' II ■ '■ _■ ■■ . ■ 1 I ill I■' . I OUR; J Clothing Talks! ■ ■■■■■■HErosißap*3Raa*eßaenesßM*ewM**^**HH**ei*e*H*eeei f * ® ,e exc dlence of our clo- I l«J thing speaks for itself. This I picture shows the sort of suit stf a^out which you're asked, ' r "Who made it for you V jjjy .reF" M/' ' ■ Wu regard it as ono of the snappiest of the ■ Copyright 1906 by Hirt Schaffher is! Mar* § J EVERY LINE, THREAD AND STITCH ■ in the Clothes we sell tells a story of exellenoe of quality, of extrocm goodness. You'll get I something out of the ordinary rut if you buy here." m We're yours to ooramand whert to look. I N. L. Cranford & Co. I Clothiers, Maters and Haberdashers, I WINHTON-BALBIM, N. C. J John A. Burton V Walnut Cove, N. C. Ifc . \ Headquarters for the Stokes County peo ple who want the best goods at the lowest prices. Keeps always on hand afl kinds of farmers' sup plies — Dry Goods, Shoes, Groceries of all kinds, farming tools, and Guanos. At Winston Prices. ™gBEEBBEH3E2B2EZZ2B^ I LADIES: | 1 have just received a big lot of nice- Trimmed Hats, eCu 51 prices from 50 cents to $3.00. Come and look at my line K5 I before buying. I can save you money on latest style hats. feUfl Gentlemen 1 Come and let me sell yon a nice suit of Clothes. I can n save you money. I have a new stock of Boys' and Men's jOi j J. R. LACKEY | HI Rella, N. C. gg APRIL 25th, 27th, 1906 CONFEDERATE VETERANS' REUNION,.NEW OR LEANS, LA., For the above occasion the Southern Railway will sell tickets to New Orleans, La., and return at rates named below: Goldsboro, $20.00 Greensboro, 19.40 Selma, 19.55 Winston-Salem, 17.20 Raleigh, 18.60 Salisbury, 16.45 Durham, 18.50 Hickory, 15.75 Charlotte, 15.55 Approximately low rates from other points. Tickets on sale April 22nd, 23rd and 24th, with final limit April 30th. The origi nal purchaser may secure exten sion of final limit until May 21st by personally depositing ticket with Joseph Richardson, Special Agent, Theatre Arcade, New Or loans, La., not earlier than April 26th nor later than April 30th, and and paying fee of fifty cents. General J. S. Carr has selected the Southern Railway via Atlanta, j Montgomery and Mobile as the official route for his "Annual Con- \ Veterans' Special," whioh will consist of first class day coaches, and Standard Pullman j Cars to be handled through to New Orleans without change. This special train will leave | Raleigh, N. C., at 3:30 P. M., MOD- j day, April 23rd, and will reach New Orleans about 8:30 P. M.,! | Tuesday, April 24th. Any one may use this special train. Berth rate from Raleigh and Durham fy>.oo, Greensboro $3.50, Salisbury and Charlotte $5.00. Two persons may occupy a berth without ad- j ditional cost. Excellent service on regular trains in each Ask your Agent for ratesJf* Seeds! Seetf I have a splendid assortment oA Clover seed., Orchard seed, Timothy seed, Kcntwi blue grass seed b All kinds of garden seed, Lit Bean seed, Hickory king corn, six weeks corn, weeks beans, Valentine seed beans. Then con \ Hardware to furnish the people a way to kinds Hoes, RaAres. Plow Gears of all the kinds. r IV the cook stove, furniture of almo*\ every kind. Then the rugs, a tiful line of carpet, matting, floor I oil cloth, pants, clothing and then \ this spring goods. •; \ Yours Most Truly, 1 Tesh, Mayodanj f TWiBJlKft a Cold in One Day 11 I Take Laxative Advertise Y o j Merchants and business (toper a splendid advertising medium '* . ' .V.l Try it.' . I ■ your station. For farther information and I Pullman reservations write R. L. VERNON, Traveling Passenger Agent, Charlotte, N. C. MIZPAH ROUTE 1. Mizpah Koute 1, April 9. People around this section are getting along very well with their plowing. There was prayer meeting at Friendship last Sunday night, » Mr. and Mrs. J. B.Green visited Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Holland Sun day. The Hilltop and Meadows Base Ball Teams played a match game last-Saturday. The ec jre was 9 to 30 in favor of Hilltop. RICE BIRD. IS THE MOON INHBITED. Science has proven that the mooon has an atmosthere, which makes life in some form .possible on that satellite; but not for hu man beings, who have a hard enough time on this earth of ours; especiall those who don't know that Electric Bitters cure Head ache, Biliousness, Maraia, Chills and Fever, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Dizziness, Torpid Liver, Kidney oomplaints, General Debility and Female weakness. Unequalled as a general Tonic and Appetizer for weak persons and especially for the aged. It induces sound slejp. Eully guaranteed by all Druggist. Prioe only 50c. Overseers of publio roads in this section are making sOme needed repairs all along the public highways, but not any of them have done enough to merrit the praise given Mr Chas. Bowles for the good work he did on the roact leading from this place to Daq, river bridge. It is nuw iu order for the citizens of Walnut Cove to drain the frog pond in the northern section of town. Chattel mortgages, 1 dozen by to any address 10 cents Re- —— - a_ - I^l ...THE.'.. ' "'W I BLUE FRONT* f I STORE, WALNUT COVE, N C. ; ' - ;\ feA * K w I don't claim to have the store oil earth, but the CHEAPEST, J. WILL EAST, WALNUT COVE. * "» ■+3gmm / A Per Cent. Interest \ # Paid On Savings. M '"Experience teaches that it is the man and the woman % who pay attention to small savings, who become wealthy, " By saving nickles and dimes, a thrifty person lays the & foundation of a fortune." Piedmont > > Savings Ban k Ji Welcomes Savings Accounts^ >P. W. CRUTCHFteLD. Cashier. \