I If You Buy Here { j You're Safe! J: It's a groat idea —when a merchant asks Ten H fi L)°H arß f° r a suit—the buyer offers Six and the I J . W If the "he" means the merchant, HE gets the K j V SfelgK&P Si \ for evermore n ■ If that merchant Id afford soil the gar- j| I | ment for less than ho ked. why did ho not name II I E rjfc' o,t | I ~ : ',ut meroliant reUa- j m imjlm e g ,lftrftn t®G that you will pay here fully as |B I B I P ,//. much as your neighbor —and just as surely you'll M J W Hm&f l i * 1 "' OUey bHCk °" tlema " d ' if T finl y ° Ur P 86 I j 1 If von buy here you're safe. H ■ Copyright 1906 by » ■ Hirt Schiffner W Marz I J ■ If you are interested in Spring and Summer Suits we want to show ■ ■ you our handsome lines at g ■ $lO, $12.50, $15.00 or .$25.00 1 ■ If you pay less elsewhere, you'll get less value. Bj! I N. L. Cranford & Co. J I Clothiers, llaitcrs and Haberdashers, 1 I WINBTON-BALKM, N. C. 1 John A. Burton Walnut Cove, N. C. Headquarters for the Stokes County peo ple who want the best goods at the lowest prices. Keeps always on hand all kinds of farmers' sup plies— Dry Goods, Shoes, Groceries of all kind*, farming tools, and Guanos. At Winston Prices fr —^ 11. MEET { (0. Have moved temporarily to STAR WAREHOUS E We are now building our NEW PIEDMONT WARE HOUSE and will be in it September 1, in time for the new crop. In the meantime you will find us at Star Warehouse ready to serve yon in any way we can Bring us your tobacoo and we will look closely after your interests. Yonr friends, M W NORFLEET & CO DON'T ABUSE YOUR STOMACH j by limiting yourself to death with niuci.d L*)i JOII> when tlieie is Something Better, Have you Rheumatism, I.ivei ami Kidney Trouble, pain in tlie Hack ami Sides, are you constipated, have you Indigestion, .Sick or Nervous Headache, Dizzy Spells, Heart Trouble and \\ *\ik C irculation ot the Blood:' Do not hesitate to TRY BLISS' NATIVE HERBS. They lenovate the entire System by ton ing up the t.iver and Kidneys, relieving ' 'onstipalion and pllrifyin sf the Blood. 200 Days Treatment For SI.OO with a positive gu irauU-e in each box from j The Alouzo O. Bliss Co. lo refuud your money if not as represented. See that the tiade-mark. "Alt." is 011 every box and tablet. Kor sale by E. P. NEWSUM, King, N. C. STEVENS |j® *WHENY(Hi SHOOT |M You want to HIT what you arc aiming at Iml —be it bird, beast or target. Make your E 3 shots count by shooting the STEVENS. I For 4t year* STEVENS ARMS have I carried oH PREMIER HONORS lor AC- I CURACY. Our line: / Rides, Shotguns, Pistols Ask your Dener-ia. Sen.t 4 cts. la stauiua sUt on tlie STKVRNS. f t uo-|« e « Caulof If you cannot ootain, of cutniueta output. A we ship niveet, **■ *alual"e»H.ok of refer tr"' ff/ ntt. uff-n en « f«.t t.re.-nt ami rerehHof. ataluej»r». « proap* »!>• »!u**er*. beautiful three-eolor Aluminum Hanger will be forwarded lor to cent* iu stamp*. J. Stevens Arms & Tool Co., p. 0. Box «09« CHICOPKE FALLS. MAM,, U 8. A. ! L A DIES I JBR.LA FRANCO'S! 8 Safe, Quick, Reliable Regulator superior to other remedies aold at hlrb prloM. Cur«> guaranteed Buceeaefully uaea by over sswlf i anfrrttrSfeH »l l«rrMM, rh|lti«iyUa,r«. fipaaaseasßsasßSsassss jiy, vi M A Department Store bj jX TO THE PEOPLE OF STOKES AND ROCKINGHAM COUNTIES: XJ a I ani well prepared to meet the wants or demands .J/ [X! of the people of the Piedmont Sect ion. j£j k|/ My supply of merchandise is fully complete and and stands LJgJ F| on its merits. No store in this part of the country can kV stand ahead of this one. We have the quantity of goods. Ixi We have the proper assortments, and we have them today , on exhibition, a clever set of gentlemen to wait on you. We laJ MJ solicit your patronage thereby giving us a chance to con- Ns| Pv vince the people that we are actually prepared to supply all the folks in especially the lines we mention in connection M ||J with this Department Store. & We Mention These. There are Others. raj ni M Muslin I'uderwear, Ribbons, Embroideriea, La-os. Lace Curtail ml Portias I 'mbiellus, Blankets, Comforts, Spreads. Neckwear, Collars and Belts, littery I nderwear, and Gloves, I jTj Dry Goods, Clothing, Men's llats and Caps, Children's lints and Caps. Bouts and Shoes, jtVS Furniture, Toys, Musical Instruments, Fancy Goods, China and Glassware, Jewelry, l\ j Clocks, Pictures, Notions, Drugs, Groceries, Paints, Candies, Cigars and Tobacco, Station- SyjC fVs ery. books, hardware, stoves, refrigorators, Baby Carriages. Tinware, Enamelodware, Guns. Pjj Ammunition, Cutlery, Trunks, Bugs. Harness, Carpets, Ungs, Mattings, Sewintr Machines, SMa Cloaks and Snits, Millinery, Knit Goods, Wrappers and Shirtw.ii-.tr I'ndor kirM 01 Petti -11. coats and Dress Goods. '\J, . |X? Each one of the above departments carries a complete assortment with in themselves (_f still there are other lines we curry not mentioned here. vfj jjCK# Give us a call when iu thes, parts. IQT | Yonrs Most Truly, J jjjg S. P. TESH, MAYODAN, N. C. j|j 0BB&BB3BBBBBBBBBBBBGP To Cur e a Cold in One Day in Two D»y*. X Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. VI// «v«y j SeVl '" M n,on d m■ 12 ■■ mmr Advertise Your Business merchants and businessmen will And this paper a splendid advertising medium. Try it. state of North Carolina Stokes County. Iu the u |ierlot Cuiirt ' Before the 'lerk lilil ('olllns nml her Order 11 ml 110- liiinl iti ikl W. L. tlee to non-1 j Collins. resident defend- VH niit. Hold. 1.. Itlddiek. ; el ill. In the above entitled action It ap pearing to tin* Court, upon ntiidnvit tiled that ltoht. I. Itlddiek. one of the defendants illsalil net ion in it noli resident of tlie (Mate of North Caro-1 linn mill canuot, after due diligence, ! lie found therein ami cannot In- per sonally nerved with process. and is a ] necessary party to this action, the mime lielng an action for the sale of 1 I a tract of land for partition aiuonu the plaintiffs and defendants, con-! j taining fCt acres more or less, on the i 1 waters of Bin Creek. In Stokes Coun ty, iijjolnlng the land* of T. Hole Inml others, and being Lot No. 4 In l the partltiou of tiie land of (i. A. and N i'. Simmons, deceased, avslnned to I tiie plaintiffs anil defendants as; heirs-at-lnw of Mary Ann Riddiek de-I censed. II is therefore ordered by the Court that publication of notice lie made for four successive weeks In 1 tie Reporter, a newspaper published Iti Stokes comity, notifying the de fendant Itoht. I, Klddiek. that ail action as above entitled has lieen j instituted against him and others Iu | i the Superior Court of stokes County j N. for the pui*|ioses above set fori It. anil requiring him to npitenrj jat the office of the Clerk of the su-• perilir Court of stokes County. N. ('., i In Daubtiry, on or before the 11th j day of June liXMI. and answer or de mur to the petition for sale. Anil; let the defendant Rolit. 1.. Rlddlck 'I take notice that 1f he (ails to ap|iear ; and answer or demur on or before! I the time specified above, tlie relief | 'demanded in the jietltlon will lie j granted. This the iltli day of May I!KMi. M. T. CHILTON, Clerk of superior Court. ! j I'etrir it I'etree. att.vs for pl'ff's. | SKILL™. COUCH ] TH, LUWCB "™ Dr. King's New Discovery ' Prlc# . i fPH I OUGHB and 60e *sl 00 Frss Trial. | Surest and Quickest Care for all THROAT and LUNG TB.OUB IM, 0> KQMKY BAOK. BLUE FRONT j S TOR E, WALNUT COVE, N. C. I don't claim lo have tlie LAIKIKBT Niorc 011 €^artli 9 but the CHI3APKBT. J, WILL EAST, WALNUT COVF. | New Clothing Store I 1 at MADISON, IN. C. 1 K TO BUY YOUR NIiXT SI'lT. We have just received a M ■ big line. Prices to suit all. Suits from s*2 50 to $25 00. ■ B We also carry a nice line of Shoes, lints and Shirts, In m ■ fact wo carry everything that jou wjil fiiul in n fifst clnss fur- I nisliing store for men and boys B 1 YOUR FRIENDS, I J* L. J. LACKEY & CO. Jt \ Hend your orders for job work to the Reporter office.