If You Buy Here 1 You're Safe! ( It's a great idea—when a merchant asks Ten J K, ie "he" moans the merchant, HE gets the { m HI JtSix x dollars and the buyers suspicion for evermore.* m ment for less than he asked, why did he not name s certainly takes quite a load on his shoulders when M 'BMwwltlHf much as your neighbor —and just as surely you'll M -lUf • liM' IK'A«BI llJjmSjf/f pny just as little. We further guarantee you your f| money back on demand, if you find your purchase ■ „ . L ~ If ion buv here vou're safe. 1 Copyright 1906 by 97 * 7 J Hart Schaffner isf Marx If you are interested in Spring and Summer Suits we want to show ■ you our handsome lines at , ■ $lO, $12.50, $15.00 or ,$25.00 1 If you pay less elsewhere, you'll get less value. « IN. L. Cranford & Co. S Clothiera, Hatters and Haberdaalicrs, John A. Burton Walnut Cove, N. €. \ Headquarters for the Stokes County peo ple who want the best goods at the lowest prices. Keeps always on hand all kinds of farmers' sup plies— Dry Goods, Shoes, Groceries of all kinds, farming tools, and Guanos. At Winston Prices . _ IL NO™ T (O. Have moved temporarily th STAR WAREMOUS E We are now building our NEW PIEDMONT WARE HOUSE and will be in it September 1, 1906, in time for the new crop. In the meantime you will find us at Star Warehouse ready to serve you in any way we can. Bring us yonr tobacoo and we will look closely after your interests. Your friends, W NORFLEET & CO —— I) DON'T ABUSE YOUR STOMACH by drugging yourself to leai.li with ininetal ' potions wlirn them is N>inething Hotter, llave you niieuuiatism. Liver and Kidney Trouble, pain in MM? Hack and Sides, lire \ou constipated, have you rndii3>stion, .Sick ■ or Nervous Headache, Dizzy .Spells, Jleurt I Trouble and Weak Circulation ot tin- Wood:' I>o nol hesitate to TRY BLISS' NATIVE HERBS. They renovate the entire System by ton ing up the Liver and Kidneys, relieving Constipation and purifying the Blood. 1 200 Days Treatment For SI.OO with a positive gu irantee in each box front The Alonzo (). Bliss Co. to refund your , money if not as represented. See that Ihe trade-mark, "AH." is on every box-.and | tablet. Kor sale by E. P. NEWSUM, King, N. C. TAILOR - MADE Garments. F. 11. WOLLSCIILAGEU \ Winston, N. C. Latest Styles. Per-! feet Fit Guaranteed, GIVE ME A CALL. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR Itching, Blind, Bleeding, Protrud- [ j ing Piles. Druggists are author ized to refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to onre in ti to 14 days. 500. KILLth. COUGH I »ND CURE TH« LUNCB j w,H Dr. King's [ New Discovery ___ /CONSUMPTION WEE FOR I OUGHB and 60c Ml.oo Frss Trial. Surest end Quickest Cure for all j THROAT end LUNG TB.OUB- > LBS, 3* MONEY BACK. M A Department Store fc! BD TO THE PEOPLE OF STOKES AND ROCKINGHAM COUNTIES : XJ 02 lam well prepared to meet the wants or demands JD Wj of the people of the Piedmont Seel ion. XI j v/ JVLy supply of merchandise is fully complete and and stands (ITI on its merits. No store in this part of the country can £s£ stand ahead of this one. We have the quantity of goods. I QT We have the proper assortments, and we have them today KM on exhibition, a clever set of gentlemen to wait on you. We CJJ CW solicit your patronage thereby giving us a chance to con- I^l vince the people that we are actually prepared to supply all U/ the*folks in especially the lines we mention in connection ITJ with this Department Store. • VK® -J M We Mention These. There are Others. -SB- ' m w Muslin Underwear, Ribbons, Embroideries, Laces, Lace Ciirtniiiji and I'ortiers, Umbrellas, fet^f Blankets, Comforts, Spreads, Neckwear, Collars and Belts, Hosory Underwear, and Gloves, VgJ' * Dry Goods, Clothing, Men's Hats and Caps, Children's Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, jafi JxJf Furniture, Toys, Musical Instruments, Fancy Goods, China and Glassware, Jewelry, tl J Clocks, Pictures, Notions, Drugs, Groceries, Paints, Candies. Cigars and Tobacco, Station- SwC KM ery, books, hardware, stoves, refrigerators, Baby Carriages, Tinware, Enameled ware, Guns. Pf| LM Ammunition, Cutlery, Trunks, Bags, Harness, Carpets, Rugs, Mattings, Sewing Machines, Mn KA| Cloaks and Suits, Millinery. Knit Goods, Wrappers and Shirtwaists. Underskirts or Petti j J coats and Dress Goods. %|j^' Each one of the above departments carries a complete assortment with in themselves jS^€ Lfj still there are other lines we carry not mentioned here. Give us a call when in these parts. PBpf ! Yours Most Truly, . . /* £Q S. P. TESH, MAYODAN, N. C. M SBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBS * * ■ (To"CureTCold in One Day | Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. mc// Seven Million boxes sold in post 12 »onth». Thfa Signature, ' * 3C * j Advertise Your Business Merchants and bu§lncN§mcn will find fills paper a splendid advertising medium. Try it. i ji 1«' of North Carolina stokes County. In the Ulterior Court \ Jiefore the Clerk Ida Collins and her Order and no-; j liiiml>iiml W. 1.. tice to no n-1 ; Collins. resident defend-J vs nnt. i Hold. f-. Kiddlek. | et al. In tile aliove entitled action it a|»- pi'nriiijf to the ( 'onrt. upon attidavit tiled that ltolit. L. Hiddlck. one of j the defendants in said action is a non ] resident of the State of North Caro lina and cannot, after due diligence. ; lie found therein and cannot lie ix;r souall.v served with process, and is a necessary party to this action, the same being an action for the sale of j ja tract of land for partition anions the plaintiffs and defendants, eon- J lainiiiK's:! acres more or less, on the I , waters of llifr Creek, in Stokes Comi ty, adjoining the lands of T. C. Hole i and others, and liein>f Lot No. 4 ill ] the partition of the laud of i. A. and i I N. C. Simmons. d(H'eased. assigned to the plaintiffs and defendants as j • heirs-at-law of Mary Ann Kiddlek de- j conned. It is therefore ordered by the , Court that publication o( notice lief made for four successive weeks in I lie Reporter, a newspaper published { :in Stokes county, notifying the de fendant Itobt. h. Kiddiek, that an action as above entitled has lieon I instituted against him and others in 1 the Superior Court of stokes County | N. C.. for the purposes above set j forth, and requiring him to np|ieurj at the office of the Clerk of the su-1 iH-rior Court of Btokes County, N. ' in Danliury, on or lieforc the lltli | day of June liXMi. and answer or de mur to the petition for sale. And let the defendant Kobt. L. Kiddlek take notice that if he fails to ap|iear ' and answer or-demur on ir liefnre the time specified above, the reiieJ demanded in the petition will lie granted. Tills the !tth day of May liXHS. M. T. CHILTON, Clerk of sii|ierior Court. IVtrPe & Petree, attys for pl'ff's. LADIES Safe, Quick, Reliable Regulator ftflp*iior to other ramedlM told at high prices. Cur. guaranteed. Sm-CMstully u»eu by over • j Womeu. Price, aSCVuIa, drug, gl.uor by malt. Teailmonl.is a bevkl.t m*. D». UFraaeo, rhlMnl|kla, P*. *•% . BLUE FRONT S TOR E, WALNUT COVE, N. C. I don't claim to have the liARGEST store on earth, but the CHEAPEST. i. WILL EAST, WALNUT COVE. jßj&jsrja JBJB j&jtrjgjtrjtrje % docket SSank i jjj For Ladies, Boys, (Jiris, School Teachers, Farmors and all V > |i. those persons whose business transactions nre not so large. C. *5 We have received a nice lot of the6o small Pocket Bank Books and are anxious for you to drop in and get on* of W them. They are free and you can save money by using them. Wo welcome bidqll accounts —would rathu; have many small accounts than a few largo accounts. "* SSank of Stokes Qountu. jji, ercrergr trerer er&ertr erer *r*r&*r .1 V,SV - _ . _ $ i J * ffipW Mend your orders Tor job -• work to the Reporter ofllec, .* W '' ' 2't " : -v * ;

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