THE Danbury Reporter. N. E. & E. P. PEPPER, Publishers. TERMS TO ANY ADDRESS : Onj year, sl, B iiij. 50c., .5 in o. 25 FEBRUARY 15, 1906 .. HURRAH hOR OLD YADKIN. The Reporter learns with a great deal of pleasure that at the next meeting of the Board of County Commissioners, Yadkin township will set the paco for progress in Stokes county by ask ing the commissioners to grant an election on the question of work ing the public roads of \ adkin by taxation. We believe there is a law allowing a township the right to vote a tax on itself for roads irrespective of its sister townships, and the commissioners are em powered to call such an election without the authority of the legislature, or rather, the legisla ture has alredy conferred this rijht upon the township. Hurrah for old Yadkin. Rich in good lands, hospitable citizens, up-to-date ideas and pretty girls May the election carry with an overwhelming majority, and t :ie other townships quickly catching the spirit, old Stokes will walk to the front where she right ly belongs. The old system of working the roads by free labor is impracti cable, worthless and absurd. Ihe world is marching on. We can not afford to lag behind. The greatest tax we are paying today is the mud tax. It is bearing harder on us than all our assess ments for bridges, court house, jail, and schools. The man who puts himself up against better Toads is unpatriotic and unworthy of being esteemed a citizen of this flligtened and progressive age. WALNUT COVE. Our Walnut Cove correspon dent told last week of several new enterprises to be established at that place when the weather gets better, among the number a chair factory. We have often wondered •why Walnut Cove's business men hive not organized a furniture factory. Furniture manufacture is becoming to be one of the most prominent industries of theSouth. Walnut Cove has excellent ad vantages for this business. The very best of railroad facilities, within easy reach of the raw ma terial, labor as reasonably-priced as anywhere. A furniture factory ii a great stimulus to the trade of a town. Walnut Cove has lots of stores, and her merchants would do well to cast about them for other customers bedides the farm ers, who have money only at oartain flush seasons of the year Walnut has the uei ve and the money to "do things," besides every natural advantage, and the wonder is that she do not get down to business. PINNACLE AFTER THE M. P. COLLEGE. The Reporter hopes that the people of Pinnacle will be success ful in their efforts to get the new college to be established by the Methodist Protestants. No sec tion of the State is more deserving of the location of the school. Sit u ited in a high and dry locality, Well drained, with the best water «nd the purest air, in view of magnificent scenery, and in a tuoral atmosphere not surpassed by any community, Pinnacle is an ideal point for a great seat of {earning. Let her citizens not desist in their fight uritil they J shall have the assurance of success, j The location of the Methodist i Protestant college will mean great things for Pinnacle, and will be a distinguished honor to Stokes oounty and this section of the State. SIN IN THE CAMP. Why the Church Is Not Fulfilling Its Mission—Strong Sermon By Rev. Mr. Albright. Rev. W. T. Albright delivered a strong Bormou at the M. E. church ; Sunday night on the subjeot of i spiritual inactivity or stagnation | in the church. His meaning was \ in its broadest sense, as this con-1 dition, it was alleged, exists to an alarming extent in all the churches. Mr. Albright read the eighth chapter of Second Corinthians. He took for his text the 17tb verse: "Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and 1 will receive you." The church is not doing its duty in reaching out after the souls of men, and the cause was attributed to sin in the camp. The preacher strikingly illustrat ed the situation by recounting the Biblical instance of Achan, a cap tain of Joshua's army, who on be ing sent against Ai with 3,000 soldiers, met with crushing defeat. The disaster was a judgment of trod sent on the Israelites because of Achan's sin in appropriating the "goodly Babylonish garment," etc In like manner the church is stagnant and its efforts to convert the world for Christ are ineffectual because of sin in the camp. No church can be spiritually stronger than its average individual mem bership. The preacher closed with an earnest and eloquent plea to the members to do their duty. THE MEN TO RUN IT. The Next Meeting of the Woman's Union Foreign Missionary So ciety. The Danbury Woman's Union Foreign Missionary Society will I hold a public meeting in the Presbyterian Church on the fourth Sunday in March. The subject is Mexico, and the men have been assigued to carry it out, with talks of three minutes each. The pro gram follows: Song. Devotional exercises. Description of Mexico : A. J. Fagg. Climate of Mexico : N. A. Martin. Legend of Three Volcanoes : J. S. Taylor. The Wealth of Mexico : N. E. Pepper. Value Of the Medicinal Proper ties of Mexico : Dr. W. V. MoCanless. The Political Feature of Mexico: A. H. Joyce. The Patriarch Hidalgo of Mexi can Independence: A. W. Davis. Song. Cortez in Mexico: H. M. Joyce. Maxmilion in Mexico: W. W. King. A Setch of the War With M exico: J. D. Humphreys. A Brief Sketch of Santa Anna : R. H. R. Blair. Courtship in Mexico: C. M. Jones. Song. Relation of the United States to Mexico: N. O. Petree. Diaz: J. T. Smith. Roman Catholicism: M. T.Chilton. Song. HAS STOOD THE TEST 25 YEARS. The old original GROVE'S Tasteless Chill Tonic. You know what you are taking. It is iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure, No pay. W. ERNEST BOYLES. A deserving young Stokes county boy who is succeeding lit Wins ton. He lias recently succeeded his brother, D R. Boyles, ns salesman for N. L. Crnuford & Co., nt Winston. DALTON. Dalton, Feb. 12. Dr. and Mrs. j M. D. Philips are visiting Walnut Cove at present. Mr. Oscar and Miss Georgia 1 Keiger were in town yestorday. Come again, glad to see you. Mr. Press Barber and Mr. Percy Smith were seen in Dalton Satur day evening. Wonder what the attraction is with them. Mrs. Coe and Miss Loucile Cnrdwell visited Pinnacle Friday and Saturday. Report a pleasant trip. Miss Lula Shultz is all smiles as Mr. Edgar Spainhower called Sunday evening. Mr. Ross Hamui and Miss Maud Coe visited Mr. S. M. Guff's Sunday. Report a very pleasant trip. Mr. Jim Cook has a very sick babe, we are sorry to note. We are having a fine school at Cuestnut Grove under the direc tion of N. R. Hamrn, the best teacher and school any where near. All his scholars love bioi | and delight in going. It is very ] fortunate to have a good teacher these days. So many are no good and have such sorry schools. Rev. Mr. Keever filled his reg ular appointment at Trinity Sun- I day. A good sermon was heard j by a good attendance considering such cold weather. Mr. Walter Sally and wife start ed house keeping last week. Wish tliem much success in their future life. Miss May Ola is looking quite blue of late. Cheer up, old girl, 1 Mr. Tuttle will return again. Mr. L. R. Coe went to Rural Hall Saturday night to ride the i g.>at again, I suppose. KO-KOON. LUCKIEST MAN IN ARKAN SAS. "I'm the luckiest uian in Arkan sas," writes H. L. Stanley, of Bruno, "since the restoration of my wife's health after five yenrs of continuous coughing airl and bleeding from the lungs; and 1 owe my good fortune to the world's greatest medicine, Dr. King's New Discovery for Consuption, which I know frotn experience will cure will cure consumption if taken in time. My wife improved with first bottle and twelve bottles com pleted the cure." Cures the worst | coughs and colds or money refund ed. At all druggists. 50c and SI.OO. Trial bottle free. NOTICE. Having duly qualified as ad ministrator of the estate of Abe Bailey, deceased, notice is hereby given to all parties indebted to : said estate to make immediate payment, and all persons holding ' claims against said estate are here- I by notified to present them to me for payment, duly authenticated, j on or bv the 20th day of Feb. 1907, ior this notice will bo pleaded in !bur of their recovery. This the 13th day of Feb. lIKXi. LEN BAILEY, Admr. of Abe Bailey, deceased. 1 N. O. Petree, Atty. for Admr. KING ROUTE 2. King Route 2, Jan. 29.—1 see iu the Reporter of Jan. 25, n let ter from "Capella Sport" asking me to tell him how to make our schools better. Now, just with a few lines I want to tell him our experience with schools. In tin) first place we always let our teach ers teach the schools and we do the sending of the children. If they get in a racket we let them get out the best they can. We never go to the teacher with any complaint over trifles especially as trifling a thing as a little court ing spree. If our children get a little warm we cool them down with a little shawney tea and send them back to school you see. I would like to ask "Mr. Sport" one question: Who'e at the helm in our country —the children or the pa rents. We a3 parents should say go and see thein move right now and have them to come _back at the right time. If the teacher hap pen* to fall off of a log don't roll i another one on them, but get them j up and see that they are not hurt. If you will follow this rule I think you will have better schools iu old Sftkes. When I wrote last we had no school nor any sign of any but next day about 5 o'clock a young man Mr. R. E. Faw, from Ashe County, arrived in the neigh borhood for the put pose of teach ing our school. Next morning the school opened with 30 stu dents, The number is now doubled and the school is progressing nice ly under perfect (lecipliue. We hold up the teacher's hands and he holds up the school. With best wishes to the Re porter, I .will close OLD COON. HI AW Norfelkf BsternßA . ■ II ■ M 1 SCHEDULE IN EFFECT DEC 3, 1 ( .K)5 UAHV l>:iilv K.*. Sim. H ,ii v |.x sum PM AM PM PM 2:50 7.30 Lv Winston Ar2.00 10.00 3.28 8.13 " Wal. Cove " 1.21 9.20 5.00 9.50 " Martinsv. " 11.45 7.49 7 25 12.30 Ar Roanoke Lv 9.20 5.15 P.M. P.M. A. M. P.M. WKsruin Nll-I.HAVK Ko.VNiiKK nAII.Y. 4:t(l i m—For Eaxt ninellel.l. Tniie wull anil Norton, .' -.lteper to fiiliimtiu*. Ohio. cute cur ] fl II ii m ( tVnyliingtnii mil i 'liattiinnng* l. mHnl) | fur Pnlankl |irincl|i!il itntloiw. ftrix'-il in., the | South. Pullman S'eupcm to \u» ij r . I leinn ami "Memphis. Cafe var I 4:28 p m—l'll a St. I .oil I * 1 xpre.-i*, for Bluetiehl. i Porahontw, Kenova. Olli. l nnatU, IwllatiulHilU. St. |x>ol«. Raima* Oltv, Cotumbim ami Chicago. Pullman Hull'et • S'.eejurii Koanoke to Coluiubus ami lUuellcM to Ulnclnanti. Cafe cir 4:33 pm— For niuellehlanit intermmllate. ba llon*. 4:4.1 p m—llally. Fur IIHhMI unit Intermediate Matlnim. Knuxville, Chattanooga anil puinti South. Pullman Sleeper 10 Knuxville. 9 3n a m—For BrWol ami Intermediate •tatlnfta, Illiii'Held, Norton. Poraliontiu ami Welch. Pullman Slicper to Welch. NoKTHaNIJ EASTBOt'NI). l:isnpm—For Petersburg, lllchmoml anl Nor. Tolk. Pullman Bullet arlor Car to Nurtolk 1:4I> D m—For Wellington, llugeratown. Phlla delphia and New York via llagvri't'ivm and Harrlshnrg. Pullman Sleotier tn New Vork T45 p m—For llagemtown. Pullman Sleeper to Philadelphia. t:OI a m—For Klchm indand Norfolk. Pullman Sleeper l.ynchhurg t> Norfolk ami Richmond. 12:tn a m—(SVaahlngtmi and Chattanooga Lim ited). For Wanhington, Philadelphia and New Vork via l.ynchhurg Pullman "Sleeper* to Wanhlngton, Baltimore. Philadelphia and New Vork. 7:10 a in—For Lynchburg, Petersburg. Richmond and Norfolk* T'4fi p m—Dally. Fur Lynchburg, pnll man S'ceper for Richmond. DURHAM DIV'SION. I.e. iive Lynchburg (Union .Statlnn) daily except .Sunday 8:00 a m. 4:110 p m for South Boslon ai:d Durham and lnt:rmedlate ita . tions. I For all additional information apply lo ticket officer, or to W. H. BBVILL, M. F. BRA.'MJ, I Uen'l Pa9B. Agent. Tnv. Pass. Agent. ROANOJCK, VA. BLUE FRONT STORE, WALNUT COVE, IS. C. I don't claim to have tilt; LAUCiIWT store on earth, but the CHKAPKST. J. WILL EAST, WitLNlir COVE. Piedmont Savings Bank With more than a hundred thousand dollars on deposit*, with.more than two thousand depositors; invites both com mercial and savings accounts, and olTers to depositors every accommodation consistent with sound banking. WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS. (JIVE US A TRIAL. P» W . CRUTCH FIELD, (fishier. WINSTOJv-SALEM, JV. C. THE Danbury Reporter i NOW HAS THE LABtGKHT CIItUULATION Of Any Country Weekly Published In NORTH CAROLINA Advertisers, Remember This.

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