Briefs Adrift J Mr. Isaac Bullen is sick at tys j home near Danbury, Mr. Hardin Covington, of Mead ows, paid Danbury a call Tuesday. Dr. E. Fulp attended the State Medical Association at Charlotte. | Col. J. H. Stewart has recently caught some fine turtles in his fish trap in the Dan. Yesterday was Decoration Day nnd a legal holiday. The R. F. D. carriers were off duty. Master Carl Joyce, of Walnut Oove, is visiting his cousins, Wil-1 liam and Robert Joyce. A private letter from Mr, I. M. Gordon, of Winston, states that he expects to be among usfcon. The Danbury Union Sunday School pic-nic will be held at Piedmont Springs Friday, June 1. John Bray, of Mount Airy/ eloped with the wife of his brother Milt Bray, to parts unknown Sat urday. Miss Beulah Hardison, of Mocksville, has returned home after visiting the Misses Jones at Walnut Cove. Mr. Thos. B. Manuel and son Joseph, of Winston, formerly citizens of of Danbury, were in town yesterday. Mr. Hardin Covington, of Mead ows, was here yesterday. He told the Reporter that he had finished planting his tobacco crop. The Rural Hall Veneer Co. j closed its doors Monday and all hands assisted the farmers in the neighborhood to set out tobacco plants. Jess Doss was stabbed and killed by his brother Sam Doss at Ivan hoe, Va, Saturday night. Both were natives of Surry county, N. C. Misses Jessie Pepper and Mary Joyce and Mr. A. H. Joyce, Jr., attended the commencement exer cises at the State Normal College at Greensboro this week. Mr. D. H. King, a prominent oitizen of Winston, dropped dead in the Union passenger station at the Twin-City Sunday morning. He had just, purchased a ticket for Richmond. The series of meetings by Pastor W. T. Albright at the M. E. church are increasing in interest. Rev. W. L. Hutchins could not come to assist in the preaching on account of sickness. A large crowd will doubtless be at Danbnry Monday. The county commissioners will be in session, Mr. L. J. Young will list taxes ... Graves and Gravely will speak to the farmers. Mr. Cary L. Carroll, a Stokes boy, who holds a responsible po sition with the R. J. Reynolds To bacco Co., with headquarters at New Orleans, is spending a few days at Winston, and will probably visit his parents in Stokes" before returning to iiis work. The new Piedmont Warehouse at Winston is rapidly going up. It is a mammoth warehouse, the largest probably in the State. The Piedmont folks are occupying the Star Warehouse temporarily, where they will be glad to see their Stokes friends. See their ad else where. Major Ray Appointed, Major W. S. Ray has been ap pointed by tfie State Auditor a member of the Stokes County Pension Board to fill the vacancy created by the death of the late • David Poindexter, Rollins Resigns—RepuWi«an State j. Convention July 10. i§tate Chairman Rollins, of the Republican party, has resigned, and the executive committee elect | ed Mpencer B. Adams to suoceed ' him. The Republican State Con vention has been called to meet at ire«n»boro July )0. PINNACLE. Pinnacle, May 28.—We are bav- j ing some right cool weather again for this season. Mt.. Will Moser is very busy along now painting and repairing his house, and aho buying in furniture. Look out, Mr. Register. Guess be will give you a call soon. Mr. Will Taylor, of Mt. Airy, was down to see Miss Pearl Sunday. Guess the East Bend girl feels somewhat left. Mr. Charles and Miss Ida are still courting. We think they will soon jump the broom stick. Miss Flaud and Mrs. Herbert seem to have up quite a case. What do you think of that, Miss Grace? Mr. McCall intends going home Monday. We hate to see him leave very bad. Miss Annie will get her another beau now I guess. Mr. Robe Davis was heard sing ing in his sleep: , Any rags, Any bones, Any bottles today. Guess he must have been think, ing of the old rag man. SILLY GIRL. OANBURY ROUTE 1. Danbury Route 1, May 2i». The Muff Debating Society do ■ challenge the Buck Island Debat ing Society, with O. M. Bennett, President, Ogbnrn Nelson, Secrp. tary, for a public debate at Fagg | & Bennett's School House the 2nd 1 Saturday in June, to begin at 5 o'clock, p. m., or at any place they | may see tit and date. The question for discussion be ing which will a man risk himself i the fartherest for, money or wo-' men. The Muff Speakers are: H. H. Reid, President, W. M. Mabe, Secretary, Wesley Mabe, Arch Stevens, J. H. Mabe, J. J. Priddy. Let me hear from you through the Danbury Reporter, W. M. MABE. KING. King, May 28. —Everybody is getting right for the public debate jat Oak Grove Saturday June 2, i beginning at 1 o'alock P. M. And • after the debating exercises Slate i and Pinnacle will entertain the ! crowd cross batting on Slate ball | ground. On the night following, j June 2, 7:30 P. M. a big ice cream j supper at Capella. Everybody | must be sure and be present. If you don't you will always wish you had. Refreshments will be | served by Smith, Anderson & Co. | during the evening at Oak Grove : and also at Capella. ALL THE TIME. Farming On a Big Seal*. The tobacco plantation of Mr. |J. S. Taylor was a busy place i Monday and Tuesday. Ten drop pers were followed by ten stickers two days. Mr. N, A. Martin's farm was also alive with fifteen or twenty hands. COOK Stoves at A. S. Mitchell's in Walnut Oove from SB.OO to $20.00. Have You a Friend? Then tell him about Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Tell him how it cured your hard cough. Tell him why you always keep it in the house. Tell him to ask his doctor about It. Doc tors use a great deal of it for ihroat and lung troubles. had * terrible cold mid couch and wta i thrt*t*PFrt with piieumotitit 1 tried AyerM WtQNil %!»d It JWVf me quick and per I »■ nwppMPi A M»d« b» J. C At" P®-. >«M. yc AIM inftuu%«Vur«ra of I JU S*"SAPAMLL*. (ZTS mair'vkk*. hasten rt»*-overy. Gently laxative. STATE BOARD TREATS RABIES. At Meeting Saturday It Was De cided to Establish a State Pas teur Institute. At a meeting of the State Board of Health, held Saturday, it was decided to establish a Pasteur in stitute at the State capital for the treatment of rabies. The institute will be under the direction of the State Board of Health and it is understood that treatment will be given there to persons threatened with rabies free of charge. The announcement of the State Board of Health's decision will be be a matter of interest throughout the State. POSTMASTER ROBBED. G. W. Fouts, Postmaster at Riverton, la., nearly lost his life and was robbed of all comfort, ac cording to his letter, which says: "For 20 years I had chronic liver complaint, which led to such a se verl case of jaundice that even my finger nail turned yellow; when my doctor precribed Electric Bit. ters; whieh cured me and have kept me well for eleven years." Sure oure for Biliousness, Neu ralgia, Weakness and all Stomach, Liver, Kiduey and Bladder de rangements. A wonderful Tonic. At all Drug stores. 50 cents. NOTICE 1 The State of North Carolina. Stokes County. In the Superior 'uwvt Summons for Relief—Before t)u» Clerk J. s. I). Pulliam, S. W, PiUllttW, L. Pulliam, M. H, Newsom. ami her husband, T. F. Newsom, plaintiffs, j vs. Ora L. Fulp, Roy A. Fuipand their father Charles Fulp, B. Is. Fulton I and her husband, W. A. Fulton, the children of W. T. Pulliam, to-wit: J. F. Pulliam and the grand children of W. T. Pulliam, lecensel who are the children of his deceased son, Thomas Pulliam, to-wit: Pulliam ami I Pulliam, the last two named, who are the children of Thomas Pull ! lam, deceased, whose names are un known. The children of James F. Pulliam, to-wit: Louisa J. Pulliam, Miclnda P. Pulliam, Fannie W. Pull lain, John S. Pulliam, Jas. J. Pulliam ; anil Mary E. Pulliam. I The State of North Carolina, !To the Sheriff of StoKes County— Greeting: I You are commanded, to summon Ora IJ. Fulp. Roy A. Fuipand theirfa ther.Chas. Fulp, B. B. Fulton and her husband. W. A. Fulton, J. F. Pulliam. j child of W. T. Pulliam, Pulliam j and Pulliam, children ofThos. Pul liam, deceased, Louisa J, Pulliam, I.uclmla P. Pulliam, Fannie W Pulliam, Joiin S. Pulliam, Jas, J, Pulliam and | Mary E. Pulliam, children of James jF. Pulliam the defendants above named, if they be found within your I county, to apjiear at the office of the | Clerk .Suporior Court, for the county !of Stokes on the :t()tli day of June ; 1!H)(» and answer the complaint, a j copy of which will lie deposited in ; the office of the Clerk of the Superior j Court of said County within ten j days from the date of this summons, ! and let the defendants take notice I that if they fail to answer the said I complaint at that time, the plaintiffs will apply to the Court for the relief I demanded in the complaint. Hereof i fall not and of this summons make | due return. j (iiven under my hand, this lilthdav of May liXlii. M. T, CHILTON, C. S. C. Stokes County. | State of North Carolina Carolina Stokes County. In the .Superior Court. Before the ClerAr. Order. ■J. S. D. Pulliam, S. W. Pulliam, S. L, Pulliam, M. H. Newiom ami her huxband ! T. P. Newsom, plaintitli, vs. ; Ora L. Fulp, Koy A. Fulp, and their ! father, Charles Fulp, B. B. Fulton and her husband, W. A. Fulton, the children of W. IT. Pulliam, to-wit: J. F. Pulliam and ' the grand children of W. T. Pulliam, de i ceased, who are the children of his deceas ed son, Tlios. Pulliam, to-wit: j Pulliam, Pulliam, the last two j who are the children of Thos. Pulliam whose given names are unknown, the chil dren of James F. Pulliam, to-wit: Louisa ;J. Pulliam, Lurimla P. Pulliam, Fannie W. Pulliam, John S. Pulliam, Mary E. Pulliam, and Jas. J. Pulliam. In the above entitled cause it appearing to the court upon affidavit filed that B, IJ, Flllton and her husband, W. A, Fulton, the child of W. T. Pulliam, to-wit: J. F. Pulliam, and the grand children of W. T. Pulliam, to-wit: The children ofhis de ceased son, 'llios. Pulliam, to-wit: ; Pulliam and Pulliam whose given tomes are unknown are non-rusidents of the Stale of North Carolina and after due diligence cannot be found therein and can not be personally served with summons and are necessary parties to this action the same being a proceeding for actual parti tion of the?lauds of the late 11. W. Pulliam, dppeased and for a sale for division of the proceeds of the sharps \vblph fall to the Children and vend")* o| the children of W. T, PqiHam. deceased. It is therefore ordered by the court that publication of notice be made lot four sue cessive weeks in the Danbury Heporter a newspaper published in the town of Dan bury, Stokes county, N. C., notifying the said B. B. Fulton and her husband, W. A. Fulton, J. F. Pulliam and—— Pulliam and Pulliam the last two being children of Thomas Pulliam, deceased, who was a son of W. T. I'ulliam, deceased, to appear at the office of the Clei k of the Superior Court of Stokes County, North Carolina, on the 30th day of June, IfJOO, Slid answer or dewurtu the petition, and let said defendants taj» iHitlge that if they fall U> appear at the time and place above named and answer the complaint or demut thereto, the relief demanded will be granted. This the Hkh of May, 190(1. M. T. CHILTON, Clerk of the Superior Court. J. D. HUMPHREYS, Alty. for petitioners. \ Y§. THIS SPACE IS RESERVED FOR ROSENBACHER | WINSTON, N. C. LAND SALE. By virtue of a decree of the Su perior Court of Stokes county, rendered on the 23rd day of May, l'.lOfi, in the Special Proceeding entitled "H. J. Scales vs. Cr. M. Scales, et al," we will expose to public sale to the highest bidder, on the premises in Stokes County, on Saturday, June 30, 1900, At 1 o'clock, P. M., a tract of land containing 249 acres, more or less, in Beaver Island Township, ad joining the lands of Col. Jno. M. Gallaway, Andy H. Martin and others, and being the same tract of land devised in the will of J. R. Scales, recorded in the Clerk's office of Stokes county in Will Book No. 0, page 393, (the whole tract named in said will contain ing 438 acres, 189 acres of same having been sold by the executrix of J. R. Scales for assets to pay debts, leaving 249 acres). This is the same tract of land that J. R, Scales inherited from his mother. The above tract of land is a very fine farm and any one desiring to purchase a valuable farm will do well to attend the sale. Terms of sale: one half cash and the remain der on a credit of twelve months, with bond and approved security for the deferred payment, bearing six per cent interest from the day of sale. Title will be retained un til all the purchase money is paid. This the 23rd day of May, 19Qt>. N. O. PETREE, F. H. PETREE, Commissioners. JOHN D. HUMPHREYS, Attorney at Law, Danbury, - - - N. C Prompt attention to all business entrusted. Will practice in all State courts, North Carolina In the Superior Court Stoken County. Before thv * Vrk .1. A. Hle«, A, I xwi , u ,i Giles o,tl|\M>. I ~r' a ' l '- KX-PAKTK. ii,v virtue of an order of the Super ior Court of stokes County, entitled J. A. OileH, A. M. Giles anil others, ex-jinrte, I will on Saturday Kith day of June, at 12 o'clock M.,011 the premises in the town of Pinnacle, stokes County, N. C., offer for sale at public auction to the highest liUldM' 'or cash the following I'lvvl estate, via: A certain lot |jlining- the lands of l)r. ,1. N Slate, S. W. Hall, the S)ntJ\om Hallway's right of way anil others, and more particularly ilescrllieil in a deed executed hy l\, W. Culler and wife to Mvn, Nannie Giles, to which description reference is hereby made; the said lot being owned by Xlrs. Nannie Giles at her death, containing one-half acre more or less, the said sale being made for partition among the tenants in com mon therein. This the 12th day of May, I!MMS. H. W. CULLEU. ComHusnioner, UOI I ICTPR'Q Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Buiy Medicine for Busy People. Brine* Golden Health and Renewed Vigor. A speclflo for Constipation, Indigestion. Liver and Kidney troubles. Pimples. Eczema. Impure Blood. Bad Breath. Slumtlsh Bowels. Headache an J Backache. Its Rocky Mountain Tea in tab let form, Bft cents a box, Uenuiue by Boixistbr Rupq Wta. mm nmm uuow KOPU E. W. O'MANLON IMMMk WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. LARGEST AND BEST CONDUCTED DRUG BUSINESS IN WESTERN N C. Mail Order • De- ♦ partment given: g special attention. : £ K | « Hiig Stock of drugs | 5:0 Toilet Articles of| § every kind, garden | 0 "I if Its f S seeds and tlowerj a w seeds : £ S Most varied and? g best selected line of I §■" "p fine Perfumes evert J J lilsi-gj £ shown in Winston. X ** VISIT O'HANION'S X o~ g*§ ggg g § w WHEN YOU COME TO % " ~ ' TOWN. GLAD TO SERVE X |?3o5o? YOU IN ANYWAY. X O'HANLON'B is THE PLACE "PILS E N E R Export" pf "IS A PURE BEER" fc U AND PURE BEER HELPS YOUR BsfrMß DIGESTION. IF YOU DIGEST WELL IfcfrSW YOU WILL ENJOY GOOD HEALTH. Get the Best. "Absolutely 11 Pure." "Pilsener Export Beer." Mail Orders Solicited. Write for Prices. BREWING COMPANY, ROANOKE, VA. Send your orders for job work to the Reporter offlee.