Briefs Adrift. There nre abont fifty guests at the White Sulphur Springs near Mount Airy. Mr. J. Adkins, of Red Shoals, was in Danbury a short while Monday. Mrs. M. T. Chilton returned Monday from a visit to her moth er at Red Shoals. Dodd's grist mill at this place yaa closed Tuesday. It will open as soon as some rapairs can be made. Yesterday was the first day of that people had to put ap their stoves. Our climate is the finest in the world. Miss Floss Crews and the Misses Hunter, of Kernersville, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Davis several days the past week. The proprietors of Piedmont Springs, Messrs. J. M. Goddard & Son, have leased the Phoenix Hotel, at Winston, and will take charge of it July 1. Presiding Elder Cordell, of this district, who is spending a day or two here, occupied the pulpit at the M. E. church Tuesday night, delivering an excellent sermon. Farmers say that wheat is the best for years. The straw is net so rank as usual, but the head is filled out, and the yield will be annsaally large. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Trotter, of Greensboro, spent a few days at their cottage at Piedmont Springs this week getting it in good order. They expect to occupy their cot tage this summer. The Pretty Marriage Of Miss Ellen Petree and Dr. George E. Dennis, Mr. Editor : If you will give me a little apace in your paper I will tell the many relatives and friends of Miss Elh n Petrje, a little about htr wedding and her doctor and their immediate future. At a lit tle after 12:30 o'clock Saturday, June 9ih, those who weie permit ted to witness the marriage were • tsembled in the parlor of Mr. F. E. Petree, the father of the bride and Miss Hill, of Germanton, played a very pretty wedding march, while the bride, Miss Ellen Petree, and the bride-groom, Dr. George E. Dennis, descended the stairs and faced the ministers. There was not that nervous excite ment in the faces of the bride and bride-groom, which is so often seen on suoh occasions, but a quiet earnestness whioh speaks well for the future. After a short but impressive ceremony had been read by the writer and a prayer invoking God's choicest blessings upon the young couple was utter ed by Rev. Hunter, of Pinnacle, Dr. Dennis and his new wife were heartily congratulated then ghown the way to a table groan ing under the weight of a wedding feast. Doubtless many wedding dinners havo been served in finer style, but this oue was served in that way that makes eve-y one feel free to eat until his appetite is satisfied. After dinner there were ab jut two hours of very pleasant •ooial intercourse before some of the guests began to call for their teams and vehicles. One sad feature of all such occasions is that the parting words must be • lid so soon. Dr. Dennis and his wife and a few of their friends who could, went, to Germanton and took the •ix o'clock train for Pinnacle, the home of the bride-groom's parents. Those who were there report a very pleasant evening and a royal feast for supper. Dr. Denuis said that they would spend two or three days with his parents and then visit his sister, who lives at High Point. From there they in tend going to Lynchburg, the Hill City of Virginia, and see the sights there for a day or two, and from there to Roanoke, After ywtna tha city of Roanoke they #fll!sto lager, W. Va., where they intend to mako their home. O. J. H. A TRIP TO DILLARD, A Region Cf Fine Crops, Pretty Farms and Hospitable People. A Reporter representative paid a pleasant trip to the Dillard and Gideon sections last Saturday. Cousin Gid Mitchell was found at his hospitable home under the pleasant shado of the oaks. Mr. Mitchell has been rather unwell this spring, but is peart as a crick et now. Dillard is a hustling place. Two excellent stores, a sawmill and other enterprises, and a number of nice dwellings. The merohants, C. A. Mitchell and Mitchell Bros., are enjoying good trades. Mr. Nick Mitchell, of the firm of Mitchell Bros., was absent over about East Bend —gone conrtjng, some of the boys said. Mr, J. Wilkes Mitchell has recently moved into his attractive little home. Messrs. C. A. Mitchell and Jas. Reynolds expect to spend some time during the summer at some of our springs. We have picked out a girl apiece for them. They mean business. Farms arp in good fix and crops look fine around Dillard and Gideon. There are some beauti ful residences, notably those of Dr. D. C. Dix, Mr, Zeb Martin, Mrs. Bettie Martin and others. There are no more progressive and hospitable citizens in the county than those who live in Dillard, Gideon and surrounding country. Change Made In Appointment of Rev. A. D. Wilcox. Rev. A. D. Wilcox, of Kansas, who was to have begun a series of illustrated temperance lectures in the Mothodist church at Walnut Cove on June 23, writes that it will be impossible for him to be there at that time, but that he will begin the lectures on Sunday, July Bth, just two weeks later than | the first date given, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF the celebrated A. H. Hawk's eye glasses, spectacles and cases. Price from 25cts. to $2.50 per pair. Call and have your weak eyes made stronger at H. M. Joyces. What's the good of keeping from him Any good things you may see, That will lift his load of labor Like Rocky Mountain Tea. R. L. Murphy, Walnut Cove, H. M. Joyce, Danbury. SEE—A.S.Mitchell at Walnut Cove for your Field Fence. SHUTT'S Grain Cradles at A. S. Mitchell's, Walnut Cove. BUY your Mowers and Rakers from A. S. Mitchell at Walnut Cove. He handles Deering and Johnson. | COOK Stoves at A. S. Mitchell's iu WalnutCcve from SB.OO to S2O 00. I Notice of Special Term of Superior Court of Stokes County. State of North Car. Office Board of County Stokes County. Com'rs. To all whom it may concern : Notice is heroby given that a Special Tc-rm of the Superior Court for Stokes County has boen ordered by His Excellency R. B. Glenn, Governor of the State of North Carolina, to be opened and held for said County by His Honor E. B. Jones, Judge of the 11th Judicial District, attheoourt house in Danbury, N. C., on Mon day, the 25th day of June, 190fi, for the trial of both criminal and civil causes, and to continue until the business of the Court is dis posed of. All parties to suits, defendants and witnesses will take notice of the above Court. This June 4, 190tt. By order of the Board. Q.-M. JONES, Register cH Deeds aud ex officio ' Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners. I"k ' v A. S. Voss Announce* Himself For Treasurer. King Route 1, June 5. Editor Reporter: Please give me space in yonr most valuable paper for a few lines. I wish to announce myself as a candidate for the office of Treas urer subject to the county conven tion, as I see a number of good men spoken of for this office and I want to be in the fight also, and whatever designation our conven tion makes in nominating a can didate will be harmanious with me and I will work for the whole ticket just as I have been doing for twenty-eight years. Now I hope the voters will make a selec tion from this number and if I am the lucky I sure will appre ciate it, and if not I will appreciate what is donp just the samp. Yours truly, A. VOSS. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quin ine Tablets. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signature is on each box. 25c. NOTICE ! The State of North Carolina, Stokes County. In the Superior Coilrt Summons for Belief—Before the Clerk J, S, P. PullltHll. S, W. PlllUlUU. S, L, Pulllntn, M. 11. Newuoin, and her husband, T. F. Newsom, plaintiff*, vs. Ora L. Fulp, Roy A. Fulpand their father Charles Fulp, B. B. Fulton nnd her husband, w, A, Fulton, the children of W. T. Pulllani, to-wlt: J. F. Pulllani uud the grand children of W. T. Pulllam, deceased who are the children of Ills deceased son, Thomas Pulllam, to-wlt: Pulllam and Pulllam, the last two named, who are the children of Thomas pull lam. deceased, whom names are un known. The children of Jamen F. Pulllam. to-wlt: Louisa J. Pulllam, Lucinda P. I'ulllain, Fannie W. Pull lain, John S. Pulllani, .Tas. J. Pulllam and Mary E. Pulllam. The State of North Carolina, To the Sheriff of Sto«es County— Greeting: You are commanded, to summon Ora L. Fulp, Hoy A. Fulpand their fa ther, Clias. Fulp, B. B. Fulton and her husband. W. A. Fulton, J. F, Pulllam, child of W, T. Pulllam,——™- Pulllam ami Pulllam, children of Thon. Pul llam. deceased, Louisa J. Pulllam, Lucinda P. Pulllam, Fannie W Pulllam, John S. Pulllam, J as. J. Pulllam and Mary E. Pulllam, children of James F. Pulllam the defendants above named. If they lie found within your county, to apiH'ar at the office of the Clerk Superior Court, for the county of Stokes oil the 30th day of June 1800 and answer the complaint, a copy of which will lie deposited In the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County within ten days from the date of this summons, and let the defendants take notice that If they fall to answer the said complaint at that time, the plaintiffs will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint, Hereof fall not anil of this summons make due return. (ilven under my hand, tills 10th dav of May 10Mi. M. T. CHILTON, C. S. C. Stokes County. Stale of North Carolina Carolina Stokes County. In the .Vuperlor Court. Before the Clerk. Order. J. S. D. Pulllam, S. W. Pulllam, 8. L. l'ullium, M. 11. Newsom and her husband T. F. Newsora, plaintifft, vs. Ora L. Fulp, Roy A. Fulp, and their father, Charles Fulp, B. B. Fulton and her husband, W. A. Fulton, the children of W. T. Pulllam, to-wif J. F. Pulllam and the grand children of W. T. Pulliain, de ceased, who are ilie children oflils deceas ed son, Thou. Pulllam, to-wlt: —— Pulliam, Pulliain, the las: two who are the children of Tlios. Pulliam whose given names are unknown, the chil dien of James F. Pulliain, to-wlt: Louisa J. Pulliam, Lucinda P. Pulliain, Fannie \V. Pulliam, John S. Pulliam, Mary E. Pulliam, and Jas. J. Pulliam. In the above entitled cause it appearing to tiie court upon affidavit filed that B. B. Fulton and her husband, W. A. Fulton, the child of W. T. Pulliam. to-wit: J. F. Pulliam, and the grand children of W. T. Pulliam, to-wit: The children of his de ceased son, Thos. Pulllani. to-wit: l'ullium and Pulliam whose given names arc unknown are non-residents of the State of North Carolina and after due diligence cannot be found therein and can not be personally served with summons and are necessary parties to this actiou the same being a proceeding for actual parti tion of the lands of the Tate B. W. Pulliam, deceased and for a sale for division of the proceeds of the shares which fall to Ihe children and vendees ol the children of W. T. Pulliam. deceased. It is tlierefore ordered by the court tliat publication of notice be made for four suc cessive weeks in the Danbury Reporter a newspaper published in the town of Dan bury, .Stokes county, N, 0., notifying the said B. B. Fulton and her husband, W. A. Fulton, J. F. Pulllam and Pulliain and Pulliam the last two being children of Thomas Pulliam, deceased, who was a *on of W. T. Pulliam, deceased, to appear at tlie office of the Clerk of tlie Superior Court of Stokes County, North Carolina, on tlie 80th day of June, 100(1, and answer or demur to tlie petition, and let said defendants taice notice that if they fall to'appear at tlie time and place above named and answer the complaint or demui theieto, the relief demanded will be granted. This the 10th ol May, 1006. M. T. CHILTON, Clerk of tlie Superior Court. J. I>. HUMPHREYS, AUy. for petitioners. 1 Order by Mail \ Have a regular shopping agent at Carolina's Largest f Mail Order House. Experienced shoppers look after your wants and shop for you just the same as if you were i here in person. They will also keep you posted in re- f* gard to the latest fashions aad special bargain sales that f will be advertised from time to time. You will receive m all the advantages and privileges that our city customers h have. If Vou Send Your /Name and Address •; t A this month you will receive froo r year's subscription to "Fashions," a very interesting maga- |vj zine published monthly by the 'BUSY STORE." Send postal at once and get acquainted with £ „ our up-to-date methods of doing business. Address Ml ROSENBACHER'SI WINSTON, N. C. md ■—MgMaaaMMMMMramqa 2 THIS SPACE IS RESERVED FOR Kg FLETCHER 1 BROSI ' WINSTON, N. C. North Carolina 111 tli e Superior Court Stokes County. Before the Clerk. 1 * EX-PAKTR. By virtue of an order of the Super ior Court of stokes County, entitled J. A. Giles. A. M. Giles and others, ex-parte, I will on Saturday Kit li day of June, louts, at l-' o'clock M., on the premises in the town of Pinnacle, Stokes County, N. ('., offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder 'or cash the following real estate, via: A certain lot adjoining the lands of Dr. J. S. Slate, > s . \V. Hull, the Southern Hallway's right of way and others, and more particularly described In a deed executed by E. Culler and wife to Mrs, Nannie Giles, to which description reference Is hereby made; the said lot lielng owned by Mrs. Nannie Giles at her death, containing one-half acre more or less, the said sale being made for partition among the tenants in com mon therein. This the 12th day of May. 1000. K. \\ . 1 LLKK. Commissioner. Thompson's Drug Store, Winston, JV. C. The largest anil most varied stock of pure Drugs in Winslon-flalem. I have had 30 years experience in fitting trusses and can advise you In selecting one. Come And See Me. V. O. THOMPSON. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ i USE | I Goose tee j { LINIMENT | ♦ A Common Sense ♦ ♦ Preparation. ~ j ♦ The Niift>«t and Surest Remedy * ♦ for liheiimntlHm, Neuraljflii, ♦ ! Croup, ('olljfliH, Colds, T ♦ Sprnlns, Sonlds, ♦ A t A Trial Will Convince.lz ! | J I'KICIC 2-m-. Mftnufftetured li.v ♦ | GOOSE GREASE t LINIMENT CO. t ♦ UreeUHhoro, N. 1 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ MAI I IQTPP'Q Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Buiy Medicine lor Buy People. Bring! Golden Health and Renewed Vigor. A specific for Constipation. Indigestion, Liver and Kidney troubles. Pimples, Eczema. Impure Blood, Bad Breath. Sluggish Bowels. Headache and Backache. Its Hocky Mountain Tea In tab let form, 86 cents a box. Uenulne made by UOIXIHTIB DHUO COMPANY. Madison. WU. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE LAND SALE. By virtue of a decree of the S perior Court of Stokes count rendered on the 23rd day of Ma HKM, in the Special Proceedin entitled "H. J. Scales vs. (i. ,V Scales, et al," we will expose public sale to the highest on the premises in Stokes County on • Saturday, June 30, l'.KXi. At 1 o'clock. P. M.. n tract of land containing 249 acres, more or less, in Beaver Island Township, aJ joining the lands of Col. Jno. M Gallaway, Andy H. Martin mid others, and being the same tract of land devised in the will of J, R. Scales, recorded in the Clerk's office of Stokes county in Book No. (5, page 393, (the whole tract named in said will contain ing 43H acres, 189 acres of satsae having been sold by the executrix of J. R, Scales for assets to pay debts, leaving 249 acres). This is the same tract of land that J. R Scales inherited from his mother. The above tract of land is a very line farm and any one desiring t> purchase a valuable farm will do well to attend the sale. Tortus of sale: one half cashjand the remain der on a credit of twelve months, with bond and approved Security for the deferred payment, bearing six per cent interest from the dny of sale. Title will be retained un til all the purchase money is pnid. This the 23rd day of May, 190>. N. O. PETREE, F. H. PETREE, Commissioner?.

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