STOKES COUNTY PAIR MORE SUBSCRIPTIONS TO STOCK RECEIVED SINCE LAST WEEK—HOW MANY SHARES WILL YOU TAKE ? Since the last issue of the Re- j porter a number of subscriptions to stock in ttie County Fair have been received, and the list now stands as follows: I. G. Ross 1 share W. A. Petree 1 " Thos. S. Petree , 1 " | C. L. Young . 1 " A. W. Davis 1 " C. M. Jones 1 " F. H. Petree 1 " Dr. J. W. Slato 1 " Dr. W. C. Slato 1 " W. G. Slate 1 " O. L. Pulliam 1 " Sales M. Ferguson 1 " W. A. Kiger 1 " Danbury Reporter 1 share and SIOO,OO worth of advertising. —- I, SANDY RIDGE. ( Sandy Ridge Route 1, April 1(5 i —We had a nice meeting at North View last second Saturday i and Sunday. Elders Alex Moran and James Fagg were our preach- ! ers and I feel that they were won- 1 derfully blessed. There was a large crowd on Sunday and we i had good behavior. I always try to fill niy seat at church where ray membership is. When lam able; to go I feel it my duty to be there. Mr. J. Wesley Morefield is on j the sick list. Hope he will soon recover. Also his little daughter Jettie hrs been right sick but is better. Mr. Billie Wood is right sick and also Miss Quincy Andrews is j very sick. Mrs. Delia Taylor, of Fulp, left today for home after visiting fa ther and mother, Mr. and Mrs. J.Wesley Morefield. She spent a week and wo enjoyed her visit very much. Mr. J. Wesley Morefield has employed him a clerk, Mr. Levi Knight. We think he is a nice young man and hope he will be successful in his undertaking, We are all living in hope of see ing the electric car line through this county. For I think it would be building up Old Stokes. A FRIEND. I vV t . .y — If a Cow gave Butter mankind would have to invent milk. Milk is Na ture's emulsion —butter put in shape for diges tion. Cod liver oil is ex tremely nourishing, but it has to be emulsified before we can digest it. Scott's Emulsion combines the best oil with the valuable hypo ohosphites so that it is easy to digest and does "far more good than the nil alone could. That makes Scott's Emulsion 'ha most strengthening, nourishing food - medi cine in the world. Sand for free sample. siCOTT &. BOWNE, Chemists •tO'j-l-; S Pearl Street New York ,-inrt SI.OO. All druggists lynmrs [dXl* fbancos I al Safe, Quick, Reliabk Regulator Superior to othrr remodlct Bold «t high prices. Cure fruarsnteed. ullT n««j trover ■200.000 Women. Price.'is CMtfcdrUf (fins or by mfiN Testimonial* ft booklet free. . I>,. LnKrßuro, Philadelphia, P». KING. King, April 17.—Farmers are j busy plowing in this section pre paring for another crop. Mr. and Mrs. (J ray Goff moved to their new home last Wednes day. Mr. Robert Meadows has decid ed to name his big boy Solomon Paid, . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rierson and little Beulah took birthday dinner with Mrs. Rierson's father last Thursday. Mrs, Amy Keiger. Mrs. Martini Slate, of King; and Mrs. Jettie Watson, of Winston, visited Mrs. S. P. Snider last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Fulk and lit tle Mabel visited Mr. and Mrs. Gray Goff last Sunday at their j new home. Guess Miss Annie Love is all smiles this week, as Mr. B. L. Grabs called Sunday. Come again, B. L., we enjoy your company very much. Miss Gnsta Fulk is wearing a 1 sad face this week, as J. L. Love | called on another girl Saturday night. Misses Alice. Newsoiu and Pearl Boggs is all smiles this week, ns their best fellows called Sunday. Come again, boys, we are glad to | see you all the time. Four littlo boys of Kiug, their ! names are Baxter Love, Russell Love, Roy Newsom and Loyd j White went fishing Easter Mon- j day on the Little Yadkin. They j fished on until noon and they | thought they could take on a little dinner, so they went up to Mr. L. j B. Coe's store and bought them a snack, which was 2 cans of corn, 2 cans of tomatoes, 4 cans of podded ham, 22 bottles of pop. APRIL FOOL. FASHION FOR MEN. The tendency among men this Spring and Summer will be to wear the quietest clothes possible. Some wonderful creations in the way of waistcoats have been intro iduced to go with the dinner coat, [but the plain black remains the (only correct form. It is cut 1* shaped, and has three buttons. There will be no doud-patterncd ' shirts orjbrilliant ties so much in favor some time ago, and the i variety of queer greens introduced last season will be used only in mixtures. Gray remains a favorite because there is much motoring and driving, and there is no better color for the load. The color so far imported by fashionable tailors are all of the most sober, descrip tion. There is a general tendency to be informal and to discard after noon dress. In America top hats are rarely seen after May. In fact, at two fashionable country wed dings last Spring, the bridegroom and ushers wore business suits and straw and felt hats. There has been much speculation regarding the modish collar for Spring and Summer. The flaps of the winged collar are poinied, as they are found at the best haberdashers on ! Fifth Avenue and Broadway. The ■ collar for ordinary wear with col ored shirts will be the turnover or Eton, not too high, with rounded ends. The Panama hat has come to stay. The real article was too expensive to cast aside in a single season. Comfort above all things is to be desired in Spring and Summer, and this cannot be found in a stiff hat. A straw hat that can be made into any shape will come with the blossoms of May and remain the entire summer.— From The Delineator for May. You feel the life giving current the minute you take it. A gentle soothing warmth, fills the "nerves and blood with life. ]tV n real plensnre to take Hollister'a Rooky Mountain Ten. J!5 cents, Te a i,r Tablets. It. L. Murphy. Walnut OOVP, Iff 3VI. Joyce, Danbnry. MARRIAGE AT DELK EASTER. Farmers Putting in Full Time—Delk the Place For the County Fair— The Pilot Mountain Com mencement. Delk, April 10.—Farmers in, this section are putting in full, time preparing their laud. There hasn't been but very little corn planted in this community. Miss Mary Lee Venable is spend-! iug a few days with her cousin near Siloain. The Sunday School at Brim drove continues to grow. The measles has hindered several from attending this far. 4On Sunday, April 15, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. P. Dodd Joyce and Miss Elizabeth Slaughter were united iri the holy bonds of matrimony. S. P. Cov ington, Esq., officiating. We wish them happiness. Messrs. Petty Napier and Darnell and Mr. and Mrs. Luther Tuttle, of Walnut Cove, spent Easter with relatives and friends near here. It seems that the movement for the Siokes County Fair will be a success. I think Delk would be an ideal place for the situation, as jit is near the railroad and the land is very level. The annual commencement of i the Pilot Mountain Graded school will begin on Wednesday, May 2nd, and will continue until the ."ith. On Saturday the fifth Gov. j R. B. Glenn will deliver the Liter-! ! ary address. ; Mrs. F. M. Venable has in her possession a letter written by her sister fifty years ago. Tho writing is very plain and is easily read. The Platonic Debating Society will give a debate during the com-! mencement week Kt Pilot Moun tain on Thursday, the fourth. SOL SPOOK. PINNACLE ROUTE 2. Pinnnacle Ronte 2, April J.(». — | Miss Maggie Lawson is right sick | with measles, we are sorry to note. Mr. Floyd Thore has returnud from the Standing Army. Glad to see you Floyd. Measles is all the go in this com munity. Most everybody that has not had them has a good chance. Miss Nora Cox aud little sister, i Emily, were the guests of Miss! Susie Palmer Saturday and Sun-1 day. Mr. Recter Tilley called on ; Miss Susie Saturday evening and 1 her and Miss Nora took a fine | buggy ride Hollo, Augborti, yon must not be so scarey of tho measles or you will let some of us boys get ahead i ]of you. There was preaching at the Rock House church Tuesday. ! Killers Noel Gilbert and Lewis Pyrtle preached. The crowd was small on account of measles, and there was plenty of measles there. TWO JOLLY BOYS. HAS STOOD THE TEST 25 YEARS. The old original GROVE'S Tasteless Chill Tonic, You know what you are taking. It is iron and quinine in a tasteless form. 1 No*cure, No pay. i h w K j.Tr.:; . \ t -ft — * BFacte I Yen Enou ;! ['••'• | that female disease will drag you down into a wrV:, if i i [3 « n | you do not it with all your power, and drive it out of your sys- j j IK wT MiT _jtL. nan torn? Nothing is so certain to destroy your pood looks, arul s!»o"'.e»i m HI un agHfl your life, as that dreadful bane of every —di-.oru.icJ t. Ie t 1 j f ii Junctions. If you suffer from any j j I KIIOW j ' Woman's Best Frier.d ' | vniTlir i*YlfT » J CBriuf Ma' Oui«!i scJ'- ttinc, - , ® Vv iLL N* JSIlJli »• S§ ! YUUNLr ULAIIO PJ J j. •jtliirtg. lu\U:»H£. curative vfle*t. upon ail the female organ* lAAI«u CAKL . j * jjH «re earnestly urged to write us at once for Free Advice. | fmctiusi*. It I ?tleve* awmthly ai. 1 pa»»u, head- j!l^!«\VMe%r r#A lvfjJ?l u»«7)i f *4 I Make us your confidant, describe your troubles, stating I i l«aJt:iche,tizxineH«» elc.. r>i;uU lu«»rtloiii» f *tup«. § 4*4 I*4 iwn ««#♦»- I K . « . , . , . I! .tfrtio t.ii diat'har/\ itlvts rei'.uweJ *Lrci)glh and vital to iu« tuc t»*» >eu?% *it!' ttowUc. Sun* IWr m age, and we wUI send you instructions and advice, In plat;, r M utiiea» lor averv uuiy uf Itfe. Try It. ; Ainr *>«, hu.ur* 1 fcv* ~ ~•* «o iu». I if H •wtod envelope. Address: Ladies' Advisory Dcpt-Tb* v n . fff I fo I Chattanooga Medldne Co., Chattanooga* \ C VUry S, ill SI.OO BOtt.CS. Lm ■ aai marfi an miaMim, -an—oaj wmmmmmmr" '! ' ' Wprr rimn jHm^ggroyi l , J. R. LACKEY WANTS THE ROAD. Thinks Via Rella the Best Route - Wants to Hear From Others. Rolla, April 10. ; Mr. Editor : I I will say a few more words j , about the Electric road. I think it would be good to leave Stone-; villo, then go by Madison, so they j could get connection with the! ■ Southern and N. & W, railroads.! I think Madison would take large stock in the road. They would get lots of freight to haul from Madison to Stoneville and plenty of passengers. Then leave Mad- ; ison. go by Dillard, then to Sandy Ridge, up by Rella, by Campbell, by Dellar, by Jewels, then on to j Danbury. By leaving Sandy Ridge going up by Rella they would have a good way to go and would get off of all those Creeks and hills down on Snow Creek. This would be a paying road, i Near Rella there is plenty of iron ore. By going this way they would get lots of stuff to haul from Patrick county, Va., apples, pota toes, cabbage and many other things from Patrick. Good many stores could patronize the road from the Virginia side. I think the read would pay this way better than any other way. Patrick county people haul hun dreds of loads of apples every fall right down by Rella. The roads down by Rella is level, but awful l muddy in the fall and winter. We know they had rather pay a little freight than to wag on through 1 the mud, and they could get to haul freight for J. P. Smith, J. R. Hill, J. R. Lackey, Ayers Bros , T. W. Tilley, T. W. Hylton, E. C. l Sheppard, Lawson & Co. All of ! these are merchants, and Dr. j Pringle's Roller mill would give them a large amount of hauling. There is plenty of wood around I this way, lot of timber, and in fact would be a good way to run the road, and I think the road can be built cheaper this way than going through those creek hills. They would get any amount of passen gers to haul, in fact they would LAtfD SALE. I!v virtue of udecrwof the Superior Court of Stokes county, made Incase of W. c. Main, Lueco Mabe. John H. | Lawson and wife Minnie. Frank Bo- > | lianon ami wife Rosalie, anainst j Cora E.Kheltonforthe wale of landfor I partintion anion*: the heirs at law of Ambrose Mabe. deceased. 1 will sell |at public auction for cash at the j court house door in Danbury on | Monday, the 4th day of June 1901! at 1 1 o'clock ]>. rn. a tract of 14 0-10 acres of land on the waters of Beaver li* land Creek.. Peters Creek township, i Stokes county, adjoining the lands ; of 11. 1. Dal toil and others and | hounded as follows: Befrinnitifr at a Red Oak corner of lot No. 1 runs East 15 chains passing a white oak corner to pointer.North 10 chains to a chestnui, West sdiains |to a stake in a bottom South - chains crossing a branch to a stake. West 4 chains crossinjfa branch to a stake. North 1 chain to a pine. ' West It chains to pointers. South !> chains to the lie(iiiiltlnu'. It beinjr lot No. l' in the division of the land of B. C. Mabe and assigned to Am brose Malie on Register Book No. 40 paji'e SXK in the office of the Register ! of Deeds of Ktokescounty. This is a f>ood piece of land and well timbered. This the ltith day of April lOOti. UEOUUE \V. SMITH. Commissioner. W. W. Klnjr, Att'.v. net all the hauling I think could ilo. I want to hear from Madison on 1 this question. And I want to hear I from good many others who ought ! to he interested in the road. J. R. LACKEY. PINE HALL Pine Hall, April 17.—Mr. J.I Matt Rierson, of Winston, visited relatives of this place Sunday, re turned Monday, accompanied by his wife and children, who have been spendiftg a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Tuttle. Mr. Ollie Flynt and sister, of Walnut Cove, spent Easter at Mr.■ J. T. ftierson's near this place. Mr. R. M. Tuttle and family, of Winston-Salem, spent the Easter holidays with his father and moth er, of this place. Mr. Tuttle has accepted a position as salesman with Brown, Rogers «fe Co. SUBSCRIBER. i ■■ ■ • This is the season of listlessness, headaches and spring disorders. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea |is a sure preventative. Makes you strong and vigorous. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. R. L. Murphy, Walnut Cove, H. M. Joyce, Dan bury. MAW NorfolkiWesteraßJL SCHEDULE IN EFFECT DEC 3, 1905 Hullv ! Dally Ex. Sun. !>allv Kx Sun PM AM PM PM 2:50 7.30 Lv Winston Ar 2.00 10.00 3.28 8.13 " Wal. Cove " 1.21 9.20 5.00 9.50 " Martinsv. " 11.45 7.49 7.25 12.30 Ar Roanoke Lv 9.20 5.15 P.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. WESTBOUND—LKAVK ItOAKOKK DAILY. 4:10 am—For Kaat Had ford, Bluetleld, Taze well hihl Norton, Pullman Sleeper to 'oluml>ux, Ohio, ctfa ear. 5.10 a iu ( Wellington and Chattanooga Limited) tor Pula*ki. principal atattona, Bristol and the South. Pullman Sleepers to New Or leumand Memphis. Cafe car 4:25 p in—The St. IjOuli* Kxpre**, for llluetield. Pocahonta*, Kenova. Clnci imattl, Indliinnpoliii. St. Loui*. Knnaan Mty, ColumliUM h n«t Chicago. Pulliuan Butt'et SleenerM tfoaooke to Columl*tin ami Minefield to Cliieiiiumt. Cate ear 4:35 p m— For liliietleUland intermediate h'a tiOlU*. 4:45 p m—Daily. For ltristol and Intermediate ntatioiut. Knoxville, Chatt'tuoogn and point* South. Pit luiau Sleeper to Knoxvlile. 9.3*» a m—For )tri*tol and intermediate HtatioiiH, Hluelleld, Norton. PocalniutaM and Welch. Pullman Sl» eper to Welch. NOUTKANT) KASTHOUKII. 1:50 ii m—For Petersburg, Richmond and Nor folk. Pullman Puffet j'arlor -ar to .Norfolk. 1:45 p m—For Washington, Hagerotown, Phila • ' | delphia and New York via Hager*t.OW»i and [ i llarrinburg. Pullman Sleeper to New York. 7:45 p m—For Hagertdowu. Pullman Sleeper to j Philadelphia. 101 a m—For lfirhm*>nd and Norfolk. PullmHn Sleeper Lynchburg to Norfolk and Richmond. ' I 12:10 a ill—(WHHlilngtoii ami r .hattauooua Lim ited). For Washington, Philadelphia and Xew 1 j York via Lynchburg. Pnllmin Sleeper* to ' Washington, Baltimore. Philadelphia and New York. ' 7:10 a in—For Lynchburg, Petersburg, Kii'htnotid and Norfolk* I i 7:45 put—Oftih. Vor Lynchburg. Pull , j man .Sleep** t* for ilichmond. I>UUIIAM DIVISION. />aw l.vm hbnrc (Villon Station) dailv ► i except. Niind iv 3MX) a ni, 4:80 pin for Sotitii • ! J'.oaio.i aud Durham atiul iiitonuMliato nta | tiotM. for ail additional ii.fiirmatioii apply to i ticket ntflwt, or to W. K. hKVILL, M. K HUAt'iM, (ien'l I'atw. A.ent. TYav. Puss. Agent. I«).\NOKF, V a. Report to the North\ olina .Corporation "mission of the Co\ ■ dition of \ The Bank of Stoi» ffe : County At the Close of Busines * 6, 1906. RESOURCES, i Loans and discounts flf Overdrafts, secured Jp * Banking houses • i Furniture and fixture^ Due from hanks Cash items Gold coin | i ■ i ■ Silver coin National hank notes V Total 481 LIABILITIES. \ Capital stock SIO,(A i Undivided profits is(l Deposits subject to chk 28,951 Demand certificates of 1 deposit 8,78il Cashier's checks outstand ing 551 f ' Total $48,165j State of North Carolina, ) County of Stokes. \ We, Eugene Pepper and R. I Rogers, Cashiers of the abol {named Bank, do soloinuly sw\ that the above statement is tJT 'to the best of our knowledge an belief. I EUGENE PEPPER, i R. R. ROGERS, M Cashiers^ Subscribed and sworn to bwl me this 16th day of April, 190fij , M. T.-CHILTON, I I Clerk Superior Court Stokes I Correct—Attest : JESSE H. PRATHERI W. J. BYERLY, EUGENE PEPPER, 1 DirectbJ JOHN D. HUMPHREYS,! Attorney at Law, p Danbury, - . - N. Cl Prompt attention to all businessJ entrusted. Will practice in all! State courts. \ Notice To Creditors. \ Having thl* day dulv qualified an adminlHtra- 1 tor of the estate of Ambrose Mal*e, «(eea»ed. I. I hereby notify all pernon.* having claim* agaiist I the aald e*tate to present them to me duly au- I tlieiiticated for payment on or l>efore the 27th. day of March, IJH»7. or thi* notice will he pleaded in bar of their recovery. And all i»ersons owing said estate will make immediate payment to ms. \ Till* the 20th day of March, 1900 N UKOKOE W. SMITH. Adm'r of Amhrone Mahe, dee d. P»v Walter W. King, Att'v. t ,n ( KILLTH. COUCH 8 AND CURE THI LUNGS I w,H Dr. King's * T j New Discovery ! /-*.ONSUaPT!ON M«« (FOR I OUGHI «nd 50c ft 91.00 I V^ OLOB Fm Trill, f Y Sureit and ttuickeat Our* for all * THROAT and LUNG TBOUB- LE3, or MONEY BACK. , ■ 11 >—l * MUST liHve pure blood Or ) " good health. Hood's Bai'tiii|HWiUA > purities the blood. Take Hood'* 8»r- I aaparilla if you would BE WELL^i

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