MID-WINTER CLEARANCE SALE! 50 - 33 1-3 - 20 Per Cent Discount oil all Goods J Saturday tlornin; fetay 10 at 8 A. 11. We will start our semi-annual 20 per cent. Dis count Sale and will continue same until mid night, MARCH 3rd. The Greatest cloud-burst of CLOTHING BARGAINS ever known in YVinston-Saleni | will break loose w-ith a rush. Never before in your life have you seen such qualities at such prices. We are going to do a wonderful clothing business and you are going to be here. You will buy because you can't help it. We are going to slaughter thousands of dollars worth of Fall and W'nter Clothing. UEKE ARE THE CROWfc BRINGERS : | 5.00 Men's Suits, now $ 4.00 I ♦ 50 EXTRA FINE SUITS ♦ 7.50 Men's Suits, now 0.00 ♦ sls. $lB. 18.50. ♦ 10.00 Men's Suits, no"v 8.00 2 on en t»_| fl 2 12.00 Men s Suits, now 10.00 ♦ S2O and $22.50 Values. ♦ 15.00 Men's Suits, now • 12.00 ♦ Your Choice $9 98. ♦ 20.00 Men's Suits, now 1(5.00 OVER (OATS ABOUT 1-3 OFF. $ 5.00 Overcoats no•* $ 3 50 £ 12.50 Overcoats now $ iI.OO 8 50 Overcoats now (>.OO 15.00 Overcoats now 10.00 1000 Overcoats now 7.50 25.00 Overcoats now IS.OO Shirts, Underwear, Glove;'. Ties, Collars, in fact everything must go at 20 per cent, dis count. All goods are marked in plain figures—just take off 20 per cent, and you have selling price. When we hold a Clearai.ee Sale, we innko things hum. We want room to clear out each season's stock before the next arrives. We don't mind the loss—we can use the money, but not the goods. IN. L. Cranford & Co. One Price Clothiers, WINHTON-SALEM, - C. John Ac Burton W alimi Cove, X. C. Headquarters for the Stokes County peo ple who want the best goods at the lowest prices. Keeps always on hand afl kinds of farmers' sup plies— Dry Goods, Shoes, Groceries of all kinds, farming tools, and Guanos. At Winston Prices. i ♦To the Tobacco Growers of Stokes and Adjoining Counties: >t i -'iiisvi! i» 71. Vo •. 11, IWWi I take lliis ni'thoil of infirm : 13 wi ilu» r ih ie.n 1m luki'u a tin- mi the Ma-lintvill.f 111 ll'Ul'f.. All in» Hflliu ; ri-l it will )rlv |. vr>y one iif von to patronize litis mii'-k'l. Our in mil I lul n r*rA lnvi Wni'l n IMIII sintlnut.lial they will |tiy mi e 'no iiy rir vo lr i ■»»»,• vi i i .Uirlins \il j H than Mlwwlmn 1 . Th*y can alF'fil in iln ih*. f'omino-t* s»*n»e *viil teneli vuii this. All our IH''ones are It ivln j itui 1 t.i i ii It. .e >itp it. •(' iilna fur llie next year will imai all |iiit re.*orils. Cninp-itlllmi is sr.i'ii'ci )iii|ii mill \ou will l»> pleasetl witlt present pries I in iliilently espert In M-e prill's tfooil Oil lull IIH'H lit' this cup. Tie Manner H'arehnuse is tin' hest equipped II m e hi the town for liniiilllnu your tollu'co. All in? ni" i a e experie'Hi'il ami ri'.i'lv ami wil lii-p to M'IMI yi II My facilities for hanilliiu; your icliaem ea not I e ln-i- It'ii, mill ii will he my pleasure to Ii ok after every lo.ul of your toliai-ro, mill we tint you jjet I hi' highest market price. lii'iiu mlier liral, hit unless you nine to J/arlinsville with your loliai'Co. our goo-l prices will ilo yo't no U'lml; an l second, unless you to see nut at the U.\N \" Kit yon will t.ol lienelit ini*, nor ran 1 lie of any service 111 you. Willi liest wi-hes mil I n.stii j; in have the pleasure of se"i. « you « ith your first liutil. I am. Your friend truly, E. J. DAVIS, Martinsville, Va An Idea For ihe Stokes County Mer chant. How would you like for your neighbors to go outside of the county to do their trading mid spend their money, leaving you to look out for yourself ? Yon would have to close your doors, wouldn't you ? Then, observe the golden rule and do your business with your home bank, the Bank that helps you pay your taxes. TAILOR -MADH Garments. F. 11. WOLLSCIILAGKU, Winston, N. C. Latest Stales. Per fect Fit Guaranteed. GIVE INK A ( ALI ~ AT TIIE STORE OP R. DAVIS, Winston, IN. C. Yoii will now find the newest and nicest of all Kinds things for ( hrist mas, such as ladies ready made Suits and Hats. Call and examine her stock. S. P. IESH HATODAH. 11. (. % STEEL TRAPS—single spring steel trapß without chain ii. 1 , inoli jaw each 10 As above with weldless sieel wire chain uud ring wi-tige u icli 15 Mink, Rat size as above 4 inch jaw each 20 . Mink size as above 4 7-8 inch jaw each 25 Fox size as above double spring 4 7-8 inch law each 40 Otter size as above 5J inch jaw each 50 .... Beaver size as above (>i inch jaw each (iO Special price on (1 or more. RlFLES—side Extractor Walnut Stock Nickle Scroll trigger guard steel heel plate 22 caliber short each 82 50 Remington action bright furnished steel guard and heel plate with shell ejector rim fine fur B. B and 22 Caliber each S3.(K) H. & A. same style as Stevens Maynurd Jr. liiflo hav.- ail 18 each nil round barrel walnut stock anil fore arm blued steel frame and butt plate lever action all tinelv furnished it. measures over all 33 in and weighs 2J lbs. barrel is acurately bored and rifled chambered for 22 short rim fire eart*idges each 3.75 Warrant system rifled barrel pistol grip oil finished stock bright steel mountings scroll guaid. but uses 22 caliber short or long cartridges or ball caps each 4.00 Hopkins and Allen take down barrel same action as stovens fnvorit i walnut stock with checked rubber butt blue steel frame lever action 22 caliber 550 32 caliber 5.50 each Quackenbush Safety Rifles accurate and reliable easily taken a pari birrels either black or nickeled weight 4i lbs. 22 caliber 18 inch barrel 5.90 22 inch barrel (5 50 Our Belgium make, walnut stock checkered rubber heo plate lever action ejector case hardened frame solid breach block '.12 octigan barrel 22 inch 22 caliber fitted with R jcky Mountain Step rear sight and adjustable front come knocked down each SINGLE BUGGY HARNESS —The cheapest most durable and well appearing Harness made for the money has the appearance in finish of double its prion complete (5.02 A carefully and neatly made harness of oak tanned harness lealbei good finish complete 7.28 S. P. TESH Mayodan, N. C. f To Cure a Cold in One Day I Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. nc/r e ~ e J7 l I Seven Million boxes sold in past 12 months. This Signature, O POX. 25C» J Advertise Your Business Merchants and business men will find this paper a splendid advertising medium. Try it. Money to Loan to Farmers. The Bank of Stokes County has money to loan the farmers to make their crope on, on 3, (5, and '.I months time. Any amount from 55.00 up is leaned, on reasonable terms. Thorn pson'N Ul-115 Store, II 'inshm, .V. ('. Hit- Urnml iv. hiokl varied of'piitv Oruip* in \Vii"HtMi-S'llfui. I )iad V» 111 fining ini'M's 4iid en 11 advise v 11 in •ndiMilnjf • mtv. ('oi)ic rind. See Me. - V. O. THOMPSON. §¥ Money Hi MjnTheH 11^13 " Increase >bor The farmer's I Yield* Per Acre" m 2 1° y J ,)u * I uuuarcrAcrc and bank ao- ■ count grow I lariror In proportion to the fertility ■ of nis farm. 'lo supply to your farm B the elements that have been taken H from It by planting and harvesting [j season after season, use bountifully j| Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers B (with a special formula for every I crop). They lay at the root of thous- fj and a and thousand* of prosperous M farms. ITse the ho lrrtillzers lor all If your crops, no matter what they §4 ma) bo. They will greatly "tucriuso ■ yonr yields per acre.** and make your ■ mom-y oag fuller. ABk your dealer I for tuem, and If ue can't supply you, I write us direct. Don't pay yt ur I good money, nor give your note, for I any Interior substitute. VIRGINIA-CAROLINA CHEMICAL CO., Richmond, V». Atlanta. Oa. Norf Ik, Va. Savannah, tia. ■ Durham, N.C. Montgomery, Ala. I Charleston,?. C. Memphis.Tenn. Baltimore, Md. Shrevepdrt, La. (DWMUNPS MUG STORE. WINSTON SALEM, X. U. Stokes people will not find a better or more reliable plait; U» purchase their DRUGS than at this reliable house, AM. KINJJS OF TOILET ARTICLES KEPT AT AM, Trsiffif. 1 also keep the largest and finest line of Trusses in the .state HIIII guaiantee satisfaction in hotli quality and pi ice. COME AND EXAMINE MY STOCK E. W. O'HANLON. I ft THE SANITARIUM 'rs the quickest, best and most reliable treatment for Rheumatism. It i- mi f «ot t'nt UhmiiiiHtitiii to Uric aci»l in the *v*t- in It is an sl.ti I fact iliat vim quickest ami heai nicaiiM nfoiiii.oiiijitific tlif» poi.4Mti H i!in»iiuli i!H» »A*iti and kiilicys. Tl.c Hoi Air MIMI El«*c«ric L.ipl't Ka fu IIIM-S if. The Sanitarium also uses wth Hi#* vt'i v beat of iftaulto I lie X-lt. nv, Fitipen I«itclif, Vibra tor Mihuitis stttie, tralranic a tut Pan lie JSlnftrfcivy in "titer rlimiii.* IIIKMS^S. Drs. RIERSGN & COPPLE. 127 S MAIN ST., WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. Send your orders for job work to flie Reporter office.