PKnefs Adrift. Mr. J. M. Fnggi «f Red •waa hero Monday. Mr. W. W. Mitchell, of Dillard, visited Moore's Springs Tuesday. Deputy Sheriff J. Frank Dun * lap, of Snow Creek, was here Mon day' Mr. E. P. Peppor, of this paper, is spending a week at Vade Me cum. Mr and Mrs. 11. H, Taylor of Campbell Route 1, were in town Tuesday. Mr. R. T. Joyce and family, of Mt. Airy, aro the guests of rela tives here. Tho song and the din of the threshing outfit is "hoard in the land" nowadays. There aie said to be MO gnosts at Moore's Springs and about 40 at Vade Mecuin. Mr. Pendleton.Overby, of Wal nut Cove Route 3, was in town on business Monday. Mr Ed M. Pace, a well known tobacco man, died at Wilson Sun day. Mr. Pace was here selling tobacco insurance thieu years ago. Mr. Frank H. Petree, of Dan hury, has annnounc«d his candid acy for tho Ilmiso subject to tho action of the Republican county convention August 4. Adams was elected Chairman State Republican Executive Com mitte at Greensboro Tuesday by a majority of PHi over his opponent Blackburn. Mr. and Mrs. J. IT, Prather, who have been spen«lini; several weeks at Piedmont Springs, spent several days of this and last week at Mt, Airy, rotu-iiing to the Springs today. Mr. Sam P. Heath, one. of our Danbnry boys who holds a re sponsible position in Winston, is spending his vacation with his people here, lie expects to re turn to Winston Friday, The tax lists of Mr. J. E. Shel ton of Sandy Ridge show an in crease in his property since last year of SIO,OOO Mr. Shelton is considered by many the wealthiest citl/.en of the county. Mr. C. A. Mitchell, of Dillard, passed through Tuesday enronte to Moore's Springs to spend a week or two. As Mr. Mitchell did not appear to be suffering seriously with any kind of malady, - we take it that othfer mattors be sides his health have led this "eligible" young Imtchelor to the resort famous for its pretty girls. A demonstration of the stupend ous power of lightning was given at Piedmont Springs one night last week when during a storm » bolt struck a largo oak near the hotel. The tree was stripped clean of its bark, while its body, probably four feet in diameter, was shivered so that a stick could be run cioar through the trunk — —Messrs. IT. IT.'Tayl •>. • f Camp bell Route 1, and I) O. 'laylor, of Walnut Cove Route 2. wore in town on business Monday, Mr D. C. Taylor is "f the jinn of Taylor Bros., which will discon. tin un the mercantile business near Walnut Cove and engage in t'lm livery business at Stoneviilc. These are hustling young mon, aud we wish for them much suc cess. KING ROUTE 1. King Route 1, July SI. —Mr. J. L. Wall will have an ioe cream supper at Mr. L. W. Ferguson's Saturday, July 14. Everybody 001110. Misses Deria Tuttle, Mary J. Gibson, Plumio Baker and Mr. aud Mrs. L. K. Puiliaui were the guests of Misses Mary and Hattie Gibson Saturday night. Misses Hattie and Claudia Ferguson and Elsie Tuttle visited Miss Mary J. Gibson Sunday Bud Monday. There was a large crowd at Mt Olive Sunday School Sunday. Our Sunday School keeps growing. Mr. aud Mrs. Scales Cromer visited Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Warner Saturday and Sunday. VIOL FT AND ROSE. CONTINUE Those who are staining flesh and strength by regular treat ment with Scott's Emulsion should continue the treatment lr»4iot weathers smaller dose arid a tittle coot milk with It will do away with any objeotlon whloh Is attached to fatty pro ducts during the heated season. Send for free Minnie, SCOTT ft BOWNK, CbttnUtt, 459-4>S PUT] Street. New V«ck. JOC and 11 no ; *U tlruf A SERIOUS RUNAWAY. Miss Fannie Cozart Badly Hurt Near Vade Mecum—Others Slightly Injured. S|MVIIII By Wire to Reporter : Vade Mecum, .July 10. —Miss Fannie Cozart, of Oxford, and Iwo young ladies, IUIUICB not loarned, were thrown from a hack by the team naming away while descend ing a hill near Vade Mecum today. Miss Co/,art's log was broken in two places, and her hip joint dis located. Tho othor two young ladies escaped with slight injuries. The wounded were attended by Dr. R. 11. More Held, of Vade Me cum. Tho cause of tho accident, which happened on the Rural Hall- Vado Mecum road, was tho break ing of tho broast tree of tho vehi cle. The hack was demolished in the runaway. KING ROUTE ONE. King Route 1, July 9. Mr. Editor : On Saturday night before the second Sunday in Aug,, at Mt. View, there will bo a public debate and a most up-to-date ice cream supper. The query will be men tioned in next week's Reporter. The boys are anticipating a most enjoyable time for everybody and tone and all are expected to share tho good time in store for them. The spoakers are good and will make a display of some of their good oratory that, night. Don't forget the time. Tho champion base ball team of Stokes county, so-call Pinnacle, will meet the heavy giant team of Pink Grove on Slate grounds Saturday. An.'. 14. The game expects to be promising, and everybody is oordjully invited to see t)i • heavy hitting team of Pink Grove and tin' hr»g team of Stokes pulled off on that day. A genoral old good game and good time fur one and all, conio. j SIMON. Old Soldiers Day. August 4. The meeting of the Ex-Confed erate soldiers at Danbnry Aug. 4 bids fair to be the moat successful day the old soldiers have yet had. Capt. J. A. Leak is making pre parations to have one or more good speakers present—Probab'y Gov. Glenn or Hon. C. B. Watson. Dr. L H. Hill, of Germanton, and Col. M, V. Mabe, of Danbnry, will make music on the life. There will be a good dinner provided by the ladies of tho county for the old soldiers. Every person who feels an interest in the old soldiers is invited to be present and to bring a basket to help give them a good dinnor. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quin ine Tablets. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signature is on each box. 25c. Messrs. H. H. Reid, YV. M, Mabe, .f J. Priddy and L. W Fnrgnsoii were in town Monday to join the Danbnry Delegation t ■ the Republican Statu Convention. The party left at 10 o'clock A. M. going byway of Winston. Pretty Home Wedding. West field Route 1, July !•. A pretty homo wedding occurred at the home of the bride, Mr. D. M. King, Sunday when his accom plished daughter, Miss Li/./.ie King, was married to O. T. Hioks. There were 50 people present, and all enjoyed themselves fine. Will M. Covington officiated. The visitors were: Miss Ella Sams with Mr. Dock Moretield; Misß Daisy Taylor with Mr. R. L. Hicks; Miss Laries Boa/.e with Mr. John Hicks; Miss Flora Sams with Mr. Dillard Brim. After the marriage they all march ed in to a sumptuous dinner, after which they drove out to Mr. Frank Hicks' and ate supper. A WITNESS. THE DIAMOND CURE. The latest News from Paris, is that they have disoovered a dia mond cure for consumption. If you fear consumption or pneu monia, it will, however, be l»eBt for you td take that great remedy meutionod by W. T. McGee, of Vanleer, Tenn. "I had a cough, for fourteen years. Noting helped me, until I took Dr. King's New Disoovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, which gave in stant relief, and effected a per manent cure." Utiequallod quick oure, for throat and Lung Trou bles. At all drug stores; prico 50 oenta aud sl, guaranteed. Trial bottle free. Meadow Township Sunday School Convention. Germantou, July ( J.—The Mead ow township Sunday School con vention will meet with Friendship Baptist church on Saturday be foro the third Sunday in August. : All Sunday Schools are requested ' to attend with program, and I suggest that all schools deciding to take a part in the exercises to report at once to the Secretary, Mr. Ollie Pulliam, Gormanton Route 1, and as death has claimed our President, T. M. Bakor, I also suggest that the Secretary call the executive committee together at some convenient place for the purpose of fixing the hour of meeting, order of exercises, speak ers, subjects or any business that claimstheir attention pertaining to the convention. G. T. BAKER, Member Ex. Com. BENT HER DOUBLE. "I knew no one for four weeks, i when I was sick with typhoid and kidney trouble," writes Mrs. An nie Hunter, of Pittsburg, Pa., "and when I got better, although i I kad ono of the best doctors I i could get, I was bent double, and had to rest my hands on my knees when I walked. From this terri ble affliction I was recued by Electric Bitters, which restored my health and strength, and now 1 can walk as straight as ever. They are simply wonderful." Guaranteed to oure stomach, liver and kidney disorders; at all drug stores; price 50c. Col. J. M. Galloway, of Madison,, was thrown from his buggy by his j horse running away a few daysj since, and quite painfully hurt, no will probably not occupy his cottage at Piedmont this summer, as a result. I.A.ND S.U.K. By virtue of a decree of the Su lietior Court of Stokes comity ren dered by M. T. Chilton, C. S, in the Special I'rcceeillnjj entitled ",J. S. I). I'nlljam et al vs. Oro L. Fulp et a!" appointing the undersigned a com missioner to make sale of the lands hereafter described I will on the 15th of August UMMJ. on the premises, (on t lie 7(1 acre tract i sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash the following described lands to-wlt: A certain tract or parcel of land I situate, lyinjr and beinn in the county of Stokes on both sides of a branch of the Little Yadkin called Spain hour's creek and bounded as follows to-wlt: itcKinnlnjf at pointers form erly Bostlck's corner and runs South .1 decrees West crossing the creek 201 poles to pointers, thence West xti poles to a post oak. thence North 201 poles crossing the creek to a Spanish ! oak, thence Kast lWft poles to the be-' KlnniiiK containing 1">" acres more or . less, for further description of tills! tract see Book No. lit office of the Register of Deeds of Stokes 'ount.v, N. ('. Second tract: HcKinntiiff at a stake In Stewart's line thence North *7% decrees West IS chains and 20 links to a stake on the Volunteer road, thence North 7\ decrees West 11 chains, thence North 12J{ decrees Hast chains, thence North 27)4 de-1 jfi-ees West 7% chains to a post oak! stump, thence North :12$ deßTecs I Kast 17 chains and '.MI links to the| Southern Railway thence alonjj; said railroad South."(> decrees Kast 21 | chains and si links, thence South 12 i decrees West 2!) chains and :!l links lo tile bf'jxinnlnu: l ont.iinliiji 7ii acres ! more or less. This last named tract is that portion of tracts Nos. 1 and 2 described la the petition in tills cause | which lies on the South side or the South West side of tile Southern Railway. Sale subject to comtirnia tlou i >f 'ourt. This .Inly 111 I'.MHi. .1. |i. 11l 'Ml* Hit ICY*. Commissioner. E. W. O'HANLON WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. LARGEST AMD BEST CONDUCTED DRUG BUSINESS IN WESTERN N. (\\ Mail Order De-♦ |islo=r§H partment given: g special attention. : 2 Biig Stock of drugs ♦ g Toilet Articles off § every kind, garden: Q ||f||2c § seeds and Flower: b • seeds : g iftlUt B Most varied and : gS2rs.s;|* c best selected line oft |' c ? fine Perfumes evert fj ol|B°o| £ shown in Winston. IW| 5 VIS I T ()'IIANIONS to" g" 8815 I 8 M WHEN YOU COME TO X ' Z TOWN GLAD TO SERVE J £S" ? 2.-3 8. ° YOU IN ANYWAY. ♦ O'HANLON'S in THE PLiACE i ./> I **" J .-» tajii I Order by Mail I E If You (/anno!!. Visit Ihc Twin-City | Busy Store. 1 We not only insure yon against disnp] • .intlilciil. hut you have your own purchasinu who wilivjl gj hit that you secure tin- hen I Any liumh. advertised will be sent subject to examination, iiiulnil ilinrumfl p prepaid 011 nil purchases jimouutluK t> > VOu and over. | The Semiannual Clearance Sale i l« now in progress ami sjp.MMHMi worth of liesirahlc merchandise is beiu.n siu rilied iucludiuK'evei v thiiifjfor Eflj j.. Men, Women, Children ami the Home except Furniture. Whatever your present wants may l> it will EKI I payyou to ucl In correspondence at onee with your purchasing ajfent at the Busy Store. ROSEN BACH ER'S I WINSTON, N. C. IIIH" I li'll !■—■■W———IIIIIW gill !■—■ Willi I I^ Grove's Tasteless Chill'Tonlc has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales over One and a Half Million I bottles. Does this record of merit appeal to you? No Core, No Pay. 50c. I Enclosed with every bottle is a Ten Cent package of Grove's Black Root. Liver Pills. Base Ball. Pinnacle, July 10.—The Pin nacle bull team will play a match game of bull with Ihe consolidated teams of Ale and Pink Grove on Slate ground Saturday, July 14. A good gamo is expected, as both are strong teams. Everybody come out and see the game. E, N. MOSER. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy i The Favorite -OUttlS- Coughs, Cohln, Croup and Whooping Cough. Tb!d i iMuo ly I* ?m !»# curw» over s Urgo pari of lh« tivlhajt) vrnrld. It cam alwuya bo u;»wc. Ii contains no oniam or o»h«r harmful Ai and may be given 08 ooi.tMi-ntly to n baby oh lo nu adult Price 25 eta; Size, 60 eta. FOR SALE BY N. A. MARTIN fid is just a little sweeter than any of the so-called sun-cured plugs fj HI made to imitate GRAPE, and they are all imitations— I WHY? because that rich, sweet flavor is peculiar to the genuine Leaf, and R we have been buying and manufacturing it for over fifty years. IT IS MADE BY A FIRM THAT KNOWS HOW i B. A. Patterson Tobacco Co., Richmond, Va. ilreiC IWBIISINESS COLLEGE jig4gg|jSll| INCREASES YOUR EARIIWS CAPACITY. IS3 I The Demand for Vnunir Men and Vounn I.miles never better fj i„,l it'.iUlsffll HI LI! AUN either COMMERCIAL. SHORTHAND. EN IHa a« - »'rA'-PrtSi OLISM, PENMANSHIP, or COMBINED COMMP.K P?l illDliWif Pi-PI HI CI AL and SHORTHAND. JLj -'Jjrj i Buslnejji Men want our Kraduateo. IH 11 Write for Catalogue and other information. JMh. E. M. COULTER, President, ROANOKE, VA. "P ILSHNER Export" fipi 18 A PERFECT i BREWED BEER. §:' | It is a liquid food, te|l High in Extracts, Low in Alcohol. fjtwj fj Highly rccommend pkjq cd by medical EEtotffZj authorities. Mall orders solic ifeEp tI ited. Write for WL—l.9 prices.. THE VIRGINIA BREWING COMPANY, ROANOKE, YA„

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