route 1, visited Danbury on busi ness Monday. Messrs. Z. N. Moran, Matt Covington and Bud Williams were here from Meadows Monday. * Messrs. Levi W. Ferguson and John Campbell, of Germanton Route 1, visited Daubury Tues day. Mr. L. C. Davis is spending a few days with relatives here, the of Mr. T. J. Davis. He ex pects to leave soon for an exten sive tour of the West. Mrs. Martin, widow of the late Mr. Pleasant Martin, and mothor of our townsman Mr. N. A. Mar tin, is critically ill of pneumonia pt the home of her daughter, Mrs. Will Rierson, at Walnut Cove. Mr. W. L. Hall, of Vade Mecum was in town Monday. Mr, Hall reports the illness of his son, Gorrell, who has been sick for -several weeks with grip and bron chitis. Mr. Hall himself has sat up wth the young man for 19 nights in succession. Dr. J. W. Slate, of Mizpah, was in town today. The Reporter is glad to learn that the report cur rent here some time ago to the effect that Dr. Slate expected to leave the county early, is a mis take. Dr. Slate had a flattering offer recently from a well known commercial firm, which he de clined. Wo need more such men as Dr. Slate in Stokes, rather than less. Among the visitors in Danbury Monday were Messrs. C. H. Hutch'erson, T. W. Terry, W. H. Spencer, R. W. Slate, W. L. Hall, Jno. R. Smith, Jno. W. Qnnn, R. F. Shelton, J. M. Mube, W, R. Stephens, J. M. Reynolds, J. J. Stephens, Joseph Whitten, Dr. J. W. Neal, K. O. Carter, W. A. Young, Robert Young, Rufus Mabe. John Stewart, AbnerMabe, Joe S-nith, J. C. Wall, Light Isom, Willie Dunlap, Thomas Mabe, Bud.Whitten, Jas. L. Bennett, Bud Williams, and n number of others. THE YELLOW FEVER GERM has recently been discovered. It bears a close resemblance to the malaria germ. To free the system from disease germs, the most effec tive remedy is Dr. King's New Life Pills. Guaranteed to cure all diseases due to malaria poison and constipation. 25c at all Drug stores. "NOTICE. AH persons ooncerned will take notide that the firm heretofore known as J. P. Covington & Son of Delk, N. C., has been dissolved by mutual consent and will in the future be run in the name of J. A. Covington. 2;>j.'it FARMERS—Deposit your mon ey with ttao Bank of Stokes County, the bank that helps you pay your taxns. WALNUT COVE ENTERPRISES. Two Brick Manufactories, a Bottling Works and a Chair Factory to Be Established—Eight Thou sand Dollar Hotel Talk «/ ed of—Personals. Walnut Cove, Feb. 6.—Two manufacturing enterprises will be gin operation here sometime in the near future. One is the Hedge-* Cox brick factory. They will begin putting in their sidetrack the coming week, if weather con tinues good. As soon as this is completed they will place their machinery and be ready for manufacturing the little blocks. This factory will work about 20 men, using several thousand cords ofc wood during the season. The Banner Brick Co, will also begin operation again in spring. The other enterprise referred to is the D. S. Boyles Bottling Works. Mr. Boyles proposes to make the drinks known as ginger ale, sars parilla, lemon soda, etc., and coco cola. He spoke to Mr. Darian Watkins for the latter's building on Main St., formerly used as a coffiin house, for this purpose. There are two other enterprises hinted at by men in town. One a chair factory, the other an $8,000.00 hotel to be built on the hill west of the mineral spring, Sftino to bp opened in summer as a resort for health seekers and in winter as a home for the Northern people who come here to hunt. There is no definite information available about these two enterprises, how ever, your correspondent is of the opinion that the stock in the former has all been subscribed and by home-folks exclusively. The certainty of its immediate establishment depends upon the decision of Mr. W. A, Young, who will be the manager. The latter ig in the hands of moneyed men from the North. Trembletoe, of Dillard, was on the streets here this week. Miss Maggie Adams, assistant teacher in public school here, is sick. Miss Rhoda, her sister, is teaching for her at present. Clint Davis, of Winston, was here one day the past week. He speaks of going to Portland, Ore gon, in spring. W. S. Young, of High Point, was here one day this week. T. Pinkney Fulton, book keeper at Farmers warehouse, of Winston, was on the street here Saturday. Johnson and Fulton had a nice horse to die with pneumonia last Friday. Misses Lillian and Mabel Vaughn visited Miss Cora Fulton Saturday and Sunday. Mr. G. F. Martin and wife, of Winston; Miss Lola Martin, of Sauratown; dined with Mrs. Jno. G. Fulton Sunday. The following parties registered at Hotel Neal during the past week: Claude Moore, Va.; W. C. Thax ton, N. C.; J. E. Williamson, N. C.; Jack Jordan, Ind.; Miss Mary E Bolt, Mr. Jno. Bolt and Mr. J, Irving Bolt, of New York City; H. D. Forest, N. C.; W. P. John son, G. W. Naff, Va.; G. G. Tuck er, N. C.; W. P. Bostic, Va.; W. A. Ovescash, N. C.; J. H. Haith. cox, N. C.; Jno. D. Huffines, N. C.; J. Winfree, N. C.; J. M. Mount, Ky.; W. H. Flotcher, Va.; C. Koben, Mo.; M. Kobre, N. O.; A. B. Newsom, N. C.; D. H. Hud son, W. P. Knox, N. C.; Peter W Hairston, Davie county; Prof. Jolly, Mass. P. J. Watkins. of Greensboro, visited his sister, Mrs. W. P. Landreth, the past week. Mr. Abe Mitchell, of Moris Plains, N. J., and his neice, Miss Ida Mitchell, of Pilot Mt., visited the family of J. W. Davis the past week. W. Dc. Bennett and R. R. Rogers called on the Misses Flinn at Pino Hall Sunday. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quin ine Tablets. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E, W. GROVE'S signature is on each box. 250. No Quorum Present. Mr. R. Emmet Smith, of Fran cisco, member of the county board of education, was here Monday for the purpose busi ness petaining to the schools but no session of the board was held owing to the' absence of the other members—Mr. N. A. Martin and Dr. E. Fulp. Mr. Martin was at the bedside of his sick mother at Walnbt'Cove. Dr. Fulp was de tained by his professional duties. t Death of Mr. Ambrose Mabe. Mr. Ambrose Mabe, a young man about 25 years of age, died at his home near Jewell Sunday night after a few days illness of pneumonia. Mr, Mabe had re cently returned from a trip to Winston, driving a wagon, during which he contracted the illness that Gauged bis death. Medical Society to Meet. The Stokes County Medical So oiety will meet at Danbury ou Monday, March 5, 1906. Im portant business to be transacted by the Society and every member urgently requested to be present. L. H. HILL M. D, President. Pretty Cold l-or Snakes. * ' \ Mr. A'lpy> of Heareford, was in town yesterday, He told the Re-' porter that while enroute to Dan bury he saw a saw a large black snake lying on a sunny bank near Hartman. Marriages. Since our last issue Register of Deeds C. M. Jones has issued marriage licenses as follows : Jno. W. Amos to Anna Hennis. Watt Oraig to Mary Ferguson. Zack Isom to Isa Abbott. Rufus S. Moser to Pamalia C. Spaihour. N. Reid Page to Ida Cotfer. REPORT TO THE N. C. COR PORATION COMMISSION OF THE CONDITION OF The Bank Of Stokes County At the Close Of Business Janu ary 29, 190(5. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $8,412 58 Overdrafts, secured 55 54 Banking houses 1,786 45 Furniture and fixtures 616.59 Due from banks 22,958 93 Cash items 514 55 Gold coin 410 00 Silver, including minor currency 1,052 66 National bank notes and other U. S. notes 4,578 00 Expenses 535 48 $40,920 78 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in SIO,OOO 00 Undivided profits 376 03 Deposits subject to chk. 22,425 40 Demand certiOcates of deposit ... . ■ 6,673 95 Cashier's chks. outstand ing 1,431 90 Certified checks 13 50 $40,920 78 State of North Carolina, County of Stokes, s. s. : We, N. Eugene Pepper and R. R. Rogers, cashiers of the Bank of Stokes County, do solemnly swear ,that the above statement is true to the best of our knowledge and belief. N. EUGENE PEPPER, R. R. ROGERS, Cashiers. Correct—Attest : J. H. PRATHER, W. J. BYERLY, EUGENE PEPPER, Directors. Sworn to and subscribed before me this Bth day of Feb., liXXS. M. T. CHILTON, Clerk Superior Court Stokes Co. NOT ON A PUBLIC HIGHWAY. Commissioners Refused to Re-Build Washed-Out Stone Bridge Near Piedmont Springs—Other * Matters Transacted By ' the Board The County Commissioners at their meeting here Monday de clined to rebuild the recently washed-out .stone bridge near Piedmont Springs on the ground that the-bridge was not on a pub ■lie road, but is the property of Uio Piedmont Springs Company. \V.- M. Jackson, road overseer, ap-'" peared before., the board asking, that the bridge be replaced. The board investigated the matter and found that the road in question was never approved as a public highway, and therefore declined to take any action upon the re quest of Mr. Jackson. The Board ordered the old Spanish oak road in Quaker Crap township reopened, and appointed J. B. Dunman, overseer of the same. Clirk of tl» Court M. T. Chil ton reported the collection of fines and forfeitures since his last' report, Aug 7, 1905 to the amount of $204.91. which sum, less the Clerk's commissions, was turned over to Treasurer J. M. Reynolds. The following claims wore al lowed : J. R. Stephens, keeping County Home January, 1906, H4.27 Mary Mabe, pauper, 3.00 Bettie Lambert, pauper 2.00 Adline Harris, 2 pauper children, 2.00 J. H. Pulk, conveying Cindy Bullen to Coun ty Home, 4.00 Danbury Reporter, pub lishing Clerk's Report, etc.," 32.00 The /Slew Clothing Store will sell you your next suit or overcoat cheaper Than Any Otto (Ioil? House In Winston When you coine down, come in our place and see for yourself. Don't forget The Hew Clothing Store Corner Main and 3d Streets, East side of Court House. One of your Stokes County boys is here with us Ffill Rierson, come in and see him. CHAS. M. PHELPS & COMPANY W instou - Salem N. V. It. J. Petree, Sheriff, jail account for January, 32.70 Abe Jessup, lumber for bridge, 7.74 W. T, Bowles, conveying four prisoners to jail, 4.00 Elizabeth Boggs, pauper, 4.50 Henry Hawkins, pauper, .3,00 Here Are Some Good Values. Anyone sealing me their pic .(sro and $1.751 % wi1l have it en- Itiryjid to of 10x20 inches aud return *it to them. Work guaranteed. I have frames from 75c. to $5.00. Nice frames 5 and 6 inches wide $1;05 to $1,50. An order will be appreciated, I have also a full, line of wo men's aud children's* home made shoes—men's sizes 63, lOsand lis. Also a lot of men's pants in spec ial large sizes, a lot of table ware, dry goods, notions, iiats, shoes, etc., at reduced pric^ff., Jam fel ling black roofing paint.* Beans to be oounted on Feb", rf. Yours truly, '* J. WALTER TT'TTLE. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy The Children's Favorite •••OU RES**" Coughs, Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough. This remedy 1b famous for its cures over n laru'o part of tho civilized world. It can 1 always bo depended unon. It contains no ooiura or other harmful drug and may be given ob confidently to a baby ha to an adult C—- tß '_ L^ rge StZe> B ° Cta ' FOR SALE BY N A MARTII KILL™, COUGH AND CURE TH» LUNCB WH Dr. King's New Discovery /CONSUMPTION Pri«» FDR I OUGHSand 50c & SI.OO Free Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure fbr all THROAT and LUNG TROUB LES, or MONEY BAOK. • j TRUSTEE'S SALE. By virtue of the power of salo contained, in a certain deed in trust executed to the undersigned by J. W. Tedder and wife S. A. Ted der on the 25th day of Nov. 1899 to secure the payment of a certain, bond for $325.00 with intJrest, and default having been made- in payment of said bond and tna holder thereof having applied to me to sell the lands oonveyed in said trust deed, I will expose to sale at public auction to the high est bidder for cash at my home in Meadows township, Stokea county, N. 0., on Monday, Feb. 2t>th, 1900, at 1 o'clock, p. m., the lands con veyed in said trust deed, the same lying and being in-"the county of Stokes and StatQ'of N. C., and adjoining the lands gf Dr. J. Wal ter Neal and Wm,«Neal. The land is mare particularly described and defined as follows, Uj-wit: v "Beginning at a wfitte.o'ak stump J. Walter Neal's corner in. the lino of lot No. 1 and runs east. in said J. Walter Neal's line 20 chains crossing a branch to a black oak, old corner; thence north on the old line 23J chains to a white oak, Wm. Neal's corner ; thence- w.est on his line 20 chains crossing two branches to a stake and rock pile corner lot No. 1; thence south chains with lot No. 1 to the.begin ning, containing 40 acres, more oi" less." . "* The deed in trust abovo referred to is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Stokes coun ty, N, C., in Book No. 39, page 231. This Jan. 24, 1900. T. E. TILLOTSON, Trustee. * BOYS AND GlßLS—Start a savings account with the Bank of Stokes County. Four percent, interest paid t