THE Danbury Reporter. N. E. & E. P. PEPPBR, Publishers. TERMB TO ANY A DURESS : Ono year, §l, H mo. 50c., 3 mo., 25 AUGUST ltl, 1906 WHY MEN DON'T MAP.fiY. • Saxon, Aug. 10. Editor Reporter : llero is an extract from a letter in a recent issue of tho Progressive Farmer: "Now a word as to why increas ing numbers of men remain bach elors I don't believe they have enough of manhood and the im age of God in their make up to shoulder the responsibilities of a husband and father. They had rather lounge at the club, be a re cluse, idle and useless, than to be training souls for the kingdom of God, They had rather see sweet, delicate girlhood toiling ten hours a day for food and clothing than to give her a place as a beloved wife." Well, that reads like truth and yet the writer might have gone further and delivered a broadside instead of such a one-sided hit. It raads like an old maid might have written the article, and while 1 am not an old baohelor and am with the writer in classing such as "selfish, weak, worthless," beings variously called and known in early life as "cigarette smokers" and "gentlemen of leisure," and I have not a word to say in their defense, but would rather add to their condemnation, but as we know mankind has always had a reason for his meanness, I want to suggest as the probable cause of the evil the increasing disposition of women to live for show, to out dress, and out-live in the social world someone else is the highest and often the only ambition of tho majority of "sweet girlhood." 1 was in a city reoently and witness ed. the parade and fourth of July celebration, and in conversation with a milliner and dress-maker of the place I learned that large numbers of those girls who were "working ten hours a day" had willingly, even boastingly, paid a month's net earnings for one hat, while another month's net earn ings was often taken to pay for the trimmings aud making alone of a fancy gauze-like dress. Don't that show that woman has gone mad in her crazy worship of that emissary of the devil, called the Goddess of fashion, and under such ciroumstances what sane mind will blame the worthy young man, one who bears in his face the im age of God and whose breath is like unto the breath of life, not tainted with whiskey or tobacco, and whose life is right and is striving to attain to God's ideal manhood. Who blames him? Yes, I say who blames him for detesting and refusing to tie up for life with the average simpering siily being, whose mind is as weak as her frail fashion-cursed body, and who thinks it more importaut to live up to the dictates that em anate from the slums of Paris (where all the "latest fashions" come from) than it is to be a work er in the church of God. Man is what woman makes him. Be Binned because she asked him to do so and he will keep on sin ning as long as she leads the way. Let her ohange and he will change. Let her turn from fashionable idleness and make amends for starting man on his downward life, and she will soon not have cause to think that men in in creasing numbers are refusing to get married. Ijjly Buue man oares to marry that sorawny creature who has ruined her health by waking her Hoping hoars between 2 and 9 o'clock in morning. Fashion's goddess jj| in disoreet, for wen she to only ex pose to the gaze of man those who hadjthe form of the Greek slave, then she might catoh more of man kind, but what she says is "the latest" must be worn by all, the lean as well as the plump, the poor as well as the rich, and now | when the old maids iind their number so rapidly increasing let ; them stop aud think, or better, ask man. Ask her brother and she will conclude that the incli ; nation of woman to live a fashion able life h;is a great deal to do j with the increasing number of I bachelors and does not give man credit for tho good sense ntid judgment he has. What sane , man admires the unnatural, fash- I ionablo straight front or the low j dip and such other abominable dykes as are so common. Mo. GERMANTON. Germanton Aug. 13. —L. M. McKenzie & Co. are now in their new store. Just as soon as H. i McGoe can have some repairs and painting doue he will move his stock aud post ortice to bis new stand. When we get our new | school building aud a good school I in progress we think Germanton i will be on the move forward, i v' Kirby and Fulk are moving their sawmill into the Golding ; Grove and will soon commence to i saw. While we are glad to see I any new industry in our town, ! still we regret to see our foresta ] vanish so fast. It is only a mat | ter of time till all of onr splendid oaks and pines will be a thing of the past if the farmers don't keep the mill men from them. After the Isth of this month | the mail on route 2 will only be ! oarried three times a week. The 'P. M. said Mr. Cuiubie only ; lacked about 85 pieces having the required No. (2,000) 1 Miss Myrtle Samuel of Martins ville, Va., and Misses Sallie Sam j uel and Mabel Petree, of Walnut j Cove, are visiting Mrs. (). N. Pe i tree. Miss Maggie Petree has been 1 spending a few days with her cousins, the Misses Voss, of Wal , nut Cove. Mr. J. W. Wolf, of Rural Hall, will preach at Corinth Sunday, Aug. 19. We would be glad to see a large crowd. DILLARD. Dillard Aug. 14. —The Town ship Sunday School convention ! will be held at Knoll Hearst next Saturday Aug. 18. The M. E. protracted meeting [ is still in progress at Bethesda. I There has been large and enthus astic crowds in attendance ever since it commenced. After spending several days with friends here Miss Pearl R. Martin, of East Kend, returned home yesterday. Comn again Miss Pearl we all enjoyed your stay immensely. Mr J. G. 11. Mitchell is yet I prostrated on account of the i extremely warm weather. He is j speaking of going up to Moore's j Springs in the interest of his { health. N. Mitch el, of the ti*m of Mitchell Bros., will make a busi ness trip to Winston Thursday. Pinnacle and Westfield to Play Ball. Pinnacle Rotite 2, Aug. 14. — 1 On Saturday, Aug. 18, at 3 o'clock P. M. the Pinnacle and Westfield ball teams will cross bats on the ball ground at the Store of J. M. Mitobell & Son. Both are strong teams and a good clean game is expected. Ladies are invited. There was a large browd in at tendance at the footwashing at Rock House Sunday. JACK. GALVESTON'S SEA WALL makes life now as safe in that city as on the higher uplands. E. W. Goodloe, who resides on D'utton: St., in Waco, Tex., needs no sea wall for safety. He writes: '"I U&ye used D/. King's New Disccv ery for consumption the five years and it keeps me well; and sale- Befoae that time I had al cough whioh for years had been growing worse. Now it's gone." Cures chronic Coughs, LaGrippe, Croup, Whooping Cough and j previous Pneumonia. Pleasant to take. Every bottle guaranted at j all drug stores. Price 50c and sl-1 Trial bottle free. r LAND SALE. r j By virtue of h luiißiuent of the Su- j I |M>ritr court of Moke* county, ivh ulered nt June special term, lBtx;, l»y > Hit* Honor Judge K. B. Jones in a j' civil m-tlon entitled "I'". L. Fowler 'and W. M. Watts vs J. I). Watts," i " : appointing the nnrtersijineU coinials . j nlouers to inuke sale of the hereltiaf ! tec described lands, we will well at 3 pul>Mc auction to the highest bidder f for cash, at the court house door, in the town of Danbury, N. ou \jon- I day tlie tiilrd day of September. 1906. j ! the foliowiug described lands. towit' ! A certain tract or parcel of land 0 ! situate, lying and bring in Yadkin Township. «>'tokes County, N. adjoining tiie lands of I'. Oliver anil others and bounded as follows, to e wit: Beginning at a post oak, old corner, J. K. Fulk's *. W. corner. l running Kant, on Fulk'ii line 10 chains : | and ID links to a dogwood in Moser's j I line, tlience south chains on ; Mower's and Smith's line, crossing jtwohrnnehes lo a poplar near a! i siiiull brunch, thence West following - j tiie old Spalnhour line chains, " ! crossing a ridge road and a branch I; to pointers neur»u hollow at theedge i of an old field, theme North through " j the old Held 22 chains and '.Ki links a | crossing a branch to a rock and 8 | pointers P. Oliver's corner North 4f>, degrees Kant 1 chain and tiO links to v a rock Oliver's corner, thence North; v on his line chains to a black oak j thence North 15degreesKast 4 chains i >1 to u pine stump, Oliver's corner, , thence North 71 degrees East ou his ; line 16 chains to a rock, Oliver's corn-1 er, thence North on Oliver's line cross-, , Ing Stanley branch and following on \ • W. M. Watt's line 2K chains to a : 1 : chestnut in a hollow In J. W. Wall's ; . line, thence Kast on ills line 17 chalus to a hickory, Wall's corner, thence 0 South 5 degrees East, 11 chains to an I apple tree ou the West side of a. ' spring brunch, thence down said : II branch South « degrees West 5W i _; to Stanley branch, thence up until "! branch, as it meanders llty chains to \ 11 J. E. Fulk'H.llue, thence South on his ] j line 21 chains anil N7 links to the lie- j | ginning containing 'AM acres more or ; 3 ; less and lielng lot No. 4 In the division i jof the lands of Will. H. Watts, de-1 ceased, assigned to J. I). Watts and j 1 being the home place, where the late i W. H. Watts resided, on Stanley i i Ilranch, the B. W. i'ulliain tract and ' s i other tracts consolidated in one sur-, .vey.. The laud* will lie offered for ' j sale as a whole and In two lots, for 9 ' tiie purpose of Ascertaining by which method a greater price can beotitnln j ed, and when It Is so offered for sale . 'in lots as aforesaid, one of the said i • lots shall consist of the land descrih " | eil in the original complaint filed In • t j tills cause, ami the other lot shall j | consist of nil lauds dckcrilted above ' which are not Included In said original j j complaint. Sale subject to confirma tion of tiie Court. This Augunt the 1 first. liMMi. r •/. I). HUMPHItKY.N'. F. H. I'KTREE, Commissioners j 1, NOTICE ! • \ Having duly qualified as executor j □ of the last will and testament of j : .lames Itlersou. deceased, notice Is hereby given to all persons holding j claims against the estate of said de-' | ceased to present them to me. duly l . authenticated, for payment on or hy i I the 15th day of July, 1907, or tills) ", notice will will be pieaded in bar of■ a ; their recovery. All |»ersoiis indebted j . |to said estate are notified to inakw Immediate payment. Parties etui address me at Blunficld. West Vn., or, t at Danbury, N. in care of Petree t ' ! A- f'etree, Attys. Tills the 7th day of July 1908. V K. KiKIISON, Executor of James Kicrsou. deceased. r NOTICE TO CREDITORS. i I laving tills day duly qualified. be_- • fore the 'ierk of fee Superior Court 1 of Stokes comity, as the administra tor with the will annexed of Jane 1 | Alley, dee'd, 1 hereby give notice to j r all persons having claims against her estate to present them to me, duly authenticated, for settlement on t, or before t'*e 27t h day of July, I!M>7, | or 1 i.!s notice w!;i iie pieaded 111 bur ] of their recovery. And all persons ; owing said estate are notified to. make Immediate payment to me. *' This the 2!>th due of Julv, ' a .1. WAI/I'KH JOYCE, j j Adin'r with the will annexed of j Jane Alley, dee'd. | f By Walter W. King, Attornev. j .!- - - _ J NOTICE. Having qtiallllod as executor of the ' v hist will and testament of James (Join deceased, notice is hereby given \ to all persons holding claims against the estate of the said James (Join to present them to me, duly autheu-, [ j ticnted, for payment, on or liefore : . : tiie 10th day of July, 1907, or this; • notice will be pleaded In bar of their j j i recovery. All persons indebted tnj ' said estate will please make Immcd •; late payment. This the :10th day of! r l June lIKMi. 5 IRA E. JEHKITP, Kxecutor 1 of JAM KS iOIN, decease 1. P. O. Brim. N. C. Route 1. | .) I'etree & Petree Attorneys. t ; JOHN D. HUMPHREYS, Attorney at Law, 'j Danbury, - - - N. Oj ' Prompt attention to ail butinecsj ' | entrusted. Will practice in all j |! State courts. : j In buying insurance yon want >, to obtain th« best company, with ',vtU» most liberal contract and the lowest rates. We can till all these ' requirements in either Fire. Life , or Acoident Insurance. A postal, ' i will bring you our terms. J j BANK OF STOKES COUNTY. Insurance Department, Walnut Cove, N. 0. SI DANBURY iUlf WALNUT COVE 1 m bark or m Kin 1 )&k CAPITAL, SIO,OOO mi W& ' DEPOSITS, 48,000 ® SURPLUS, 2,000 M We want your account and arc prepared and.equil' J ped to you as service as any bank in the South can give you. Our cashiers arc bonded, we arc K33 fully covered with burglary insurance, and our |:!§ fire-proof vaults are equipped with the latest pattern E3B of burglar-proof time-lock steel s.ifes. Give us your account., it doesn't matter how small or large, and be with the hundreds of other satisfied E£SI jpg customers we have—merchants, farmers and business |||j f3>] men, profossioiml men, ladies and children. We pay 4 per cent interest if you leave your money witli us as long as six months. Anv amount taken. 3 THIS SPACE IS RESERVED FOR I Jacob Fulton j WALNUT COVE, N. C. I I 15. P. TESHI S MAYODAIN, N. C. W\ W. ® I Agent for the Chattanooga Plows and Repairs. I Single and Double Barrel Shot Guns, Good Assortment of Rifles, 1 3 All kinds of Gun Shells, Cook Stoves, Furniture, and a big line I of Dry Goods, Hats, and a great many different Wj I ' IQ kinds of games. m f Xj YOURS FOR BUSINESS S I S. P. T E S H I i

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