•'■ 11 A..: y; ? '■'• • .! ■ im» Old rasiisonixi State Fair li £ zzw-0.00 j?rr.iD": •' •.;.. =*••. .- •: ■irJtißVTbD Greatest Race .Vf «• *V> v- .t i-. FVri, r—Troltlng Pacing, Vu» .».V : ici ..«.•• -*•« ' ••-■ ! •'•' *« Every ttoy. p rrv •.• \ •.- ■;•/• -—:■ »: Richmond l!erso.Sfcc.T/ t- •' '•' tv! : Cnrst Show Horses of the C*y - .'.'s't I'rlses. % 6 fi.wtest Livo &«fc fcSuhi #w® &;.ui i' ??atb j Premium List luetics ? " •'•si.'l ■/P - niums in Every f» Class—l Miry Herd-, , ' «• .: >:••*. >•"'!> " nJ Svnnt:, ,j Poultry ftti'l Iivu V? i 1 !*• H""' ■ i' : ' ; "'I'K Imple ment:), Mainiiai tnivil AiuU-., i»uri i «-a iixlubit. Jilaborati: Art i Department including NeuJU. Wo !: Write '>f VfC">i'w. • • T. -" r yy LfekM kV'.' -« *-•*• "r'sHrf.aJj THR VIROSN! V f.T.'-T!- A SSOCIATfVN, inc. vj...»nipn y«.ww . —s ynC^fD "PILS E N E R E xpor t" m ABSOLUTELY PllE fe \ BREWED and BOT- Pl TLEJ) for HOTEL p|g| and FAMILY USE. Mail orders solic ited. Write for prices. THE VIROINIA BREWING CO., | ROANOKE, VIRGINIA. *Sk Did You Ever Stop to Think^ € Where All Your Money Goes ? /f 2 \ %s. In ono year yon must pay out quite a sum for necessi- ly 7 ties. If you had a oheoking acoountjand paid your bills ' (' by check you would have a com plate record of every com ) You can toll how ranch you spend for trifles during the / /' j ear. ± Y>. li. is a good plan to have a record of nil money you pay Jf Ollt. _ ' v * We will show you every courtesy possible consistent .A* /p with safe banking. v' V / / PIEDMONT SAVINGS BANK ( > \ € £ P. W. CRUTCI4FIELD, Canhier. \ Winston, N. C. > £ 4 Per Cent Interest I'a'nl On % # Deposit. C rumifire and Undertakers Supplies. C u Von Can liny y0 0 D FURNITURE Cheap at Our Store. Mx strong chair* for $2.75. A nice looker at from 00c. to $5.00, lie. I linii!;; •'luiis *1 75 to $7.50 p«r »et. Children'* clitirs, plain huliiq or rockt:*', i* la Go cmrU lo suit jronr pursp. Nice l>od», iloublc and ulnglo, $2.50 to tin. l)ri>M«ni $5.60 to sli{.()o. Wash Mandti $:? to srt. Tliw pioo' l» I lo.m soils $12.50 to $H5.00. Nicer ones ll'yon ne. 'd Miem. We keep nice wardndMt, cldrtonlem, side board*, nintlreMes l«-il sprltigK, kilHiln snfen, eiipbowdi, haby crit>% liali ra-ks, (.'liter table.*, diniinr inblcr. liromii!! I»ni|n, nigs, matting, window shades, dishe* of every kind, tronbv, and In fact anything you ueed In Mm furniture line we can show It to you and name a prlc that means a trade. Call oil us. If you don't lind anyone in llie store call at Jacob Fulton's sluie. iif will have you waited on pioiuptlv. Yours ior Husiunss, JOHN a. FULTON & COMPANY. Successors to D. S. Watkins, WALNUT COVE, - - - N. C. MADISON HAPPENINGS. A New Drug Store A Wedding— The Burning Of Big Schoolf? Building Said to Be Work Of Incendiary. Madison, Aug. 1.3. The large school buildiug, belonging to colored people, situated four miles v.'ent. of this place, which was burned last Monday night, had s■oo insurance upon it. The structure, which was a three story building, coet about $2,000, It is thflu.'iit that thn fire was of incen-. 1: iry origin but tv> e!uo can he hod a"o to who the guilty party is. Mr, S. L'\ Webster, of this place, i.ud Mi::a Tji:v/,ie of the' | ( Jentry nootion, were m!ir T 'crl in | :»etdtirilio oil iiie Sth in Both j' >f the young jwople are very, | popular in Rockingham. A number of our town people ! fire visiting at Piedmont Springs j Among them ore Col. J. M. Gal 1 I loway anc' family, Misses Mildred ! and Eda Cunningham, Mr. Gravely 1 and ot hers. .lossie M. King, a popular young lady of Madison, has en tered the training school »f the Presbyterian Hospital of Char lotte. She has been visiting at Dan bury and (ireensboro for a monfh, and went to Charlotte on Aug. Ist to begin her duties as trained nurse. Capt. A. J. Ellington, of Heids ville and his sou. R. A. Ellington, of Spray, were here last week and closed a deal for the Madison Phrarnacy, which was owned by the late Dr. C. B McAnally and will open up a tirst class drug store in the near future. The new lirm will be known as the Madison Drug Co. PINNACLE ROUTE 3. Pinnacle Route 3.—We had a very severe storm last night, Messrs. Johny Doss and Oscar Culler called at Mr. J. F. Wright's Sunday. Messrs. Arthur Bing and Dock Culler went to Fairview Sunday. Mrs. J. F. Wright has beon very low for a few days but is im proving some, we are glad to note. Messrs. P. M. MoCoin, and Arthur Ring killed a large rattle snake Tuesday It had 8 rattles. Mr. H. F. Wright made a flying trip up the road fSunday. What is the attraction. Ob account of the wot weather the grass has about got the peo ple in this section. Mr. Preston Wright visited over across the creek Sunday. Watch out Preston the foot log is tuwied over. Mr. Arthur wili have to cut him a new road as the bridge is washed away. Miss Mary Edwards visited rel atives in Winston Friday, re turned home Sunday. MAMMAS (iIRL. ■ •MS WBTWRMIiM.II IMlllm————| i! X!LLv" COUGH I ;; amp cuhsjwb luwcsbS j Dr. King's 1 Ntw Biscovery { t —.. Price j. ISOLDS Fr«« Trial, g jj Purest and iluiotumt Oui-e for ail I S XHiIOAX and liUNQ XHOUB- g £ I,SS, or MOITBY BACK. S Executor's Notice To Cred itor's, Etc. Having duly qualified as exeou trix and executors of the last will and testament of James S. Flippin, deceased, all persons indebted to said estate are hereby notified to come forward and make immediate settlement, and all persons hold ing claims against said estato are hereby notified to prosent them, duly authenticated, to the under signed for payirient on or before the 15th day of Aug. HKXi, or this notice will be pleaded in bar. of their recovery. This Aug. Hth, 11KX5. LOI'VINA W. FLIPPIN, Executrix, and R. E. L. FLIPPIN andC. W RAY, Executors of the last will and testament of Jas.S FHppin, deceased. N J. D. Humphreys, att'y. ! USE | tec tee | LINIMENT I A Common Sense £i Preparation. ♦! . : ;| ■ Till' Safwt mul Sum* Konu-ily s for Kht'uniutlsin, NVurnljyiii, ♦ ; , "r« hi p. I ihiklih, I'dlilk, * ► SprnliiN, Seal (Ik. + ' ► 1 ; A Trial Will Convince. J; * I J PUIf'K Ale. M.'iunfiii'titrotl liv ♦ ► * t GOOSB CiREASH X\ LINIMENT CO. t\ \ |! > i ii'Ht'iiHltori >. N. i', • ;—. 1 4T TIIE STORE OF R. DAVES, Winston, N. C. Yon will now find l the newest and nicest of all Ainds tilings for Christ mas, such as ladies ready made Suits and Hats. Call ! and examine her stock. Thompson'*? Drug Store, Winston, JV. (J. i . The larg«»t and most varied itock or pure Drug! in I Wimton-A'alem. 1 have had SO year* experience f in btnuf trusses and can advise yon in •electing one. Come And See Me. V. O. THOMPSON. I CUBDULIC IS EFFECT DEC 8, 1 VK)S Dnilr j l>ally Ex. Hun Duffy K* Sim I PM AM I'M PM ! 2:50 7.30 Lv Winston Ar 2.00 10.CX) ! 3.2S 8.13 " VVal. Clove " 1.21 9.20 ..00 9.50 " Martinsv. " 11.45 7.49 7.25 12.30 Ar ttoiuioke Lv 9.20 5.15 P.M. P. M. A. M. P.M , WESTBOUND-LEAVK KOANOKK DAILY. i.lO ft ra—For Kft«L Had ford, Riuefleld, THlC well awl Norton, Pullman Sleeper to Colunibu-i, Ohio, cafe cur. " iO a ni ( W:.»lilnjfiou an I Chattanooga Limited) for Pula.'ki. principal Htation*, Brhttol and the South. Pullman Sleeper* to New Or lean* and Mcmpb'rt. Cure car j 4'.Y» p m--Tho St. Louis Kxpre.H#, for « Minefield. Pocahonta*, Kenova, Cfnc;- nnatti, Indlanottolis, St. Kauvu? CMv, Colu mb us ami Chicago. Pullman Rut!*: Sleeneif /Roanoke to Colutnhua and liluetloli to Cincliiftiiti. Cute oar ' 4;W pni - For Itluefleldand intermediate Ma tious. 4:43 p m- -l>aily Kor Hiihlol and intermediate stations, Knoxville, Chattanooga and points South. Pullman Sleeper lo Knoxville. V 0 a in—For Bristol and intermediate Mationt. Bluetteid, Norton. Pocalionta* and Welch. Pullman Sleeper to Welch. NOKTIf ANI> KASTBOUND. j 1:60 p in—For Peler.iburir. Richmond and Nor folk. Pullman Buffet Parlor Car to Norfolk. I:4A n in—For Washington, JlagerHtown, Phila. • ilelphia and Nlev York via Hagemtown and Harrinbnrg, Ptllman Sleeper lo New York. 7;4.5 p m—For llagerfttown. Pullman Sleeper to Philadelphia. 1:01 n in—For Kichmmdamt Norfolk. Pullman i Sleeper Lviiehburg to Norfolk and Richmond. I 12:10 a m—(Waahington and Chattanooga Lim ited). For Wash ngton, Philadelphia and New , York via Lynehbtug. Pullman Sleeper* to i Washington, Baltimore. Philadelphia and I New York. 1 7:10 a iu—Kor .Lynchburg, Petersburg, i Kichiuond ami Norfolk* 7:45 pni--I)aily. For Lynchburg. I'ull- I man .Sleeper for /ticlnnond. DUKUAM DIVISION. ; Im ave Lynchburg (Union .Station) daily I except .Sunday 3:00 a m, 4:30 p hi for .South Boston and Durham ami intermediate tfa- I tions. For all additional information apply to ' ticket officer, or to W. H. BEVI 1.1., M. F. IMAGO, Oen'l Pass. Agent. 7Yav. Pass. Agent. ROANOKK. Va. ■,• ; • '■ I. * i*Pi V. • r . HOLUSTER'B Rocky Mountain Tia Nuggets A Buiy Medicine for Busy Peopt*. B'inc* Soldo Health and Rmure* Vigor. A waertile for Comtipatlon. Indifnatton, Liver »nl KMnor trouhlet. Pimples. Eezegft. Imimro Blood, Bod Brestb. Sluggish BownU. Hesdaerie and Backatihe. its Rockv Mountain feA in tab let form. 36 cent* a bo*. Genuine made by Hollihtbr DnVG CfIMPiWT. Madtsoo. Wla. 1 GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE The Bank Of \ f .es County* } > \> RESOURCES $50,000 ' f v )► \ CANBURV WALNUT COVE, N. C. * f > Solicits the account of every ] . % .reon in L .like. County c * who handi w moMy — m h: nt faimora, b jinc.is mnn, ' \ school teaohors, men, wor'o? and children. Clieok D books furnielisd free. ' \ € /P PROTECTION- Wo are churl red by the State to the & extent of Si 0,000 paid up capit: 1, with £50,000 author- * % iy.nd; charter recorded in the ol .oe of the Clork Superior « £ Court of Stoket County; wo arc insured against burglars '4 \'& 'in the sum of £'2o,o>o; wo have iireproof vaults and solid J £ steel burglar-proof, time lock safes Our cashiers are v. %. bonded in the un in of $20,000 b , \ - £ ji cuteß of deposit. Any sum taken. This bank ia tho depository of the public moneys of m Btokes Count}. V, \ / ,f JESSE H. PHATHER, Pres. W. J. BYERLY, Vioe Pre«. > s KR, R. R RQUERS. THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Incliidfria! College -COURSES-- Literary Commercial Classical Domestic iSoitnoe Scieutdic Manual Training Pedagogical * Masic Three l ouvniM leading to V«;veet;. Special courses for graduates of other colleges tv rill-equlpped Tr;i a'«>c N*oool for Teachers. aid, laundry, | tuition au4 feeH for use of te t book*, ete., #l7O a. year. For free-tuitton student*. Fifteenth i .rait! session bejrius September 20, 1900. To secure board lit tli« dormltm les, ail free-tii|tlon tppllcatlonsahouldbeinadc I before Jul.r Ift. Correspondence Invited from those desiring competent, teachers and stenographers. For catalog and other Information, address CH RLES D. IVIcIVER, President, QREENS9ORO. N. C. it W. G'HAIMLON WINSTON SALEM, N. C. Li KG EST AND BEST CONDUCTED DRUG BUSINESS IN WESTERN N. G. Mail Order Be-f g i ve 11 I if J g jspec?a" attention. { ® ||*s- 2 BI iz Stock of 1 rugs * M 3 &§■.3»: I*B s i • 1 ' * , • S f*■ • $' ®rt TJ O" J~ » f" .01 let Alliens of j d ! every kind, garden ♦ z %jjg p. o * g seeds and Flower | « t= #> cg % - o hi seeds S Most varied and ? c best - selected l?.ne o« c b f-, f fine Perfnnies ever f| ? Ilg,| £ si»own in W?nsion. y?k S VISIT (yjfJ.YLOXSt c" i'i ggg I § te WHEN YOU COME TO % ' o>~2. I"* ' • TOWN. GLAD TO SERVE ♦ 3o 5 o ? 1 YOU IN ANY WA Y. « - O'HANLWN'S fs THE PLACI! | ' Geyser Gasoline Engine? Simplicity Durability Strength Ease of Operatioo These are the qualities ol" the Best Engines on the market. PRMI 105., AM, MADISON, N.C.

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