* Lafltpil&Tarce and ings of Interest. Walnut Cove, July 10.—Belov find a few items of interest. Whet this reaches you I will he in tlx Gate City listening to the silver tonod orators and observing tin wire pulling of the leading men ol the two factions of tho Republicar party in this State. Mr. Pink Burge was here or tho fourth inst. to sue his father who was very feeblo ut tho resi dence of Robt. Slate. Mr. Burgi decided that his father could be cared fur much better at the home of his sou, Billey Burge, of Wins ton, and engaged Chas. Moretioid to move him which he did July sth. On July 4th the base ball team from Pinnacle came down and licked our boys by a score of 11 to 27. The darkies of Rural Hall pulled off very near as good a victory with the coons uf this place; 22 to 30 was the score. Each game was well patronized. Mr. Gus Roich, the "Wizard of the Blue Ridge," was here la9t Thursday on his way home from Germanton, where he pulled the wool over the eyes of the good people of that town on the night of the 4th inst. Mr. Reich expects to exhibit here just as soon as the the school building is completed. People here about who depend on hired help are about at their wits' end. Women laborers are all employed. Recently J. B. Woodruff, of our city, paid wo men SI.OO per day of ten hours and could only get a few hours work at a time from any one part} Two of Mr. A. J. Fair's men have quit him to seek greener pastures. Ho is now offering $20.00 and board per month for farm hands. Sucb men as Capt. R. L. Murphy are spending considerable time in their garden spots chopping up grass. What fow idle hirelings to be found are too sorry to think about. * Mrs. J. E. Cookers, from West Va., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. P. Landreth. A number of our young people visited Piedmont and Moore's Springs Sunday. DANBURY ROUTE 1. Danbury Route 1, July 10.— Elder J. J. Joyce filled his regular appointment at North View last Saturday and Sunday and was assisted by several visiting Elders. Walter Mabe and wife were baptized last Sunday. The infant baby of Mr. Bob Coleman died last Sunday morn ing. and was buried Monday. Miss Nina Sheppard returned home Saturday from a visit to relatives at Campbell. She was accompanied by Jennie Sheppard. Misses Lilla and .Tettie Young, Berchie Dunlap and Mr. Herbert Ray, visited at Mr. John Sisk's Sunday Mr. Will Lackey and wife and Mr. Hub Young and wife, of Campbell, visited relatives here Saturday and Sunday. Messrs. P. E. Sheppard and Honry Smith called on the Misses Sisk Saturday. Harvey came as a present for Miss Lucy, as Saturday was her birthday. We think she is well pleased with her present. MAE HAS STOOD THE TEST 25 YEARS. The old original GROVE'S Tasteless Chill Tonic. You know what you are taking. It is iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure, No pay. A. H J Dressing j Nearly every one likes a fine 8 hair dressing. Something to I make the hair more manage-1 able; to keep it from being I too rough, or from splitting I at the ends. Something, too, I that will feed the hair at the I same time, a regular hair-food. I Well-fedhairwillbestrong,and I will remain where it belongs— I on the head, not on the comb! | Tho beat kind of a testimonial -• I "Sold for over sixty years.'' A lUd«byJ.i&. Ajr«r /B Also msnufftotursr* of ML B 7 SABSAPARILU. I itejers , jff GERMANTON. Pin Fourth—Hems AjpPersonals. Germaliton, July 51.—Has Ger inanton awakened? The first time in seventeen years the Fourth of July was observed. Although the farmers were very busy, yet qoitu a largo crowd was present. Some of the interesting features of the day, was a brass hand from Centorvillo, a hall game between the Germanton and Rural Tlnll nines, a Literary Address by Prof. E. C. Brooks from Golds buro, and at evening a sleight of hand performance by Guss Reich "Wizard of the Blue Ridge," The exercises wore enjoyed by all present.. The address by Prof. Brooks was very good indeed. Some of the ladies present from a distance were blisses Claudie and Stella Kierson, from Walnut Cove; and Miss Whorten, from Clommonsville. Mrs. Small is visiting her father, Dr. L. H. Hill. Mr. and Mrs. H. McGee spent a few days of last weeek at the bed side of his mother, who is very ill. U L. M . Mclvenzie & Co. are pre paring t" move theirstock of goods to their new stand. They have moved back the old saloon build ing formerly occupied by Kobre Bros. They have also moved the old store building once occupied by Poindexter & Westmoreland from the upper end of town and by combining the two have a large and roomy appartment; and in the near future they will ho glad to see their friends at their new stand. Miss Berta Roberson. of Roan oke, Va., and Miss Etta Anderson, of Rural Hall, are coining to visit Miss Maggie l'etreo this week. Mr. Marshall Kurfees, of Louis ville, Ky., will preach at Corinth Sunday July 15. There will be two sermons, one in the morning at 11 o'clock, and one at night. All are invited. Master Fred Petree, of Walnut Cove, is visiting his Aunt, Mrs. O. N. Petree. Sheriir R. J. Petree left this morning for Greensboro to attend the State Convention. PINNACLE. Pinnacle, July it.—Rev. J. L. Barret, of Reidsville, preached at the Baptist church here Saturday and Sunday We are hoping to have Mr. Barret as our future pastor. Mr. John Spainhour and moth er went to Mt. Pleasant Sunday to attend the funeral of her grand child. Miss Liny Simpson spent Sun day in Greensboro with Mis. \V. L. McChriston. Miss Addie Styers and sister, of Rural Hall, spent Saturday night with Miss Lucy Spainhour, re turning Sunday A. M. Miss Daisy Spainhour went to High Point Wednesday to visit, her sister, Mrs. RuIT Moser, f >r a few weeks. Misses Flaud Kallam and Con nie Haley went to Winston the fourth to visit the latter's sinters, returning Friday evening. They report quite a pleasant trip. Walnut Cove and Pinnacle first nine crossed bats the fourth on the formor's ground, which ended 2S to 10 in favor of Pinnacle. Mrs. Nannie Spainhour spent several days of the past week in (Ireensboro visiting her daughter, Mrs W. L. McChriston. The lawn party that was given at the M. E. church Saturday evening was quite a success There was a large crowd present, there being several from Pilot Mt. There were also Mossrs. J. \\\, John and Ed Gibson from King Route 2, who 1 don't think enjoy ed themselves very much. Mr. Joe Spainhour left the past week for Spencer, where ho will take a place in the machine shop BETSEY. FORCED TO STARVE. B. F. Leek, of Concord, Ky., says: "For 20 years I suffered agonies, with a sore on my upper lip, so painful, sometimes, that 1 could not eat. After vainlp try ing everything else, I cured it with Bncklen's Arnica Salve.' It's great for burns, cuts and i wounds. At all drug Btores; only 2f> cents. A SURPRISE PARTS'. A pleasant supprise party ma] be given to your stomach, atic liver, by taking a medicine whiol will reliove their pain and discotn fort, viz: Dr. King's New Lift Pills. They are a most wonder ful remedy, affording sure'relief and cure, for headache, dizzinesi and constipation. 25c at all stores. Treasurer's Report of School Funds The following is the report ol the Treasurer of Stokes County ol money received and paid out foi school purposes since June 150 190*): RECEIPTS AND SOURCES Balance June SO, 1 iMJ~>, brought forward $ 7114 8? (Jenerirl State and County Poll Tax . 4453 0( General Prop. Tax (lbc) 3950 2; Fines; Forfeitures and Penal ties . 210 91 Liquor License Tax 1!M) 0( From First *IOO,OOO 1005 5C From Second 5100,000 '.'o7 II Frotn State Loan Fund 1 380 (X' From State for Libraries . (50 0C For Libraries, privutS dona tions - '.to (x; From Sale of School Proper ty _ 300 (X) Donations for desks »S -10 Refunded by J. E. Slate on house 17 CKJ Co. Supt. Exam, fees 54 (X) Total Fund $13427 37 EXPENDITURES. County Superintendent §SOO (X) White Teachers (non-local tax rural districts) 7.'!12 2(> Colored Teachers (non-local tax rural districts) 34M 00 County Treasurer, 2 per cent. on $llB9O 45 ... 2:i7 80 Mileage and Per Diem of County Board 75 (it) Taking School Census 105 40 School Committeemen 44 05 Attorney's Fees 25 (X) Expenses County Superinten dent 11 .'!0 Surveying Sites and Register ing Deeds 17 >s Postage, Printing and Station ery .. .52" IS Institutes. 06 ()0 Blackboards, Desks, and other Furnitirre. 295 70 Libraries 1H(>(K) 1 nstaliment and Interest, on Loan Fund «- 29 50 Insurance and Rent 24 (X) New Houses and Sites (white). 2007 25 Repair of Old Houses (white) _ 317 111 New houses and Sites (color ed ) 198- SO Repair of Old Houses (color ed) I 7t) Errors and Overcharges 52 70 Fuel Si> 05 Freight and hauling desks 95 OS f'hildren transferred toother Counties IP 30 H'.i'Hng local election i (K) Y -it '•.* 2 00 Total Expenditures 01212s 23 Balance on hand June SO, l'.XJil $1299 11 The foregoing is a true state ment of the receipts and expendi tures of the Treasurer of the Coun ty Board of Education of Stokes uounty, for the year ending June !{(), l'.tOli, as required by Section 115H of the School Law. (Signed) J. M. REYNOLDS, Treasurer, Danbury or .Madison, N. C . Route 3 This report was examined and ftj»proved by the County Board of Education on the 2d day of 'July I'.KXi, as required by Section 4 UK), Revisal of 1905. N. A. MARTIN". Chrnn R. E. HMITd, County Board of Education Stokes County. NOTICE. Having | tin 11 lied as executor >t I lie last will nail testament or .lames lioiil deceased. notice In hereby jflven lo all iH'ivons lioldlnj; claims against the estate of tile said James (lulu to present t hem to inc. duly authen lii-ated. for payment, on or liefore the lath ilay of .Inly, lIKIT. or this notice will lie pleaded In liar of their recovery. All person* Inilelited to -otil estate will please make Immeil inte payment. This the -'Kith (lay of I Ulle HMHi. IHA K. .1 l-'.SSI I', Kxecutor of .1 AMi:.S (i)|N. deceased. I*. (). Itrlia. N. Route 1. I'otnw & Petree Attorneys. -J e .• . • 1 ""HI Agents for Winston-Salem's Bu "£?sc p a a r n9 nFp-MBROIR ? B s st 20c. I IHLr—IU BEST STORE. % If $1.50 Copyrighted Books, 48c j ' | A very unusual (rnilii inouluiit crml.lus us to iitfrtr tin- crown nf rweut fiction, Jf P H by t ho world's greatest wr iters, at less than one-third regular value. These hooks are printed on heavy Japanese vellnin paper, in Inrge clear Ivpe and hand j H somoly bound in cloth. The regular $1.60 editions, onr special lirice, ISI\ Postage lie ex | jj tra. Hero are a few of the most popular titles : £i|| jp j! Li The Man On the Box By Harold MacGrath. When Knighthood Was Tn Flower -By Charles Major. i The Law Of the Land—By Emerson Hough. Soldiers of Fortune By Richard Harding 1 )avin. The Cost—By David Graham Phillips. The Forest Lovers—By Maurice Hewlett. If I Wero a King—By Justin McCarthy. Adventures of Sherlock Holmes—By A. Cumin Doyle. The Honorable Peter Stirling—By Paul Leicester Ford. I g The Virginian—By Owen Wister. - B | Temporal Power—By Marie Corelli. St. Elino —By Augusta J. Evans. j | | And Fifty Other Good Titles, Write for Complete List Today Without Fail. 1 1 i LAND SALE. ) liy virtue of a decree of the Su ]>••! iir Court of Stokes county, . rendered on the Pith flay of June, ' lIHUi. in the caso of *'lla Collim: and husband W. L. (,/ollins vs Rob ) ert IJ. Riddick et «l," on the Special Proceedings Docket of said court, I we will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, at the court house door in the town of Daubury, ) North Carolina, on Monday, Any. 15. 1!KH», ' At 1 o'clock, P. M . a tract i>f land situate, lying and lieing on the ) waters of Pig Creek, in Stokes Co. and bounded as follows, to-wit: Beginning at pointers on the I I bank of Big Creek, running East on Smith's line I(Uchains to poin ■i ters, Hole's comer, thence up the )1 hollow with his line, North &5 de grees East, 4 chains to a locust in the hollow, thence North 2i chains ' to pointors, thence North 85 ) degrees East 11 chains to a stake in the old line, thence North 1J j chains to pointers at the Danbury road, thence with the road N. W., 11 chains to redoak, corner of Lot No. thence West iili chains to > a rock at the edge of the bottom. thence South f>2 degrees West I through the bottom 8 chains to a birch at Big Creek, thence down creek as it. meanders 24i chains to ' the beginning, containing S.'l acres, more or less, and being lot No. 4 in i the partition of the laud of (T. A. I and N'aucy (1, Simmons Record of same in the (lice of the Clerk . f ' the Superior Court of Stokes coun ' tv in Record of Order* and De ciles No. 5. pages 57 to t>4 inelu | fcive. ! Terms of sale : one half cash and the remainder on a credit of six ' months with bond arid approved security for the deferred payment, boariag six per cent interest , from day of sale. Title with held until all the purchase money is paid. Any person desiring to purchase a good farm will do well attend the sale. This June lt>, PK)!S. N. (). & P. H. PETREE, Commissioners. \ USE I j J Noose tosej t LINIMENT j | A Common Sense ♦ Preparation. ♦ t i | : «. The and Surest Keinedy $ ♦ for ItlicuiiintlHin. Neuralgia, ♦ J ('roup. Coughs, ("olds. J ♦ Sprains. Scalds. X t * ' t A Trial Will Convince. $ » ♦ ♦ ♦ > I'ltlt'h iV, Miinuf.'ii't ureil In ♦ t * X GOOSE GREASE I t LINIMENT CO. ♦ | : + MriiMiHlMihK N. \ + z : \ Did You Ever Stop to Think # \ Where All Your A'loncij Goes ? # % In one year you must pay mil ipiite a sum for necessi. ff M ties. Tf yon huii h chocking account and paid y«»11r (tills by check you would have ucoinplete im*.«r«| of every cent. jk You run toll how mud) yuii spend for trifles during the g It is a good plan to have u record of all money you pa\ We will show yon every courtesy possible consistent J with safe banking £ ■ PIEDMONT SAVINGS BANK \ P. W. CUITCHFIKLI), CashiAr. \ $ Winston, N. C. % C 4 IVr rent* Interest Puitl On \ & Deposit. % furniture anil Undertakers Supplies. You Can Buy yo3o mrirm - ( heap at Oiii* Sloiv. ."-ix Mnntu I'lmlr." f>i t- 7">. A niif wk« i 1 finm mi |iis.*>.'k>, l;oi •(iiilnv •'liaiix $-1 7"' li> |fc»r -rl ' 'IiIIiIi-hii'4 ilii.is. |>i>titi im lim nr iixki- . i>, in & I (in curls In itnii viMir |iiiikh. Nin- ln-ilf, .li,u',li> uml ii' ti|i>, >-..' in i.i s|ll. |»ii'*Mnr( Y> "ill In IJJ 1M». \\ asli *1 .mils I*l In T.S. I 1,,..| HI M mills vlL'.:.ll In IKI. Nill'r nlli'.s |l* ylitl III* l.ltflli. Wi' kii'p njii* warilrnlx's, rliillniiii is, >.itl* lni)(rn>, niiillri4M-i, IM-ll M -l h|.iin kiirhin Miili-s, I'liplinapls, I» 111 v i"ili-, Imll i i -ks. m-iilit i.tlil>-*, iliniii!' lulil. «, liriKiin.s l.nii|)s, riiys, matliii)!. wi-xlmv slm-dishi xnf i-vi'ry kluil, trunks, S'lul ill fuel anything yon iitvit in llif fnililtill>> line »\p inn slum il In ynii ami Inline a |iri(V llial means a irailf. Call mi im. If ynn ilnti'i lin-l anyoui' in lln- tU'iri* call al Jacob Knlloir.i s|.,|i-. Hi- will liavr vim w.iiuitl nn |iinui|it|v. Yi.nrs fur lln*inn*- JOHN G. FULTON & COMPANY. .Successors to I). S. Wiilkins, WALNUT COVE, - - N. (). NOTICE ! Having duly ijiuilitlcil as executor of tile Inst will and testninent of .lames Hlersoii, deceased, notice Is hereby given to all persons holding clnliiiM against tlie estate of said de ceased to present them to me. duly authenticated, for payment on or b.v the 15th day of July, I!M>7. or this notice will will lie pleaded In liar of their recovery, All persons Indebted to said estate are notified to make Immediate payment. Parties can address me at llluetleld. West Vn.. or at Oanlmry, N T . C., In care of Petrif & I'etni', Attys. Tills the "tii day of .Inly ltMMi. N. K. KIKKSON. Executor ot .lames Klerson. decensed. HOLLISTER'S Rocky Mountain Too Nuggets A Bus* Medicine for Buiy Peoote. Brine* Oolden Health ind Renewed Vigor. A fpoctflc for Cooettpaiton. Indigestion. Liver ami ICldney trouble#, Pimi>len, Eczema, Impure hUxxl, Uad llrenth. SIUKKISU lliiwele. Beadacho ■nJ llacWho. 1U KocKy Mountain Tea In tab let form. J8 cent* a bo*, oenutno uuulu by lIoujbTEU Dkcu Compawt. Mwliiton. Wis. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE NOTIOK. Xortli :ii'illnii. In Sii]H'i'iur I'■ >iu*t. Sloken County. S]KHIUI term June, 1!KM;. ~ In the matter of tlit'diijirili.'iu-1 whipsanil ndmtnlHt nitor tipoti I Order I'KtMten. The (iratul Jury having jepurt ed to the o art that a prcat 'nrtm ber guardian*, admiuistratiwa HIUI xt'Cul'Tß hnve fur h number of years faded to renew their bonds, mid file their annual returns a* required by law. It in ordered nnd adjudged by the court thnt the Clerk of this court proceed at once to notify all guardians, executors, administra tors and trustees, that a strict com pliance of the law is required a id I demanded, I'pon failure to co n. ply with law in making returns, the parties will IH> attached aa for contempt. K. B. JONES, Judge presiding. .