W. P. HUTCHERSON SNAKE-BITTEN. He Is Doing Well—New Babies Ar rive At Dillard —Crops Improv. ing. Dillard, July 24.—Crops of all kinds have made great improve ments in the last two weeks. Wheat is about all threshed and the most of it eat up. Mr. C. A. Mitchell went to Winston on a business trip yester day, returning today. Messrs. C. W. Peebles, Albert Ward, Nick Mitchell and L. A. Duncan and Miss Laura Duncan and others from this neighbor hood attended the Children's Day at Mt. Hermon Sunday. Mr. W. P. Hutcherson had the misfortune to get snake bit Sun day. He iB reported to bo doing very well from it. 4 The stalk visited at the follow ing homes in this neighborhood hst week: J. Wilson Mitchell's, leaving a baby girl; T. R. Hutoher s )n's, leaving a boy; Jerry Berry's, leaving a girl. Mr. and Mrs, J. E. Lasley left last week for Colorado to make that their future home. Misses Blanche Olive, of Mad iion, Essie Angle, of Stokesdale, and Maggie Cole, of Greensboro, who have been here taking music lessons returned to their respec tive homes last week. N. TOBACCOVILLE ROUTE 2. Tobaccoville Route 2, July lti.— Threshing wheat is all the go around here. Farmers find their wheat to be better than they ex pected to find it. Mr. J. W. Keiger made bushels of wheat from 25 acres. Mr. Keiger reports that his crop damaged more than one-fourth by the freeze in May. Tobacco is looking very well in this section. Farmers have been t >pping. Corn is doing its best. Mr. Oscar Keiger, who has been down with fever for seven weeks, oan begin to set up in bod. Dr. J. S. Slate, who has been attending on him, seems to be extra with typhoid fever. Mrs. J. Westmoreland is crip pled up with a sore foot. Mrs. Westmoreland has had a sore foot for several years. Appointment At Oak Grove Changed. King Route 1, July 24. — By order of the President of the Oak drove Literary Society I hereby give notice that the said society has rescinded their appointment t) meet on Saturday before the first Sunday in August, as pre viously stated, but will meet on Saturday before the 4th Sunday instead. Hope everybody will oome out on that day as we will have some lively speaking and refreshments ssrved in abundance. Don't forget the time and place. Oak Grove school house, Saturday before the 4th Sunday in August, at 2 o'clock, P. M. L. W. F. Lindsay Taylor Dies In West Va. Lindsay Taylor died in West Virginia a few days ago from an abscess of the throat. His body wis brought to his home four miles north of Danbury yesterday, and the first indication his widow ed mother had of the sad fact of his death was when a wagon drove up to the door with the corpse on board. Lindsay had been at work in West Virginia several years. There are several steam thresh ing machines in the neighborhood at present. My H Extra Long Feed your hair; nourish it; give it something to live on. Then It will stop falling, and will grow long and heavy. Ayer's Hair Vigor Is the only hair-food you can buy. For 60 years it has been doing just what we claim it will do. It will not disappoint you. ** My btlr used to be rerjr short. Hut «fter lifting Ajrer's Hair Vlpor H short time it bojfnn to crow, end now It is fourteen lucliei lou* This seem* a splendid result to tn« after being almost without any hair.**— M K*. J H. Fir Kit. Colorado Springs. Colo. Lowell. MMS. Jm Also manufacturer* of 4jk 9 SABSAP/UMLU. The News At the* Cove. Walnut Cove, July 24.—Miss Lillie Fair is visiting friends in Stoneville this week. Ernest Vaughn is at home on a vacation. He will return to his work in Georgia soon. Miss Jennie Powell leaves this morning for a visit to Indian Territory. Miss Cora Fulton, of our city, and Mrs. Ida Webster, of Madison, left for Moore's Springs. All the sick of the commuuity are improving. Mr. Pinkney Rierson and lady, of Charlotte, are ou a visit to the home of Mr. Riersou's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Rierson. Mr. Jas. East leaves on the Ist for Winston from whence he starts for West Va. J. Will East is house keeping and enjoying life as all men of his age should. A Mr. Lancaster, of Spray, N. C., spent some time in our town last week trying to interest our people in an enterprise for the manufac ture of buggios, Don't think he met with much encouragement. / Dr. W. W. Withers is erecting a nice cottage just north of the Baptist church on Summit Ave. 4 Mr. J. W. Allen is having erect ed a nice brick stable on the Stokes County Warohouse lot. The Walnut Cove baseball team will play the Twin-City nine, of Winston, on the latter's grounds, Thursday, 2>th. Amusement On King Route 1. King Route 1, July 23. —The game of ball played between Pin nacle and Pink Grove was a very lively and interesting one. The features of the game were Baker's long running catch in center field and Johnson's good work in the box. He kept them guessing throughout the game. Had it not been for errors on the part of Pink Grove, and the catch and fielder being absent Pinnacle would have met her Waterloo. On Saturday, Aug. 11th, the members of the Mt. View Literary Society will give a mock trial. The case will be a capital one and an interesting time is expected. Let everybody come. Good musio will be furnished and the lawn will be lighted up with Japanese lanterns. A potato race will be held on the grounds late in the evening. Balloons will be sent up and there will be fun for all. Come and bring your wife and children. SIMON. ♦♦♦♦«*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ | USE ♦ ♦ I (loose faei : LINIMENT : ♦ A Common Sense | Preparation. ♦ ♦ ! ! X The Snfi'Mt tiii)l Nuivnt lU'innlv * ♦ for Kht'iimatlHiii, Neuralgia. ♦ ♦ Croup, Cough*. Colds. T « Spralnw. Seal >1 H. 4 X A Trial Will Convince, f ♦ ♦ t ♦ | GOOSE GREASE X Z LINIMENT CO. X I | * Cm'iiHlioro. N. c. « I I JJMr. Jas. S. Flippin died at his home at Francisco Monday, after an illness of several months. Mr. Flippin was about 60 years of age, and was one of the best citizens of Stokes county, and will be sad ly missed. The Reporter sympa thizes with the sorrowing family. HAS STOOD THE TEST 25 YEARS. The old original GROVE'S Tasteless Chill Tonic. You know what yon are taking. It is iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure, No pay. A letter to the Reporter an nounces the critical illness of Mrs Jas. A. Leake. A SURPRISE PARTY. A pleasant supprise party may be given to your stomach and liver, by taking a medicine which will relieve their pain and discom fort, viz: Dr. King's New Life Pills. They are a most wonder fnl remedy, affording sure relief and oure, for headache, dizziness and oonstipation. 25c at all drug stores. PINE HALL. Pine Hall, July 23—Mr. E. O. Creakman has juat returned froua Norfolk, Hagerstown and other places of interest. Mr. \V. H. Lambert spent a few hours in town last Monday even- Tom Petree spent Saturday night in town. He was a guest at the home of Mr. J. C. Flinn. Messrs. Mebano Paris, Joe Blaekwell and John Williams went to Roanoke Monday. Misseß Bessie and Lelia Flynn expect to join a party of friends at Moore's Springs about the tfth of August. Mr. Frank Lasley and brother of Gideon spent Monday in town. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Adkins and little daughter spent Sunday with Mrs. Dalton. Mrs. W. H. Gibson, of Madison, is spending some time with her parents here. Mr. E. Fountain Franklin, of Basset), Va., is spending some time here. Miss Lena Dalton who has been visiting her aunt at Dalton return ed home last week. Mr. Stanley Flynn and sisters expect to attend a house party in Winstou the latter part of August. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Flynn expect to leave for Advance the 2Hth, where they will attend District Conference. Death of Billie Rutledge. Germaaton, July 23.—1t be comes our painful duty to an uouuce the death of Billie Rut ledge. which occurred Sunday, July 22nd, and 4:15 P. M. Billie was a promising young man, the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. A. 11. Rutledge. He would have been nineteen years old the 27th of August. While it seem!) hard to give him up yet we aro persuaded to believe it is better so. Billie has been sick with the fatal disease consumption since last March, but was only confined to his bed for two weeks. The funeral services were at Friendship Baptist Church conducted by the pastor, Mr. Wil son. The family have our pro found sympaty in this hour of deep trouble. (An obituary notitice of Mr. Rutledge's death by his pastor will appear in the next issue of the Reporter.) Messrs. A. J. Owens, Zack Moran and J. N. Young wore visitors in town Saturday even ing. THE DIAMOND CURE. The latest News from Paris, is that they have discovered a dia mond cure for consumption. If you fear consumption or pneu monia, it will, however, be best for you to take that great remedy mentioned by W. T. McGee, of Vanjeer, Tenn. "I had a cough, for fourteen years. Noting helped me, until I took Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, which gave in stant relief, and effected a per manent cure." Unequalled quick cure, for throat and Lung Trou bles. At all drug stores; price 50 cents and #l, guaranteed. Trial bottle free. NOTICK. North Carolina, Iti Superhn - Court. Stokes County. Special term June, In the matter of tlieUuardlnn shlpKaud administrator upon Onier estates. The Grand Jury having report ed to the court that a great num ber of guardians, administrators and executors have for a number of years failed to renew their bonds, and tile their aunual returns as required by law. It is ordered and adjudged by the court that the Clerk of this court proceed at once to notify all guardians, oxecutors, administra tors and trustees, that a strict com pliance of the law is required and demanded. Upon failure to com ply with law in making returns, the parties will he attached as for contempt. E. B. JONES, Judge presiding. Agents for Llftm " 1 BU T C .sc P^r nS raSMfIOP Bi a*nT - U BEST STORE. 1115 Mail Order of Itooka at Half Price ! t One thousand volumes of the world's befit literature, including historical and romantic 1 I novels, poetry, stories of adventure, etc, by the world's most celobrated authors These are unquestionably the best mnde, best lumnd and altogether the best library Itooks on the market today. Printed on good paper, in largge, clear type; attractive doth binding, stamp ed in gold. Publishers price 50c, our special price while they last, 25c the volume. (By I mail, 10 cents extra.) Some of the titlos: HI Black Rock, —by Connor. Thelitis, —by Corelli. The Little Minister, —by Barrie. K'sie Venner, —by Holmes. The First Violin, —by Fothergill. Kssajs.—by Emerson. Poems, —by Oliver Wendall Holmes. Hiawatha.— by Longfellow. Lucille, —by Meredith. Treasure Island, —by Stevenson. I IMncaria, —by Evans. The Lamplighter,—by Cummins. Homestead on the Hillside, -by Holmes. Vanity Fair, —by Thackeray. The Single Heart and the Double Face,—by Tales from Sliakespenre,—by Lamb. Reade. Tempest and Sunshine, —by Homes. Beyond the Great South Wall, —by Saville. 1 Bitter Sweet, —by Holland. Beulah, —by Evans. The Simple Life,—by Wagner. The Scnrlet Letter, —by Hawthorne A Soldier's Sweetheart, —by Russell. Dodo, —by Benson. The Octaroon, —b.C Bniddou. King of the Golden River, —by Ruskin. Far from the Madding Crowd, —by Hardy. She's All the World to Me, —by Caine. j My Lady's Money,—by Collins. ITargar of the Pawn Shop,—by Hume. Ishmael, —by Southworth. A COMPLETE LISP OF TITLES SENT FREE ON REQUEST. | ft————«a———■■ 1 ■ ii 1 n j nrg » ttjtt tzxbi xrawm wwrrxareiigUßUßE*—sw—M LAND 5.4 L /:. By virtue of a decree of the Su perior Court of Stokes county, 1 rendered 011 the Kith day of June, 11KX>, in the caso of "Ida Collins and husband W. L. Collins vs Rob ert L. Riddick et al," on the Special Proceedings Docket of said court, we will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, at the court house door in the town of Danbnry, North Carolina, on Monday. Aug 5. l'.HXi. At 1 o'clock, P. M., a tract of land situate, lying and being on the waters of Big Creek, in Stokes Co. and bounded as follows, to-wit: Beginning at pointers on the bank of Big Creek, running East on Smith's line lf»£ chains to poin ters, Hole's corner, thence up the hollow with his line, North 55 de grees East, chains to a locust in the hollow, thence North chains to pointers, thence North 85 degrees East 11 chains to a stake r in the old line, thence North 4i chains to pointers at the Danbury road, thence with the road N. W., j 11 chains to redoak, corner of Lot No. 3, thence West 31A chains to a rock at the edge of the bottom, thence South 52 degrees West through the bottom 8 chains to it birch at Big Creek, thence down creek as it meanders 21| chains to the beginning, containing B.'i acres, more or less, and being lot No. 4 in the partition of the land of G. A. and Nancy C. Simmons Record of same in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Stokes coun ty, in Record of Orders and De-j crees Nt). o, pages 57 to l»4 inclu sive. Terms of sale : one half cash and the remainder on a credit of six months with bond and approved security for the deferred payment, bearing six per cent interest from day of sale. Title with held until all the purchase money is paid. Any person desiring to purchase a good farm will do well attend the sale. This June lti, l'.KXi. N. O. &F. H. PETREE, v Commissioners NOTICE ! llliving duly mutinied as executor of the last will and testament of James Klerson. deceased, notice is hereby given to all jktsoiis holding claims against the estate of wild de j censed to present them to me. duly authenticated, for payment 011 or li.v the 15th day of July, t!M»7. or thin notice will will lie pleaded In liar »>f their recovery. All jiersons Indebted to nald estate are notified to make Immediate payment. Parties can | tiihlrcMM me at Minefield, AVest Va., or at Hanburv, N. C., In cure of I'etret & Petree, Attys. Tills the 7th day of July liHMi. N. E. UIEKBON, Executor of J antes Klerson. deceased. uOll IQTFR'4 Rocky Mountain Too Nuggets A Busy Medicine tor Busy People. Brines Oolite* Health and Renewed View. A erectile for Conetluatlon, Indl*eetion, Liver end Kidney trouble*. Ptmplea, Eciema. Impure , UlooU, Hod llrcuth. Slumtsh Bowele. Headache 1 and Back ache. Iu Hook r Mountain Tea In tab- . let form. * eeuta a bo*. Genuine made by Dlttro COMPACT. Madlaon. Wis. I gShikIjGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE > Did You Ever Stop to Think J \ Where All Your Money Goes ? £ In into voar you must pay out quite a sum for ueco'Bsi- M M ties if you had a checking account ami paid your bills C by check you would have a complete record of every cant. You ran t«l 1 how much you spend for triHes during the £ It is a good plait to have n record of all money you pay • We will show you every courtesy possible consistent W £ with safe banking • %T { PIEDMONT SAVINGS BANK \ / J'. VV. Cashier. # Winston, N. C. % # Deposit. C furniture and Undertakers Supplies. Von Can Buy GOOD FURNITURE ('heap at Our Store. Six strung chairs I'or $2.7."i. A nice roekcr ill fiimi Wile tosT>.U". llr.it (lining • Imits $4 7.j lo $7..M) per set. Children's chairs, )>iitii> eating or rocke-, 4jc In if 1..V1. (»o carts lo suit your purse. Nice lieds, double ami Niiu;le, •S.-VI to ♦ 10. Dressers $5.01) In (12.(10. Wash SIMIIIIH s.'l t«> Three piece L»'d MUM suita sl2.f>o lo 935.00. Nicer ones if you nod litem. We keep nice wardrobes, chiffoniers, side hoards, mat I reuses, lieil springs, kitchin sates, cupboard*^baby cribs, liali racks, center tallies, dinlnp lalili-s, brooms, lamps, rugs, matting, window shades, dishes of every kind, trunks, and in fact anything you need in the furniture Hue we can show it to ymi and name a prlc.' t lint means a trade. Call on us. If you don't tind anyone in tin* sim-e call at Jacob Fulton's store. Ha will have you waited on pininptlv. Yours for Uusltiess, JOHN G. FULTON & COMPANY. Successors to I). S. Wntkins, WALNUT COVE, - - - N, C. » KILL™. COUCH M CURE TBI LUWCS *" Dr. King's New Discovery I___ /Consumption phcb FOR I OUGHS *nd 50c «. SI.OO Free Trial. Surest and Quickest Ours for ail THROAT and LUNQ TROTXB -2JEB, or MONEY BACK. • NOTICE. Having: qualified as executor oil lie lnnf will and -testament ot .funics ■ illlll deceased. Illlliff Is hl-rcllV fCiVOtl to all iterHoim holding:claims against ; tlie estate of the Mall! .1 allien Join : to present llieni to me. ilul.v nntlicn- I tl(iitill. lor iniviiieiit. oil or In-fore 1 the lutli dny i.f July, lIMI7. or thlH i notice will lie pleaded in liar of their recovery. All |H-tfonx indebted to | Kiiiil estate will please make immed iate pa.\ nient. This the :|>tli dnv i f ! Jlllle I!KHi. 1 It A K. JICSSI'I*, Kxecutor of .IAMKN (JOIN, dcccnsed. I*. o. Ilrliu, N. Route 1. Petri*- & I'etree Attorneys.