* furniture and Undertakers Supplies. You Can Buy GOOD FURNITURE Cheap at Our Store. ?M.\ strong chairs FIII- A nice nicker at IVoin OOc to $5.00. liest dining 4'liaiiN $4 75 to $".50 |h*r set. Children's chairs, pialn eai ing or rocke,', 45c to io carls lo suit your purse, Nice beds, double and single, $2.50 to $1(1. lliewsiirs $5.50 to $12.00. Wash st ands s:'. to SS. Three piece bed room suits $12.50 to $15.00. Nicer ones if you need tliein. I We keep nice wardrobes, chilVoniers, side boarus, mattresses, bod springs, kilcliiu sates, euphoaids, baby cribs, hall racks, center table*, dining tables, brooms lamps, rugs, matting, window shades, dishes of every kind, trunks, and in fact anything you need in the furniture line we can show it to you and name a piic ■ that means a trade. Call on us. If you don't Itml anyone iu the store call at Jacob Fulton's store, lie will have you waited on piomptlv. Yours for Business, JOHN a. FULTON & COMPANY. Successors to D. S, Watkins, WALNUT COVE, - - - N, C. ♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ | TO THB MBKCHA.NTB s | | V„r $2 for $1 ? ) J If so, send me your order for the Host Soft Drinks On Market. I carry nil tluvors and guarantee each J X and every Bottle to give satisfaction. Let me hear J from you as the season is rolling by. 2 Please send me referrence with order, J f YOURS FOR BUSINESS, X X f Martinsville Bottling Works, \ ♦ : ♦ Box 222 9 Martinsville, Va,j ♦ S. A. JESSUP, Proprietor. ; {♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦.♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦J Geyser Gasoline Engines Simplicity Durability Ij* « Strength Uawe of Operation These are the qualities ol" tlie If est Engines on market. PRATT BROS.. AQEITTS. MADISON, N. C. Farmers Warehouse Winston, N* C, We desire to llinnk our many friends and k customers for their liberal trade given us in the past anil extend to one and all a most cordial invitation to sell your toliacco with us this year. We assure yi.u that we will spare no expense, and by honest hard work will get you the outside dollar >n every pile of your tobaooo. "> ' k Ni Your Friends, % A. B. UORUELL & SON. _] 1 J THE SANITARIUM CURES RHEUMATISM There Is 110 bettor time to treat your ItheumutlHni than now. There is no I letter plaee than the Kierxon-'op|ile Sanitarium. Our nernentajje of Cures for the pant two yearn linn equalled If not exeelle.l the celebrated Hot Springs. Ark., and at a font not , ■•renter than vour rcilroad fare alone, there and return. A few treatments now will rid the system of any Implretlw. and would |erlmps lie the means « »f preventing serious uleknetw. If vou suffer with anv form of nkln trouble, old Sores. Catarrh, Kidney disease. IndlneHtion. nay other chronk- d|t«onne. Wo offer a treatment that Cures. )RS, KIERSON AND COPPLE, Physicians and Surgeons, . 1;»7 M. MAIN MTKKKT. WINSTON SAU-SM. N. C. STUART, VA. Stuart, Va., June 1. , We are requested to announce that Elders J. M. and E. P. Bar nard will preach at Shady Grove June 11th, Spoon Creek, the 12th, Pleasant Grove, the 13th, Russell Creek, the 14th, Snake Creek, the 15th and at State Line on the Kith and 17th. Mr. S. W. Ayers, of Nettle Ridge, was married Sunday to Miss Mamie Neal of Red Shoal, N. C. Miss Adell Dillard, of Spencer, j Va., is visiting her sister, Mrs, J. j M. Hooker. j Mr. Valley Hylton, of Campbell, ] N. C., aged 21 years and the son J of Mr. W. R. Hylton, died of tuberculosis last Tuesday. Mr. J. W. Smith and son, of Lawsonville, N. C., and Mr. Frank Brown, of Campbell N. C. were in town yesterday. The Bonnl of Supervisors will meet next Monday to settle with the Treasurer the dog funds. The funds to be appropriated to public j roads. a large crowd attended court last Tuesday, ' DEATH FROM LOCKJAW | i never follows an injury dressed! with Bucklen's Arnica Salve. TtS| i antiseptic and healing properties j I prevent blood poisoning. Clms. Oswald, merchant, of Rensselaers ville, N. Y., writes: "It cured Seth Burch, of this place, of the uglie6t sore on his neck I ever saw." Cures Cuts, Wounds, Burns and Sores. 25c at all drug stores. — Increasing Business. The Bank of Stokes County every week adds new depositors to its ledger. The people of Stokes county are patronizing it loyally. > Many people who have never done any banking business before, especially farmers, are tindTng that running a bank account is not only nice and convenient and business-like, but that it saves them quite a good deal when they want to send money off any dis tance. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy The Children's Favorite -■CURBS--- Coughs, Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough. Tbie remedy la farooaa for ita caree over a largo oart of the civilised world. It can always be depended unon It contalna no opium or other harmful drug aud may be given aa confidently to a baby aa to an adull Prioe 25 oU; L.ftr?e Sispe, 60 Ota. B\)R SALE BY N A MARTIN DON'T ABUSE YOUR STOMACH by drugging yourself to death with itinera! poijons when there is Something 1 Setter. Have you Rheumatism, I.ivei and Kidney Trouble, pain in the Back anil Sides, are jon constipated, have yon Indigestion, .Sick or Nervous Headache, Dizzy Spells, Heart Trouble and Weak Circulation ol the Blond? Do not hesitate to TRY BLISS' NATIVE HERBS. They ienovate the entire System by ton ing up the Liver and Kid'ieys, relieving Constipation and purifying the Blood. 300 Days Treatment For SI.OO with a positive gu rantee in each box from TheAlon*oO. Bliss Co. to refund your money if not as represented. See that the trade-mark, "AH." is on every box and tablet. For sale by E. P. NEWSUM, King, N. C. —• " i. 1 ■ r Thompson's 1 - Drug Store, Winston, JV. C. The largest ami most varied stock of pure Drugs in Winslon-.Salem. I have had 30 years experience in tilting trusses w , and can advise Hp electing Come And See Me. V. 0. THOMPSON. / ITT I>l I Chamflerhiii's Cough lemedy The Children's Favorite —OUKKS— Coughs, Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough. Thia remedy i* fumou-* for itx euros over • large purl of the civili/od v >rld. It cnu alwuyn bo depended njxin. It • outaina no oniuin or other harmful drug nud may be given as confidently to a baby an i» an adult Price 25 cte; Largro Size, SO eta. I h i iii »i FOR SALE BY N. A. MARTIN. AT Tin: *TOKK OP R. DAVIS, Winston, i\. tJ. You will non (in I the newest an 1 nicest of all A'im s tilings for Christ mas, such as ladies ready made Suns ;iml Hats. Ca I and examine her stock. ° N HU U NTI NC TRIP Be sure to lie properly e iiiipi** I—obtain tlie STF.V. LNa an.l you CANNOT i.u WKusr,. Uc i. ~ ?IFLES . , . from $2 25 to $l5O 00 ISTOLS . . , from 250 to 60 U0 SHOTGUNS . , trota VBO to 36.00 A|ltymitrt«ler»ntlliuln ;> "! * " VK"' '• uit M»l* popul-ir make. |t tr *tc«l tan ■ _•. if Inter* y«»ui ann-t. i tiin, wc slili> , c->te,l In mi -'TIN'. • u d : (, /'Y/itWi upon receipt of furfmirccnti lft§tami>lti) catalog pfit«. I cover pottage. Our ittractlvt three-rot"* Aluminum Hanger will be tent anywhere f>>r to tents in ttaiii|«. J. STEVENS ARMS AND TOOL CO., P. O. Bo* 4096 Chicopee Falls, Mass., U. S. A. ! If you waut to flee dollars grow, feed your tlelds with Viri(tui(t-Cur>llna For- Eg tlllzers. They will " Increase your ■ yields per acre," and thus bringdown g the cost of produotlon. oven If you use ■ fewer teams and less labor We have thousands or strong teatt- H monlals from farmers who have tried B other makes of fertilisers and assert ■ Yirgiiia-Carolina Fertilizers u are by far the best. They will tlve II you crops that will make more money ■ for you. Buy no other, even if some wjj dealer endeavors to uu t you to huy ■ some " cheap " brand just because lie ■ may make a little more profit on that. ■ Of course, that wsuld be to his interest ■ —not yours. vIftGIMIA-CaROLINA CHEMICAL CO . Richmond, Vs. Horfoik, Va. Durham, H 0. Charleston, 3 0. Baltimorl, Md. Atlanta, Ga Sarannai, oa. Mont*omerr, ilk. Memphia, Telia. B ; KILLTHE COUGH AND cu R E THE I. UN C 8 *™ Dr. King's New Discovery ___ /Consumption Priet FORI OUGHSand 50c 4 SI.OO Free Trial. Sureat and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB -1 LEB, or MONEY BACK. GO TO THE {New Clothing Store I at MADI SO N, IN. C. J D TO BUY YOUR NEXT SUIT. We have just reoeivod n v* I big line. Prices to suit all. Suits from $2.50 to $25.00. |S W We also carry a nice line of Shoes, Hats and Shirts. In Jf B fact we carry everything that you will find in a first class fnr ■ YOUR FRIENDS, I L. J. LACKEY & Co.^ Brown's Warehouse. __ Always Leads in fhigh Prices. The Winston Market sold the past four j months 51,559,H05 pounds for $H01,2(>4,71, ' averaging $8,30 per hundred. Of this • ' amount, we sold 2.730,048 lbs, for $232,31 s .- v.-j 11, averaging $8.51 per hundred pounds. ; I Figures speak louder than words, so bring v ij us your tobacco as fast as you can prepare * — 1 it for market for our advice is to sell and get the highest market prices. Our sales ig If ,e past four months were nearly double those of last year and we want to thank our customers for this increase in our businoss and say to all bring us your first load in ' January. John Simpson will get you the very (op of the market for every pound of your tobacco. BROWN, CARTER & SIMPSON. the Tobacco Sold At PItDIIOIIT 11! [IDEE. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C„ I p to Christmas brought ill cents per hundred more than the market average. In other words every 1,000 pounds sold at Piedmont has brought ono dollar and ninety cents more than the market average —nearly enough more to pay your warehouse charges. What do you think about it ? Is $1.90 per load worth making ? Don't you think it pays to sell at Piedmont, the leading house in pounds and prices? We are glad to tell you that all grades of tobacco are selling well, es pecially the common ones. We believe that tobaccos up to 10c are bringing more money uow than they did three years ago — "the high year." Bring us your next load and you shall nave every dollar possible for it. Hoping to see you 80011, we are, Your friends, M. W. NORFLEKT & CO. i The Bank Of I Countyc \ RESOURCES: $50,000 / \ DANBURY-WALNUT COVE, N. C. # Solicits the account of every person in Stokes County M M who handles money—merchants, farmers, business men, school teachers, men, women children. Check M f books furnished free. PROTECTION —We are chartered by the State to the W extent of SIO,(XX) paid up capital, with SSO,(XX) author- J ized; charter recorded in the office of the Clerk Superior M Court of Stokes County; we are insured against burglars % in the sum of $20,000; we have firoproof vaults and solid M J steel burglar-proof, time lock safes. Our cashiers are bonded in the sum of $20,000. M f 1 PER CENT—We pay 4 per cent interest on certiti- cates of deposit. Any sum taken. M This bank is the depository of the public moneys of * M Stokes County. M JESSE H. PRATHER. Pres. W. J. BYERLY, Vice Pres. C C Cashiers: fUGENE PEPPER, R. R. ROGERS. M

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