I Adrift. T^ax. ■ii»e, of Hartman, ■ess today. Jetree spent Sat ly at Winston. M, of Capelfl, was Jfte Tuesday after- J - Be Petree entertained M'het friends at a musi i-y night. Cwnlk in front of the jttt&43 being graded and nice rock.' \h gpod citizen pay his % May Ist, lif order /lielp elect good officers les are being paid "rapid- Ire are still a great many a jA. Only ten more days fey in. Pay 1 today. Jnlr. Wiley MaJbe, of Danbury Moute 1, who was here MSnday, I red hot far, an eleotric railroad ■nd says that his neighbors are Mhe same. I Mr. N. R. Martin returned to ■•ftbool at Wbitsett Institute Tues fday, after spending Easter with I bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Martin. [_ Mr, A, D. Dodd, of Francisoo, was in town Saturday. Mr. Dodd tells us that some per- Bon tried to rob him at Mt. Airy last week, tearing in twain a, $lO ifote which he had in his hatod. Dr, Tf. W. Mebane, of Mount Airy, will preach at the Presby terian Church her® (Text Sunday morning and night. The public is cordially invited to attend the. services. Only ten to you can anaget the Sheriff's feeeipt. This will gipa you the f'ightio vote. ■ Mrs. Hessie" Petree and Miss ■ Nora McCollum, of Germanton, 1 made a short but pleasant visit to relatives and friends here : urdav. Miss MeColllrtn has been teaching near Germanton. Her home is on Sumraerfield Route 'l. Among Danbury's visitors Mon day were MessrSi J. J. Johnson., Wm. M. Gordon, J. M. Vernon, Vernon, Geo. W. Smith, ,Wade Shelton* J. C. Tedder, G ; W. Smith, Wiley Mabe and others. Mr, M. D.Sizemore, of German j»n Route T, .was here Monday. told the Reporter That l"\had'a pumpkin which he raised last year about the size of « half bushel measure and that he expected eat it on hfs birthday, which ft the lat,of May. t Mr, Raleigh Gentry, of King Route 2, was a welcome visitor in our town Monday. Mr. Gentry is one of the county's best and most aubstantial citizens. While he is'getting along a little in years be moves about with the step of a young man. He ia a good farmer «nd "lives &t bojjie." Attention is called to the state ment of tbe Bank of Stokea Coun ty, published iu this issue. The Bank, though only little more than half a year old, makes a fine showing, and is steadily growing |in the confidence of the people. The directors of tbe Bank wish to thank the people of Stokea County for their loyal and grow ing patronage, and to extend to tboae who have not yet given the Bank their business, a cordial in vitation to oome around and pat ronize a worthy borne institution. gee J. Walter 5 3 (.50 and $4.00 patent leather Shoes for men (button and late), also ba6e ball ahoesand ladies fine aboes. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quin ine Tablets. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signature is on each box. 25c. —• r :? — ROY FAIR VERY LOW. The Young Man Has Pneumonia. Baseball' Games At Walnut Cove—Other News Of In terest. Walnut Cove, April 17: *| Capt R. L. Murphy, of this place, lost a fine cow last week. | Mr. A. S. Mitchell has beep confined for several days with' grippe. \ # Marshall Dalton, of Aliaonia, Va., and sister, Miss' -Georgia Dalt€n, of Winston-Salem, been visiting their Biter, Mrs,' Dr. A. G. Jones. * ' " Albert Griffin, of Advance, Davie county, has been vislling Mr. H. C. Sheets the past week.'" Bob Jones and Alfred Rumley of Walkertown, were in town on business last Wednesday. • Jno. Wm. Young and family, of Dillard, were in town buying spring hats and dresses etc., last Wednesday. . % A. P. Samuel, of High Point, another victim of the loftk out at that 6ity, is here Vith his brother. B. W. Samuel. ■ , Jno. A. Burton has a four-foot ed duck. N. M. Picket, of Madison was here Thursday. t The Western Unfcn Teleyaph. linemen are stationed here. Also the trestle force of the Southern Railroad Company, each making improvements on the Mt. Airy branch of th* Southern system. Robt. G. Petree is permanent "agent for the Southern Itniiruad Co. at her father, J. G. * Ernest Vaughn, of tfcis place, aplesman for. the Forsyth Chair Company in. Florida and Georgia, is home on vacation. A fire 6tart«§l from an old burn ing stump'in the new ground of tme Mr. Apple on the farm of A. J. Fair one mile north of this citv Saturday. Before it was ex tiiiguished several hundred cords of'waftd, and other property was destroyed for Mr. Fair. , Tha ball game yesterday (Easter 1 Monday) drew a large crowd to dthr town. The gaihe in the fore- j boon was won by the Guilford j College*' Graded School tealb, sppre 19 to 6, • The afternoon game was won by the home team, score 15 to 13. Our team would % not*take'their last inning in the evening. Everything was satis factory. visiting team com plimented tbe umpire, Mr. J. A. Petree in. very high terms. Here ore the teams: . Guilford Graded School Team. Hooker, * pitch Nelson, » catch Rail, • first base Morefield,'* second base W. H. Nelson,* " third base Cgmfltfpgfe, ' short stop Knight, * . right; fiel«4i Smith, ' center fiehf Jones Morefield, .left Held. *' Home Team. Stewart, Pitch apd right field. Pegrara * » Catch. Williams • First base. Matt Brown • ' Sfcond base. Will-George ' ' Third base. Gray Brown«f»n • HUgurt stop. Sutton ' Pitch and left field. Hampton • Will Wheeler" Cantef " At this writing Mr. Roy Fair is still vefp-lp*' with pneumouia. Administrator'frjfotloe. Having duly qualified as admin istrator of Solomon G. Crammer, deceased,'notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to said estate to come forward and make imme diate settlement yf the same and all person* holding claims against said estate Vill preftpnt them to me duly nutheqticated for pay ment on or before the 20th day • «f March, 1907, or Ala notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Germanton, N.C£, R.F. D.No. 1. This March 12, 190»5.. WALLACE H. WEBSTER, Adm'r of SolomonG.Cmnme.iy * deoeaaed. J. D. Humphreys, -atty.iot adm'r. THE ONLY HOPE FOR STOKES. Our Resources. Which Will Equal Those of Any County in the State. ". • Can Never Be Developed Without a Railroad. Walnut Cove, April 17. Editors Reporter : j As I see a good deal in your paper concerning an electric rail road through Stokes, I wish to say that if the people of Stokes get a chance they certainly should vote the tax of fifty thousand dollars. I don't mean that they should give that amount, but they should take it in stock in the road and let it belong, to thecounty. * The greatest trouble I see is that every man will want the road to come by. his door. I hope the .people will not divide on this mat ter as it would be one of the best .investments' the county could pos sibly make. istokes is just good a county as there is in the State if "it was developed, How were' the other oeunties of the State developed ? Simply by the people taking hold of opportunities. Let me advise every man to vote for anything that will advance the interest of the county. All pull together and in Sfcfew years we will have one of the'best counties in the State. We have the natural advantages—the best water power, good land, fine timber, good granite, mtyfj, iron in quantities, and tiw ft'nnat -mineral ..water to it tfill never be build ittTSnme will say it *6*t pay t! din to he.p build roads to saimebody else's property, but I think it will, as it will bring capi tal here and that is what we need to help yott pay your taxes, and develop your resources. Of course it may never be worth one oent to me, as I expect to leave here in a few days, but I may come back some time. If I never do I would like to see the people of old Stokes on the high road to prosperity. 1 have friends over the county tfiat feel near and dear to me. The only hope for our county is to build railroads of some kind. D. S. W. Rev. R. W. George, of Francis co, is attending Presbytery this week. Messrs. Walter W. George, t>f Francisoo Route 2, and Robert George, of Francisco, were here a short while today. Dr, and Mrs, J. Walter Neal, of Meadows, spent a short while in Dan bury today. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Hie Children's Favorite , •--CURBS--- - j Coughs, Colds, Croup and * Whooping Cough. This remedy la famous for It* cure* over a Urge Dart of the clvillaed world. It can always be depended uubn It contains no opium or other harmful drug and may bp given a# confidently to p baby aa to4o *4uU Prloe 80 ctki Mtrgre BUe, 60 eta. ; FQR SALE BY N A MARTINI ) NOTICE! '■ Having qualified as executors of Thoa. M. Baker, deoeased, late of Stokes County, N. C., this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned duly authenticated o*t or before the 30th day of- March, 1907, or thiß notice will be pleaded in bar of their reoovery. All in debted to said estate will 'please make immediate payment. This 16th day of March 190(5. ROBT. F. A. BAKER, THQS. J;. BAKER,", ' Erecutors of. Thus. I M. Baker. . . * P. Q,jQermin>toii t GERMANTON ROTTE 1. Germanton, Route 1, April 10. Our school closed last Friday at Hawpoj>d with a fine, old timy ex position. Everybody seemed to be jolly and I am sure that every body enjoyed the entertainment. We had 52 pieces on program and the marching was just as good as it could be. All the scholars were made sad when their school closed and they had to part with their dear teacher, Mr. Blevins, of Ashe county. He is as good a teacher as anyone needs. We all hope to have him to teach our school ugain next winter. Mr. and Mrs. W. Y. Gordon visited Mr. and Mrs. R. R, Boyles last Sunday. Miss Com Boyles visited her THIS SI 3 ACE IS RESERVED FOR Myers, Westbrook Co. Successors to D. D. SCHOUILER. WINSTON, N. C. ■hnmmmmihiiiuiui i ■: "j 'jwan——w Look l or The Big Ax! We Cut Long Prices To Short Ones I We have just received a bitr lot of SPUING- SUITS. Wc will dress you up in a handsome | V NEW SPRUNG SUIT for Less floney Ihaa Any Otto House In fie (fly. If you don't believe it JUST AX US. Don't miss the place. Look for the BIG AX. Corner Main and Third Streets. East side of Court House. Look For the Big Ax ! CHAS. M. PHELPS & WINSTON-SALEM, N. V. —fTwuniim am Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic ™" has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales over One and a Half Million ,bottles. Does this record of merit appeal to you? No Cure, No E 'ay.' iiOc, Enclosed with every bottle Is a Ten Cent, package of Grove's Black Root. Uvw I brothers at Winston last week. She reports a nice time. We are having a fine Sunday Sohool at Union Hill. SCAT. 1 A LUCKY POSTMISTRESS is Mrs. Alexander, of Cary, Me., who has found Dr. King's New Life Pills to be the best remedy she ever tried for keeping the Stomach, Liver and Bowels in per fect order. You'll agree with her if you try these painless purifiers that infuse new life. Guaranteed by all druggist, Price 25c. UA| I IQTFR'Q ftosky Mountain Tea Nuggeta A Busy Medicine (or Busy People. Brines Golden Health and Renewed Vigor. A sricclflc for Constipation, Inrtltfcstlon, Liver nnd Kiitney troubles. Pimples. Eczemu, Impure HUkxl, llud Drouth. Slunrlsh Dowels, Headueho ami Dackaclic. Its Hocliy Mountain Tea in tab let form, 35 cents k)h>x. Genuine mailo by Uollister Dkuq Company, Madison, Wis. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE For the | Children p mmtßßttJssieiamari. KK ■ To succeed these days you j. must have plenty of grit, cour- |; age, strength. How is it with the children? Are they thin, i pale,delicate? Do rot forget ■ Ayer's Sarsapariila. You - know it makes the blood pure [j and rich, and builds up the general health in every way. jj The children cnntiot possibly have good f J health unless the bowols'iiro in proper condl- I tton. A-sluggish liver gives u coated tongue. U bad breath, constipated bowel*. Correct nil r these bv giving small lax.itiv* dosos of Ayer's , Pilla. All vegetable, suy.ar coated. A Madoby J.C. Aye* Co., Lowell, Masj, Also mauuftsturere of /■JL > mm vigor. liners ss&LuJ -."wuvvn- i rxrOKKT