THE DANBURY REPORTER. VOLUME XXXIII. Vote Cast For County Officers in Stokes NmemMr 8, 1904 j| HOUSE OF HEP. j R. D. SHERIFF, TREASTRER, COMMISSIONERS. PRECINCTS. Essex. Gordon. Flinn. Jones. Obristian., Petree. Frnns. Reynolds.! Burton. Joyoe. Lawson. . Gam.. Sholton. Mabe. Banbury V --- --- 51 124 ! 58 122 70 170 »9 121 69 59 61 119 116 97 Wilson's Store .' - 122 HO 122 WO 130 I GH 123 79 186 122 VM 70 78 69 Germanton - - 37 100 39 103 31 106 39 103 89 39 ;.9 103 102 103 >K»ok - . ; b8 . 122 I »> 122 69 121 68 121 (18 68 68 119 . 121 121 F Boy lea' Store - HI I°' • 79 ">1 87 93 81 97 82 83 M 90 97 . 99 LphLcle : - .>£ «» 1" 69 128 78 111 72 114 73 73 73 119 113 114 v3o*ington's School House , ... . 58 -16 70 209 82 187 73 200 70 70 70 j 203 202 20-"' Francisco " 11:{ 12 ' 121 J2l 1,,() 89 148 9-1 lit 115 112 1 125 122 122 Lawsonville.. ... .. 92 199 94 196 101 189 91 19T» 96 95 107 187 19-. Sandy Ridge > 166 119 167 116 ! 171 114 168 117 171 168 168 119 11,1 111 Mitchell's .1 ... -d- #2 4o 81 46 > K) 37 I 79 49 82 83 80 47 46 12 Pine Hall .. 49 16 56 9 ;>0 17 44 20 ! 47 47 47 19 ! 19 19 -Walnut Oove - &£&■:.- • 120 112 ; 182 104 136 100 123 HJ 151 1 122 123 97 101 105 .Freeman's „ . 39 j 22 j 46 13 40 21 j 39 22 40 39 39 20 22 22 Totals .... ...... . l 1147 1505 , 1189 1470 ! 1285 1359 • 1210' 1443 "1238 1183 1190 1437 1450 1414 HP ;V' jii... i ' Ml - A. F. CHRISTIAN WINS THE PLUM REPUBLICAN .CONVENTION HERE SATURDAY ___ Only Contest of Any Note Was for Treasurer, Mr. Christian Winning On Bth Ballot-- Dramatic Speech By 1 J. J. Priddy--From 200 to 300 People Present. For House of Representatives —,] J. H..Helsabock. For Clerk Superiour Court—M. T. Chilton. For Register of Deeds—C, M. _ Jon o« § For Sheriff—R. J. Petree. W For Treasurer —A. F. Christiau. For Surveyor—J. W. Pell. For CoxAA— S. F. Slate. For (jfOmmiasioners —R. F. tthel- Quaker Gap Township; W M*. Mabe, of Peter's Creek town •hip; J. P. Smith, of Meadows township. was nominated hHKn.nty Republicans Saturday. The SHHnMlance was estimated 200 to 300. About ISO of fljmedelegates and spectators ac- Bjpted an invitation to dinner at B|e MoCanloss Hotel at the ox- of some of the candidates. \ The convention assembled at t the court house at 1 o'olock and called to order by Chairman i y of the Executive Committee N. (). E Petree. Mr. Carroll was Rjtnade Pefree ad- in a ten ■PHiio!* he point- Hw effects of Itypubli- MmJstrntion of the of iHffiscounty, reviewed the party's Hat successes and showed the for continued success in con- Si rolling the uificn. * motion Mr. J. H. Fulton, of ■SfjUtiutCovp, was made permanent Hljiiiman of the meeting and Mr. of Mi/.pah, pcrman- Pk. Jones, of Pinnacle,, nonoiuination Mr. R. J. JKfs fur Sheriff, delivering quite I Bttgthy enlogisin of the candi flft. There being no opposition ho WHS nominated IO . ■Mr. M.'T. Chilton was put in . an m f>>r Clerk by Mr J. W. MB . • ii M r ■ ! Jones fur mhtnr of D*s*%[by Mr H. H. W. Both wore nominated by no Pit ®' s - WMo the aortttnation for ™"'U^ r . " nf » ® general laugli i ~ f . i E. Tilley were placed in nomiua- i tion. The delegates having now pre- j pared their ballots, the voting; ' began, following: . FIRST BALLOT. tenst £'.. ij.' 10 Slate .91 Priddy ...11l Christian ' .. .. 14 j ! Tillcy . _ 2 Vosfl .7 f Neal ; 11 ! SECOND BALLOT. East .. 12 j Slate :-14' Priddy ... .... 7; Christian 17 ; Nfnl 14 i THIRD BALLOT. i East... .13: i I Slate ......... 13 i Priddy 2, Christian ... 20 Neal .. lti At this juncture Mr. J. J. Prid- j dy arone and asked permission to! submit a few remarks to the con vention, and being granted that., privilege, stated that he had been ! a long and faithful worker for the .Republican party, and had beJY» Voting the ticket for 40years. He had grown gray-haired, he said, in | tile service of the party, and had 4me to Dan bury at the hour of j I mid-night for tickets, etc., and bad j gone to the polls when he was bodily not aUIe to do so, to vote , for his beloved pasty. And now, when his lucks were turning white ' i with the frosts of many winters he ohose to ask this one office—the only favor he had ever asked- it' was refused hiui. Now God be ing his helper, he would never ask ,f r anything else. "Jule Priddy," ho ontolu "is a froo mm" , FOURTH BALLOT. East . -lo Slat.* 12! Christian . .Ssj | Ncal .14! I FIFTH BALLOT. £■- SIXTH BALLOT. If DANBURY, N. C., AUQ. 9, 1906. Here Dr, Slate arooe and with drow saying that, though ho was ; like Mr. Priddy in some respects, j that he was not like him in other rospeots, and that ho might ask for ; something again, SEVENTH BALLOT. East 19 Christian 2H Neal ... 17- Here Mr. Will Hairston, ono of i the delegates, created a lot of | laughter by continually insisting t hat in order to facilitate a nomina-' ; tion, the hindmost man in every j ballot be dropped off. Then some-; I body tried to inject a new candi- j date, the names of Messrs. J. H. i Helsabeck and D. V. Carroll being suggested. Messrs. Carroll and Helsabeck declined the the honor, i ; and besides the chairman ruledj j that no uow candidates could come i ! in at this time. EIGHTH BALLOT. ! East. ... 161 1 Christian .411 I Neal 1.... .7j i This nominated Christian. The nomination of a candidate I for the House of Representatives now boing in order, the names of. Frank H. Petree, J. H. Helsabeck I and John Henry Fagg were pre sented. Two ballots were taken, result , ing as follows: FTRST BALLOT. Petree ...... 24 Helsabeck 27 j ' E«g« 10 i SECOND BALLOT. Petree 24 ! Helsabeck ... .. . 33 j i Fagg... 4 ■ ■ . .11 .. - - ~ ■■ 1 1 - J - - ■ «i 1 -■ I 1 Mr, HelSaboek was declared) ; nominated. 11 I Next came the nomination .l ! lOnunty commissioners, the ball i- '> ( i iiig resulting as follows: J P. Smith i):j I ] ./no. W. (iann . .. 25! ,W. M. Mabe .5 ,]{. P. Shelton 41; J M. Mitchell. . J. F, Shelton ... ' J. E. Slate 17 ! : Messrs. Smith, Mabe and R. I .; Shelton were declared the nor.i;-' i : nees on the tirst ballot. Delegates to the Senatorial con vention at Pilot Mountain, the date of which has not yet been fixed, were elected as follows: I J R. Smith, S. W. Neal, P. R. I Nelson, Jee Nunn, L. W. Fergu j son, J. G. Jones, J. G. Fowler, D : A. White, A. W. Davis, R. H. R. Blair, Chas. Fngg, W. V. Shelton, C. M. Hennis, J. H. Brown, J W. j Young. I Alternates: D. L. Caudle, Wm. I Neal, Ira Jessup, B. A. Overby, J. W. Flemming, W. H. Slate, W.; W. Hampton, S. L. Montgomery, i i Joe Coleman, Obe Young, Rufus ' Shelton, H. H. Reid, F. M. Amos,' J. R. Hall, J. M. Fagg. A MYSTERY SOLVED. "How to keep off periodic at-1 tacks of biliousness and habitual constipation was 11 mystery that ; Dr. King's New Life Pills solved ; | for me," writes John N. Pleasant, j lof Magnolia, Ind. The only pills ; that are guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction to everybody or money 'refunded. Only 25c at all drug stores. — 1 —r OLD SOLDIERS SATURDAY CAPT. JAMES A. LEAK WRITES LD'lTljß his Jc Sick, Which May Prevent His Attend ance, But He Urges Everyone Who Loves the Old Soldiers, to Come to Danbury and Bring a Basket. Peter's Creek, Va., July 30. To the Confederates Veterans of Stokes county : The 11th day.of August is the time set for our reunion and I hope you all will be sufficiently interested to be there on that day and let us make it one of the grandest days in the history of Danbury. Be there promptly at 9 o'clock in order to get through with our exercises in time for the speaking and dinner, and I hope the people of Stokes, together with the soldiers who are able, will make ample arrangement fir a good dinner and a good time. I know that the good people of Stokes lore the old soldiers too well and are too patriotic to suffer us to make a failure. There is ono thing sure, we wont be here long to have reunions 1 want everybody that can to be there and more especially the young ladies, for when ever the ladies are interested there cati be no failure I am fearful that the illness of my wife will prevent me from being | there and if lam not there 1 hope ihe other officerb will I'll my plaoe. I thank the people for their past kindnens and hope they will b# | amply paid for their trouble on this occasion. Respectfully, J A. LEAK. ; Letter From Prosperity, West Va. Prosperity, W. Ya.,' July 31, . iAs time permits me, I will try to write a few lines in your columns, l as somo one might like to soe a few words from me. lam sure 1 : like to read articles from that oonnty for I foci like that county is coming to tho front and this is . right; let each one try to mnko the ; county bettor for it will bo just what we make it; let us live true to our county and not only to our ! country, but live for Christ. For j that i 3 the great end that wi. all |should live to, for we find that, I Chridt is the end of the law, for' ' righteousness. Then if that bej BO why can't we ali liva for IV.rist, j ! for He suffered df rtth for i'; all.] |lf we then will only hear H'.s call and obey it, we will ba Christians 'and He calls us through the gos pel. That is the only was timt He | has ever caied any one sinco He • 'ascended u;> into g'.orj. Now some ono might want to know what this gospel is; weli my friend it is the word of God as recorded in the Bible. The New Testament Scriptures are our guide Some i oue may bay that the Bible is only a dead letter. If we say thut, we make out (lod a liar for He says that His words arc true and they are life. Theu again Ho says : though if an angel from Heaven : preach any other gospel than this I let Him b« aocursed. Then He \ sayß today ia the accepted time; if | : you will hear His voice harden not your hearts; take ray yoke upon ! you and loam of me for my yoke ' ia easy and my burden is light. Then Again He Buys the bride says come and the spirit say a come and whosoever will let liim come and take of the wator of life ifroely. Then we can very easily : see that wc RII are bidden to come and follow Christ, Then He snya if pay m«o he&rotb these sayings of Mine and doeth them, 1 will liken him unto a wise mau who built Hi 3 house on a rook and the wind i blew and the flood a came ' and the house fell not because it was founded on a rock, but he that hoareth thorn and doetii them ! not. 1 will liken him unto n foolish I man who built hi* house? on the saud; the wind blew and the flood* i came and that hoube fell and 'great was the fall of it. So we can readily see I hat w» all have a promise of eternal life if we will only confess Christ and live up to the commands of the Gospel. Then some otio might want to know how wo are to confess him. Well, we see in tho scriptures ot eternal truth that with tho mouth mau speaketh and with tho heait loonfession ia made unto salvation then he that bolievoth with all his heart that Jesus is the Christ • the son of the living God, he i« a tit subject for beiug baptised; : then if we be baptised into Christ we are saved from our past sins. Then if we live faithful unto death we have a right to the j tree of lifa ahd can enter in ' through the gates into the city and be forever with tho Lord. Respectfully, I JOSEPH F. W. NO. 27

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