P kiefs Adrift. County Surveyor R. P. (rlitle-, woll was in town last week. Farmers appear to bo fairly well pleased with crop prospects Misses Melissa and Ruth Lasley j were visitors in town Thursday. Mr. J. J. Priddy, of Danbury Routo 1, was in town yesterday. Mr. Galloway Ross, of Elkin, is spending some timo at Pied ► niont Springs. Messrs. Robt. W. and C. 11. Hill, of Meadows Route 1, were; in town Saturday. Mr. T. W. Hylton, of Campbell - Route 1, was in town Thursday on ; » liia way to Winston. There are about 140 guests at 'Vade Mecu in Springs and almost >as many at Moore's. Mr. Walter King, Jr., of Greens boro, is spending a few days with iiis parents here. Mr. Thos. H. Priddy, of Dan * bury Route 1, spent a short while in town Wednesday. Mr. C. F. James, of Dillard, was in town several day 6 this week in the interest of his health. Miss Jessie King, of Madison, who has been visiting here some time, returned home today. Miss Willie Edmond?, of Wins ton, is the guest of her cousins, Aliases Nellie and Mary Joyce. Mr. Clyde ll'lt. of Oak Kidgf. : letnrned home today, lifter spond - inif some time lu'e with friends MesHis. N. ). l'etree, C. M Jones and II M. Joyce attended the Republican State convention «t Greensboro. J The young men of Danbury are preparing to give a lawn party Monday night, complimentary to the young ladies. Mr. W. G Slate has the Re ' porter's t'lanks for a tine 8-lb head of cabbage. The handsomest we have seen this season. Call and get one of our pretty pocket check books, and leave your spare money with us. Bank of Stokes County. J The first katydid was heard to sing the Kith. It is said that the first killing frost will occur jut t three months from that time Mr. Geo. Smith, of Dellar, was H visitor here Monday. Mr. Smith is one of the most progressive farmers of his section of the conn t.v. Mr. .1. S. Taylor expects to open his hotel here for guests August 1. lie has had a nutnb.jr of ap plications for board from summer guests Mr. \V. L. Trotter, of Greens boro, is at the springs with his family and conducting a house party of ten young ladies and gentlemen. M isses Minnie and Annie King, of Spencer, accompanied by their brother, Mr. T. J. King, of Roan oke, are spending a few days at Piedmont Springs. Mrs. E. H. Kelley, of Provi dence, R. 1., stopped over in Dan bury a short while Saturday, on her way to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.S. Watkins, at Camp bell. She was accompanied by her father. Andrew Joyce, the young son of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. .Joyce, of this place, left yesterday for Wins ton where he will accept a posi tion. The Reporter hopes that Andiew will succeed. m Mr. A. W. Davis visited friends and relatives at Pinnacloand Delk Tuesday and Wednesday. He was accompanied on his return by his sister, Miss flattie Davis, of Pinnacle, who will spond some time here. The Reporter is in the habit of recei\ iug a great deal ot correspon dence on Wednesday s mail, which is always too late for untill the following ve»k. Our valued will please bear this in mind and send in thier contributions a little earlier. PETREE-VENABLE WEDDING. Solemnized at the Home of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Venable Saturday. | July Seventh. Delk, July 10— A beautiful house wedding was solemized on Saturday, July 7, at the homo of Mr. and Mrs F. M. Venablc when tlioir beautiful and accomplished daughter, Miss Mary Lee, became the bride of Mr, I Wesley A. Petree. Rev. P. Oliver, of King, performed the ceremony. ( Besides the home relatives, following invitod guests wcro, present: Mr. 0. E. Redman, with Ida Mitchell, Mr. W. R. Mitchell with ; ; Miss Ruth Redman, Mr. John I). ! Slawter with Miss Lilla Mitchell, ; Mr. Thomas J. Covington with Miss Rosa Slawter. Mr. Chas. E. Redman was best man, while Miss Ida Mitchell was maid of honor. After congratula ■ tions wore offered to the happy i couple the bride and groom wore ushered into the dining room fol ! lowed by the above named couples I where they found a beautifully de- 1 jcorated table laden with the most palatable dainties of which nil par. ! took heartily and enjoyed the ' feast. After supper was over all retired to the parlor where ' we spent a while in amusement, j The happy couple followed by : the attendants had a very pleas | ant drive to the city of Pilot Mt. I On Sunday morning Mr. and Mrs. i Petree departed for their future I home accompanied by the brdo's (ilao Mr. and Mrs. Chas. | SJawter. We wi«;h the new couple ii I mg j and prosporsou9 life. May their : pleasures be many and their sor j rows few. A (i I JEST. Meadow* Versus Danbury. On the Danbury grounds next I Saturday, the 21st, beginning at '2 o'clock, P. M., the Danbury and Meadows baseball teams will bat tle for the championship of this section of the county. Every body, "especially the ladies," havo a cordial invitation to be present The line-up will l>e as follows : Coon, pitch ; George, catch ; Davis, first base; Estes, second base; Davis, third base; l'etree, short stop; Young, right field; Prather, left field; Dodson, center field. Mid-Summer Clearance Sale. On next Saturday mornii g ; Messrs. N. L. Cranford & Co., tie | well known clothing men of Wins ton, will begin their great mid i summer clearance sale at which I unheard-of bargains will lie offer- Jed. Our people are requested to ! read their ad on the buck page of ; this paper and to take this >pp>-i- J tunity to gut some line bargain)-. Miss Cozart Improving. Miss Fannie Coy,ail, of Dm ham, who was injured in a runaway at Vade Mecum Springs last Tues | day, is improving as rapidly as could be expected, though she will not be able to return home for some weeks. BENT HER DOUBLE. "I knew no one for four weeks, when I was sick with typhoid ami kidney trouble," writes Mrs. An nie Hunter, of Pittsburg, Pa., "and when I got better, although I kad one of the best doctors I could get, I was bent double, and ; had to rest my hands on my knoes when I walked. From this terri ble affliction I was recued by Electric Bitters, which restorod my health and strength, and now I can walk as straight as ever. They are simply wonderful." Guaranteed to cure stomach, liver and kidney disorders; at all drug stores; price 50c. Disease takes no summer vacation. if you need flesh and strength use Scott's Emulsion summer as in winter. Send for free sample. SCOTT * FOWNK, Chants*, Win Pearl Street, New York. soc. and #t.oo; all druggists. TWO PROMiNENT PEOPLE bIE. Dr. C. 0. McAnaUy, of MadisoM, and ; Mr. Wm. Hawkins. Of Stokes County—Gideon News. Gideon, July 17.—Mr. J. G. H.j Mitchell and W. M. Flynt left, yesterday fur White Gate, Giles oounty, Va., on a 10 days visit to ! Dr. John Blackburn. We hope the bracing air and good water of the Virginia mountains will do t them much good and soon restore 1 them to health and strength. We are sorry to announce the death of Dr. C. B. McAnaUy, of Madison, who died in Richmond ISunday morning. He leaves a I wife and several children, mother, brothers and sisters, who have the deepest sympathy in their bereave j mont. Also an ngod and respected citi ! Zen of our county, William Haw ; kins, died Monday of paralysis and heart trouble. Preaching at Wilson church j Sunday by Elders Joyco and! Moran who delivered excellent | sermons to a large congregation. Mr. N. A. Lasley, of Almagordo,! I N. M., is visiting his mother here, | Mrs. M. M. Lasley. WESTFIELO. Westtield, July 23.—Miss Agnes Simmons, of Winston, is visiting ! relatives here this week. Misses Grace and Annie Laura j Council are visiting their aunt, Mrs. T. L. Brim at Brim this week. Miss Annie Doggit, of Summer• lield, visited frionds here last week. Several of the Westfield people! went to Mount Airy Saturday. I Miss Maude Payne is visiting relatives near Stuart. Mr. Elliot Jessup, who has been very sick for some time is no bet tor. Mrs. Milner Angel began a pro tracted meeting at Gibson's school , house Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Jackson, of, Mount Airy, are visiting relatives | noar here. I PINNACLE. Pinnacle, July I(s.—Miss Irene Simpson, of Pilot Mt., visited her sister yesterday. Farmers are busy threshing wheat around here. The yield is said to be very good. Mr. Ernost Ayers, who has had typhoid fever, is getting better. The Pinnacle base ball team de feated the combined teams of Ale and Pink Grove in a pretty nine inning game on the 14th, the score being it to 3. Mikles, the, well known twirler was in the box for Pinnacle while George did ex-j tra line work behind the bat. The boys all speak in high terms of the Ale and Pink Grove | boys and hope to be able to moot! them in another gamo later. Misses Minnie Ross and Olive! Xoel, of Elkin, are expected at Piedmont Saturday. Mrs. Calloway, mother of Mrs A. J. Fagg, is right sick, we regret to learn. Threshing machines are going! thoir rounds in Stokes now. E. W. O'HANLON WINSTON-SAI.EM, N. C. I LARGEST AND BEST CONDUCTED DRUG BUSINESS IN WESTERN N C. Mail Order De- I partmcnt given* *1 gji lls 2 1 • ■ ?• t ®i- 3 =3 m special attention. % £ g g s-g"?* a- 2 Biig Stock of drugs* r-lHi-JU t Toilet Articles of| 1*8 -lg *g" ® 3 every kind, garden I § seeds and Flower ♦ a 5 w seeds t gj i?! |i-I B Most varied and J | best selected line of: |' c fine Perfumes evert §| o§|a|cJ £ shown in Winston. IW| •« ?&••§ erg~ g VISIT O'HANLONS X a" 5"B SS| ?g § « WHEN YOU COME TO 1 ' ' TOWN. GLAD TO SERVE ♦ Ig-S^o? YOU M AN? WAY. ; O'HANLOmis THH PLACE : Order^^^Mail If You Cannot Visit the Twin-City i Busy Store. i We not only liihiiiv you against disappointment. but you have your own puri-lmsiuK nnvnt who willf w that yon nee lire the bent. Any nood:. advertised will Ins eent subject to examination, and all chaws j n prepaid on all purchases amounting to .•# >.no and over. I The Semi-Annual Clearance Safe I - HOW 111 till! I ♦-VUNIII WKl'lll llf tWll'lll>U> IIH'IVIIII llltllll' 11. ! M'l 11 j; Mil' I'll) I'll I lll'l Men, Women, rhildren and the Home except Furniture. Whatever your present wants may be, it will Hi payyou to >?et In correspondence at once with your purchasing audit at the Busy Store I ROSEN BACH ER'SI | WINS ION. V (Grove's Tasteless Chill' Tonic 1 has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales over One end a Half Million g bottles. Does this record of merit appeal to you? No Cure, No Pay. 50c* | Mr. G. T. Dun lap, a prominent ! citizen of Gideon, spent a few days in town this week the guest of his t'riend ami relative, Col. Joe Stewart. Mr. J K. Moore, of SSliulT, Vn., was a visitor here Tuesday. Chattel mortgages, 1 dozen by mail to any address 10 cents Re porter office. Chamberlain's | Cough Remedy The Children's Favorite —CCHk.3- Coughs, Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough. ; This remedy 1* fMtiotix f»r Its cure* over * large part «f the «.■i ««rld. It ran always no depended uj">n. It contains uo , opium or other harmful drug And may be KL von as ronridontly to n baby AH to an adalt Price 25 ctn; Lurtro Slse, 00 cte. I FOR SALE BY N. A. MARTIN. YES! GRAPE TOBACCO 3 is just a little sweeter tlian any of the so-called sun-cured plujfs j-3 B made to imitate GRAPE, and they are all imitations— because that rich, sweet flavor is peculiar to the genuine Leaf, and £1 | we haVe been buying and manufacturing it for over fifty years. t| ! IT IS MADE BY A FIRM THAT KNOWS HOW j| R. A. Patterson Tobacco Co., Richmond, Va. lX£j| Business college | I INCREASES YOUR EARNING CAPACITY. fiS ?. The Demand for Young Men end Young Ladies never better W Si LEARN either COMMERCIAL, SHORTHAND, EN *B 4 OLISH, PENMANSHIP, or COMBINED COM ME k ilßlEf i f !!i fH CIAL and SHORTHAND. k ; . -'VIlL'}- > Jyjyivfln Business Men want our graduates. 68 Sf - I y Write for Catalogue and other information. j IM ' COULTtR ' Pre3:oßot ' aMNOKE » VA "P ILSENER Export" feal 18 A PERFECT w4 BREWED BEER. j fel It i§ a liquid food, pfel lligli in Extracts, Low in Alcohol. Igi|; |I Highly recommend cd by medical i EkJ* authorities. I Mail orders solic ited. Write lor prices. I THE VIRGINIA BREWING COMPANY, ROANOKE. YA. \

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