r,. • . 5 The Bank Of {Stokes County* € Danbury - Walnut Cove \ V RESOURCES: $50,000 / Solicits the account of every person in Stokes County f M who handles money —merchants, farmers, business men, school teachers, men, women and children. Check M J books furnished free. V PROTECTION—We are chartered by the State tq the M extent of SIO,OOO paid up capital, with $50,000 author- W ized; charter recorded in the office of the Clerk Superior -M Court of Stoios County; we are insured agaiust burglars in the sum of $20,000; we have fireproof vaults and »olid m steel burglar-proof, time lock safes. Our cashiers are bonded in the sum of §20,000. m -M 4 PER CENT —We pay 4 per cent interest on certifi- cntes of depo&it. Any sum taken. This bank is the of the public moneys of * M Stokes County. M JESSE H. PRATHER, Pres. W. J. BYERLY, Vice Pros C C Cashiers: EUGENE PEPPER, R. R. ROGERS. M Brown's Warehouse _ Always Leads in ghigh Prices. The Winston Market sold the past four months poiyids fbr »801,264,71, i averaging *sß;3o per hundred, "Of this ' amount, we sold 2.730,648 lbs, for $232,318.- > I 11, averaging $8,51 per hundred pounds o Figures speak "lewder than words, so bring ifl us your tobacco as fast as you can prepare ;vi; it for market for our advice is to sell and got the highest market prices. Our sales fcj the past fortr months were nearly double 9|| those of laSt year and we want to thank our customers for this increase in our business and say to all bring us your first load in Janunry. John Simpson will get you the very top of the market for every pound of your tobacco. / FIRST SALE J. ■ JANUARY—Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. FEBRUARY —Monday, Wednesday and Friday. MARCH —Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. 101, CARTER 8 HI J '*' J " s } LAND SALE. . By virtue of the power of sale contained iu a deed in trust execu ted on the 30th day of March, 1900, liv .John Red Mabe and his wife, Elizabeth Mabe, to the undersign ed, John D. Humphreys, trustee, to secure the payment of a certain bnntl due to Dr. Walter L. McCan ~ less of $l7B 04. and default having beeu made in the payment of--said bond, iu accordance with the stipulations anil conditions, con tained therein, and the bond being duo and unpaid, I vull hell at pub lic auction to the highest bidder, for cash, nt the courl house door in the town of Danbury, N. C., on Monday, the sth day March, 1900, the lands described in said deed in trust, which are described and defined as follows, to-wit: Afosrieiu-ijnct of land lying and' being in Stokes county aforesaid and more particularly described and defined as follows: Beginning at a white oak in the.forke of tlip, road (Red Shoal road) and the Carland Ore Bank'road., Riley Mabe's corner, and running S. 2.V chains to a maple in Matt Mqi&e's line; thence with his ;line .N. 58 deg. IU. 6 chains to pointers; thence N. 5 chains to a stake; thence N. 77 deg. E. 17 chains to a black' gnm in the edge of the RedShoalß road; thence with said road as it meanders to the beginning con taining 51) acres more .or less ad. joining the lands of Matt Mabe, \ Riley Mabe and others, it being the tract of land that John Red .Mat e bought of Richmond Pear- J jgwjn on thu 24th of March, 1900. I \Tlie deed in trust under which I this land is sold appears of record lint No office of the Register of I Deeds of Stokes county, N. C.. in I book No. 3% page 267. Tim Jfliv 15 th, 11)06. jF D. IUIMPHREYS, W'l, '' Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE. By virtue of a decree of the Su j perior Court of Stokes County, rendered on the 7th day of Feb., WOO, in the case, of, '"L. V. But ner, aud others, Ex parte,""l will 1 Sell on the premises in- Stokes County, N-, C., on Tuesday March 20th, ISKXi, at 12:30 o'clock, p. in. to the tract of land CotitfVirflng 36 V 2-100 aores, more or less, adjoining the heirs-at-law "of S. F. Coe, and others, and bouuded as follows, to wit: "Beginning. at a rock pile in Rickman's line, S. W. cofiier of lot No. 4, runs South, 62 degrees- East, 39 chains on Snider's line to a tock pile, Leff. Mead6ws' corner, thence North 32 degrees East on Meaduw»l,iine,'"?7'chWnß to a rock near the Railroad, thence North 37 degrees West .with Railroad, 2.70-100 chains to a rack on the Sotith bank OTt*rtd, oomer of lot ' No. 4, thence South 50 degrees Weit,.with line of- said lot, 6 3-4 chains to a rock, thence South 23 degrees West 6 chains to a stake and rockjthence Nqgtb 84 1-2 de grees Wfcst, chalhs td the be-, ginning, and being fat No." 5, in the partition of the ls(nds of ; Mrs.' QiHroline Coe, deceased. The above' tract of land is a very valuable fract of land, in a good neighbor hood, and is .well improved. It lies'on the publio road leading from King to Dalton, and is also on the Railroad, and i 8 a part of the tract where Mr. Henry Coe fortherly lived. Any person de-' I siring l to purchase, a good farm l will do wpll to attend thfc sale. This the 12th 'day, of Feb. 1906. N. O. PETREE, - ; v Commissioner. FARMERS—Deposit your mon ey with the Bank of Stokes I County, thfl bank that helps you pay your taxes. Particular* of the Accident to Mr L"£. Morefield. Mr. J..,Wesley Morefield, of Sandy Ridgo Route was in town on business Monday. Mr. More field returned last week from Roanoke, Va., where he was sum moned to attend the bedside of his son, L. E. Morefield, who was dangerously hurt on the railroad a few days ago. Mr. Morefield told the Reporter the particulars of the accidont. The yoqng man, who is fireman on the N. & W., was on the run between Roanoke and Bluefield. The train was heavily loaded and had on a triple header, and young Morefield was looking out of the cab for a da iger signal when he was struck by a switch-stand and knocked from the train. He was picked up and carried back to Roanoke aud placed in the hospital. For several hours bo was unconscious as the doctors found his skull had been fractured. But lator, thanks to good attention, he improved, and when his father left, the young man was able to sit up. Mrs. Morefield expects to visit her son this week. James Grogan. of Price. On Feb. 8, Mr. James Grogan died at the home of his mother at Price, after a few days' illness of Bright's disease. The deceased was 28 years old and was well known here. He was n grandson of Mrs. Mary Grogan and a nephew of Mrs. H. B. Pulliam and Miss Annie Grogan, of Winston. LUCKIEST MAN IN ARKAN SAS. "I'm the luckiest man in Arkan sas," writes H. L. Stanley, of Bruno, "since the restoration of my wife's health after five years of continuous coughing and and bleeding from the lungs; and I owe my good fortune to the world's greatest medicine, Dr. King's New Discovery for Consuption, which I know from experience will cure will cure consumption if taken, in time. My wife improved \yitli first bottle and twelve bottles com pleted the cure." Cures the worst cotighs' andcolds or money refund ed.At all druggists. 50c and SI,OO. Tfial bottle free., A GUARANTEED CURE FOR Itching, Blind, Bleeding, Protrud ing Piles. Druggists are author ized to refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure in fi to 14 days. 50ft. i • NOTICE. Having duly qualified as ad ministrator of the estate of Abe Bailey, deceased, notice is hereby given to all parties indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and all persons holding claims against said estate are here by Notified to present them to me for payment, duly authenticated, j on or bv the 20th day of Feb. 15)07, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. This the 13th day of Fob. 190(5. LEN HAILKY, Admr. of Abe Bailey, deceased. N. 0. Petree, Atty. for Admr. ! Women 1 Should | " YOUNG GIRLS are earnestly urged to-write us at once for Free Advice. | I Make us your confidant, describe your troubles, stating f j I age, and we will send you instructions and advice, In plain i ; sealed envelope. Address: Ladles' Advisory Dept., The ! I Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. TAX NOTICE! FOURTH AND LAST CALL. ■ T ■* v I will meet the tax payers of Stokes County, for the purpose of collecting their taxes for the year 1905, at the following times and places, to-wit : Gcruiantou, Sat. Feb. 24, 1900. King, Mon. " 2(5, " Pinnacle, Tues. " 27, " Delk, Wed. " 2S, " Asbury, Thurs. Mob. 1, " Vade Mecum, Fri, " 2, " Capella, Sat. " ;{, " Danbury, Mon. " 5, " Meadows, ((1. W, Neal's) Tues. " (i, " Walnut Cove, Wed. " 7, " Pine Hall, Thurs " H, " Dillard, Fri. " 9, " John Duncan's store. Sat.' " 10, " Mabe & Sons store, Mon. " 12, " Willis's store Tues. " I.'}, " Sandy Ridgo, Wed. •' 11, " John Lackey's store Thurs. " 15, " Lawsonville, Fri. " 1(5, " Franolsco, Sat. " 17, " I trilst the people will meet n e at the above times and places and settle their taxes promptly. This is my fourth and last round. The law doos not require me to make more than two rounds, nor to go to more than one place in a Town ship at each round, but in order to give the peoplo all the conven ience that I could to pay their taxes, I make four rounds, and make from one to four points in a township, instead of one. I have tried to make a call convenient to all the Jax payers of the county, and as this is my last call, I re spectfully request all those who have i¥ot paid to meet me on this round and pay up the taxes that are still due. . Don't forget that,this is election year, and that you must pay your poll tax on or by the tirst day of May, 1900, or you will be disfran chised. Why not meet me on this round and settle this important matter, and get it oif your mind, and be ready to vote in the ap proaching election. It is a good time now to pay, while you have the mouey, and it will be best to settle before the books go out, and save costs, This the 7th day of Feb. 1900. R. J. PETREE, Sheriff of Stokes County. Why deposit your money in out side counties, and help build up foreign banks, when the Bank of Stokes County oilers you every protection that any bank can offer, and every fac.ilty for up-to-dato business. * . m o.m . .. ... ....>■■ ■ i a ■ - ID© Yon Snow I that female disease will drag you down into a miserable wreck, if g§| 'you do not fight it with all your power, and drive it out of your sys- Pj tern ? Nothing is so certain to destroy your good looks, and shorten y your life, as that dreadful bane of every woman—disordered female §> functions. If you suffer from any female disorders, take ft Woman's Best Friend | It will surely relieve and cure you. ■# C.irdul Is a pure, scientific, vegetable medicine, with a spe- I » WILL NEVER STOP dfic, soothing, healing, cut atlve effect, upon nil the female organs 3 TAKING CARD CI," £8 ar.d functions. It relieves monthly and hearing-down pains, head-I writes Mrs. F. c Water*,. «>f 1134 Kings JSP ache, backache,dizziness, etc., regulates irregular functions, stops I ' U " C J 11 _3j . it-, 1 . ,1 j 1. 1 » r ' wlK'wa only V lbs., and hnj Bern suflrr- 1W abnormal discharge, gives renewed strer.gth and vital energy to 6 i„„ f or two v.-.us with i 1 since t,j 'v women and tits them for every duly of life. Try it. 9 ' «Wim: four bottles, 1 have t n>s. j B lr weight, and (...irdul has dour mo more At cvuy Dra&lst'g, in SI.OO Bonlcs. ' j g 11 ITii ■iiir i ■■ in '.3 ' -—i-.i ii*rf| The Tobacco Sold At PIfDHOM WINSTON-SALEM, N. C.,>' (Jp to Clirktnias brought 19 cents per hundred more than the market average. In other words every 1,000 pounds sold ut Piedmont lms brought one dollar and ninety cents more than the market average—nearly enough more to pay your warehouse charges. What do you think about it ? Is $1.90 per load worth making ? Don t you think it pays to sell at Piedmont, the leading house in pounds and prices? \\ o are glad to tell you that all grades of tobacco aro selling well, es pecially the common ones. We believe that tobaccos up to 10c nro bringing more money now than thoy did three years ago — "'the high year." Bring us your next load and you shall have every dollar possible for it. Hoping to see you soon, we aro, Your friends, >l. W. NORFLENT & CO. I ~ Hll ll ~l 1 IWI —I HI II 111 j I ■ | | ar- rc FUITW AND MUG Supplies. We can furnish your parlor, living room, dining room or kitchen. If it's anything to beautify the home or to make liv ing a pleasure, we have it. We carry everything in furniture and when any of your family passes in their checks let a surviving mom ber or friend call on us. We will give you a square deal on coffins, caskets and robes. Your Friends, JOHN G. FULTON & CO., Successors to D. S. Watkins, WALNUT COVE, - - - N. C. Geyser Gasoline Engines Simplicity Durability Strength Ease of Operation These are the qualities of the Rest Engines on the market. See the one in operation at the Danbury Reporter Office. Pratt B . ROS - I I Oil Agents, MADISO/N, N. C.

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