List of Recruits to the Stokes Camp of Confederate Veterans, Who Joined Saturday, August 11, lto6. == | NAME. REG'T. CO. RANK. ' . _ ! | i VV. F. Campbell - 53rd N. C. ' O Ord. Serjeant. James Dillion " G Private. T. J. Martin " G I J.M. Bullen ! " G Yancey Garner " L> A.T.Edwards 72nd N. C. C J. H. Alley... " C S. J. Wa11.... " C J.M.Mitchell. 21st N. C. L A. G. Tuttle " G John H. Clark. " , F Thomas Neal " G B.A.Mitchell. " L 1 Sec. Serjeaut. W. W. Mitchell.. " L Private. Gid Ferguson " G Alex Baker " G Jolm Hawkins " L Ord. Serjeant. Walker Hampton •' G Private. W. A. Minnish T " H E. L. Bennett -" G James Hicks .., " G J. H. Donald . . " F G. VV. Knight 22nd N. C. H Jackson Elliott i " H Ord. Serjeant. James Robertson " H Private. J. P. Willard, " H Josiah Robertson " H L. L. Joyce " H A. J. Tilley " H J. F. Foddrill " H M. T. Mitchell " H Seo. Lieutenant. J. A. Southern 6th N. C. A Private. S. C. Foddrill 32d Va. H E.P.Welch ' 4th Va. D Leonard Ziglar 38th Va. H L.Gibson.. 52nd N. C. D J. M. Forest 2nd N. C. A J. A. Flippin " A W. W. Boyles " A A. J. White GthN.C. H G.L.Page 18th Tex. Cav. B Sam Williams 58th Va. H W. J. Shultz Ist N. C. B W. T. Johnson 2nd Tenn. C Color Be«rer. J. H. Stewart 45th N. C. F Private. S. M. Shelton 1 " G Sam Johnson 2nd Tenn. C " W. T. Mabe 13th N. C. C W. S. Ray 22nd N. C. H A SUCCESSFUL MEETING. More Than 50 Converted and 37 Added To the Church—Other Westfield News. Weatfield. Aug. 14. —Mr. Claud# Transou, of Winston, was in town last week. Messrs. Reid Martin, Rector Tilley and Ralph and Dixie Nunn, of Brown Mt., were visitors here Saturday and Sunday. Mr. John R. Morefield, of Vade Mecum, spent a few days here last week. Mr. J. Walter McDaniel, of Winston, is visiting his parents near here. Mrs. Milner Angel attended the Friends' Yearly Meeting at Guil ford College last week. The children of Mrs. J. E. Sim mons gave her a surprise birthday dinner Tuesday. The protracted meeting at the. Baptist church, which lasted two | weeks, closed Sunday. The meet ing was conducted by Dr. J. T. j Smith, of this place, who has re- j cently entered the ministry. Under his preaching .'57 new members werj added to the church and 50 or more were converted. It was the most successful meeting held at Westfield in many years. Dr. | Smith is n fine preacher and one who has power among the people. \ Large and attentive congregations j attended each service and we know : that much and lasting good has We Arc /Now Open and Ready For Business at I HEW PIEMOIJ J The Biggest and Best I Warehouse Ever Built f For the sale of Leaf Tobacco. .Nt _ to see us when in Winston and make «ur I ouse your home whether you briug tobacco or not. ...Your friend#, M. W. NOBFLEET & CO. If tobacco begins to fire up, save the primings. Don't let them waste. They waste. They will bring you good prices. been accomplished in this com j m unity. Mr. G. L. Simmons, of Pilot Mt., spent Tuesday in town. Messrs. Will Tilley and Herbert Foy, of Mt. Airy, were hara Sun day. Rer. R. D. Haymore, of Mount Airy, sp«nt Wednesday here. Mr.. A. F. Smith and Mr. Reece, of Mt. Airy, were here Sunday. Quite a crowd attended the an nual communion service at Albion Sunday. Dr. J. T. Smith is conducting a i meeting at Indian Grove this ; week. I Misses Mozelle Partee and Minnie Ross, of Piedmont, visited Danbury yesterday. Tobacco Flees and Repairs. I am at Hartman. N. C., to make your tobacco Hues and sell you all kinds of repairs. Will only be here until first of Sept. Send in your orders at once. J. H. ROBERTSON. AuglU 2t IN SELF DEFENSE Major Hamm, editor and manager of the Constitutionalist, Eminence, Ky., when he was fiercely attack ed, four years ago, by Pilaa, got a box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, of which he says: "It cured me in ten days and no trouble since." Quickest healer of Burns, Sores, Cuts and Wounds. 25c at auy drug store. , OPPOSED TO THE SPECIAL TAX. Walnut Cove Citizens Making Prep arations to Fight—ltems and Personals. Walnut Cove, Aug. 14. —Mrs. Sallie Martin returned from Win ston yestorday where she had been visitiug her daughter, Miss Lula who is being treated for rheuma tism at the Rierson & Copple Sanitarium. Dr. Bob Haizlipp, from the Wild, Wooly West, is visiting his father, Mr. Harden Haizlip at Dennis. Mr. S. C. Kierson is very sick at present. Miss Stella Rierson is visiting Miss Harriet Ross at Wilson's I Store this week. I There is quite a stir in town : this week over the collection of the school tax in this Dist. for the year 1905. It seems that several I citizens (some of whom have paid this special tax under protect) I have banded themselves together 1 for the purpose of defeating the j collection of said tax. It is the presumption of those who favor upholding the law and collection |of tax, that Capt. R. L. Murphy is now in Winston to employ counsel for the opponents of this educational move. Some parties who are high up in the business would express great surprise at a man or men who are looking to the people for patronage or sup port taking steps to keep people from having the advantages of an education, etc. The tight is on and will be fought to the finish unless some who oppose this method of educating the poor children of the community pull up their pegs and quit. There will be a considerable array of legal talent brought to bear when the hearing is had before some judge of the district. A nice shower last night. A magic lantern show for tonight. Bob Monnce, of High Point, •loped with Miss Nannie Brown, daughter of Mr. James Brown, Sunday. They were to marry at High Point Sunday night. PINNACLE ROUTE 3. Pinnacle Route 3, Aug. 15— Messrs. Preston and Andrew Wright called on Misses Lilly Adams and Nora Cook Saturday 1 and Sunday. Mr. Henry Edwards and family! visited relatives at Pilot Mt. Sat-1 urday and Sunday. Misses Lula Moses, Carrie! Wright, Messrs. Frank Wright, Herbert and Wiley Riug, called |on Misaes Tennie and Jessie Ed-1 j wards Sunday afternoon. We regret to learn the serious illness of Mr. Sam Adams, of Pilot j Mountain. He has six carbuncles i on his arm. Crops are looking fine in this i section. Mr. Herbert Ring called at Mr.! J. F. Wright's Sunday night. A j jolly time reported. Miss Faunie Ring called on : Misses Martha and Dixie Butler Saturday evening. A certain girl in this commu nity is wearing smiles 10 by 20 i this week. MAMA'S GIRL. WALNUT COVE ROUTE 3. People in thia section are very busy working with their tobacco. Mr. Emory Rothrock is priming a barn of tobacco to-day. Several people from Hard Bank 1 neighborhood visited Mr. John R. Smith Satuiday and Sunday, j Among them were Mr. John A. Bullin and family; Mrs. Rendy Lawsou and daughter, and Messrs. W- J. and James A. Fagg and j families. The writer can beat tin record ! on killing snakes. We killed 42 in a five-fet-t square. Anyone doubts this statement can ask Mr. J W. Ruthrcx'k, he saw the snakes. Mr. L. T. Idoiu is building hinj. 1 self a nice house on his rew place. S. Xlr. W. K. Hylton, of Campbell, was hero Saturday. Mr Hylton has the genuine nnd heartfelt sympathy of hundreds of friends in his recent sorrows. .| BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETS. I - 1 More School Houses Ordered To Be Built—Dates For Examinations Set—Schools Ordered To Open First Monday In November. -! The Board of Education for i j Stokes was in session at the court i ! house Monday, Messrs. N. A. Mar -1 tin, E. Fulp and R. E. Smith 31 being present. The Board ordered the Superiu ): tendent to secure a site in the Dry s Springs district at the cross roads t; east of the old school house and build a new house at once, unless t 1 the patrons of the district recover ' the old school house and replace r the broken window glass or give 3 evidence sufficient to convict the parties doing the damage, i The Board made an order that f where the Superintendent fails to r secure school sites by purchase' 1 then he shall issue notice to the 1 owner of the land and condemn a I site at once. r The Board also ordered the > Chairman and Superintendent to i let contracts for school buildings rI to the lowest responsible bidder, i The Superintendent was order 'ed to sell the school house at '! Nunn's and build a new house for i 1 the whites. ) It was ordered by the Board ) that the public schools open on ij the first Monday in November. >' The Board made an order that •! after holding the examination on * October 11th and 12th, the Super- II intendent shall hold another free i 1 public examination on Oct. 25 and i j 20, and to hold no other examina tion, unloss teachers give a good • 1 and satisfactory excuse for not at- I tending former examinations. ) F Old Piedmont Warehouse Sold 112.- i 966.999 Pounds of Tobacco. ( . The passing away of the old | Piedmont Warehouse at Winston was a matter of more than usual interest to thousands of tobasco ■ I growers throughout this entire 1 section of country. For more than 1 thirty years the old place had been recognized as the farmers head quarters and during this period of time the firm of M. W. Norfleet k Co. sold 112,966,999 pounds of tobacco for the sum of $9,400,892.07. It is not often that any business I can show a successful, continuous j record of thirty-one years and it | speaks well for these gentlemen to ; be able to make this showing. However, old things must pass away and more important than the passing of the old Piedmont is the building and completion of the new Piedmont. Our advertising columns tell that this has been ac complished and an inspection of the splendid new building shows it to be a fact. The new house is complete in all of its appointments and is said |to be the largest as well as the best arranged warehouse ever built for the sale of leaf tobacco. We feel sure it will interest our farmer friends to call and look J 1 over the new Piedmont when in I | I Winston. Mr. J. D. George, of Westlield Route 1, was among the visitois Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. R, Bennett were among the crowd Saturday at the reunion. Mr. Reid I'. Joyce, of Walnut Cove, spent a few hours iu town on business Tuesday. Dr. W. 11. Wakefield, of Charlotte, N.C., will be in Daiibury at; the McCanless Hotel on Saturda>, Sept. Bth, for one day only. His I practice is limited to the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, and Fitting j j Glasses. A«gl6 4t| SUPPORT i SCOTT'S EMULSION icrvtf a* • WW* carry the weakened and I atarved lyitem along until It can find firm support In ordinary food. Send for tree temple. SCOTT St BOWNE, Chemist j, LAND SALE. li.v virtue of a derive jf the Siiik-- rlor Court of Stokeu county rendered l>y M. T. Chilton, C. C., In the 1 special proceedings entitled N Kugeue Pepper et al vs. Blanche Popper et A)s appointing the undersigned h eomnibvlotter to .make mlc the hereinafter described laud*, I will un TiifNlar, the 18th day of September, 190 ft, on the premises sell at public auction to the highest bidder for rush the following described lainls, towit* Ist tract—l'egiuning at a stnke ou the so-.ith nhle «kt' Main street at the it e corner of lot No. No '23, thence e 10 noles to a stake on the erosa street, thence s m polos to a Make; (hence w io nolea te a stake in the line of lot No 'it, thence ii 8 poles to the beginning, containing one-half of one acre, more or letfit. Thin lot in situated in the tewn of lbuihury, N Con the s side of Main st ami is the northern half Of lota Nom 21 and 82 on the (own plat of said village. For further description «jf same reference is hereunto made to a deed fioin James Martin. Judge of I'rebate, to N M I'epper conveying the name to N M Pep per, which deed bears date of .July lWfl, ami appears of record in the oia l of the Hegis ter et l>ceds of Stokes county in houk 20 en page 365. etc. uad also deed from N M Pepper t«> duo W which appears of record In said olWee in Book 37. pages 2f etc. Second tract Beginning at a stake on (hew side of a cross street, Fulton's former corner, 8 pole.- sof Main s(rcet thence w 10 poles to a stake thmice s 8 miles to a stake Ihcneee Irt jades to a stake ou said crofts slieet, thence ii with said street to the beginning; containing one.half of I acre, more or less, and it being situated in the said village of Daubui y and btdiig (he southern half of said lots Nes 21 ami 22 us appear* upon the town plat. Tor further deserption of this tract see deed from II \V Iteynoldft to N M Pep per which appears of record in above-name*! of fice. Book 1!», page 4'N;. etc. Third tract---Beginning at a post in line of Pepper and McCanless back of I'epner's store house thence s r» poles and IT links to the old cor ner thence w 2 poles and IS links to a stake in Peppers' and Hue at a new road, thence with road te the beginning, containing 5 jsiles and MS links, it being a part of a law lot ill the town •(' Banbury. Fourth tract—Thin tract is also situate in said town of Danhiirv aad is known ami designated HH the • ■ acliool House Lot" ami i» hounded as to I low H to-wit: Beginning at the corner of *1 W Neal's or Pepper Bros ' s:ore house lot, thence a due c cotn>e to a stake, thence * to u stake, thence w to the school house spring hraiieli; thencv n up said branch ami gullv to McCau less' line, e with his line to a stake (n the road n I degree* w with Pepper's old line to to tha l»e --ginuiug. containing one acre, more or le*s. Fifth tract—This tract is known us the "Cab inet Shop Lot" and is Lot No. , r »M in the plat of the town of Ihtnhurv. It lies on the 11 hide of Main Street in said town near l>au *lvei and is bounded aa follows, towit: Bcf timing st a stake on Main St .1 M Hill's s e corner, eon Vain St a poles to a stake; n if poles to a swamp huckle berry on i lie i•lde «ii the branch: theiH*e up mid branch to a persimmon tree on the n bank of said branch; thence s on said Hill's line 12 poles to the beginning, containing a little over one fourth of one acre. Sixth tract—This traet is* known a* the >lohn Poplar 80-acre entry, lying on both prongs ef the mountain and is hounded as follows towit: Beginning at a stake iu K A l'wppei s former line, thence an easterly course with hor line to a stake in .levee's line, crossing Camping /-land creek s also crossing the Palton road to a chest nut .Joyce's corner w on Taylor's Une crossing Camping Islaint creek to a atake Shohet's e«r» tier in .1 A Pepper's former line tktace u to the beginning, eoutajniiu' 78 acres, more or less. Seventh tract-—Beginning at the fork of the road near Wtgonar's mill iu the branch, thence running s7* degrees w «h links to a rock at road near Wagoner's mill door II 2i degree* w;l chs to a stake In Smith's former line thaace with his line to the branch Pepper's line; thcnc.e down the branch with his line to the beginning, eon taining one-fourth of one acre, more or less. Eighth trart—Beginning at a large rock ne»»r Wagoner's mill, thence nearly n with the r».ad to tlic lane leading t«> Wagoner's ham, thence a ; westerly course to a large rock near the corner lof the said Wagoner's now Peoper's barn,thence s with said Wagoner's now Pepper's line to a j stake comer of small piece of land sold by Wag oner to Pep|»er A .Von*; thence a westerly course I with said line to a pine on a gully thence down the gully with said line ami gully to the road leading trom Wagoner's grist to his old saw mill w 1 pole to the Wagoner spring branch thence lup the branch and gullv to a rock vmith's later | .las A Pepeer's corner thence w with said Pep per's and Smith's lines tethe head of a hollow, , ! corner of a piece of laud mild by Wagoner to N i M and .1 K Pepper thence down said hollow I with said line to a large rock at the head of the Wagoner grist rtiill |sn»d, thence with the creek I and Wagoner's line a north coarse to ! the beginning, coutaiuiisg 540 acres, more or lass. Niutti tract—Beginning at a stake iu the road a shot t distance below the Wagoner saw mill Pepper's comer, theiuse running II 15 d»g. w with I epfer's line 8 pole* tc» u stake, n j .10 (leg w with said 12 poles to a stake l in .Smith's line, w on his line 27 poles ami I 10 links to a sJake .Smith's corner, n t> poles ! ami I*2 links to a stake King's corner in | Smith's line, s (i(i ('eg w '2O |a>les and S links to King's corner iu PepjKjr's or Hairs ton's line, a with said line 111 1-2 poles to Peppei's corner of the John W igoner i place at a branch, thence down I lie hiatich with said line s dbg e S pohsandlO links to a wild cticumlier (down), sBO deg e I'lJ poles and 5 luiKS to the road, n 41 deg e(i poles n 74 deg e 10 poles n 50 dog e *2O (Miles to the beginning, containing 15 acies more or less. Tenth tract—Beginning at a chestnut tiee on I lit! e side of the Stone mail, thence running w 140 p«>Uvi crossing Cain ping Island creek to a stalcc n 100-poles to H ii'.'- ouer's line, thence an easterly course with the line of the John Wagoner lot ol land to the Wagoner mill polld, thence a nolth eriy course with the *aid John H'ayoner line and a new road on the n side of the Wagoner saw mill to a small dreau, thence down said drain to a large Hit rock below the said Wagoner saw mill in Hie creejr, s to Wagoner's line, thence a westerly coins ! to a stake, s (i poles to a stai-e at a ditch, s tift ilea w 0 poles an.l !• links to a rock standing at a ctruer near the Wagoner saw mill on the s of the ' mill, s 1:1 po,es to a gate post the saw mill and tan yard, e to the old corner, s to Wagoner'* cornei above tie* hark mill, e to the corner of another lot of land sold to I'epjier flous by A Wagoner, n with the line of said lot to a large rock l elow It doner's grist mill nam, thence down the creek criming the road to .1 -yce's line, thence with JOYCC'S liiw to/he beginning, containing 105 acres, more or less. KleTcnth tract—/«>'!2inni..g a' a small liicAro v, the s w corner of the IV'olch f>rge tract, e on that line nnw '"epper'n and Wag oner's, 140 poles to a pine in Flinchniu's now Joyce's line s 100 po'esto a chestnil on the e side of the road w 140 | wt 1 croya ing the creek to a ►t«ke in line of his si/»inore tract, thence, n er issliig two pronas • f'lie moiin'sin to l.lie Ix'ifiniiiiu, c ilitsdn IIJ ai'ies. m 're or less T ♦» ftli tr&et— /»«*► ut si'e p»st IHI • the e MILL** of the iMl LEADING I'M mi Wijo tier's "IHvv inilf to Pepf* 4 "*.* i vnrd, «• h rock ii tS"« J-j •• H|» tie* «nd *I , lii k* to &mh A' at i« il»l« a lt. ii t» poles Y i.l | Stake 4t tli* mail, »a»» M*».*rtv enntx* with said road ci%s tit'.: tin* «M**k to 1 Vjv je '» lino. thence with said J'. pp r't> lino I cio sinn the road anil turning a 1 cmtse to a lary;*» rook in I lie creek Popper's corner, then with Pepper's line n up a liol I*»w ti a new road leading up the n shta of IKaiioiier's s.i > mil! point, thwn«*e a>«»i»x tin* II Hide Of H;«i*l 10.11 l t » -Pl»p»l"f'|| 1 • Il«*. th«*mv with s il le p • \ lint- ami up the e»iW»k to th«» lornm* •••• r the 1 «••••! o' »• e MU- mill p «iid, thci.c xvi fi ih * r h. e »»n ••.tMeil* .•*- reiHon on Pe » •• '« »' i »i >llOl , e*»i la'titu :i " • • * ui • !•■ • I hi' i"" 1?"r Mt i! -•! '• *. ' •h« 1!, > Ihi H I I t-» l»"l N ■ ■ IO I ('■ ••' - -1 ' • - no*' a'a rue M>t'k $• |.-»\ >K'|-s ¥■' m .r, - i'ei\ini.'l t ti'it. : • • . :•*.«••.!••• coin -«• 1«> I«• M.d ie;»|-«M*» COIIH-I 1 «• MONTH rf t1.»% TI'«" IRA •!. AU«V»\!HE TI)jl! j £7 ''ft •' with /Vppe*-V J4»E* » n I _ ' to a H»U«* 10 *l', •» tij p» •••» TO 111 ;• 1 • S ion S. PEPPETN E nier. tl»»Ml*e Mtu ;LI • uegi tilling. «N?it aini 14 1 I4a*re- lyinjim i tl.e m sd«-♦ f ('i injHuji I stand «• ••» k» /•'«.111 l« entii tract—rieuhirifnt! at 111 mih 1 o first 1 >1:1 net 1 ah >vu \Vh o •v\ •rriit 11 ji I jo'> ' hes *ide ».f It** creek. the.) *i' 7 l'i£ e l« s ■ |ol •* »ml JJ links to a huve »*••%, «• !*» j poles t«» in Pepjiers line, 8-14 1-2 poles to his corner pointer#, w on his line 71 |x>!es to a stake, thence with liia linn to ■ the creek, n 20 pules to a slaA-e, n 6» (leg « I 10 poles and 10 lints to black glim sprqats, ' n 1L ilei; w2O |K)les and 5 links to st*#*, li 77 ilea e H poles to the creak. then* with the water iii the |x»inl o 8 s *1 dog e S poles 11 70 dei; o IK |Hiles %i :(0 dee e 4 poles II 50 lie-.' e K poles to the beginning, containing 20 acres. Fifteenth tiaot—lV*gi lining at. rpper point of » lar-e rock a few yards below Wagoner's mill dam. thence funning sto said Pepper's line of his tan vard tract, e with said line 14 |>olesand l"> links to their corner in Joyce's line, non his line to/ Campim; Island creek i short distance be low the ford leading from Danbnry to Wer lliantou, thence .ip the creek to the liegln nlng. .Sixteenth tract— lie-tinning at a post, M'agoner's corner in I'epper s line of a lot _/■ of land sold by the said Wagoner on tlio side of the road netween Pepper's ta-t vard and the IPagoner saw mill, then ii II ! deg e passing Pepper's corner Itl poles crossing a small branch to a roc .. by a black gum sprout then n 12 deg w 21 poles to a |*m> in Pepper's line near where the pa'll crosses the erwefc on a large rick, thence a south westerly direction with the various croojM anil turns of l'epiiei's line to the containing 1 1-2 acre*, more or less. Seventeenth tract—Ueginning at a white oak 1 chain and 25 link? lielow the month of D C I'epjier's spring branch on the n side of Wagoner's saw mill pond, thence a westerly course passing a white oak to a wild encumber tree on the bank of said branch a short distance above I) C Pepper's spring, thence down the branch to the erect to the beginning. Eighteenth tract—Ueginning at a stake 111 Pepper's line s tf:) deg w 15 poles to a pine on a gitllv, s It deg e 17 poles to a stake and rncit on the s side of the road leading from Wagoner's giist to bis SAW mill, II tS2 (leg e to a large rock on the sid* of the said Wagoner's grist mill pond near the same course continued to a large rock I'ep|iei's corner near the mill, then sB2 deg w with their line to the l> ■ginning, con taining 2 acres. Nineteenth tract—Beginning at the send of a large rock near Wagoner's grist null thence »82 deg with the road lead ug to his saw mill to a rock, then u2l poles to the south end of a large rock at the said It'agotier's lane near the n e corner of his barn, lliene with the lane to th.j road lead ing from 1. K Smith's to Wagoner's mill, thence with said road to the beginning, containing ! 1-2 acres, lifnre or less. Twentieth tract— /{eginning at Smith's s e corner of bis A It Wagoner laud then down the gully and branch ton bridge at the. road leading from the said Wagoner's grist mill to his saw mill thence with the said road a westerly course to the cieek at the ford thence tip the creek to a larga fist rock at the head of the said Wagoner's grist mill pond at a small ilreau thence up said drcau ou the west side so as to include th * spring to Smith's line thence East with the said Smith's line to the iMuiunlng containing (I acres more or l"ss. This is known as the Tobacco iiaru lot. Twenty tint tiact—7% inning at llid dick's new Piedmont.Springs corner [Kilm ers thence west on Kliechtiin's and Jacob .Smith's line* crossing Indian Creek 40 chains to a pine l'erkim and Taylor's corner South ou their line 45 chains to a stake iu Covington's line East on his line 15 chains crossing Indian CreeA- continuing East in all 40 chains thence North falling 011 the l'ne ol Ihe Piedmont .Springs tract of land 45 chains to the beginning containing 180 seres more or less. The parties to this ais? own only a one-sixth undivided in terest in the iast d 'scribed tract of laud. Twenty second'tract Adjoins the lands of M. I'eppei, I)r. IT. W. McCanless and others and bounded ai follows to-wit: Begins at the South (Kust corner of tie said X. M. Pepper's store house lo'. th . ee South NO feet to a slake Eas (l'l feet to a stake North 80 feet to a staAre on Von Street thence It'est with sithl. street to the ,Voith ll'est corner of Pepper's llience .South to the beginning which s.iul lot encloses Pepper's stone hone. Several these tracts ol laud lie on Caia|>- iug Island Creek and the Mountain and they frequently oveilap other so that these tracts situated upon said creek and mountain instead of having a large acreage as the deeds would indicate only have all J put together aliout 140 acies. .Sale subject, to confirmation of the Court. This the 14th day ol August, 1006. JOHN I). HUMPHREYS, Commissioner. GERMANTON. I i Germanton Route 1, Aug. 12. j Our Sunday school at Union Hill is getting along fine now. We are I glad to see it increase and hope it 1 may continue. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Boyles and little daughter, Mollie, spent last week with his parents near this place. Come again, always glad to hava you with ua. J A largo crowd from this place attended the Sunday School Con vention at Mt. Olive last Saturday. Miss Daisy Boyles, of Mt. Airy, is visiting Misses Cora and Lula Boyles this week. Miss Mamie Nance, of German ton. visited Miss Frankie Bennett lti!»t Sunday on King Route 1, Misses Mamie and Linace Pul- 1 4inm are on the sick list this week, | we are S'jrry to note. Hope they ■ will net bettor. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Covington visited Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Sunday. Mrs. Nannie Johnson visited her parents Su-tday on King Route 1. Tiiore will tie preaching at Uii Hill next Sunday nt 3 ..VI irk hy Rev. W. T. Allhright. II wo wili have h large crowd out. We hope there will be a large crowd at our convention at 1 ship B tplist Church next Satur- J day. EverytMftiy come and let'a I have a goiid time. 1 close fur fear of the waste I bucket. M SCAT. I