furniture and Undertahers Supplies.: You Can Buy GO 0 0 FURNITURE Cheap at Our Store. hi* strong chairs liir t'i.l'i. A nice rocker at from 00c to SS.UO. licit dining rtialis (4 V> t» *7.Vt f*r set. ( ,'hildren's chain*, plain eating or rttckv.', 4.V to tl.i'ill. (jo curls In mil your purse. Nice beds, double i»n«l single, I to |IU. iticnwirs s.'>.*>o to $12,011. Wash stands $H to Three piece lied room suiu Jli.r.o to Nicer ones if you need them. We keep idee wardrobes, chiffoniers, side Ixiaros, uiallrcsses, lied springs, kilcbin safes, cuplxiaids, ttaby crihs, lull racks, center Utile*, dining tallies, brooms lamps, rugs, uniting, window shades, dishes of every kind, trunks, and in fact anything you need iu the furniture line we can show it U> you and name a pric.i that means a trade. (.'all on us. If you don't find anyone in the store call at Jacob Fulton's store. 11m will have you waited on piomptlv. Yours for Huainesa, JOHy G. FULTON Successors to D. S. Watkins, WALNUT COVK, - - - N. C .♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦J | TO THE MERCHANTS | j $2 for $1 ? j J If so, send me your order for the Best Soft Drinks i Oil Market. 1 carry nil ilavors and guarantee each ♦ 2 and every Bottle to give satisfaction. Let mo honr T from you as the season is rolling by. 2 Please send me referrence with order. t | YOURS FOR BUSINESS, 1 | ♦ Martinsville Bottling Works, \ | Box 222 9 Martinsville, Va, j S. A. JESSUP, Proprietor. *♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Geyser Gasoline Engines Simplicity Durability Strength Ease of Operation These are the qualities of the llest Engines on the market* PMTT BROS.. AM, j MADISON, N. C. E. W. O'HANLON ummm% WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. LARGEST AND BEST CONDUCTED DRUG BUSINESS IN WESTERN N. C. Mail Order Do- | ifiloffin part incut given g special attention. X £ g §s-e5-fl*- g fiiig Stock of drills \ «||||»g f Toilet Articles of* -a 3 every kind, garden t Q |||||3o § seeds and Flower} w w seeds t o 2*B 8 5 p.| g nLCUS I j-i oggg.iLca '£ Most varied and: 3 Iff!!* » best selected line of | |* o s-y I tine Perfumes ever ♦ §| o shown in Winston. | ■ajf-gfaf 5 VISIT O'HANIONS \ p 8" B lI,S 1 0 M WHEN YOU COME TO 1 ® »z5 rtW'.V. GLAD TO SERVE \ «3"S"? 5.«3 B.® YOU IN ANYWAY. ♦ Q*HANION'S \aTHK PMCB CHILDREN S DAY SERVICE. To Be Held At Trinity Church. King, N. C.. On Sunday. Jilly 1. The following program has been arranged for Children's Day ser vice at Trinity church, King, N. C , on Sunday, July 1. I Opening chorus. "All Hail the Power of Jesus Name." Invocation. Song—"Footsteps of Jesus," by 1 the children. "Children's Day Greeting," by j Vadie Cook. "Make Room for the Children," by Roy Fowler. Rocitation "Children's Day I'rayer," by Ghita Snider. Song—"Jesus Loves Me." "Children's Day," by Reba Pul -1 inin. "Bray's Enemy," by DoWitt Goff. "Only a Rosebud," by Hlanche Keiger. "Would You Like to Go," by flattie Snider. Song—"l Will Lift Mine Eyes." Exercise—"Holpers All," "Finding the Bright Side," by Lester Pulliam. "Look Up and Sing," by Austin Coe. Duot—"God's Summer Land," by Misses Lillie Goff and May Ola Coe. '\\ hnt Gol Did Through An Idiot Hoy,' by Mftlld Cop. "Annie s Feud," by Georgia Keiger. Song "G-Double-O-D-Gopd." "Thoughts of God," by Ersie j Pulliam. "Signs of Our Father's Care," by Ada Cook. "Help Somebody," by Bertha Thomas. Exercise—"Truo Blue." Song—"Jesus Loves a Little Child." "Do Your Best," by Bera Pul i liani. "That Is the Way,"by Bessie I Thomas. "The Land of Smiles," by Ghita ! Snider. Song—"Bring Them In." Notice of Special Term of Superior Court of Stokes County. State of North Car. Offico Board of County Stokes County. Coin'rs, To all whom it may concern : Notice is hereby given that a Special Term of the Superior Court for Stokes County has been ordered by His Excellency R. B. Glenn, Governor of the State of North Carolina, to be opened and held for said County by His Honor E. B. Jones, Judge of the 11th Judicial District, at the court house iu Daubury, N. C., on Mon day, the 2Mb day of June, 190ti, for the trial of both oriminal and civil causes, and to continue until the business of the Court is dis posed of. All parties to suits, defendants and witnesses will take notice of the above Court. This June 4, lOlXi. By order of the Board. C. M. JONES, Register of Deeds and ex officio Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners. Chattel mortgages, 1 dozen by ; mail to any address 10 cents Re porter office. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy The Children's Favorite —OOBBS— Coughs, Golds, Group and Whooping Cough. Thla ramad/ta ffeaou foe tta euraa ot«r altrf« part of the clvlllaaU world. It eaa always ba depaadad upon Ik coataina M opium or other harmful drag and may bo fir an aa oonfidantly to a baby as to ao adult Price 26 eta; Stse, 60 oti. FOR SALE BY N A MARTIN Chamberlain's Cough Remedy The Children's Favorite OUHBS-- Coughs, Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough. Thin remedy Is fanioun for it* cure* over • largo part of the civil!**.! world. It can alwayn 1.0 dflpeudnrl ui>oii. H mntaiua no ontum or other harmful «Irujf ami ujoy be given aw\«ltmtly t«» a baby as to an adult Price 26 cte; Large Sl'/e, 60 eta. FOR SALE BY N A MARTIN. HfltfolkiWestern B H SCHEDULE IN EFFECT DEC 3, l',K)o DhIIv I Dully Ex. Sim. l>„llv k* I PM AM I'M PM 2:50 7.30 Lv Winston Ar2.00 10.00 3.28 8.13 " WHI. Cove " 1.21 9.20 5.00 9.50 " Martinsv. " ] 1.45 7.19 7.25 12.30 Ar Roanoke Lv 9.20 5.15 P.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. WESTBOUND—t.KAVE KOANOKR HAII.Y. 4:10* ni—For Kaat Radford, Bluetield, Taze well and Norton, Pullman Sleepor to Coliiiubuti, Ohio, cal'a ear. 5.10 a ni i Wmdiington HIMI Chattanooga Limited) for Pulaxki. principal station*. Bristol an«l tlie South. Pullman Sleeper* to New )r leannand Memphis. Cale ear 4:25 p m—The St. Louix K.\prusi>, lor Bluetield, Pocahontas, Kenova. Cinei nnatti, ludianonoliN, St l.ouiM. Kainta.s Citv, Col uuihuH and Chicago. Pullman llutlet Sleeper* floanoketo CoTuiuhus and Bluotleid to Cincinanti. Cafe car 4:35 p in— For Bluetieldaud intermediate sta tions. 4:45 p in—Daily. For Brintol ami Intermediate stations, Knoxvllltf, Uhattauoogu ami points South. Pullman Sleeper to Knowiilo. 0:30 ii iu—For Bristol ami intermediate st itioiit*. Bluetield, Norton, Pocahontas and Welch. Pullman Sleeper to Welch. NORTH AND KASTBOI Nl) 1:50"i> in—For Petersburg, Hlchmond and Nor folk. Pullman Bullet Parlor Car to Norfolk. 1:45 i> m—For Washington. Hatforsiown, Phila delphia and New York via lfageratown and Harrisburg. Pullman Sleeper to New York. 7:45 p m—For llagerstowu. Pullman Sleeper til Philadelphia. 1:01 a m—For Kichmmd and Norfolk. Pullman Sleeper Lvnehburg to Norfolk and Richmond. 12:10 a m—(Washington and Chattanooga Lim ited). For Washington, Philadelphia and New York via Lynchburg. Pullman Sleepers to Washington, Baltimore. Philadelphia and New York. 7:10 a in—For Lynchburg, Petersburg. Richmond and Norfolk* 7:45 pm—Daily. For Lynchburg, l'ull man Sleeper for Richmond. DURHAM DIVISION. Leave Lynchburg (Union iStation) daily except .Sunday 3:00 a ni« 4:30 p in for -South Boston and Durham and intermediate sta tions. For all additional iiiformation apply to ticket officer, or to W. B. BEVILL. M. F. BliAoti, Gen'l Pass. Auent. TVav. Pas* A^-nfc. ROANOKE, Va LAND SAL/:. By virtue of a decree of (he Su perior Court of Stokes county, rendered on the lfith day of June, UKXi, in the case of "Ida Collins and husband W. L.Collins vs Rob ert L. Riddick et al," on the Special Proceedings Docket of said court, we will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, at the court house door in the town of Danbury, North Carolina, on Monday, Aug. fi. liHXi. At 1 o'clock, P. M., a tract of land situate, lying and being on the waters of Big Creek, in Stokes Co. and bounded as follows, to-wit: Beginning at pointers on the bank of Big Creek, running East on Smith's lino chains to poin ters, Role's corner, thence up the hollow with his line, North 55 de grees East, t>J chains to a locust in the hollow, thence North 24 chains to pointers, thence North 85 degrees East 11 chains to a stake in the old line, thence North H chains to pointers at tho Danbury road, thonce with the road N, W., 11 chains to redoak, oorner of Lot No. 8, thence West 81J chains to a rock at the edge of the liottom, thence South 52 degrees West through the bottom 8 chains to a birch at Big Creek, thence down creek as it meanders 24J chains to the beginning, containing 83 acres, more or less, and being lot No. 4 in the partition of the land of (i. A. and Nancy C. Simmons Record of same in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Stokes coun ty, in Record of Orders and De crees No. 5, pages 57 to (i 4 inclu sive. Terms of sale : one half cash and the remainder on a credit of six months with bond and approved security for the deferred payment, bearing six per cent interest from day of sale. Title with held until all the purchase money is paid. Any person desiring to purchase a good farm will do well attend the sale. This June Hi, 11KX1 N. O. & F H. PETREE, Commissioners. The Bank Of >Stok es Counfcyc \ RESOURCES: $50,000 X \ DANBURY-WALNUT COVE, N. C. f Solicits the account of every person in Stokes County M M who handles money—merchants, farmers, business men, school teachers, men, women and children. Check M M books furnished free. PROTECTION—We are chartered by the State to the C extent of SIO,OOO paid up capital, with $;">0,000 author Jfr ized, charter recorded in the office of the Clerk Superior M Court of Stokes County; we are insured ajrainst burglars in the sum of $20,000; we have fireproof vaults and solid M Jf steel burglar-proof, time lock safes Our cashiers are % bonded in the sum of $20,000 A 7 >4 PKK CENT—We pay -i per cent i iterest on certi* cates of deposit. Any sum taken. This bank is the depository of the public moneys of M Stokes County. M JESSE 11. PRATHER. Pres. W J BYERLY. Vice Pres. C % Cashiers: EUGENE PEPPER, R. R ROGERS M "PILS E N E R Export" 18 A PERFECT M BREWED BEER. MM It is a liquid food. High in Extracts, Jawi Low in Alcohol. \\ Highly recommend cd by medical authorities. Mail orders solic ®ted. Write for prices. THE VIRGINIA BREWING COMPANY, ROANOKE, VA THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College --COURSES-- Literary Commercial Classical Domestic Science Scientific Manual Training Pedagogical Masic Three conine* ieildinu' to ileum's. S|xviai con raw for Ki-ailnateK of olli, Well-equipiied Ti nininir School for Teachers. Konril lauinh tuition and fees for use of text books, etc.. $l7O a year. For free iniil ' ' students. #125. Fifteenth minimi session lie-ins September-Vi T secure Ix >N ril in tiie dormitories. nil fr tuition appHcationsshouhl IKMIIII • before Jul.v'l.i. (.' irrespondenee tnviteii from those ilesirinu conmeten tc.iehers ami stenographer*. For catalog and other Information a'hlre-' CHARLES D. McIVER, President, GREENSBORO. N. C. I USE | ♦ ♦ Moose fasti : LINIMENT j ♦ A Common Sense ♦ Preparation. 4 Tin- mill Siiivhl IIOIIMHI.V X ♦ fur lUn'iiiiiatisin. NcuriilKia, J i Croup. Couulm, ColdN. X + Spi'iiliiH. Sc a 1(1 w, « A Trial Will Convince. X I'HICK J.V. Miiniifactuivil li.v X GOOSE GREASE f | LINIMENT CO. \ « Uiwuhlk>ro, N. Z AT THE STOKE OF R. DAVIS, Winston, N. C. Yon will now find the newest and nicest of all A-inds things for Christ j mas, such as ladies ready made Suits and Hats. Call and examine her stock. vou MUST 1 ave pure blood for good health. Hood's Snrsapniillrt purifies the blood. Tiike Hood'* (S«r --* | wparilla if you would BE WELL.