More ill Undertakers Supplies. Vou Can Buy GOO 0 FURNITURE Cheap at Our Store. Si\ Wtrmiir chairx fur yi.l't. A nice rocker ul from 90c to s.">.lo. Uest dining chalis $4 V' m*7.50 per eet. Children'* chairs, plain eating or rocker, 45c to (io fcprts in ink >ottr purse. Nice lieds, double ami single, $-J,50 to $lO. Dinners $5 60 to *12.00. Wa»li stands to s*. Three piece ln»d room suits $12.50 to $35.00. Nicer ones if yo.i need tliem. We keep nice wardrobes, cbitl'oniers, fide boarnn, mattresses, bed springs, kllchin safe#, cnpboaids, baby cribs, hall racks, center table#, dining tables, brooms, lumps, rugs, matting, window shades, dishes of every kind, trunks, .and in fact anything you need in the furniture line we. can show it to you and name a pric that means a trade. (/'all on us. If you don't lind anyone in the store call at Jacob Fulton's store. He will have you waited on pioniptl". Yours for Business, JOHN G. FULTON Successors to D. S. Watkins,. WALNUT COVE, - - - N. C. . •• TO THE MERCHANTS s ♦ j $2 for $1 ? | i If so, sencl me your order for llie Best Soft Drinks On Market. I carry all flavors and guarantee each ♦ X and every Bottle to Ki ve satisfaction. Let mo liear ♦ J from you as the seftsun is rolling by. S ♦ Please send me roferrence with order. z x ♦ YOURS FOR BUSINESS, X x ♦ IVlartinsville Bottling Works, x | Box 222, Martinsville, Va. I x X X S. A. JESSUI 1 , Proprietor. ♦ i : Inm * ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Geyser Gasoline Engines Simplicity Durability Strength Ease of Operation These are the qualities ol* the If est Engines on the market* PRAH BROS.. AM, MAPJSON, N.C. "PILS E N E R Export" is brewed in a brewery up»tO"Jate in ■fjLja every respect by Experienced Brewers. We invite everybody to visit our Brew- er y ant ' see ow we brew Beer. The utmost cleanliness is enforced in all our departments. Mail Ortlers Solicited. V r rite for Prices. THE VIRGINIA BREWING COMPANY, ROANOKE, VA. I m 111 '■■■■■■"» —... ' Hend your ortlers for Job work to the Reporter office. AT WESTFIELD SUNDAY, JUNE 3. Sunday School Convention At Baptist Church Farmers Association Enrolls New Members. Westtield, May 14. —Mr. .Jesse Wall, of the Madison Grocery Co., was in town last week. Quite a number of our people attended divine services at Albion yesterday. There will be a Sunday School | convention at the Baptist Church \ the first Sunday in June. All are j invited to attend. Mr. Charles H. Powell, of Wins ton, was here Inst week. Dr. J, T. Smith filled his reg ular appointment at Indian Grove Saturday and Sunday. M. H. L. Newman, of Stuart, I Va., spent Thursday night in | town. The Farmers Association met Saturday. Several new members i were enrolled. Rev. G. O. Key, of Pilot Moun tain, was here Saturday. Mr. R. L. Haymore, of Mt. Airy, visited his nephew, Mr. Elliot Jessup, who is very sick, last week. Mrs. S. W. Cook, who has been very sick for several weeks, is no i better. Mr, J. H. Hill, who has been in Mt. Airy since Christmas, returned home last week. Mr. J. W. Tilley, of Mt. Airy, spent Sunday with his parents at this place. POSTMASTER ROBBED. j G. VV. Fouts, Postmaster at Riverton, la., nearly lost his life and was robbed of all comfort, ac cording to his letter, which says: "For 20 years I had chronic liver complaint, which led to such a se verl case of jaundice that even my finger nail turned yellow; when I my doctor precribed Electric Bit ters; which cured me and have kept me well for eleven years." Sure oure for Biliousness, Neu ralgin, Weakness and all Stomach, ' Liver, Kiduey and Bladder de rangements. A wonderful Tonic. At all Drug stores. 50 cents. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy The Children's Favorite —CURBS--- Coughs, Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough. This remedy 1B famona for It* cnrM OT«r • large uart of the civilised world. It can alwnyn be dopendod upon It contains no opium or other harmful drug and may b« given as confidently to a baby aa to\n adult VrIGP 26 cfe; l*rß|?p, tjQ pte- FOR SALE BY N A MARTIN DON'T ABUSE YOUR STOMACH by drugging yourself to deaili witli -itinera! puUnns wlien there is Something Hotter. Have you lllieiimaiism, Livei anil Kidney I Trouble, pain in the Hack and Sides, are jpii constipated, have you Indigestion, Sick 'or Nervous Headache, Dizzy Spells, Heart (Trouble Weak Circulation of the | illood;' I>o not licxlhitc to TRY BLISS' NATIVE HERBS. They icnovate the entire System by ton- I ing up the Uver and Kidneys, relieving ! Constipation and purifying the Blood. 200 Pays Treatment For SI.OO wllli a positive gu rantee In uaeh box from The Alonm) O. llllss Co. to refund your money If not as represented. See that the | trade-mark, "All." is on every box and | tablet. For sale by E, P. NEWSUM, King, N. C. Thompson's Drug Store, Winston, JV. C. The largest and most varied stock of pure Drugs in Wins:on-.Salem. I have had 30 years experience In fitting trusses and can advise , yi! 11l seleoting Oil*. Come And See Me. IV. 0. THOMPSON. of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy The Children's Favorite —CURES— Coughs, Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough. Thla rftmadjr in fnmoun for ltn cures orer aUrire i»art of the civlliz*..! worlil. It can •lwaya he (lopenilod upon. It contains no opium or other harmful dru* and may be given as confidently to H baby us to an adult Price 25 cts; Large Size, 60 eta. FOR SALE BY N. A. MARTIN, AT TIIE STORE OF R. DAVIS, Winston, \ T . (J. Yon will now fin J the newest and nicest of all Ainds things for Christ mas, such as ladies ready made Suits and Hats. Call and examine her stock. LAND SALE. B,v virtue of il (lccm-of t lieSupoHnr Court of Stokes county, mailt' incuse of W. C. Millie, Lueeo Malic, •lolm 11. Lawson iiixl wife Minnie, Kr»ink I!o --liiuion mill wife Rosalie, nuulnxf Cqv^vK. iSlu'Hin{'ir ttie sale of Iniulfor partition anionu'tlie heirs at law of Ainlii'ose Mailt*, deceasetl. I will sell Ht public auction for cash at the court house door in Danlinry on Monday, the 4th (lay of June I'.HMt at 1 o'clock p. in. a tract of 14 li-lOacres of land on the waters of Seven Is land Creek, I'eters Creek township. Stokes county, adjoining the hinds of It. I. Dalton ami others and lionnded as follows: BeK'inniiiK at a Ked Oak corner of lot No. 1 runs East 15 chains passing a white oak to po.iutei, .Vort li VI chain* t'm thi*tuut, WWschains tu ii uthkt in a bottom South i* chains crosshiK a branch to a stake. West 4 chains branch to a stake, North 1 chain to a pine. West !l chains to pointers. South !> chains to the licu'liiiiinu;. It beinu lot No. 2 til the division of the land of B. C. Mabe anil assigned to Am brose Malic on Hi'H'ister Hook No. In pajje SXS iu the office of the of Deeds of Stokescoillity. This Is a wood piece of inntl and well tiinl|ctH'tl fliis the l'ith day of April limii, tlKtmtii: W. SMITH. Commissioner. \V. W. Kln«, Att'y. aiuUUegreatestquantltlosof every Browing thing can readily bo pro duced.with the liberal uieot Virgluia ('urollna Fertilizers, together with careful cultivation. Tha materlulnof which they are wndiseuijiit'them to en; * iO H the lttud.'and the plants to come up rapidly and mora proline. Use Virginia-Carolina F.rtllli.rt on your fruits and fruit-treen }' of all kinds, corn, wheat and all truoks For, at harvest tlmo, you will havo the largest ■ (for these will "inereaso .vour yield per acre") and finest crops you ever raised in all your farm life. Don't buy the Inferior substitute that any ■ fertilizer agent may try tr> jw. suade you to put on Tour laud. VIR6INI«-CARQi.IN« CHEMICAL CO., Ul| RicUMaad, ¥»., lartolk, V'»., Ourkim, K. 0„ 14! CWlwuia, J. C., Baluaon, Md., Atlanta, SJBn KILLTHE COUCH AND cURE THE LUNCB * ,TH Dr. King's New Discovery rnn /CONSUMPTION fllH FOR I OUQHS and 50c * SI.OO Fr«e Trial. Surerit and Quickest Cure for all THBOAT and LUNG TROUB j LIS, or MONEY BACK. I Mew Clothing Store T J at MADISON, N. C 1 PS M TO BI \Ol R NEXT SUIT. We have just received a M ■ big line. Prices to suit all. Suits from $2.50 to $25.00. ■ E \V e also carry a nice line of Shoes, Hats and Shirts. In m ! U fact we carry everything that you will find in a first class fur- D nishing store for men and boys. H 1 YOUR FRIENDS, I L.J. LACKEY & CO.^ Brown's Warehouse | A,Wa » s Lcads in High Prices. • The Winston Market sold the past four to. an—Mig 1 """'tl's •,".9,805 pounds for $801,204,71, ' averaging $8.30 per hundred. Of this v j amount, we sold 2.780,648 lbs, for $232,318 11, averaging $8.51 per hundred pounds, aßag j! Figures speak louder than words, so bring " 8 y° ur t°bacco as fast as you can prepare , it for market for our advice is to sell and ■''■vwßk le market prices. Our sales the past four months were nearly doulile jt t' l ° Be of year and we want to thank our customers for this increase in our business and say to all bring us your first load in January. 1 John Simpson will get yon the very top of the market for every pound of your tobacco. m, aiira ? mi The Tobacco Sold At PIEDMOIII WIGEHOISE. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C., Up to Christmas brought 19 cents per hundred more than the market average. In other woids every 1,000 pounds sold at Piedmont has brought one dollar and ninety cents more than the market average —nearly enough more to pay your warehouse charges. What do you think about it ? Is $1.90 per load worth making ? Don t you think it pays to sell at Piedmont, the leading house in pounds and prices? \\ o are glad to tell you that all grades of tobacco are selling well, es pecially the common ones. We believe that tobaccos up to 10c are bringing mora money now than they did three years ago— "the high year." Bring us your next load and you shall havo every dullar possible for it. Hoping to see you soon, we are, Your friends, ™ M. W„ NORFLBKT » CO. The |Stokes County \ RESOURCES: $50,000 X \ DANBURY-WALNUT COVE, N. C. J Solicits the account of every person in Stokes County M M who handles money—merchants, farmers, business men, school teachers, men, women and children. Check M M books furnished free. PROTECTION—We are chartered by the State to the \ W extent of SIO,OOO paid up capital, with $50,000 author- J ized; charter recorded in the office of the Clerk Superior M M Court of Stokes County; we are insured against burglars % in the sum of $20,000; we have fireproof vaults and solid M M steel burglar-proof, time lock safes. Our • cashiers are bonded in the sum of $20,000. J f 4 PER CENT—We pay 4 per cent interest on certifU . ! cates of deposit. Any sum taken. M I This bank is the depository of the public moneys of » | M Stokes County. J JESSE H. PRATHER, Pres. W. J. BYERLY, Vice Pres. C \ Cashiers : EUGENE PEPPER, R. R. ROGERS. M