1 THE PIG J Clearance Sale/ Is Stilß Going On « With a Rush.!! n i Every day numerous customers come ami luy hountitul'y of tf?e [} 1 many bargains we are offering. If you have K t been to sale you N ! should come at once for you will not have a icther opportunity like V\ . this during the season. Don't these prices iit -'rest vou? A ' : ■ This Is Your Golden Opportunity:!] ■ SUITS. -j PANTS. I, m $ 4 0(1 Men's Suit 9 now ji 2} 20 v $1.25 Pants now SI.OO 5 00 Men's Suits now I 00 1.50 Pant* now 1.20 7 60 Men's Suits now '» 90 2.00 Pants now l.fiO 10 00 Men's Suits now S 00 ■ 2.50 Pants now 2.00 12 50 Men's Suits now 10 (X) 3 3.00 Pants now 2.40 15 00 Men's Suits now 12 00 3.50 Pants uow 2.80 20 00 Men's Suits now It) 00 I B 5.00 Pants now. 5.00 25 00 Men's Suits now 20 00 M 100 Suits, one's and two's of a kind, at H»|f Price. J 1 $lO Suits $5, sl2 suits $6, sls suits $7.50, 18.50 suits $9.25. | Real Opportunity Like This knock* at jour door but once during the Summer Season. M Don't overlook, it. We are clearing out stock to get in readiness for the Fall and Winter M trade. We can use the money, but not the stock. Wo hnve pinched our prices as much as fl it is possible to pich them. Read, just got an idea of what we arc doing here. ■ MEN'S STRAW HATS. BOY'S SUITS. || ■ AT HALF I'RICB. 12.00 Suits xu)W sl.'">o fc{ 25 cent Hat* uow IS cent* 8.50 Suits now 2.80 ■ 50 oeut Hats now ' 25 c#nta I ' $1 OOflaU now 50 cents I 4.00 Suits now 8.20 vi ■ 1.50 Bat*. BOW ■ 95 cents K" ■ 2.00 Bats now SI.OO 5. X) Suits now 400 M ■ 2.50 Hats now 1.25 SHIRTS, UNDERWEAR, SOX, TIES, COLLARS, in fact everything must go at 20 per M m cent, discount —exeept '.'Oarhartt Overall* (whioh are net.) All goods are marked iu plain || M tigures—ju*t take oflf 20 per cent, and yon have our selling price. 1A When we hold a Clearance Sale we make things hum. We want room we want to clear 9 out each season's atook before the next arrives. We don't mind the loss—we can use the f H money, but not the goods. t I Dont't Forget Sale Closes August 11 th. 1 IN. L. CRANfORD~&~CX | One Price Clothiers. W itiston, C. ■mi'mim.wi,r ii TT'n » ii. v. mm ico. u have moved temporarily to , STAR WAREHOUSE || We are now building uur NEW PIEDMONT WAKE- | I HOUSE and will be in it September 1, lWi, in time for g S the new orop. In the meantime you will find ns at Star p j Warehouse ready to serve you in any way wo can. tiring ns your tobacco and we will look closely after your I interests. Your triends, [IM W INORPtCET & CO]! ii ■■ 11 ijl* , J ■ A. THE SANITARIUM CURBS RHEUMATISM •. «• There U HO better time to treatyear KUftiiawirtin tJmn COW. Therein no better plaee than,the Jtlergon-Co^pW' Sanitarium. Our percentage ot Cures tiir the nut two .year* baa equalled U not scrolled tlie eelelnated Hut Sprtonpi, Ark., and at a cost not Kreater tbuu your rcllroad>faF«rMiaae.-tliere ami return. A few treutiueota now will rkl the system xA any littplrrtieM. ami would perhape lie the mean* of preventing avrlou* Mlckuexw If you suffer with any form of nkln troulnlr. old Sore*. Catarrh. | Kidney disease, Indltceatlnn. iin.v other eferonW dpUMiae. AV.i offer a treatment that Cure*. DBS. RIIRSON AND COPPL.E, Physicians and Surgeons, 127 8. MAIN STRUCT. WINN'I'OuN-HALKM. N. C. i,N;> kai.H. 11l \ i I*l lie I it thvi'Cl of i ||l" fs ';- I |H»ri"' ■ ('oiirt nf Stokes conniy rei ; deivd by M. T. ('hilton, tS. (in tliv Special rrt'cv e;t»ltl,*d S. I'nlilani et nl vs. Oro \J. I'ulp ft j: jijiiiMlntliijj; tin l i-111 ii cor mlKHlonorto make brloof the Inn!; hereafter r!li"i| I \\ 111 mi till' !."> !| nl AliU'itst !!!«>. nil the premises, ( h the 71l in re tract ) hcII ;.t public ni tloil f • fill' bidder fur t'llt-il tlie fdlluwlnK deserljied lands to-wl A certain tract or pa reel df html situate. lyiii:.- and heini; In thecouuu (if Stokes oil both sides of a branch n: Mi.- Ittt.lt* ft H;!ii culled Spa:i I lit II! ' CtW '• Hllll llOUlllltHl IW follow .t•*- >• r i • .!• s? til':;; ill jxit.itcrs (orii erl\ liostt i corner nml ruiiH Soil i ,"i if. *rrw.4 v. >• vr-t-eii.i.-lin* creek I poles to pointers, thence West '■* I poles lo n jiiikl o'lk, I hence North I poles crossing: tli" crwi, ton Kpiini i j onk. thence K.'ist 10(i poies to the I* • i ttlnniiiK containing lT.ti acres more or lens, for flirt her description of this tract see Hook No. lit paue W7 111 li e 1 olllec of the lleiflster of Ilcds >f ! Stokes County, N. Second tract: beginning at a Ht.nAe ,in Stewart's line thence N'orth V j .decree* West Ix chains and 'M lln; 'to n stale "t! the Volunteer roic'. j thence Noptll 7% decrees West It chains, thence North 12 ! /j degree! I Kast chains, thence North d. ' grew West ehnins to n post onk stamp. thence North decrees ; East 17 chains nnd 90 links to the i Southern Hallway thence nlong sn'd | railroad South .V) degrees Knst ::1 ! chains and N4 links, thence South 12 ! decrees West 2# chains and :1 liiiU-» 1 to the beginning containing 78 acres m»r* or less. This last named triu t. Is that portion of tracts Noh. 1 and 'J descrlhed In the petition In thist'ttltse : which lies on the South side or the South West side of the Southern 'Hallway. Sale subject to eomfinnn ! tlon of i'onrt. This July 10 Wot;. .1 I). HUMPH ('onimlKMloner m BBaaaBEBBEEEBaaBBa B m' ■ I P*• EE S 1~1 si fll MAYODAN, N. C. H 104 . © yj Agent for the Chattanooga Plows and Repairs. (jf| i' . a S K > ( Single and Double Barrel Shot Guns, Good Assortment of Rifles, Jr-M ■>> All kinds of Quo Shells, Cook Stoves, Furniture, and a big line [ be* of Dry Goods, Hats, and a great many different Oj f •' x kinds of games. YOURS FOR BUSINESS M t S. P. T E S H S j a ;t*j ,1 „ t j : .I 111 HP IN II PHI Pill To Cure a Cold in One Day I t Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. >e f%f/ ™ 8 i;... ———-——— i 'UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 1789-1906. M«ad of the State's (educational System. i DEPARTMENT. | Collegiate. Engineering, (iraduate, I .aw. Medicine, Pharmacy. .1 Lll»rary t-oiitafna 4:i,(KHI volume*. | New \\ a ter workx, oleetrle lljfhtN. central lientliiK ny«toin. New .lormlforieH, jiviniiaHtiuii. Y .\1 ('. A. I.iill.Hiik. |; f8? STUDENTS. 74 IN FACULTY. i i The Fall term Sept. 10. Address !" cis P. V ENABLE, Prkkihext, CIIAPKI., HILL, X. C. DON r ABUSE YOUR STOM A C H . 1 ■ ireiiifi \oinsolf ti death with mineral {|' •;'•.,» when there is Soinethiiu: ItetMr. |I! . von Rheumatism, I.ivei ami Kidney i T■ «»m • U*. paiirin tlie Hark ami Sides, are I v in .onstipiited, have von Indigestion, .Sjrk 1 1.; Nei vous Headache, Dir.r.y Spells, Heart 'l' l'ihln and Weak irenlation of the | 1 onii' 1 ' I>o it(j) hesitate to i TRY BLISS' NATIVE HERBS. I h'"' lenovate the entire System l«y lon •i'_• ■ ihe l.iver ami Kidneys, relieving I (' inirallon and pni ifyinir the Hlood. '; 2'X) Days Treatment For §I.OO i i{ v • h poailiv* sru rmitro in fach l»nx from i ! The Alojujn (). Rll»w 'o. to refund your L iilf lint #s* represented. Sec* that llie t rtiArk *•\f*. M is •!» rvoiv box ami For SI«|M i.r K !' NEWSUM. King. N. O. ' I | "' * "WHEN YOU SHOOT Vou wont lo HIT what you are aiming at K jj —be it hird, heist or tirpet. M.ilce y««ur ? *Jf Sl * otß u^( *hootinp t!ic M I VKNS. ; vi * or 41 y eiirA STEVENS ARMS h.ivc gl carried off I'KFMIER HONORS for AC | B| CURACY Our line: ; fj Rlflas, Shotguns, Pistols 11 Inr *'*' —ii- it || '« I«»• sriiVF.M*. ftl4 > •■ace Catalog i 1 I ifyuH iani.t oi>t\.n. of complete ouitHit. A •iIJ I** ,Mn o:,c * *> tx ' v% JWie t».K»k uirrf.r --» I lst I * r ' J ' f'f'ul, «t» n e.«.ef..r rrenrnt and jjfci i»«««*ne« tlve % ootm. I Ig Beaoufuhhree color Aluminum Hanger will ) |? t>c forwarded lor ic ceuis in stamp*. || .!. Stevens hir>s & Tool Co., P. 0 Box 40*6 [|| FALLS. MASS . 0. 8. A. ll —- . BLUE FROINT | STORE, WAUNUT COVE, N. C. ; I don't el aim to have the LARGEST store on earth, but the CHEAPEST. J, WILL EAST, WALNUT COVE. j I New Clothing Store | I at MADISON, IN. C. 1 I TO BUY YOIJR NEXT SUIT. We have just received a 1 II big line. Prices to suit all. Suits from $2.50 to 12.V00. ■ H We also carry a nice line of Shoos," Hats ami Shirts. In M KB fact we carry everything that you will find in a first claa6 fur- ■ LACKEY & CO. JI ""**** —1 John A. Burton VValnui Cove, *N. C; ; |1 llcali|iiarleis for ilie SloKcs County "1«eo pie who want the best goods ai" the lowest priees. Keeps .a I ways on fiaml afi kinds of farmers- sup plies— Dry Goods, Shoes, 'Jf (Groceries of all kinds, mm (arming fools, and Guanos. •,» At Winston PricJ

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