THE Danbury Reporter. N. E. & E. P. PEPPER, Publishers. TERMS TO ANY ADDRESS : One year, sl, ti mo. 50c v 3 mo. 25 JUNE 21, 1806 A DANQEROUS PRINCIPLE. The trust idea is wrong fun damentally, is out of harmony with the free spirit of our govern ment and is dangerous to the liberties of our people. l T nder the reign of Standard Oil, the To bacco Trust and the hundreds of other monopolies, we are fast ap proaching that condition of serfdom which obtained in Eur6pe in the days of feudalism Even now what young man has an op portunity of carving out for him self honors and fortune unless he kneel to his Mogul. The tobacco farmer of Stokes county and North Carolina is today in effect a slave to Duke, just as much a 9 if he were to fall prone upon the ground, setting the tobacco king's foot upon his head and swearing eternal fealty for himself and posterity, after the style of ye olden time. The greatest industry of this ajction of the South is tobaoco. Our farmers are yearly producing millions of wealth by the culture of it. Where does this wealth go? Into the coffers of the chief barons at Durham, Winston and New York. The farmer who produces this wealth is paid less for his labor than the negro whom he hires at 50 cents per day. Those who are friends of the Trust and who believe that the Trust is "the best friend the farm er ever had," will deny this, but they know deep down in their hearts that it's so. You may have a vague idea of redress somewhere at law. But the law itself is controlled by the octopus, with its millions of bribery fees and hush money. No congressman dares tocome out flat-footed and tight the greatest enemy of the American people for fear that he will be encompassed. Thecaseis up to the people - the tibacco farmers themselves. As long as they shall be content to believe that their most dangerous foe is their friend, just so long will the Trust grow more power ful, tightening its chains about them every year until escape shall be hopeless THE POLITICAL POT IN STOKES. The political pot in Stokes has begun to simmer, notwithstand ing the election is nearly five months distant. But the interest and activity appear confined to the Republicans, who have their usual confidence in controlling the offices. All the present incum bents expect to re-nominated, ex oapt Treasurer Reynolds, who is ojnsidered to have had his place long enough, and there are now about 15 aspirants for it. The Democrats have not yet bdgun the discussion of candidates, though it is generally conceded that S. P.Christian will be Sheriff Potree's opponent again, having made such a close run two yeats ago. The conventions will be held shortly, and the campaign will soon be on in full blast. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR Itching, Blind, Bleeding, Protrud ing Piles. Druggists are author ized to refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure in ft to 14 days. 50c. AN UNRIGHTEOUS RULINU. That is n very unjust ruling of the Postoffice Department impos ing a fine of S2OO on any one who opens a letter by mistake. Busi | ness men do this constantly and jin perfect honesty with no j thought of larceny of tho contents of tho evelopus. It ia argued that people should examine their mail before leaving the postoffice and turn back any that may have been put in their boxes by mistake. But few if any of the people of the cities or large towns get their mail at their postoffices. It is delivered to them by mail carriers, and there is nothing more natural than that a business man, running hastily through a large bunch of letters, should open one addressed to another person or firm of somewhat similar name and sent to him by error. He assumes, and naturally, that what is put in his postotfice box is his, does not think of a probability that it may not be, and doesn't scrutinize the address closely. If punishment is to be visited upon anybody for innocent mis takes of this character —and there should be none —it should be upon the person who made the first mistake and not the one who com mitted the second, having been led into it—that is to say, the per son in the local postotfice who put the letter in the wrong box. — Charlotte Observer. Yes, this law is impracticable and unjust. Suppose a letter ar rive addressed to John Mabe, or John Smith. There are many of our Stokes citizens who answer to these names. Would it be right to make either of these gentlemen pay a penalty for opening the letter and finding it not intended for him. It looks to one up a tree that this ruling of the Postoffice De partment is way out out of line of the usual wisdom and broad ness of our laws. The Reporter will be glad if every secretary of the Farmers Protective • Association in the county will send in a report of the number of members of their sub associations and let us see just how many farmers in the county have pledged themselves to fight for better prices for their tobacco. There are now a number of flourishing sub-associations in the county. Fraucisoo leads with 17") members; then there are West field, Pilot Mt., Brown Mt., Ca pella, Dillard, Wilson's Store, Lawsouville, Pine Hail, Walnut Cove, Sandy Ridge, Danbury and j others, with good memberships. Send in your reports in time; for our uext issue. There is appearing in the Re- j porter a communication from "Timothy" regarding the question of whether or not the negro has a soul. This letter will yet run iu j one or two installments, after which "Timothy's" opponent will be given the privilege of a reply of the same length. Then both will be allowed rejoinders of not over one column or tWO words each. This will close this long drawn out discussion, so far as this paper is concerned. The readers are getting tired of it FOLLOWING THE FLA(i When onr soldiers went to Cu ba and the Ph iHi pi lies, health was the most important consideration. Willis T. Morgan, retired Com missary Sergeant IT. S. A., of Rural Route 1, Concord, N. H., says: "I was two years in Cuba and two years iu the Phillipiues, and being subject to colds, I took Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, which kept me in Sirfect health. And now, in New amshire, we find it the best medicine iu the world for coughs, colds, bronchial troubles and all lung diseases. Guaranteed at all druggists. Price 50c and 11.00. Trial bottle free. ANNOUNCEMENT TO CANOI- ] DATES AND THE FRIENDS OF CANDIDATES. As the political campaign is now opening up, the publishers of the Reporter desire to mako the following announcement: All notices of conventions, party meetings, otc., and all annouuee clients of candidates for ollice, and of the friends of candidates for office, ail partisan communica tions, will be charged for at our regular rates, which are 5 cents per line, counting seven words to the line. The Reporter hopes that its friends, both Democrats and Republicans, will send their announcements in, as everybody reads the Reporter, and your j wants aud wishes will be known everywhere when published in these columns. This is some what out of the usual order of things, but this policy is being adopted by up-to-date papers all: over the country. When a person wishes to run for office, it is en tirely a business proposition, and he will be willing to pay for all expense incident thereto. Our j columns are our stock in trade, and when used for benefit of private individuals, we shall ex- j poet compensation. The Repor- J ter is not the organ of any party, but is an independent, business conoern. We will print any un- i objectionable matter in the shape of communications inculcating po iitieal principles of any party,; same being run as advertising, and paid for as such. Nothing in this has reference to our editorial columns, which are not for sale. DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. Called To Meet In Danbury On Satur day. June 30. A convention of the Democratic party of Stokes county is hereby called to meet in Danbury, N. C.J on Saturday, June iso, 190H, for the purpose of electing delegates to the State, Congressional, Judi cial and Senatorial Conventions. The county ticket will not be nominated at this convention, but | a convention will be held later for j that purpose. This June 11, l'.tOti. J. D. HUMPHREYS, Cit'mn Dem. Ex. Com. Stokes Co NOTICE. Stokes County Republican Conven vention Called to Meet July 2. A convention of the Republican ! party of Stokes county is called to meet at the court house in Dan-'! bury, on Monday. July 2, 1906, at I 1 :iio o'clock, p. tn., for the pur-11 pose of electing delegates to rep- ! resent the county in the State I convention, which meets in the | city of Greensboro, on the 10th . day of July, Mot>, and to the Ju dicial and Congressional convent tions, when called, aud to transact such other business as may prop erly come before the convention, j The members of the Republican Executive Committee of Stokes county are also called to meet in j Danbury on July 2, liOi, for the purpose of fixing the time for the regular county convention. This June 4, l l .K>>. N. O. PET REE, Chin. Rep. Ex. Coin. Stokes Co. DEATH FROM LOCKJAW never follows an injury dressed with Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Its antiseptic, and healing properties prevent blood poisoning. Clias. Oswald, merchant, of Rensselaers ville, N. Y., writes: "It cured! Seth Burch, of this place, of the ugliest sore on his neck I ever j' saw.'' Cures Cuts. Wounds, Burns and Sores. 25c at all drug stores. Increasing Business. The Bank of Stokes County j' every week adds new depositors to i its ledger. The people of Stokes county are patrouizing it loyally, j. Many people who have never done any banking business before, especially farmers, are finding that ruuuiug a bank accouut is uot only nice and convenient and business-like, but that it saves them quite a good deal when thoy \ want to send money off any dis tance Agents for Winston-Salem's UU "oc, C 1 5c P a a nd ern6 MS"WE?TBROO(P "SB* 20c. I HEST STORE. Here are some Crackerjack from our Great Remodeling Halt 1 ; ! If it is inconvenient for yon to come to the store, or Jer goods by mail—"your money's worth or yonr money hack :" . FLOWERS, 10c. $1 PETTICOATS, 7oc. i 12'. und t -COLLARS • I I * N Artificial Flowers for Trim- Ladies' fine white muslin Ladie: . mhroidored t-tock i ming lints, a miscellaneous Petticoats, full length, deep j collars i. . variety of [ selection, worth up to 2oc, hemstitched rufile and tucks, j patterns, 12Ac and ! for 10c regular dollar value 75c j 15c ones T 5c 1 | ~ 20c RIBBONS, sc. $1.50 WRAPPERS, SI.OO. j $1 LACE Cl'U'i aJNS, 7.V.. Piquot edge ribbon, 1J Ladies' Percale Wrappers, j N-'ttinghum Lace Curtains in inches wide, pure silk, all cut very full and well made, ' several pretty patterns, three shade, worth 280 for the wide milled skirt, the $1 50 I yarls long, the regular dollar yard 5c ones for $1 f ant s tor 75c WESTBROOK COMPANY, lie you Merchant, Farmer, Sawmill Man, School Teacher, Manufacturer or laborer or of any pro fession or calling \M Bank of Stokes County M solicts your business. We can save you money that you pay out for registered letters and money order fees, as it only costs a Bpf?? 2c.. stamp to send a check. We welcome nil accounts, no matter how small or large. We have at all times money to loan, and if yon find that you have not quite enough to finish* your crop, or could use a little more to advantage in your business, don't licsi. fate to call or write. Our terms are easy. l|| Danbury Walnut Cove ||j KB \ • sea §1 v H? mi sea AAAAAAAAAA/W^) y Did You Ever Stop to Think # \ Where All Your Money Goes ? / In one year you must pav out quite a sum for necessi- M 9 lies. If you had a checking accouut and paid your bills C w' by check you would have a complete record of every cent. j You can tell how much you spend for frilles during tho M It is a good plan to have a record of all money you pay f We will show you every courtesy possibles consistent j with safe banking. /PIEDMONT SAVINGS BANK J X I*. W. CRUTCH FIELD, Cashier. \ m Winston, N. C. £ 4 Per rent Intercut Puiil On \ # Deposit. C THE SANITARIUM CURES RHEUMATISM Then* l« no better time to treat your Kheiinintlmn than now. Theh l 1h no I totter place limn tin- ItlcrMon-C-opple Sanitarium. j Onr iierHentaKO of Cnrex for the pant two yearn lum equalled If not excelled the celebrated Hot Splines. Ark., anil at a rout not ifreater than your rcllroad fare alone, there and n*tnrn. A few treatiuontH now will rll tin* M.VHtom of nay lmplretlen, ami would |M'i lia|lS IK* the tneaan of preventing wrlou* HlcklU'HM. If you HulTer with any form of skin trouble, olil Soren. Catarrh. Kidney dlxonse, ludinentloii. uii.v other chronle d|neane. W* offer a treatment that Cure*. DUS. KIKR.SON AND COI'PLE, Physiciana ami Hurgeons, 127 S. MAIN HTIttiKT, \VI NMTON-HAIJCM. X. If you want to see dollar* grow, feed your Held* with Vlrginla-CuroUne Fer tilizer*. They will " Increase your yield* per aore,"aod thu* brfug dpwn the oo«l of produotlon. even If yorfuaa fewer tnam* and leu labor. We have thouiand* of (tron* teitl monlal* from farmer* who have tried other make* of fartlllzor* aud uaert that Ylrjiaia-Cirolina Fertilizer* are by far tho beat. They wIU tiro you oropg that will make more money for you. Buy no other,even If torn* dealer endeavors to vet you to buy some "cheap" brand Ju*t beoauiehe may aake a little more profit on that. Of oou rse, that weuld b* to hi* Interact —not your*. ~~ Vlßßiail MROLIII CHEMICAL CO., »i«k»nd,T*. lorfolk, f*. Hrku.l.o. Okarlatoa, 10. ItlUam, M. IUhU, la. bnuik, h. Monlfomrj. 111. luifkil, tiaa. hnriparl, U. KILLTH. COUCH AND CURE THI LUNC3 """Dr. King's New Discovery /TONSUHPTIO* Prltt FOB I OUGHS and 60c *sl.oo ISOLDS Fr** Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THKOAT and LUNG TROUB LES, or MONEY BACK.

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