If You Bin® Here I You're Safe! I tit's a great idea —when a merchant asks Ten H Dollars for a suit—the buyer offers Six and the M The question is. "what does 'he' get ?" If the "he" means the merchant, HE gets the |y Six Dollars and the buyers suspicion for evermore. « ment for less than lie asked,, why did he not name the lowest price at once? Is that merchant relia- w ble? Can you afford to risk his judgment ? He I certainly takes quite a load on his shoulders when §? he attemps to carry trade that way. ■ j We guarantee that you will pay here fully as ■ much as your neighbor—and just as surely you'll [J pay just as little. We further guarantee yon your H money back on demand, if you find your purchase ■ If toil I»I1V hen; you're safe. B » Copyright 1906 by p? Hare Schaffner & Marx JB w If you are interested in Spring and Summer Suits we want to show ■ 1| you our handsome lines at ■ I $lO, $12.50, $15.00 or $25.00 1 ffl If you pay less elsewhere, you'll get less value. B ' | IN. L. Cranforc? & Co. | I Clothiers, Hatters and HaltcrdtiNlicrs, I WINSTOBi-SALBM, N. C. I John A. Burton Walnut Cove, N. C. Headquarters for the Stokes County peo ple who want the best goods at the lowest prices. Keeps always on hand aH kinds of farmers' sup plies— Dry Goods, Shoes, Groceries of all kinds, farming tools, and Guanos. At Winston Prices F LADIES: g 1 have just received a big lot of nice Trimmed Hats, |G$ W prices from 50 cents to S3.(X). Come and look at my line ftC|| before buying. I can save you money on latest style hats. ljC|sl I Gentlemen m la Come and let me sell you a nice suit of Clothes. J can Epl 0 save you money. I have a new Btock of Boys' and Men's 1 J. R. LACKEY I | Rella, IN. C. |j N OTICE! FINE JACK We will stand Jack at the follow ing times and places, one half the time at Slate's and one half at Tilley's, as follows: At Slides, from May tinlill Mn.v l!>. At Tliley's " " 1!» " " At Slate's •• I'li •• .hiin* l'. At Tilley's .lime J " " !l At Slate's " •• !l •• " ]«. !At Tilley's " " lli " •, St. At Slate's •' •• St " '*• :(tl. Jacß's weight, 875 pounds, 141 hands high, bred in Kentucky. Terras, $.">,00 to insure colt to stand and suck. Disposing of mare or removing from county forfeits insurance and money bo conies due at once. AH mares will be bred to the above jack sub ject to to the statutory lien only, by which colt is held for service fee until paid. Due diligence will be exercised to prevent accident. But in ca6e of accident we will not be responsi ble. Last year average 115 per cent; average year before 85 per cent. I)R. W. C. SLATE, Capella, N. C. T. VV. TILLEY, Elko, N. C. TAILOR-MADE Garment**. F. H. WOLLSCIIL AG Eli Winston, N. C. Latest Sly les. Per fect Fit Guaranteed. GIVE ME A CALL. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR Itching, Blind, Bleeding, Protrud ing Piles. Druggists are author ized to refind money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure in fi to 114 days. 500. - i -» . . *> m A Department Store M GD TO THE PEOPLE OF STOKES AND ROCKINGHAM COUNTIES: £0 ky lam well prepared to meet the wants or demands CD of the people of the Piedmont Section. j^j vLj My supply of merchandise is fully complete and and stands vfj on ' ts mer ' ts * >No- store in this part of the country can KM stand ahead of this one. We have the quantity of/ goods. Qj We have the proper assortments, and we have them today on exhibition, a clever set of gentlemen to wait on you. We UJ solicit your patronage thereby giving us a chance to con- tSA rsH vince the people that we are actually prepared to supply all the folks in especially the lines we mention in connection W7 CO with this Department Store. M We .Men(ion These. There are Others. jsCj m w Muslin Underwear, Ribbons, Embroideries, Laces, Lnco Curtains and I'ortiers, Umbrellas, Blankets, Comforts, spreads, Neckwear, Collars and Belts, Hosery I'nder wear, and Gloves, Hi/ Dry Goods, Clothing, Men's Hats and Caps, Children's Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, CKf x Furniture, Toys, Musical Instruments, Fancy Goods, China and Glassware, Jewelry, (J J Clocks, Pictures, Notions, Drugs, Groceries, Paints, Candies. Cigars and Tobacco, Station- I ory, books, hardware, stoves, refrigerators, Baby Carriages, Tinware, Enameled ware, (runs. Ijfj k|J Ammunition, Cutlery, Trunks. Bags, Harness, Carpets, Rugs, Mattings, Sewing Machines, Cloaks and Suits, Millinery, Knit Goods, Wrappers and Shirtwaists, Underskirts or Petti- j J Tioats and Dress Goods. Vl* • Each one of the above departments carries a oompleto assortment with in themselves J £fj still there are other lines we carry not mentioned here. jfmi jfCWj (live us a call when in these parts. >' Qj Yours Most Truly, f &j S. P. TESM, MAYODAN, N. C. jg J, fff '/■f fI | fjj Ot l ' f ll' ff {* I ' f,;f/■ fI ft f (To Cure a Cold in One Day TZT| j Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. £VLJ/ 1 Seven Million boxes sold in past 12 months. This Signature, Advertise Your Business Merchants arid businessmen will And Ibis paper a splendid advertising medium. T,, y I State of North Carolina f-tokes ('omity. In the Superior Court Before the Clerk | ! Ida Collins and her Order ami no hiisbnnd W. 1,. tiee to no ll j Collins. resident defend- 1 vs ant. i Itolit. I- Itiddiek, let al. In the above entitled action it ap pearing to the Court, upon attldavitv! tiled that Itolit. 1.. Itiddiek. one of i the defendants insaid action is a mm resident of the State of North Caro lina and cannot, after due diligence, i lie found therein and cannot lie per sonalty served with process, and is a necessary party to this action, the j same being an action for the sale of a tract of laud for partition among! tile plaintiffs anil defendants, con taining s:i acres more or less, oil tile waters of Big Creek, in Stokes Coun ty, adjoining the lands of T. C. Hole and others, and iieiug Lot No. 4 in tile partition of tile land of i. A. and ; N. c. Simmons, deceased, assigned to j the plaintiffs and defendants as in irs-at-law of Mary Ann Itiddiek de ceased. It is therefore ordered liy the! Court that publication of notice lie; made for four successive weeks iu the Reporter, a newspaper published in Stokes county, notifying the de fendant Ifolit. 1.. Itiddiek, that au action as above entitled has been ! instituted against him ami others in : t he Superior Court of stokes /County N. for the purposes above set j forth, and requiring him to apiTPhr at t lie ollicc of the Clerk of the sn»' peril ir Court of stokes County. N. f*j in Banbury, on or before the 11th ; day of June l'.MHi. and answer or de-1 niur to the petition for sale. Anil let the defendant Itolit. L. Itiddiek take notice that if lie fails to appear and answer or demur on or before I the time specified above, tile relief demanded in the petition will lie | granted. This the ttth day of May lHOti. M. T. CHILTON, t'lerk of superior ('ourt. Petree &• I'etree, attysfor pl'Jf's. LADIES Safe, Quick, Reliable Regulator Superior to other remedied sold at high prices. Cure frtinranti ed. Suv«'sflfully u«ea by over '.too. 000 Women. Price,-J} Cent*, drug rltti (ir by m&H Testimonial* c bookltt free. I>i. ■.■ Franco, Philadelphia, Pa. v BLUE FRONT STORE, WALNUT COVE, C. I don't claim to have the LAKGKST slorc on earth, but the CHEAPEST. _ J. WILL EAST, WALNUT COVE, j ■ "W --# A Per Cent. Interest V 1 / Paid On Savings. yg "Experience teaches that it is the man nnd tho woiinn who pay attention to small savinirs. who become wealthy, jflm f By saving niekles and dimes, a thrifty person lays the CjK foundation of a fortune." » jjMjjpjrp Piedmont .|§! 5 Savings Ban k ).->,. Savings J >P. W. CRUTCHKI ELD,„('ashiciv\ " W \ W \VI.Wro.A-MLKM, .A. C. ■T w