Briefs Adrift. Mr. J. D. Humphreys visited Dellar Monday. Mr. Rufus C. Mounoe, of Mead ows, was h visitor here today. Mr. M. T. Chilton attended ser vices at Davis Chapel Sunday. Winston's big hotel is expected to be completed in September. Mr. Jno. M. Taylor, of Winston, spent Monday night in Danbnry. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Davis and 'Mrs. 0. M. Jones Rpent the day •Monday at Walnut Cove. Misa Rachael Moore, of Smith, is visiting Miss Rachael .Hollings worth at Mount Airy. Miss Claudia Smith, of Fran cisco, spent several days in Mount Airy last week visiting relatives. Mr. R. F. Fulk, of Perch, was here yesterday enroute home from a trip in the northern part of the county. A Primitive Baptist Associa tion will be held at Sardis church near Madison, Saturday and Sun day, 18th and lUth. Register of Deeds Jones is send ing out the tax abstracts to the list takers this week, (iet ready to list your taxes. Almost every one had to replant their gardens this week on ac count of the frost. Vegetables will neccessarily come in late. Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Joyce, for merly of Danbnry, are entertain ing a tine boy at their home in Wheatland. Oklahoma. Ho ar rived last week. Mr. J. H. Robertson, who has just closed a successful school at Bombay, Randolph county, re turned to his home in Stokes this week. Mr. J. W. Baker tells the Re porter that he has a sow that has produced seven litters of pigs within 2 years, which were sold for SBS. Dr. W. A. Lash is visiting Capt Murphy and family at Walnul Cove. Dr. Lash's health, it is hoped, is improving, but he is yel quite feeble. Pastor W. T. Albright expecte to begin a series of revival meet ingg in the M. E. church here or Wednesday night, May 23rd. He will be assisted in the meeting bj Rev. W. L. Hutchins, of New London, N. C. Rev. W. T. Albright preached at Davis Chapel Sunday at 11 o'clock and at the M, 15. church here at night. Mr. Albright was iwvompanied by his family as fai Danbnry. They returned to theii borne at Btokesburg Monday, x Hockingb«ni county would have \com« Heaner voting $300,000 ir txJhds to «ua*daflii«e her roads il the election had beeu teld during the winter season. The roads an in fairly good order at this seasor of the year. ft snowed in Tennessee lasl week, just as Mr. John Will Bakei said it would snow in May. H( also predicted the frost which was general all over the county lasl week, biting leuder vegetables tc death ami aerioiudy injuring to bacco plants in some sections. Sunday, May wan Mr. John Henry Fagg'e 62nd birthday auc he had with him on that day al his children and grandchildren and all sat down to a good, old fashioned dinner, and the occasior ' was one of pure delight to all. The Reporter ratfived a lettei Tua&day from Yadkin township ir vwkicb tlue writer stated that e prominent citizen of that town ship had announced himself as f candidate for county Treasurer but as the real name of the writei did not accompany the letter, it ol course had to be assigned to the H'##te basket, Money to l#M U F»fmer». The Bank of Stokes County haf money to loan the farmers to make their crops on, on 3, 6, and 1 months time. Any amount fron $5.00 wp i« loaned, on reasonable term*. Farmers' Association Meets. The Farmers' Association for Danbury township met Saturday, ind a number of new members ivere enrolled. Some very enthu siastic talks were made by Mr. J. H. Fagg and others. The next meeting will be held jn the first Monday in June, at which time Prof. J. M. Sharp, of Intelligence, has been invited to jpeak for the Association. A big crowd from all over the county is expected, and many new members will doubtless join. Prof. Sharp is enthusiastic in the cause jf the farmers, and is a gifted orator. Ice Cream Party Monday Night. A very enjoyable ice-cream party was given in the Presby terian church annex Monday night by some of the young men compli mentary to the girls. Among those present were Misses Cora Young, Martha Smith, Fannie France, Mary Sheltou, Flora Hutchens, Mary Shough, Hattie Coleman, Mary Martin, Jessie and Blanche Pepper, Mary Joyce, Sadie Petree, and Messrs. Duncan, Petree, Joyce, Dr. W. V. McCanless, Pepper, Martin, Young and others. Bond litue Defeated In Rockingham. Rockinham county held an elec tion Saturday on the question of issuing WOO,OOO in bonds to ma cadamize the roads of the county'. The opposers of the bond issue proved to be in the majority and Rockingham will have to continuo to work her roads in the same old way. However, it is learned that the good roads advocates express determination to push the measure again as soon as the law will per mit. The majority against the bond issue was about 400. Big Interest; When you buy your fertilizer and pay 50 cents per bag more on time than it would cost you for cash, and get about ti months in which to pay it, do you know how much interest that is ? It is 50 per cent. No wonder the farmers are poor. If you would save this great tax, call on or write to either of the cashiers of the Rank of Stokes County, Danbury or Walnut Cove. Not the Right Man. Mr. D. C. Taylor, of Stokesburg, arrested a negro near his home last week, who was supposed to be Ed Davis, the murderer of Conductor Wiggins, of Salisbury. The negro has been held in jail at Winston since, but it turns out that he is not the right man, anil will be re leased. A reward of $550.00 is offered for Davis. HAS STOOD THE TEST 25 YEARS. The . old original GROVE'S •Tasteless Chill Tonic. You know what you are taking. It is iron and quinine in a tasteless form No cure, No pay. one Con in fliinei The season's first cold may be slight—may yield to early treatment, but f ,he next coI4 will hang on longer; it will be more troublesome, too, Un necessary to take chances on that second one. Scott's Emulsion is a preventive as well as a cure. Take WITS EPIIILSi when colds abound and you'll have no cold. Take it when the cold is contracted and it checks inflamma tion, heals the membranes of the throat and lungs and driven the cold out. Send for fwt smpif- SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists 409-413 Pearl Street, New Yerk SOc. *n4 Sl.oo • . AHdraetllta r 11. % TO JUMP THE BROOM SOON. A Certain Couple at Walnut Cove Making Preparation! Another Candidate Out For Treasur er—Personals. Walnut Cove, May 15. —A Mr. Yarbrough, an employe of the N. & W. Ry. received a very painful (though not a serious) wound yesterday morning while unload ing a trunk, the trunk falling on his head cutting a gash about 4 inches in length. Dr. A. G. Jones attended the woundod man. Mr. IJ. B. Middleton, while in town yesterday, received a message from relatives in Greensboro that Mrs. Calhoun was not expected to live. Mrs. Calhoun is the mother of Mrs. Middleton. Mrs. Sterling H. Gentry, of Richmond, Ya., is here visiting the family of Mrs. Ann Rierson. Mrs. J. VVyatt Fulton and chil dren visited Mrs. Fulton's broth ers, Messrs. W. 8., W. L. and W. 8. Vaughn, Saturday and Sunday. Say, ain't you a candidate for county Treasurer 1 ! 1 Chas. Sisk, of Hartman, is the last heard of in these diggings. More expected. You can go it quietly and talk but little still the people of Walnut Cove will find out the plans of the young people. There is a certain couple in this community that will jump the broom this sura* mer. Guess, Shall We Allow This State Of Affairs to Longer Exist. The Reporter is in favor of liberal game laws, but feels it its duty to call the attention of the authorities to the whosesale slaughtering of one of our choicest articles of food in Dan river these nights, and this by men who stand in high positions of trust and who should set a better ex ample. We refer to fish. At this rate the finny tribe is liable to be. come extinct. The government, which looks after our fisheries, ought to take a hand. Now only last night Sheriff Petree, Deputy Davis and Messrs Dodson and Fry, in all the panoply of war, armed with hideous three-pronged weapons, and with fierce torches a-cracklin' and a-splutterin', in vaded the lucid waters of the Dan at Davis' ford and harpooned (rocks and snags) up the stream nearly as far as George's mill, ,8 distance of 40 miles, more or less Nobody knows how many fish were killed, Of course, people living in the neighborhood of the Seven Island and Buck Island fords, say that as they passed along that region, the giggers had not yet found any game, but were mad and shivering, yet it is known for a certainty that there -vere al least one catfish and some ten oi twelve minnows infesting the waters of Mounce's bluff and these poor creatures are be lieved to have met a sad fate al the hands of the cruel men. Gentlemen, we must rise up and act. This thing must be stopped Pulliam-Gi. son. Mr. Luther K. Pulliam and Miss Bessie M- Gibson, both ol King R. F. D. Nb. 1, were married at the residence of Mr. F. M Eaton on the 13th inst. Elder P Oliver, of Dalton, 'performed the ceremony. The contracting par ties are both popular young peo pie and their many friends wisl them much happiness. Funerals to be Preached at Flatshoal The Reporter is requested t state that the funerals of Mr. anc M rs. L. H. Southern, deceased will be proached at Flat Shoa church on the first Sunday ir June by Elder Adkinson ant otjierg. Examination of Teachers. Supt. of schools J. T. Smith will conduct an examination ol public school teachers here or Friday and Saturday, May 25th and 2Bth. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Gales, ol Winston, are spending some time at Moore's Springs. THIS SPACE IS RESERVED EOR MET-11-MTOII (0. THE LEADERS IN FURNITUPE. Fifteen Candidates For Treasurer. There are now no less than 15 candidates for Republican Treas urer subject to the county con vention. as follows : • Dr. J. W. Slate. (xeo. W. Neal. J. J. Priddy, Jno. E. Tilley, J. Will East, 8. F. Slate, W. H. Slate, W. N. Houchins, B. A. Overby, Andrew J. Grann, 0. W. Sisk, J. Pell, A. F. Christian, W. V. Shelton, H. H. Reid, Some Tax Information. Sheriff Petree informs the Re porter that of the $.'52,000 of the 11105 Stokes county taxes, s2f>,ooo has been collected, leaving about Ijili.OOO yet uncollected, as follows > Danbury ♦■l7(l. HI) Meadow 475.41 Yadkin 855 22 Peter's Creek 805.80 Snow Creek 750.25 Beaver Island 587.37 Sauratown 5(81.(18 Quaker Gap 875.00 Sauratown special school, 241.28 JOHN D. HUMPHREYS, Attorney at Law, Danbury, - - • N. C Prompt attention to all business entrusted. Will practice in all State courts. North Carolina In the Suiierlor Court Stoke* County, lUMfoiv tl»e Clerk. .1. A, tllles. A. M. I v ii . fv ,i ~, ~ .Notlre cII Nille. (files ami of hers. | HX-PAKTK. i'y virtue of ail order of the Super ior Court of ntoken County, entitled ,1. A. (iiles. A. M. iilen and others, ex-parte, I will on let It day of June, at 1J o'clock M.,on tiie |iivn|ine«t in the town of IMnnaele. »t oktw County, N, C,, offer for wale at public- Htlt'iiuu to the highest bidder ♦or wi»di (lie following real estate, vUI A certain lot adjoining the lauds of Dr. .1. N. Mate. s. \V. Hall, the Southern Hallway'M right of way nnd others, and more particularly d esc rllied in a deed executed liy E. \Y. Culler and wife to Mrs. Nai\n|e (iiles, to which description ivjetviico Is hereby made; sftid Vit lieing owned by ,\lv«. -SnhUie Ullen at her death, contMUiim one-half aeiv more i>v less, faid sale lieinw made for partition amount' the tenants In coin- therein. This the 12th day of May. ISMHi. E. W. CCLLEH. t 'ommissioncr. HoLLi§T£R'a Rocky Mountain Tea Huggeis A luty Modtcme tor Busy Pwplo. Irlngl QoMsn Htilth ind Renewed Vlfor. A simolfto for Constipation. Indigestion, Liver ami lildney troubles. Pimples, Eczema, Impure Blood. Bad Breath, Sluirttish Bowel*. Heudaclio and Backache. Ita Kocky Mountain Tea In tab let form. 38 centa a box. Genuine made by UoLUSTEB Duuo COMPANY. MaitisoO. Wis. GOLDEN NU6SETS FOR SAUOW PEOPLE Farmers Warehouse Winston, N. C. We desire to thank our many friends and customers for their liberal trade given us in the past and extend to one and all a most ordial invitation to sell your tobacco with us this year. We assuro you that we will spare no expense, and by honest hard work will get you the outside dollar on every pile of your tobacco. 4 FIRST SALE DA YS • FOR MARCH : Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. days change on the first Monday in each month. Your Friends, A. B. GORRELL & SON. THE SANITARIUM CURES RHEUMATISM There Is no better time to treat your Rheumatism than now. There is no better place than the Uiersoii-Copple Sanitarium )ur perseatajt'c of Cures for tlie past two years has equalled if not excelled the celebrated Hot Springs, Ark., and at a cost not greater than your rcilroad tare alone, there and return. A few treatments now will rid the system of any implreties. and would perhaps lie the means of preventing serious sickness. If you suffer with any form of skin trouble, old Sores, Catarrh. Kidney disease. Indigestion, ituy other chronic disease. \V,i offer a treatment that Cures. DRS. RIERSON AND COPPLE, Physicians and Surgeons, 127 S. MAIN STREET. WINSTON-SALEM. N. C. E. W. O'HANLON N. C. LARGEST AND 11 EST CONDUCTED DRUG BUSINESS IN WEST ERA" N C. Mail Order De-1 lisle grin partincnt give 11 I •*! llf * special attention. : £*l s-grf* s- « Biis; Stock of drugs | K 3 » 3 £§ s Toilet Articles o'f! 5 every kind, garden ♦ 0 "l§l*grg" D § seeds and Flower t a £ s w seeds ♦ 2 U Most varied and! 3 |s:fo;| 3 g best selected line of 1 g" ®. ill 111 f fine Perfumes ever ♦ fj shown in Winston. IWf -a g*®*| VISIT ' O'HANION'S t o~ aIgS I| § w WHEN YOU COME TO \ ' ® " TO 1r N. G LAI) TO SER VE J ~g- 3 o 5 0 f YO UIN AN) WA Y. ♦ ® O'HANLON'S is THE PLACE

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