fpita id Undertakers Supplies. You Can Buv 60 3 0 FUR NIT ORE Cheap at Our Store. Mx strong chair# fur A nice nickel' at from 90c io$."».00. I lest dining "liaiis $4 7"> to S7.M) |H*r Hot. Children's elialrs, plain eating or rocke -, 45c to 00-caris to suit \our purse. Nice beds, double and single, S'J.SO to $l». I) leasers $5 50 u> sl2 Ou. Wash Htands $:Jlo SB. Three piece l*d loom anils $12.50 to $35.00. Nicer ones if you need tliein. We keep tilee wardrobes, chlH'oniei3, Mde boaros, maltrcssen, lied springs, kilciiin sales, euplioiuds, baby cribs, hall racks, tenter table#, dining tables, tirooms lamps, rngs, matting, window shades, disUes of every kind, trunks, ami in f>ict anything yi.u need in the furniture line we can show it to you and • name a prie • that means a trade. Call ou ns. If foil don't Hud anyone in the store call at Jacob Fulton'* store, lie will have you waited ou pioiuptl". Yours for Business, JOHN G. FULTON & COMPANY. Successors to D. S. Watkins, WALNUT COVE, - - • N. C. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ | TO TUB MERCHANTS : | f! $2 for $1 ? | L| If so, send me your order for the Best Soft Drinks ~ j §N& On Market. I carry all flavors and guarantee each $ arid every Bottle to give satisfaction. Lot me hear « you as the season is rolling by. 1 ✓ Please send me referrence with order. YOURS FOR BUSINESS, j Martinsville Bottling Works, % 333, Martinsville, Va. j \s A. JESSUP, Proprietor. j W Geyser gasoline Engines \ Simplicity ■ Durability - Strength ; -'tage of Operation ore the qualities of fitest Engines on \ the market. nm. pjjbrewed in a brewery up-to-date in and see how we brew Beer. The utmost cleanliness is enforced in all j Mail Orders Solicited. K'rite for Prices. fflfcfiWlNG COMPANY, ROANOKE, VA. l orders for job V; Reporter office. Briefs Adrift. This is Memorial Day. Wheat looks well. There is no complaint. Mr. J. D. Humphreys visited Greensboro Friday, Mr. F. A. Slate, of Kernersville, was among Danbury's visitors this week. Ex-Sheriffs R. P. Joyce and J. H. Fulton, of Walnut Cove, were in town Monday. A light frost Tuesday night did some damage here, biting potato plants, beans, etc. Sheriff Petree estimates that the failure of our court costs the oounty about S6OO extra. San Francisco has almost an epidemic of small pox since the earthquake and fire. Mr. Riley F. Fulk, of Yadkin, was here shaking hands with bis scores of friends this week. The property of the late John D. Wall, who died at Winston recently, is valued at S4O,OCX). There will be preaching at the Methodist church Sunday night by the pastor, Itev. W. T. Albright. Mr. Dixie Nunn, a popular young man of Quaker Gap town ship, was here Wednesday. Mr, N. Ray Martin, who has been attending school at Whitsett Institute, returned to his home here Friday. Maj. W. S. Ray is spoken of as a successor to the late David Poin dextor on the Pension Board. Maj. Ray would make a good one. Several boys went seining in the Dan last week and caught 42 large suckers during one afternoon. Several other seining parties have recently been almost as suooessful. Mr. W. S. Ray, of Francisco, was here this week. Mr. Ray, who is a well known old Confed erate Veteran, was a resident of this section np to about a year ago. Mr. S, P. Christian of West field, waa among the crowd. He was the Democratic candidate for Sheriff two years ago and will probably make the run again. Tester's friends are legion. Cary Young, who feeds the Re porter's printing press, was pain fully hurt Wednesday by getting his knee caught in one of the wheels of the press and having the bone dislocated. There is considerable concern I among the farmers over the con dition of tobacco plants. Flies are said to bo eatiug them badly. The damage in some neighborhoods is serious. The cool weather is also hurting. MR. W. F. CONNOWAY, of Wal nut Cove Route 3, has a coin made 1731), making it 170 years old any one desiring to see the coin can do so by calling on Mr. Connoway. Will sell the coin. POSTMASTER ROBBED. G. W. Fouts, Postmaster at Riverton, la., nearly lost his life and was robbed of all comfort, ac cording to his letter, which says: "For 20 years I had chronio liver complaint, which led to such a se verl case of jaundice that even my finger nail turned yellow; when my doctor precribed Electric Bit teis; which cured me and have kept me well for eleven years." Sure cure for Biliousness, Neu ralgia, Weakness and all Stomach, Liver, Kidney and BMder de rangements. A wonderful Tonic. At all Drug stores, 60 oents, DON'T ABUSE YOUR STOMACH by drugging yourself to deaih with 'Mineral poivins when them Is Something Better. Have you IllieuiuatUm, Liver and Kidney Trouble, p*in iu the Back and Sides, are )ou constipated, liuve vou Indigestion, .Sick or Nervous Headache, Dizzy Spells, Heart Trouble and Weak Circulation ot the Blood? I)o not hesitate to TRY BUSS'NATIVE HERBS. They tenovale the entire System by ton ing up the Uver and Kidneys, relieving Constipation and purifying (he Ulood. 200 Days Treatment For SI.OO with a positive gu ran toe in each box from I The AlonwiO. Jills* Co, to reftind your money If not as represented. See that the trade-mark. "AH." is on every box and tablet. Kor sale by E. P. NEWSUM, King, N. 0. of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy The Children's Favorite —CURES— Coughs, Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough. This remedy 1* faniouft for It* caret orwr • large part of the clvilited world. It can always be depended unon. It contains no opium or other hnrmful drug and may be given as confidently to a baliy as to an adult Price 25 cts; Largre Size, 50 cte. FOR SALE BY N. A. MARTIN State of North Carolina, , „ Stoke* County, s '" t,ie Superior Court. G. M. Allen plaintiff,) vs. > Notice to non-resident W. C. Cook defend ant) defendant. It nppnanug to the court, upon ntliiiavit filed in tlie above entitled action, that VV. C. Cook, the defendant above named, is a non-resident of the State of iVortli Carolina and cannot, after due diligence, be found therein, and cannot be |iersonall) served j with process, and is a necessary party to this action, the saue being an action for the specific performance of » contract, to-wit; Thfo oxeeiitinu of a deed for a tract of land In Stokes county, in accord ance with bond for title executed by the defendant to the plaintilf on the 21st day of January,l9o3. It is therefore ordered by the Court that publication of notice be made for four suc cessive weeks in the Danburv .Reporter, a newspaper published in Panhiuy, 'Stokes county, N, C,, notifying the said W. C. Cook that an action as above entitled lias been begun In tlio Superior court of .Stokes county, N. C., against him, ami to appear at the next term of the Superior court to be held for the county of .Stokes at the court house ||) Pantry, oi( the tftli Mon day after the 3rd Monday In March 1000, and answer or demur to the complaint now on file in my olHce. And let the defendant take notice that if he fails to appear and answer or demur to the complaint during the tcfu\ of tha court aforeiald, the relief demand In the com plaint will be granted. 71ils the 17th day of March, l!)0(i. M. T. CHILTON, Clerk Superior Court. Petree & Petree, Attorneys for plaintiir. AT THE STOKE OF R. DAVIS, Winston, N. (J. • } You will now find the newest and nicest of all Arinds things for Christ mas, such as ladies ready made Suits and Ilats. Call and examine her stock. LAND SALE, By virtue of a decree of tin* Superior Court of Stokes county, made Incline of W. ('. Matte. Lueco Malic. John 11. Lawson and wife Minnie, Frank Ro hanon and wife Rosalie, against Cora E.'Sheltonforthe sale of land for partition among the heirs at law of Ambrose Ma tie, deceaned, I will sell at public auction for cash tit the court house door in |)i\nliury on Momla.v, the 4th day of .lujic liMMI at 1 o'clock p. m. a tract- of 14 l-10 acres of laiid on the watera of Seven Is land Creek, Peters Creek township. Stokes county, adjoining; the lands of It. I. Dalton and others and bounded as follows: Beginning at a Red Oak corner of lot No. 1 runs Eiist 15 chains passing a white oak corner to pointer. North 10 chains to a chestnut, WestNchntiifi to a stake In a bottom South 2 chains crossing a branch to a Mtuke, \Ve»t 4 chain* crossing u lVßmeh to a stake, North I chain to a pine. West J1 chain* to pointers. South !l chains to the lot No. 'J In the division of the land of B. C. Malte and assigned to Am brose Mabe oil Register Book No. 4(1 page 588 In the office of the Register of Deeds of Stokes county. This Is a good piece of land and well timbered. This the 16th day of April l'.HHi. GEORGE W. SMITH, Commissioner. W. W. King, Att'y. Ufli Ll«TPn'ct Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Buiy Medicine tor Busy People. ■rinc* Qohten Health (ltd Renewed Vigor. A tpeolflo for Constipation. Indigestion, TJver ■nil Kidney troubles, Pimple*. Ecxcma, Impure lilood. Bad Breath, Slurelßh Bowels, Headache and Backache, Its Rock, Mountotn Tea In tab let form. SS oents a bo*. Genuine mado by Hoixurrut Dhuo Company, Miuiison, Wis. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SAUQW PEOPLE ( New Clothing Store I 1 at MADISON, IN. C. J m TO BUY YOUR NEXT SUIT. We have just received a \ ■ big line. Prices to suit all. Suits from $2.50 to $25.00. ■ m . We also carry a nice line of Shoes, Hats and Shirts. In M M fact we carry everything that you will find in a first class fur- ■ jl nishing store for men and boys. ■ I YOUR FRIENDS, I L. J. LACKEY & Co.^ Brown's Warehouse , Always Leads in .flftte, ; High Prices The Winston Market sold the past four MM months 9,559,805 pounds for $801,264,71, li-'&i i averaging $8.30 per . hundred. Of this > ' amount, we sold 2.730,648 lba, for $232,318.- javeraging $8.51 per hundred pounds. Figures speak louder than words, so bring ' us your tobacco as fast as you oan prepare f" f° r market for our advice is to sell and M.,, get the highest market prices. Our sales the past four months were nearly double those of last year and we want to thank our jaP**wj customers for this increase in our business and say to all bring us your first load in January. John Simpson will get you the very top of the market for every pound of your tobacco. HI, CARTER J Mil. The Tobacco Sold At PItDHOIIT WARM. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. f Up to Christmas brought 19 cents ' per hundred more than the market average. In othor words every 1,000 pounds sold at Piedmont has brought one dollar and ninety cents more than the market average—nearly enough more to pay your warehouse charges. What do you think about it V Is $1.90 per load worth making ? Don't you think it pays to sell at Piedmont, the leading house in pounds and prices? We are glad to tell you that all grades of tobacco are selling well, es pecially the common ones. We believe that tobaccos up to 10c are bringing more money now than they did three years ago— "the high year." Bring us your next load and you shall have every dollar possible for it. Hoping to see you soon, we are, Your friends, • HI. W. NORFLEKT & CO. The BankOf| |Stokes Countyj V RESOURCES: $50,000 # V DAN BURY-WALNUT COVE, N. C. # Solicits the account of every person in Stokes County M f who handles money —merchants, farmers, business men, school teachers, men, women and children. Check ,M PROTECTION—We are chartered by the State to the M extent of SIO,OOO paid up capital, with $50,000 author- J ized; charter recorded in the office of the Clerk Superior M Court of Stokes County; we are insured against burglars in Hie sum of $20,000; we have fiieproof vaults and solid w J steel burglar-proof, time lock safes. Our cashiers are W 4 PER CENT—We pay 4 per cent interest on certifi- cates of deposit. Any sum taken. £ This bank is the depository of the public moneys of » #JESSE H. PRATHER, Pres. W. J. BYERLY, Vice Pre«. C C Cashiers : EUGENE PEPPER, R. R. ROGERS. W