s %aster Offerings. Mrs W. F. Davi«, of Red Shoals, visited Danbury today. Mr. W. 8. Crews, of Germanton, spentit short while here today. Dr. J. H. Ellington, of Sandy v Ridge, spent a short while here 'Saturday. will please par don us for cutting their letters short this week. Messrs. S. H. and Jno. M. Tay lor, of Winston, spent last night with Mr J. S. Taylor. Miss Flora Hutchens, of Peter's ' Creek, Va., is among Prof. Smith's new students. She arrived Sun day. - A Mf. R. F. Bondurant, of Delk, came down last week and entered school here. He expects to be here three or four weeks. Mr. W. M. Flynt and little son, of Gideon, were here Tuesday. Mr. Flynt reports that a very severe hail storm visited his section Mon day night. Rev. W. T. Albright, of Stokes burg, who is pastor of this M. E. circuit, filled hiß regular appoint ment at the ohurch here Sunday night. His sermon was on the line of missions and was very im pressive and convincing. The % congregation was unusually V large. \ Mr. Cox 'Blevins, of Nathan's VCreek N. C., who has been teach liag on Germanton Route 1, was in **fn Monday. Mr. Blevins goes bis home this week and IT will return probably next fall, to \ recruit our teacher again. He is \a very deserving and capable Ijoung man. COVE NEWS. I Cove, April ll.—Joseph In, of Danbury, was here m the past week. Jistsr of Deesis Jones passed of last week enroute On his return he informed the many friends of our former townsman, Mr. R. U. Moser, that Mr. Moser came clear on a charge of misconduct while on duty as store keeper and guager at this place at the distilU ery of H. C. Sheets, Mr. Sheets also effected an expensive com promise on allchargei held against tjim. / Deputy Marshal Gaston Carroll was here last week summoning witnesses to court at Greensboro. J. A. Petree attended Federal court one day the past week. Bug. Withers, of Pine Hall, ' visited bis brother, Dr. W. W. Withers, during the past week. Miss MaybelTVaughn, of Saura town, visited Miss Claudia Riersou -Jast Thursday. r V \ As a result of the lock out at High Point, we number the follow ing Union men from that hustling city with Walnut Cove's loafing league: M. S. Young, Pink Samuel and Gabe Jones. B. J. Petree was in town Satur day. Chas. Scales and Jesße Wall, of Madison, visited our town Sunday. Q, f. Martin and wife, of Wins tou, vjaited the family of J. N. Martin at B»uratopri> #at#rday oon fud Sunday. R. R. Rogers was indisposed Sunday,tout was out again Monday. HOB. W. B. Vaughn tendered his resignation as mayor of Wal nut Cove at a meeting of town committeemen last week, John W. Davis also resigned as oommis ,, sioner. Hillery Burton is Mayor protem and he and Capt. R. L. Murphy constitute the board of 0 commissioners, 9 Chas. Morefieid purchased the livery business of J. A. Petree yesterday. Morefieid is an indus trious young man and the opinion here is that be has taken hold of the right thing as he is by nature a stockman. One Pannell, of Mayodan, was here Sunday. We mean a Mr. Pannoll. Good Workmen Wanted At High Point, N. C. Worthy white men can secure pleasant and profitable employ ment in thirty furniture, chair, and glass factories at High Point, N. C., by applying in person at once. Men with families prefer red. Excellent churches and schools free to all. Ten hours work per day and good wages to men wbo are not members of labor unions. £igh Point, N. C., April 10, UKXS. GERMANTON PROGRESSING. Gerfiianton, April 10.—The old jail nt this place is being torn down. The old building has been standing for more than half a century. It was built, about five years before Stokes was divided and the Southern iy>rtion became Forsyth county. Nearly all of the old buildings in Germanton are either remodeled or torn away. Mr. J W Kurfees has purchased the old Wm. Campbell place from Mr. N. O. Petree. Mr. H. McGee now occupies the building. Mr. H. McGee will commence work on his new dwelling in a few days. A part of the lumber has already been placed 09 the site. Mr. Nathan Steadman, of Greensboro, was in Germanton last Wednesday. Mr. R. F. Beck made a business trip over north of Danbury last Wednesday. Mr. R, G. Petree, Mr. and Mrs. H. McGee and Mr. and Mrs. W, R. Petree spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Petree. The Rural Library for the Germanton district arrived last week. The Library is at R. F. Beck & Co.'s store. Sheriff Petree passed through Germantou last Wednesday en route to Greensboro. Miss Maggie Petree spent last Thursday in Pinnacle. Misses Mabel and Rubie Petree of Walnut Cove spent a few days i last week with Mrs. O. N. Petree. Misses Fannie and Eva Voss i were at R. J. Petree's last Sunday. Mr. J. A. Newman made a busi : ness trip to Winsn-Salem last j Monday. LOOKER ON. A LIVELY TUSSLE with that old enemy of the race, ; Constipation, often ends in Ap pendicitis. To svoid all serious trouble with Stomach, Liver and Bowels, take Dr. King's New Life | Pills. They perfectly regulate these organs, without pain or dis comfort. 25c at all druggist. Hazel Alice Bennett. Hazel Alice Bennett was born J July 21, 1897, and died April 3, 1906 ; aged 8 years, 8 months and 112 days. A little less than three months ago the older sister was buried. This was a sad occasion, when the father, mother, sister and two brothers gathered around the re mains of the deceased to bid fare well to one they had loved so much. The interment was at Mt. Olive church in the presence of a large assembly of relatives and friends. May the Lord bless the dear fam ily. P. OLIVER. HAS STOOD THE TEST 25 YEARS. The old original GROVE'S Tasteless Chill Tonic. You know what you are taking. It is iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure, No pay. Germanton Route 1, April 8— | Our school closed April (*> at Haw pond with a fine old-timy exhibi tion. —Miss Cora Boyles visited | her brothers at Winston last week. She reports a nioe time.— Preach at Union Hill next Sunday evening at 3 o'clock. SCAT. You feel the life giving current the minute you take it. A gentle soothing warmth, fills the nerves and blood with life. It's a real E 1 leasure to take Hollister's Rocky [ountain Tea. IJ6 oents, Tea or j Tablets. R. L. Murphy, Walnut Cove, H, M. Joyce, Danbury. Mr. H. C. Lawrence, of Francis co, was among Danbury's visitors yesterday. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quin ; ine Tablets. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signature is on each box. 25c. WANTED—Steady and able men to learn the trade of beveling and silvering glass for mirrors. Excellent opportunity for quick advancement. Good waues and steady work guaranteed to non union men. Apply at once to standard MIRROR CO. High Point, N, p. FOR "BUENA-VISTA." 0. L. Pulliam Thinks That On the Railroad is Not the Proper Place For the County Fair. Germanton Route 1, April 9. It seems to me that it is not the proper thing to do to have in con sideration so many out of the way places for the fair, but I wish to to mention (I think) the most suitable place in the county, one that hasn't been mentioned lately; it is Flat Shoal. It is within a mile or so of the center of the county and is also as suitable a place as can be found in the coun ty. The land is level and could be fixed with little cost. I don't know how much land would be given, but nearly every one in the community would take stock. And another thing of great im portance, is plenty of water handy here at Flat Shoal. You will find two or three good springs right at the place, one of which will afford all the water needed for man and beast and just as good water as you would find in the county and as I said it is in the center of the county and at the junction of four of the main public roads in the county. Considering the loca tion in the center, level, nice place and good water, I think this the place. Of what use is a railroad to a Stokes County Fair? Sup pose you fix the place at Walnut Cove, Germanton, or King what good is that railroad along there on the edge of the county. How many of the farmers of the county would carry their exhibits over this railroad? This is a thing for the good of the people of the county and not for the railroad. It should be to create more pride and ambition among the farming class of people and what accomo dation will it be to the people off on one edge of the county? Think of this. Even if it should cost more here to get things in shape which it will not. Flat Shoal is the place, but I have a better name for the location; the name is "Buena-Vista." So I stand for the center where it will be as handy for one farmer as another, and another thing to, consider, if you locate on the railroad you are so handy for these side shows and swindling machines, which I think is not the thing we want to make a fair a success. So put me down one share at "Beuna-Vista." O. L. PULLIAM. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR Itching, Blind, Bleeding, Protrud ing Piles. Druggists are author ized to refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure in 6 to 14 days. 50c. v Chamberlain's Cough Remedy The Children's Favorite —OURSS— Coughs, Golds, Croup and Whooping Cough. This remedy is famous far It* caret orer »Urge Dmrt of the civilised world. Ik emn ftlwnys be depended upon It contftln* up opium or other harmful drag ftnd Wftjr 1* givep copfldufltly ft baby ft« to ftO ftdolt Prioe 86 oU; Large Biie, 50 eta. FOR SALE BY N A MARTIN NOTICE! Having qualified as executors of Thos, M. Baker, deoeassd, late of Stokes County, N. C., this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned duly authenticated on or before the 30th day of March, 1907, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This lftth day of March 1906. ROBT. F. A. BAKER, THOS. P. BAKER, Ext*enters uf Thos. M. Baker. P. O. Germanton,_N. C. Route i. j Quaker Gap Telephone System Now On a Paying Basis. Dr. J. W. Slate, of Mizpah, was in town Tuesday. Dr. Slate in forms us that considerable im provements in the Quaker Gap telephone service are contempla ted, and that the system is now on a good paying basis. This will be learned by all with pleasure, as the company has been to a good deal of labor and expense ingiving our people telephone connections with all important points of the country, and it is hoped the in vestment will yield good returns. A phone was last week placed in in the residence of Mr. W. L. Hall, of Vade Mecum. Dr. Slate is heartily in favor of a county fair, aud will dq all in his power to assist in the organi zation. | ij » THIS SPACE IS RESERVED FOR I 1 Myers, j Westbrook Co. Successors to D. D. SCHOULER. | WINSTON, N. C. 1 11 Look For The Big Ax! j We Cut Long Prices To Short Ones ! We have just received a big lot of SPUING SUITS. We will dress you up In a handsome NEW SPRING SUIT I for less Honey Than Any Other House In Die City. If you don't believe It JUST AX US. Don't miss the place. Look for the BIG AX. Corner Main and Third Streets. East side of Court House. Look For the Big Ax ! CHAS. M. PHELPS & COMPANY WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. [ Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic 1 I has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales over One and a Half Million 1 I bottles. Does this record of merit appeal to you? No Cure. No Pay. 50c.fi 5 Enclosed with every bottle It • Ten Cent, package of Grove's Black Root. Liver Pills. J ;-x LOCAL BRIEFS. Mr. Geo. Lewis, of Germanton Route 1, was here Tuesday. Mr. Lewis is in favor of an electric railroad through Stokes, leading from Walnut Cove via Meadows, Danbury, Piedmont, Moore's and Vade Mecum to Rural Hall. Mr. Lewis says it would be a good in vestment if the county would is sue bonds to build this route. Mr W. P. Nelson, of Campbell Route 2, was here yesterday. Mr. Nelson is highly in favor of the electric railroad, will vote for the tax and thinks a majority of the Peter's Creek citizens will do like wise. Mr. Nelson, who is a mer chant, says that on account of the bad roads hauling from the depot costs as high as 40 cents per hun dred, and that even at that price it is very difficult to get goods hauled, and that often before he can get goods from the depot, he could have sold them all out. We Doctors If you are suffering from impure blood, thin blood, de bility, nervousness, exhaus tion, you should begin at once with Aycr's Sarsaparilla, the Sarsapurilla you have known all your life. Your doctor I knows it,too. Askhimaboutit. You must look well after the condition of yuir liver ami bowels. Unless there is dally action of t!.e It iHtdg, polMonoini products are ahsotiieJ, catmlng headache. biliousness, nau nisi, dv.Hp. nhia, and thus preventing the Sar- Nupariila from doing bent work. Ayer's I'illh are liver • ills Art gently, till vegetable. The dt*e i.-. only one pill at bedtime. /\ Mudo by J. C. Ayer Co., I-owoll, M&BB Aluo manufacturers of >Hs „ . _ HAIR VIGOR. / W HBPIFQ. Mil'E CURE, it- W VJ O CHERRY PECTORAL.