THE Danbury Reporter. . « 11. I_ . - ' N. E. & E. P. Peitrk, Publishers. TERMS TO ANY A DDK ESS : One your, sl, tf mo. 50c., 3 mo. 25 AUGUST >, 1906 . ; »•—. , OLD SOLDIERS' -DAY SATUR DAY. At Danbury next Saturday the old confederate soldiers the last remnant of the Ariuy of Northern ' Virginia in Stokes count) will meet. It is the purpose of tlie managers of the association to have GovyGlenn or Hon C. B. W address the old soldiers. Every person in the county who can do so, is invited to come out and bring a basket and help give the "boys in gray" a good dinner Col. M. V. Mabe and Dr. L. H. Hill have promised to make music on the fife, and some one will probably beat the drum. From present indications there will be a tremenduous crowd here. Everyone feels an interest in the old Boldiers. Their ranks are sad ly fading away, and only a very few more years will elapse before the last of the once gallant and invincible army will hare passed over the river to be waked by the bugle calls on the other side. Let us do them them these honors now in their old age and in their last days. It will not cost much, and they will appreciate it more than anything. Many of them are poor and have not had a square meal in many a day, Let the sons and daughters and the grand chil dren and the friends of the old men come out and help them to pass a happy day, Capt. James A. Leak writes the Reporter that owing to the serioua illness of Mrs. Leak that he may be detained from coming, but that he will be here if he possibly can, and that he desires every one to t*ke an interest in making the day a pleasant one for the old soldiers. LOOK OUT FOR CONSUMPTION. The Reporter has no desire to be an alarmist, but we feel it our duty to warn those of our readers who would appreciate such that the number of cnses of consump tion in the neighborhood of Dnn brry at this time is indeed cause for concern, and that some meth od of avoiding contagion should be adopted. It is well known by intelligent peoplo'that the promis cuous expectoration of consumpt ives in public places is dangerous to the general health of the people, especially of those who are predis posed to consumption either by heredity or constitutional weak ness. It is certain that there are at this time no less than sis well defined cases of tuberculosis in this community and equally cer tain that no sort of precaution is observed to prevent the fatal germs from finding new tields to pasture in In some States there are laws, we believe, that prohibit consump tives from expectorating in public places. While we have no such laws, we should at least be very careful to observe the common sense precautions, and one of these is to sleep in well ventilated rooms j and keep as much fresh air and cleanliness around us as possible.i Nothing is so fatal to the germ of' consumption as fresh air. One of the most pertinent ques tions of the day at this time, so far as our own county is concern-, ed, is, whnt has suddenly become of the North Carolina Protective Association. ■ • i OUR LORD AND MASTER. J , In olden times in England aj . duke owned immense tracts of „ j country, rich provinces, towns, cities and the inhabitants, body laud soul. His power was about > as absolute as that uf the king. ; North Carolina, Virginia and Ken- i • tucky is a dukedom, and the mas-1 • tor of this territory is a real Duke, j Our lands are in eifect his, just as a much as if he owned them in foe t simple. Our peoplo are his serfs, i The rich products of our lands are 1 his assets, and the toil of our mil -3 lions go to make him and his com > panions richer year by year. 'Tie not our will, but thine, be . done, O Duke. We would that! j we might have more money forj t our work, and better prices for | • our tobacco, but we have no power i to force thee to treat us ritrht. A ' ■ | e> . goodly number of our own people, | 3 those who suffer with us, believe; 1 that thou art paying us all that we; i deserve, and that thou art the best 1 friend we ever had. We look | . around us at Winston, Reidsville, 3 Madison, Martinsville, Greensboro - j and a hundred other towns and j\ see huge factories that cost mil s lions of dollars standing empty, I silent aud deserted- somber tomb -1 stones that mark the death of cotn ; petition, and of freedom. We see t thee standing Master of every to i bacco market from Virginia to • Texas, the incarnation of Greed, ,> Brute Power, Craft and Graft. > And yet who shall say nay. ,1 , It is remarkable how little the , people know about the future, and' . how much tboy think they know,! [ Never in the history of our conn-! , ty, in the memory of our oldest j inhabitants, has more wet weather! i , visited the farmers than has been ' , the case the present summer. It , was the geuertl verdict of the | t know-alls even ts shortly back as two weeks ago, that the tobacco , orop in Stokes county was not : , only going to be exceedingly short, but that the quality would be: very inferior. But today every j . farmer you meat tells you that he ■ , has as good if not the best crop of ■ tobacco that he ever had in his l life. The 'ld Mareter still knows his . business . ; Recently Mr. J. G. H. Mitchell, I one of the Reporter's beat and ! most valued friends, made K trip over the mountains into Virginia, and on his return wrote a very entertaining and interesting de scription of the trip for publica-i tiou in this paper, sending the! same to us by mail. But the, manuscript has accidentally been' misplaced in this ottieo, and can not be found anywhere We re gret exceedingly that such is the . case, and trust thai Mr. MitohelL will re-write the article and send' to us, and wt! promise to be more careful for jfs preservation next; time. ; Messrs. Jno. T. Carroll and 'A R. Moran were Danbury visitors; Tuesday. GALVESTON'S SEA WALIJ makes life now as safe in that city ; as on the higher uplands. E W. i 'Goodloe, who resides on Duttonl! ; St., in Waco, Tex., needs no soa !' wall for safety. He writes: "I j' have u#ed Dr. King's New Disccv- j ery for consumption the past five i ! years and it keeps me well and ( safe. BefoJe that time I had a , cough which for years had been growing worse. Now it's gone." 1 Cures chronic Coughs. LaGrippe, Croup, Whooping Cough and * previous Pneumonia. Pleasant to j take. Every bottle gnaranted at' all drug stores. Price 50c and #l. j Trial bottle free. I I LAJVD SALE. By virtue of a Judgment «»f the Su perior court of Stokes county, ree lert'«l lit JuneßiKH'.lnl term. 19H>, by Ills Honor .lul>e E. B. Jones In a civil action entitled - *F. L. Fowler and W. M. Wnttw VH J. I). Watte,'" appointing the underpinned coinmU sloners to make unle of the lierelnnf i ter deMcrltied liiiulh. we will well at public auction to the highest bidder , for cnnli, at the court limine door. in j (IK- town of Danburv, N.\.-on Moll-, i day ilie third day of September, (he following described laudn, towlt | A certain tract or parcel of land 1 .-dtuate, lying and being In Yadkin Township. •stoke* County, N. '.. adjoining; the lands of I'. Oliver and others and bounded as follows, Jo wit: Itcglnnlng at a post oak. old corner. J. K. KulkV «. \V. corner, I running Kast on Fulk's line 10 chains and 40 links to a dogwood InMoser's line, tluyicc south chains on I Moser's itiul Smith's line, crowning two branches to a poplar near a! ] small branch, thence west following! i the old tSpalnhonr line «IJ chains, ; crossing a rlilge road and a branch j to pointers near a hollow at the edge j | of an old Held, thence North through . the old field 2'2 chains and IK) links , | crossing a branch to a rock and I pointers IV Oliver's corner North 4, r > degrees Kast 1 chain and (HI links to a rock Oliver's corner, thence North «iii his line chains to a black oak thence North lfiilegreen East 4 chains to a pine slump, Oliver's corner, thence North 71 degree** East on his line HI chains ti> a rock, )llver'n corn-' er, thence North on Oliver's llnecross- I ing .S'tanley branch and following on j \V. \l. Watt's line chains to ii j chestnut In a hollow In .1. \V. Wall's line, thence East on his line 1" chains, |to a hlckor.v, Wall's corner, thence j South."> degrees East, 11 chains to an apple tree on the West side of a i spring branch, thence down said j branch South a degrees Went SVI to atanley branch, thence up salil branch, as It meanders chains to J. E. Fulk's line, thence South on his line 'l\ chains and K7 links to the l>e glunlng containing :I2# acres inorv or less and being lot No. 4 In thedlvlnlou of the lands of Wm. 11. Watts, de ceased, assigned to J. I). Watts and l»'lng the home place, where the late W. 11. Watts resided, on Stanley Branch, the B. W. l'ulllam tract and j other tracts consolidated In one sur vey. The lands will IK- offered for sale as a whole and In two loin, for the purpose of ascertaining by which method a greater price can t>o obtain ed. and when It Is wo offered for sale In lots as aforesaid, otio of the said lots shall consist of the land describ ed In the original complaint tiled In this cause, and the other lot shall consist of all lauds descrllied above which are not included In said original I complaint. Sale subject tocotiflrma ! tlon of the t'ourt. This August the j tirst. HXMi. J. 1) lU'MPHUEYS, F. II PKTRER. Commissioner#. NOTICE ! Having duly iitialllled as cxeeutor of the last will and testament of j James Hlerson, deceased, notice Is i hereby given to all persons holding ! claims agnhmt the estate of until de creased to present them to me. duly authenticated, for payment ou or by j the 15th day of July, 1907, or tlit* i notice will will Is- pleaded In bar of i their recovery. All persons Indebted j ! to said estate are notified to make ; Immediate payment. Parties can ; address me at Bluefleld, West Yn., or at Danbury, N. In care of Petrne ; I & Petree, Attys. Tills the 7th day of July ItRMJ. N. K. KIEKSON, Executor if James Hlerson. deceased. | i " XOTJCE TO CREDITORS. Having this da\ duly tpialllieil, be fore tln- 'lerk of the Sujierlor Court of St okes county, as the uilmln Ist ra ' tor with the will annexed of Jane Alley, dee'il. I hereby give notice to! .ill persons having claims against ' her estate to present them to me,, duly nut hen t lea ted. h >r settlement on . or before the "i7th day of July, 1'.H»7,! oil his notice Will be pleaded In burl of their recovery. And all persons I owing said estate are notified to' make Immediate payment to ine. This the L'.'ith ilnv of Jnlv, l'.HKi. J. WAI.TER JOYCE. Adm'r with the will auuexe«l of t Jane Alley, rtee'd. B.v Walter W. King. Attornev. . ..VOTICE. Having ipialltied as executor of the ! last will and testament of James' tioiii deceased, notice Is hereby given , to all persons holding claims against j the estate of the said James (Join , J to present them to me. duly authen-l ticated. for payment, on or before I I I he lOth day of July. 1!MI7, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their ; I recovery. All persons Indebted t» j said estate will please make Immeil-i i late payment. Tills the :Wlth dav of i I June ISM Ml. IHA K. JKSSCP, Executor of JAMES (JOIN, deceased. P. o. Brim, N. C. Route 1. j IV tree &• IV tree Attorneys. JOHN I). HUMPHREYS, • Attorney at Law. Danbury, - - - N. C I j' Prompt attention to all businera | entrusted. Will practice in all i State courts. ' In buying insurance you want to obtain the best company, with the most liberal contract and the lowest rates, We can till all these requirements in either Fire. Life! or Accident Insurance. A postal | will bring you our terms. BANK OF STOKES COUNTY. . Insurance Department, Walnut Cove, N. C. Buttcrick Patterns fflkyPpC-U/pQTODnfIR If! Biggest l()c, 15c and 111 ILjll' "MyUl\(Jl]f| I• and 20c. I' U BEST STORE. II | 1 llij? mail Order Sale of Hooka at j|l Hair Price I I One thousand volumes of the world's beet literature, including historical and romantic | j novels, poetry, stories of adventure, etc., by the world's most celebrated authors. These are [j 8 unquestionably the best made, best hound and altogether the best library boohs on the f market today. Printed on good paper, in largge, clear type; attractive cloth binding, stamp- k 4 a | ed in gold. Pnblisheis price 50c, our special price while they last, 25c the volume. (By 1 | mail, 10 cents extra.) Some of the titles: I b Black Rook, —by Connor. Thelrna, —by Corelli. | j The Little Minister, —by Harrie. lilsie Veuner, —by Holmes. The First Violin,—by Fotkargill. Essays,—by Kmerson. 1 Poems, —by Oliver Wendall Holmes. Hiawatha,—by Longfellow. Luoille,- by Meredith. « Treasure Island,—by Stevenson. Macaria, —by Evans. The Lamplighter,—by Cummins. ! J Homestead on the Hillside,—by Holmes, Vanity Fair, —by Thackeray, jj | The Single Heart and the Double Face, —by Tales from Shakespeare,—by Lamb. Reade. Tempest and Sunshine, —by Homes. Beyond the Great South Wall, —by Saville. Bitter Sweet, —by Holland. j a Beulah.—by Evans. ! The Simple Life, —by Wagnor. I The Scarlot Letter, —by Hawthorne. A Soldier's Sweetheart, —by Russell. Dodo, —by Benson. The Octaroou, —bi Braddon. King of the Golden River, —by Ruskiu. Far from the Madding Crowd, —by Hardy. She's All the World to Me, —by Caine. My Lady's Money,—by Collins. Hargar of the Pawn Shop,—by Hume. 1 Ishroael, —by Southworth. , A COMPLETE LIST OF TITLES SENT FREE ON REQUEST. I ~ | L— —— ———- if! DANBURY H WALNUT COVE | Tilt Don or sionts coumr a CAPITAL, SIO,OOO M DEPOSITS, 48,000 £832 SURPLUS, 2,000 We want your account and arc prepared ami equip £B3 ped to give you as good service as any bank in the South can give you. Our cashiers are bonded, we are 833 §yf fully covered with burglary insurance, and our iJ§ fire-proof vaults are equipped with the latest pattern of burglar-proof time-lock steel safes. Ciive us your account., it doesn't matter how small or large, and be with the hundreds of other satisfied customers we have —merchants, farmers and business F3S) men, professional men, ladies and children. We pa} r 4 per cent interest if you leave your money with as long as six months. Any amount taken. 1 THIS SPACE IS RESERVED FOR 1 SM Jacob Fulton I

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