, STOKES COUNTY FAIR SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE COMING IN - * LET EVERYBODY WHO COUNTY PRIDE NOW COME TO THE FRONT. Since the last issue of the Re porter a number of subscriptions to stock in the County Fair have been received, and the list now stands as follows: I. G. Ross 1 share W. A. Petree 1 " Thos. S. Petreo 1 " C. L. Young 1 " A. W. Davis 1 " C. M. Jones 1 " F. H. Petree 1 " Dr. J. W. Slate 1 " Dr. W. C. Slate 1 " W. G. Slate , 1 " O. L. Pulliam 1 " Danbury Reporter 1 share and SIOO.OO worth of advertising. Let every public-spirited citizen of Stokes county send in his name at once. Remember the shares are $lO each, and you can take as many as you wish, no collec tions to be made until $3,000 has been raised, which is the amount necessary. It will be a good in vestment for your money, and will doubtless pay you at least 10 per cent, the first year. The Stokes County Fair is a reality. Thousands of dollars are spent by our people at the fairs of adjoining counties every year, where sharpers fleece many of their hard earned money. We are going to keep this money at home, and give a clean, honest fair everybody may attend and enjoy themselves, and where real, sub stantial benefit will result to the k f arm ere. After the necessary amount of subscriptions have been raised, there will be a meeting of stock holders when the election of officers will be made—President, Secretary, board of directors, etc. — and the time of holding and place of location will be determined by a majority vote of the share holders. There will doubtless be a warm contest for the location, but after that is settled, everybody will unite enthusiastically for making the Stokes County Fair one of the best in the State. Paying Polls. As the first of May will soon be here when the people who have not paid their polls cannot vote next fall, the polls are being rapid ly paid now. Next month a school election will be held in Yadkin township, and unless you have paid your poll by the first day of May you cannot vote in the School election, either. This is the season of listleßsness, headaches and spring disorders. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea is a sure preventative. Makes you strong and vigorous. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. R. L. Murphy, Walnut Cove, H. M. Joyce, Dan bury. FIFTY CENTS IN some conditions the gain from the use of Scott's Emulsion is very rapid. For this reason we put up a fifty-cent size, which is enough for an ordinary cough or cold or useful as a trial for babies and children. In other conditions the gain is slower—health cannot be built up in a day. In such cases Scott's Emulsion must be taken as nourishment; a food rather than a medicine. It's a food for tired and weak digestions. Sswd for free simple Scott & Bowne, 409-4151W1 St. Ctiemlits New York 50c. and SI.OO. All druggists REV. P. OLIVER WRITES. Wants to Know If 21 Names to a Pe tition Can Involve Yadkin Town ship In School Election—Op posed to Horseracing. Baseball, etc., at the County Fair. • Dalton, April it. Mr. Editor : I see in your last issue of the Reporter that an election was or dered by our County Commission ers to be held (I suppose in Pin nacle) on the 15th of May to au thorize a special tax in Yadkin township to supplement our school funds. Will some one please ex plain how it is in this democratic government that 21 names to a petition can involve a whole town ship in an election like this ? I wonder if 22 votes will fix such a measure upon our people ? If the township is involved why not hold the election at each of the pre cincts? We need the light turned on at once. Is it not true that we have already sufficient school funds, if properly managed, to run the schools four months in the year ? To continue longer than four months would be a great waste in most cases. In some schools recently olosed I am told that the attendance got as low as six children a day. I ask the peo ple of Yadkin township if they are prepared to pay a special school tax in addition to our regu lar State and county tax and the special tax now before us, to pay teachers fair prices to instruct six or less little children. Our people are generally dependent upon the products of the farm for wharf, money they handle, and the crops, if cultivated by hired labor, cost about as much as they are worth. Let us stop and think a little while before we decide to take any more burden upon ourselves. I wonder if there are any "pets" somewhere in old Yadkin town ship who expect to have a finger in the pie, provided the pie can be made? Fellow citizens, let us wake up in time to secure our safety. Now a word about our county fair. For one, I had thought that we might "have a quiet, decent fair, simply to exhibit the iudustry of the oounty, but I see at once that horseracing, baseball and other dangerous and demoralizing practices are to be connected with it. Hence I want to suggest that we let it die in infancy. Better die at once than to generate and encourage so much evil. Is not our State fair, as conducted, a shame upon North Carolina? Shall the people of Stokes start out in a similar way? For my part I had much rather the subject bo buried so deep that it would never be resurrected than have the fair established with the usual dangers and immoralities associated with it. P. OLIVER. DILLARD. Dillard, March 10 —Mrs. M. M. Lasley had the misfortune to lose a fine horse last week. —Prof. A. J. Essex is a little indisposed this week. —Messrs. D. H. Carter, Frank Roberts, J. A. Duncan and Nick Mitchell went to North View to preaching Sunday. —Misses Annie and Delia Young visited the Misses Peobles Saturday night and Sunday. —Mr. S. G. Wall is by the bedside of his sick brother Mr. John Wall at Win ston. —We had a very severe hailstorm here last night. —Miss Minnie Rober's visited at Mr. M. T. Mitchell's Sunday. —We think the young people will have an enjoyable time on the Cliff next Monday. N. DEVIL'S ISLAND TORTURE is no worse than the terrible case of Piles that afflicted me 10 years. Then I was advised to apply Buck len's Arnica Salve, aud less than a box permanently cured me, writes L. S. Napier, of Rugles, Ky. Heals all wounds, Burns and Sores like magic. 25c at all drug gist. , ENTERTAINMENT AT DELLAR. Program At Close Of Miss Rachel Moore's School. April 20. Will begin at (5 o'clock P. M. Music. The Star-Spangled Banner (pantomime) : By Zelvia Rhodes, Sarah Robertson, Dovie Coleman, Nelia Martin, Dovie Taylor, Gra de Taylor, Jennie Sheppard, Sal lie Fry, Trudie Lawson, Kate Robertson, Liza Lawson. Trudie Fulcher, Sibbie Sheppard, Music. The Four Judges : By Rock sy Taylor, Dovie Coleman, Trudie Lawson, Sallie Fry, Kate Robert son, Liza Lawson. The Invitation : By Powell Robertson, Flirtie Nelson. Music. The Lost Bracelet : By Frank Robertson, Jennie Sheppard, Ra chel Moore. A Terrible Threat : By Elsie Sheppard, Powell Robertson. Music. Extemporaneous Proposal : By Grace Taylor, Helen Sheppard. Home Study : By Nina Shep pard. Advertising For a Servant : By Bud Tilley, Rachel Moore, Dovie Coleman, Trudie Lawson, Sarah Robertson, Sallie Fry. Music. Missionary Lady : By Nina Sheppard. What Is a Gentleman : By John Robertson, Fred Smith, Reid Tilley, Powell Robertson. If I Were Ten Years Old : By Georgia Sheppard. Music. An Ideal Brother : By Sallie Fry, , Covie Shelton. Little Things : By Myrtle Lawson. Change of Opinion : By R. Moore, Nelie Martin, Sallie Fry, Kate Robertson. Music. Hiawatha : By Maie Branch. Matrimonial Agent : By Hel en Sheppard, Roy Martin. Little Prisouer : By Cuie Rob ertson. Biddie's Troubles : By Dovie Coleman. Elder Sniffles' Courtship : By Taking the Census : By Virgil Smith, Dovie Taylor. Music. Backward Glance : By R. Moore, Gracie Taylor, Frank Rob ertson. Watermelon Pickle : By Kate Robertson, Nelia Martin. That Kid : By John Robert son. Music. Mr. Squire Venable Moves to Dalton —Other Items. Dalton, April 9 —Mr. Squire Venable, of Pinnacle, increased our town last week. Glad to see Dalton coming. Miss Maud Coe made a trip to Rural Hall Saturday. Mr. L. R. Coe has changed his course; was seen going in the direction of Pinnacle last evening. Mr. Colonel and Miss Ruby Hauim were the guests of the Misses Coe Sunday evening. Also Mr. Grover Allen and Miss Pearl Caudle were seen in town. What is your attraction in Dalton, Grover, I wouder. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Meadows were honored with a fine boy last Friday. Girls don't be scared we will stand a chance yet of having a beau. Miss May Ola Coe made a trip to Mount Airy last Tuesday. Mr. Edgar Spainhower paid his respects to his most devoted friend Miss LulaShultz yesterday. Boys, next Sunday is Easter, get your buggies in shape for a mountain trip Monday. You know your girl wants to go, and Easter only comes once a year. The measles rage has about died out through this section, we are glad to note. Quite a good crowd attened Sunday School and church at Trinity yesterday. Glad to si-e our school improving. KOKOON. Mr. O. L. Pulliam, of Pink, wy a Danbury visitor Saturda\jF Mr. Jno. R. Smith and Family Move to Walnut Cove R. 3—The Young Folks Given a Nice Party. Campbell Route 2, March 10— Mr. Tom Mabe is right sick and not expected to live. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Smith gave the young people of this neighborhood a nice party. The house was crowded full and all enjoyed themselves fine. The good people of this neighborhood regretted to lose Mr. Smith and family as they are leaving for their new home near Walnut Cove. The people around old Hardbank will miss them very much but our loss is Waluut Cove's gain and we wish them much success in the future. Mr. DeWitt Nelson and sister and Mr. Euric Shelton and sister visited Mr. Smith's Saturday night and again last night. I will give the names of the ones that were present last night : Miss Lulu Tucker, of Surry; Misses Vina Velvy, Nettie Doss, Lilla East, Rendy Lawson, Misses Fan nie, Mary and Bessie Smith and Emma Collins. The boys were Messrs. DeWitt, W. L. and Elie Nelson, Rufus, Cary and Jim Lawson, Sam, Alfred and Jim Smith and many others too num erous to mention. UNCLE BEN. w or linn FOR TAXES I will sell at public miction for cash at the court house ili>or in Dai.bury MI Mon day, tlie 7tii day of May. lNOti, the lands named below for taxes ilue fir years 190S and 11)04, to-wit: DANBURY TOWNSHIP. Manuel, JoM|>h, 1904, one tot, Danliurv, $J ul Watkinw, J. I)., 1904, one lot, Piedmont. 1 .01 Wlilte, Frederick, 1001, 25 acres. Know Creek, 1.97 WOO*IH, Mm. ltacliel, 1904, HI acres, Little Snow Creek, 3.27 MEADOW TOWNSHIP. Chapman. Win. U., 1903-04, 37 acres, on Mill Creek, 2.98 Hicks, W. P.,' 03 ,60 acres, Mill Creek, 2.90 Hodgiti, S. 11.. 'O3-04, one lot, Ueruianton, 1.82 Smith, M. K., 'O3-04, one lot. Oermanton, 2.04 Bynum, Win., 'O3. one lot. (Itfrmuntiin, 172 •Smith, Uive, 'O4. 7 acres, Neutniiu, I.iSC I Tuttle. 11. H.. 'O4, 3 1-2 acres. Town Fork, 1..19 tiohling, .1. Win., 'O4, one lot, 2.04 Ooliling, Lewis, 'O4, 41 acres, F. X., 4.1H1 YADKIN TOWNSHIP. S|>eas, .llio. D., (n. r.), 'O4. 2 lots, Piiinaclo, 1.40 Spainhower. A K, 1904( n. r.) 3U acres, Pin nacle, 2.41 QITAKKK GAP. At wissl, S IT,l T , (11. r.) '02,04 acres, lirown Mt. 2.53 Hart, Lncinila, (n. r.), 'O3, 130 acres, Ui|f Cr. 4.90 ltiatt, .1011, (n. r.) 'O3, 133 acres, Chink Or. 3.30 Hooker 1* E. vro.i, 75 a. oil llig Cr 4 711 Johnson IV I*, vr ttt, 2'i acres, Delk, 2 7!) Tilley J L (n r), yr 0:1, 80 a. He s. t !H) Venable W H, yr 03. 77 acres 3 117 White E It, year 03. 00 acres I) R 4 83 Koss Sandy, vr 03, 10 a. on liin cr 1 82 Durham A //, (n r) yr 04, iOO a. on M'.'allow ISr 3 40 Forest W //, yr 04, 2 acres, local ion unknown 2 23 Eulk J F, vr 04, W> a. on N D cr 0 85 Sm til M A (heirs), yr 04. 00 a. tntn 200 Wilkes Eli/, i Jane, yr 04, 123 a. on N I> cr 5 36 Young JnoW (n rj, vr 04, 13 acres 175 King G VV, yr 04, 110 a. Hr Ml, 2 4!) Smith, Joe Jr, vr 04, 27 aonl'(J cr 428 .SNOW C/fEEK. Alley EA, vrs 03-04, 10 aonCr Ci 108 Consolidated M ica Co. yrs 03-04, 124 mine, on Kacmoti cr' 7 00 Joyce SA, yr 04, 1 3-4 a. mica mine, 1 80 ,/oyce Mintora, yr 03, 50 a, location unknown 2 40 Manuel /7am, yr 04, 1 lot Prestonville 3 1)0 NAURA TOWS'. Dalton VA. \r 03, in Da K 431 I .auson J (» yrs.,o3-04 00 a. Z / creek 5 30 Mai tin Joseph yis. 03-04 52 acres on oM T creek 4 62 Svewart C L via., 03 one lot W. Cove 3 30 Troxler II V yis. 03-04 2 acres on Uele«s I 'reek 1 46 Nelson George yrs., 03 04 24 acres on Mull /•'■lit 2 MS lied Walter yrs 04 1 lot Walnut Cove 3 81 Withers Van It yrs. 03 52 1-4 acres on Itelews Creek 2 63 War en I. W col., yrs. 03-04 42 acres on Belews Creek 5 54 ./aiues Nellie dee'd yrs. 04 35 acres on Z 1 Creek 2 24 .Way Mrs. J A yrs. u4 one lot Walnut Cove 1 64 McKnlglit & Co. yrs. 04 one 10l H'alnut Cove 4 D 6 Smith Daniel yrs. 04 (n r) one lot Walnut Cove I 64 Cat roll Win col. yrs. 04 27 acres on Dan [liver* •• • 4 10 This Mnrch 28, 1906. R. P. JOYCE, Ex-Sheriff. JOHN D. HUMPHREYS, Attorney at Law, Danbury, • - - N. C Prompt attention to all business entrusted. Will practice in nil State courts. Notice To Creditors. (hiving tliU day duly QUALIFIED MM adminlntra tor ol' tlie e*tate of Amhntae Mabe. «fecea>et, I hereby notify nil |>ernom» having claims agalnxt the M'lhl m>tnto to prenei't them to me duly au thenticated tor payment on or before the 2Tth day of March, or ♦bin mijjee will be pleaded in bar of their reenter v. And all pernon* owing «uild estate will make imniediat J»H> ment to me. Till* tlie JKth day of March IWKi «rnm»K W. SMITH. SSp'rof AmbniMr Mi»bo. dee'd. -»U' - --- ... . - p— ————I it ■" BL. Watch this Space ■ »i I SOMETMI/SG DOING. E '# Farmers Warehouse Winston, N. C. j We desire to thank our many friends and customers for Tticv liberal trade given us in the past and extend to one and all a mosl ordial invitation to sell your tobacco with us this year. We assury you that we will spare no expense, and by honest hard work will w yon the outside dollar on every pile of your tobacco. FIRST SALE DA YS ••. " > I FOR MARCH: Every Monday, Wednesday and BfcfSale days change on the first Monday in each mon! Your Friends, A. B. GOKRELL & SON\ DON'T ABUSE YOUR STOMA e H l>y druueine yourself U» *leaib witli mineral poiinns when there is ?ometldne Ijetter. Have you Itlieumatism. Liver and Kidney Trouble, pain in the IU ck and Sides, are >Oll constipated, have von Indigestion. Sick or Nervous Headache. D izzv Sjiells, Heart Trouble, and Weak « luulation of tin; Wood? Do not hesitate to TRY BLISS' NATIVE HERBS. They tenovate tbe entire System by ton ina up the Uver and Kidneys, relieving Constipation and purifying the Blood. 200 Days Treatment For SI.OO with a positive gn irautee in each box from The Alonzo O. Blisa Co. 10 refund your money if not. as represented. See that the trade-mark, "AH." is on every box and tablet. For sale by E. P. NEWSUM, King, N. C. Thompson's Drug Store, Winston, JV. C. Hie largest and most varied stock of pure Drugs in Winston-Salem. I haTe had XG years experience in fitting trusses* and can advise you in selecting one. Come And See Me. • V. O. THOMPSON. Administrator's Notice. Having duly qualified as admin istrator of Solomon G. Crammer, deceased, notion is hereby given to all persons indebted to said estate to come forward and make imme diate settlement of the same and all persons holding claims against snid estate will present them to me duly authenticated for pay j ment on or before the 20th day of I March. 1907, or thin notioe will be pleaded W liar of their recovery. > Serin .ntim, N. C., R. P. D.No. 1. I This Afiucb 12, 1906. WALLACE H. WEBSTER, A'liu'r of Solomon G. Crammer, "ill'ceased. J. D. 11 u)npitrejra, Jitty. for »djn'r. N#-W HorfolkiWestenh SCHEDULE IN EFFECT DEC 3, 1\ IHkllv Daily K*. Sun. Dally Kx Hun PM AM PM PM 2:50 7.30 Lv Winston Ar2.00 10.00 3.28 8.13 " Wal. Cove " 1.21 9.20 5.00 9.50 " Mnrtinsv. " 11.45 7.49 7.25 12.1K) Ar Roanoke Lv 9.20 5.15 P.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. WKBTROUNI)—LEAVE KOAKOKE DAILY. 4:10 am—For Kant It ad ford, Bluetleld, T»ze- y well mikl Norton, Cullman .Sleeker tQ* 'ohiml»ii», Ohio, cafe *ar. ».W h m ( Washington and Chattanooga Limited) t'qr Pulaakl prinoipHl Mtatlonx, Ifrlittol and the South. I'ultiwaii. S lee pern to New >r lemi* aud Memphis. CalV car 4:!jA j» m—Tlte St. Louie Kxprett, for Bluetleld, Pocftfcttatttx, Kenova, Cinci nnati, Indlano&olU. Ut. Loulfl. Kan*a* ClU\ ColuiutiiiH mid Cfcicago. Pullman Bullet Sleei»er# Jfoanoke io Coluwbue aw 4 BltaetfeUl | to Cinclnantl. Cafe car 4:3 ft p m— For Hluetleldand intermedial* ft*. lion*. • 4:4 ft p m—Hatly. Kor Bristol ami Intermedial* HtatioiiM. Knoxville, Chattanooga and point* South. Pullman Sleeper lo ICnoivtile. | y;.'lo a ni—For BrUtol aud Intermedial* «tatlons, Bluetleld, Norton. Pocahontae and Welch, Pulliuhii Sl eper to Welch. NORTH AND KASTBOUND. l:HAnni— w or Peternhurjr. Kichmond and Nor folk. Pullman Huftet farlor Car to Norfolk. I:4ft n m—For Washington, Hnir.TMtown, delphla und New York via Flogerntown an\ IVarrUhurg. Pullman Sleeper to New York. 7:4 ft p m—For Hagerntown. Pullman Sleeper to Philadelphia. 1:0| n m—Kor Klehm'uidand Norfolk. Pullman Sleei»er Lroohburc to Norfolk aud Kichmond. 12:lo a m—(Wnnliington ami Chattanooga Lim ited). For Waahlngton. Philadelphia and New York via Lynchburg Pullman 6l#ep»ra to WaMhlngton, Baltimore. Philadelphia ami New York. | 7:10 a in—For Lynchburg, Kichmond and Norfolk* 7:45 p Hl—Dally. For Lynchburg. Pullfl man sVnper for Richmond. I DURHAM DIVISION. £mth r«vii«*!ihurg (Union Station) daily •x •♦•pi £ftinda/ 8:00 a m, 4:30 p m for South Host on ai d Durham and intermediate sta tions. for all additional information apply to tickHt otti'vr, or to W. 11. HKVILL, M. F. BRAGG, itou'l Pass. A. ent. 7Va?. Paas. Agent. ROANOKE* VA# KILL". COUCH AND CURETHI LUWCSI -Dr. King's New Discovery „„„ /fOHSUHITION Mm FOR I OUQHt and 50c HI.OO ; 1 U " VOLDt FIN Trial. | Surest and Quickset Our* for »U THROAT and LUNO TROUB LES, or XOWXY BACK.

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