A Week's Record of County Events MUCH SICKNESS AT DILLARD. Miss Katie Mitchell Worse. Mrs. John Yates. Sr. and Mr. John P. Dunlap Critically 111. Dillard, Muy 8. Special to the Reporrer: Measles is raging around here. The families of J. M. Mabe, Mrs. Laura Mortou and others are con fined at present and more aro ex pected of any time. Mr. Jno. P. Dunlap is seriously ill. Little hopes is beitig enter tained for his recovery. Mrs. John Yates, Sr., is repor ted as being critically' ill. Her disease was not learned. Miss Katie Mitchell, who has been in feeble health for a year, is much worse than usual. It is feared that her disease will prove serious. Mr. Abe Smith and family visi ted Mr. and Mrs. J. W, Mitchell Saturday and Sunday. The Vocal Music Club met here Saturday in regular order with Prof. A. J. Essex as manager. There was no preaching at Be thesda last Sunday on account of the pastor being called off to help in a revival at another place. Mrs. Jno. Adkins, of Red Shoal, visited relatives here yesterday. There were lots of drummers ih town last week. Among those we notice were Dave Hodgins, of Greensboro; Archer Caudle, W. T. Fletcher, Mr. Madison, Mr. Ryse, G. G. Tucker and Mr. Star, of Winston; and Mr. Moore, of Roanoke. There was a light frost here last night. Some of the farmers have planted some tobacco and it got bit. Don't think it hurt vegeta bles very much. Mr. J. G. H. Mitchell is yet on the sick list Hope he will soon recover. * Change of Firm. The business formerly run at Dellar by Lawson & Co., will in the future be conducted by J. A. Lawson. 2w • FORUNATE MISSOUKIANS. "When I was a druggist, at Livonia, M 0,," writos T. J. Dwyer, now of Grraysville, Mo., "three of ray customers were permautly cured of consumption by Dr. King's New Discovery, and are well and strong today. One was trying to sell his property and move to Arizona, but after using New Discovery a short time, he found it unncessary to do so. I regard Dr. King'a New Discovery as the most wonderful medicine in existence." Surest Cough and Cold cure and Throat and Lung healer. Guaranteed by all Druggist. 50c and SI.OO. Trial bottle free. FOR BOTH One disease of thinness in children is scrofula; in rnlults, consumption. Both have poor blood; both need more fat. These diseases thrive on lean ness. Fat is the best means of overcoming them; cod liver oil makes the best and healthiest fat and SCOTT'S EMULSION is the easiest and most effective « form of cod liver oil. Here's a natural orler of things that shows why Scott's Emulsion is of so much value in all cases of scrofula and consumption. More fat, more weight, more nourish ment, that's why. Send for free sample. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists •109 415 Pear! Street, New York 50c. and SI.OO it :i 11 tt AII druggists jTHE GRAND DEBATE AT OAK GROVE. Mr. Editor : Will yon allow mo a small space in your valuable sheet to say a few words concerning the debate at Oak Grove, May sth, 1900. On acount of a lengthy program the debate was ruled out till a very late hour Saturday night. The , Society met in regular order by calling the house to order with the | grandest of music and did pro- I ceed to business. Tho grand ques tion was most ably argued by the best talented gentlemen of the community. The question was as follows: Resolved That Woman Suffage be Allowed. The noble speakers of the affirmative were W. W. Edwards, Reid Johnson, L. W. Ferguson, D. F. Tillotson, On Negative G. W. Smith, W. S. Smith, J. C. Tillotson, J. A. Boyles. Both sides were well rep resented. and able speeches were i delivered by all. The gentlemen | of Society drew 12 judges to weigh and give decision according to proof set forth. There were an : intelligent audience, house being packed full with the refined ladies which their presence wore appreci | ated by all. Both, speakers and I judges, after the subject being most ably argued and serving re freshments the judges with Sheriff took the question for weighing evidence and to decide according | ly, which they did in the ablest | manner, returning with the decis j ion, 9in favor of Negative, 3 in favor of Affirmative. It was very hard and difficult to decide, but close observation did decide as above stated. Even the refined ladies decided accordingly. It has | been said by the best man of the ! community that the debate above named was the best the country could afford for they had some oratorial speeches. The school closed at Oak Grove but the debating society still stands at the zenith and the elo quent speakers now make every debate a public one. CAPT. RAPAEL. GERMANTON •ROUTE ONE. Germanton Route 1, April 30.'— Mr. Gaston Tuttle has had the misfortune to lose his young mule. He has bought him anoth er one, and it is so old it cannot hear it thunder. Mr. John Boles has purchased half of Mr. Wagouer's saw mill and is boarding at Mr. Gaston Tuttle's. He is keeping a board ing house. Doss Abott and family have moved in his kitchen and he took his smoke house fora kitchen. Mr. Ben Rutledge and girl took a trip to the mountain Sunday. Guess they had a fine time. JACK SNAPPER. An Invalid's Chair that Would Suit Mrs. Carrofl. Dear Sir: Mrs. L. C. Webster lias an "in valid's chair that would suit Mrs. Carroll, whose letter appeared iu last week's Reporter. The cost of said chair was $29.00 wholesale. Same hns not been damaged in any way, infact is just as good as new, and can be bought for $20.00. Start a purse through your paper asking for contributions. I will bead the list with one dollar. The chair is rubber tired, high grade corduroy upholstering, and is a fine looking as well as a servicable article. Respectfully, JNO. G. FULTON. A MOUNTAIN OF.GOLD could not hrirg as much happiness to Mrs. Lucia Wilke, of Caroline, Wis., as did one 25c box of Buck len's Arnica Salve, when it com pletely cured a running sore on her leg, which had tortured her 23 |ong years. Greatest antisep tic healer of Piles, Wounds and Sores. 25c at all drug stores. I : The Bank Examiner and Vice-Presi dent Byerly Visit the Bank Of Stokes County—Pres. J. H. Prather and Family Coming. 0 State Bank Examiner Haywood and Mr. W. J. Byerly, Cashier of the Bank of Mt. Airy and Vioe- President of Bank of Stokes County, were here last week and this examining the Danbury and Walnut Cove banks. Everything was found to balance up properly and the books of the two banks in excellent con dition. So careful of the interests of the depositors are the laws of North Carolina, that every bank ! must submit sworn reports of its accounts to the State Corporation I Commission five times a year, while the bank examiner makes ' I personal visits once or twico a year and checks up every trans action. The Bank Examiner expressed himself us pleased with the con- dition of the two Stokes banks, ) while Vice-President Byerly was j more than encouraged at the steady growth of the two institu r tions and the loyalty of our peo- pie in patronizing them. President Jesse H. Prather is 1 expected down in a few days. Mr. Prather and family will sojourn ' two months in a cottage at Pied- P mont Springs this summer, and a large portion of the time will be spent at the Danbury bank, where ho hopes to meet and see more of our people, and renew many ac quaintances and friendships of years ago. Mr. Prather was for t several years a resident of Dan- bury. 1 MOUNTAIN VIEW. Mountain View, May 7.—The } Sunday School here has been moved from tTie church to the ; academy. Tobacco plants are looking fine s in this section. Some have them I large enough to plant. M. V. I. and Oak Grove baseball , teams crossed bats Saturday. The score stood 55 to 15 in favor of Oak Grove. Cheer up, boys, and try to beat them next time. - Mr. and Mrs. Cicero Boles visi ted Germanton Saturday, return ing Sunday. There will be speaking at M. V. ' Institute Thursday night by Mr. G. O. Key, of Pilot Mt. Whooping cough is thick as hops in this section. AH of the ' family of Mr. W. W. Ferguson ', have it. TWO CHUMS. KING. ; j , King May 10. Everything is looking fine after such a nice rain. Mrs. C. D. Slate and Mrs. S. jW. Pulliam attended the com* j mencement at Pilot Mountain last week. Miss Sadie Walker has been visiting Mr. C. F. White's for the past week. ' | Mrs. Nannie Loyd has been J renl bad with rheumatism, but is' improving now. Those who attended the exhi- 1 1 bitiou at Oak Grove from around s here were Messrs. Ernest Caudle, 1 ' Baxter Graba, Mpniel Garner. J 1 Misses Flora Spainhower, Annie Love and Miss Bessie Campbell. ! Mr. Willie Keiger is looking : sad as Mr. Ernest Caudle has cut 1 him out. TAR HEEL. CAPELLA. Capella, May 7/ —Atlases Wil meta and Bessie Bennett, Mrs. J IJattie Bennett, Mr. Allen Bennett , and Misses .Jennie Tedder and - Nannie are all very low with meas les. Hope they will soon be out. ' The Sunday school at Union Hill was very poorly attended | yesterday on account of measles. T. B. I NANNIE HOLT DIES OF PARALYSIS Items and Personals From Madison Route 4. Madison Route 4. May 7 —Mrs. J. M. Venable, who has been right sick, is no better at this writing, we are sorry to note. Rev. Bud Joyce preached at Dan Valley church near Mayodan Sunday. Nannie, the young daughter of Mr. Thos. Holt died at her home last Monday, after suffering several weeks with paralysis. She was buried near the old Roseboro place, where her mother was buried about two years ago. Mr. Calvin Joyce's family is having n pretty tough time with measles. All of the family has them except Mr. Joyce himself. Farmers are about through breaking corn land in this section. Some few are done planting whilo others say it is time enough. Miss Sue Dillion, who has long been suffering with consumption, and not expected to live, is grad ually dying away, we are sorry to note. Hope she will improve soon. Mr. Berkley from Mayo lan will preach at Knowlhurst Chapel the fourth Sunday in May at 3 P. M. Rev. C. W. Glidewell filled his regular appointment at Cross Roads Grove Sunday. The crowd was very largo. His text was The Trial of Jesus Before King Pilate. Mr. Steven Gibson, mail carrier on Madison Route 3, has left this country. Mr. E. S. Martin is fill ing his place until another carrier can be secured. A majority of the people in this section are in favor of having macadamized roads. We think every good man will vote for it. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Newman visited Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Mitch ell Sunday. Several dogs have run uiad in this section. Most of them are being killed. Mr. R. P. McAnally has the finest cabbage patch we have ever seen. They are beginning to head. LITTLE BANTAM. FULP. Fulp, May 5. —Crops are look ing fine in this community, con sidering the weather. Think the people are all done planting corn around here. We people down in this part of the country feel very lonesome to day, as most everybody has gone fishing up on Dan river. We are very sorry to state that we received the sad news of Mrs. Linzie Fulp's illness. She is the wife of Mr. Linzie Fulp, of Phila delphia. Hope she will be on the well list when the next news reaches us. We are glad to learn that Mrs. D. C. Taylor has gotten most well, who has been sick a couple of weeks. Miss Hester Morefield is visit ing her sister at Fulp this week. Look around, Miss Morefield, and see if you can't see a boy that you think you would like to claim as a beau. We think there is one that she likes very well. Very few market wagons passing now. Guess there but very few people who have tobacco. WHIPPERWILL. Administraim's .Yoticc. Having duly qualified as admin-1 istrator of Solomon G. Crammer,' deceased, notice is hereby given to i all persons indebted to said estate 1 . to come forward and make initne- 1 diate settlement of the same and all persons holding claims ogainst * said estate will present them to me duly authenticated for pay-j roent on or before the 20ih day of > March, 1907. or this notice will Ik* I pleaded iu bar 'if Iheir m > very. | Germanton, N.C.. R F. I). No. 1. This March 12. l'.KXi. WALLACE H. VVERSTER. ! Adm'r of Solomon t. Crammer. • l«« eased, j J. I). Humphreys, ally, for ad'ti'r.' WALNUT COVE ROUTE 3. Walnut Cove Route 3. Farmers of this section aro busy preparing for another large crop of tobacco. Mrs. Pen Overby has been on the sick list for some time. W. A. Lewis spent a short while with his brother Sunday. Messrs. Georgia Lewis and Jno. Flynt called on Miss Alice Mabe Sunday. PET. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR Itching, Blind, Bleeding, Protrud ing Piles. Druggists are author ized to refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure in fi to 14 days. 50c. I~ I reople^ , COITIMNI If you have n horse, cow. tnu-t 1 of Iniid. jjooclx. merchandise or I anything else thnt you want to I nell or rent, or If there in any- ■ thing under the nun that you ■ wlnli to buy—just put an ad in I thin column. It will do tlie « work for you. Each 7 words jd will cont yon only 5 cents for 1 H week. If you want the ad run U longer than 1 week, each 7 ■ words will cost you only 2%c. H after the first week. mULMMBiIW ill I'l'llllllß l'»aj LOST! GOLD WATCH WITH FOB. Fob is two gold coins, name E. H. Starr on same between Walnut Cove and Danbury. Reward if left with J. Spot Taylor or Geo. Neal. G. G. TUCKER. R. C. Sheppard is the only agent for fertilizer at. Stuart, Va., that didn't join The Stuart, Va. Fertilizer Trust to advance prices on fertilizer. We think all the good farmers, both of Stokes and Patrick counties should patronize aim. He will sell you 8-2-2 special tobacco fertilizer for $1.90 per bag and all other grades as low in pro portion. Give him a call, IIH will save you money. $25.00 Reward. I will give 25.00 reward for in formation that will lead to the con viction of the party or parties who set out fire on Flatshoal mountain during the month of April; and for each additional conviction I will pay SIO.OO. JOHN M. TAYLOR, Winston, N. C. NOTICE! Having qualified aB executors of Thos. M. Baker, deceased, late of Stokes Couuty, N. C., this is to notify all persons having olaipaft against the estate of said deceaijflH to exhibit them to the undersigijpji duly authenticated on or before the 30th day of March, 1907, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 16th day of March 190(5. ROBT. F. A. BAKER, THOS. F. BAKER. Executors of Thos. M. Baker. P. O. Germanton, N. C. Route 1. Petree & Petree, Attys. J KILLth, COUCH I AND CURE TH« LIINCB | * H Dr. King's ' New Discovery /CONSUMPTION PRIO FOR I OUGHS and 60c ft SI.OO \ Fro Trial. ! ■l—M— L • Surest and Quickest Cure for all t i THROAT and LUNQ TBOUB- f 1 LKS, or MONEY BACK. l For Rheumatism,/ X Neurrlgia, Crcup, Coughs, Colds, Sprains, Burial $ etc. There is no Remedy so good as ♦ GOOSE GREASE LINIHjgH j A trial will convince yon. P-ice 25 cents. * Mai'iifactured only by jfl| I GOOSE CREASE LINIMENT CO., 'jk| ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ FARMERS KEET SATURDAY. Big Crowd Expected Here to Join the Association. The Fanners Protective Asso ciation for Datibury township will meet in the court house here next Saturday, and a is ex pected to be here, and many new members will doubtless l>e added. Those who linve not paid in J heir (lues are also expected to comti ; and pay up. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy The Children'a Favorite -■-CURBS Coughs, Colds, Group and Whooping Cotfgh. Thin remedy x famous for it* oqtm ortr imrt of the civil lied world. It eaa always bo depended upon It contains no opium or other harmful drug and may ba Kiveo ax confidently to a baby aa to an ad ait Prico 26 eta; Largre Bi*e, 60 ota. FOR .SALE BY N A MARTIN ,1 NOTICE! FINE JACK We will stand Jack at the follow ing times and places, one half the time at Slate's and one half at Tilley's, ns follows: At Slnten, from May 5 until! May lit. At THl.w'h " " 111 '• '« iHi. At Slate'* " " 2fl " June 2. At Tilley's " June 2 " " !l At Slate's " jV 9 '• •' 18, At TilleyV " " Hi " 23, At Slate's " " 2:1 " *• :so u Jack's weight, 875 pounds, 14J 1 hands high, bred in Kentucky. ' Terms, $5.00 to insure colt to stand and suck. Disposing of mare or removing from county forfeits insurance and money be comes due at on6e. All mares will be bred to the above jack sub ject to to the statutory lien only, by which colt is held for service fee until paid. Due diligence will be exercised to prevent accident. But in case of accident we will not be responsi ble. Last year average 95 per cent; average year before 85 per Garment** |f. h. wollsciilager Winston, N". C. I ■ I Latest Styles. Per (jl u«irati(tecd. Having Hi If* day duly qualified »s admlnS"; tor of tlie estate of Ambrose Mabe, hereby notlfy all persons having claims the said eMate t> present them to me tliciittcatod for payment on or before thfl| day of Maie.li, 11KJ7, or Mils notice will be In bar of their recovery. And all saM evtnte will make Immediate ptynu'iiSSj This the 26th day of March, 190 C Adm'rof Ambrose IMabe,^,*.^

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