SATURDAY A GREAT DAY I TWO THOUSAND PEOPLE ATTENDED THE OLD * SOLDIERS MEETING AND THE BASEBALL GAME—ABOUT 150 EX-CONFEDERATES ATTENP-MANY NEW ONES ENLISTED --DANBURY WINS THE BASEBALL, GAME, THE SCORE BEING 3 TO 2 ON THE SEVENTH INNING. m * Saturday was a great clay at Danbury, the occasion being the annual reunion of the Diet Con .. ,J federate Soldiers, and a match game of baseball between Dan bury and Sandy Ridge, two of the teams of the county. The oitowd in town was estimated at fnm 2,000 to 2,500. About 150 ex- j Confederates were present, among the number being many who were not here at the last year's meeting. These enlisted in the camp, and their names are published else where. It was with general re gret that everybody spoke of the absence of Capt. Leak, who could not be present owing to the recent death of his wife. The new mem bers of the camp wore enlisted under the direction of Mr. W. W. King, who also put the old sol diers through Hardee's tacties and marched them around the court house and up the street where a ■good dinner had been prepared for them in the grove near the M. E. Church. Col. M. V. Mabe per formed on the old Confederate fife to the amusement of the old sol diers and the crowd. The meet ing was a great success. It was .regretted that no speaker at all was present, and that no definite program had been arranged for ■the occasion. THE BALL GAME. m At one o'clock the ball game be tween Danbury and Sandy Ridge began. A large crowd, number ing several hundred people were | present. At four o'clock the game was ended on the sixth inning, by a dispute over the rules. '1 he | score stood as follows: Danbury 020 1 0 3 Sandy Ridgo 1 1 0000 2 The features of the game were the fine pitchings of Hutcherson for Sandy Ridge and Shelton for Danbury. It was generally voted that the was as fine as ever seen in .Stokes"Twunty and everybody re gretted that it couldn't be finished. Bank For Rural Hall. The Secretary of State has issued a charter for the Commer cial and Farmers Bank of Rural Hall. The incorporators are J. H. Prather, T. J. Byerly, J. A. Hadley, J. F. Prather, Eugene Pepper and a number of well 'known business men of Rural Hall. The new bank will start with a $5,000 paid in capital, and ex ipects to open for business by October 1. Death Of Mrs. las. A. Leak. Mrs. Jas. A. Leak died at her home near Francisso last Thurs day after a lingering illness. Mrs. Leak is survived by a husband and a number of children. She was a most estimable Christian lady, and was a consecrated member of the Primitive Baptist church. The bereaved family hnve the sym pathy of a large cito'e of frinnds in thoir sorrow. Peyi o Js Nominated. Hon. C. A, Reynolds was norn-. inated Saturday at Greensboro to make the run again for Congress, against Kitchin in this district. Mr. Reynolds has stated that he will not again make a joint can- j •vass. Camping Party To Visit Springs. Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Ellington, of Sandy Ridge, will chaperone a party of young people who will f go on a camping trip this we kto Piedmont, Moore's and \ ade Mecum Spiings Mism-a Rachel Hollingsworth and Lucy Brower, of Mount-Airy, and Miss Rachel Mooro, of Smith, will b? among the party. They expect to arrive at Piedmont Friday of this week. , - ■ • - DEATH OF MR. S. H. TAYLOR. Well Known and Popular Dry Goodsj Salesman Expires At His Home Inj Winston. Mr. S. H. Taylor, brother of i Mr. J. Spot Taylor, of Danbury, j died at his home in Winston at 12 j o'clock M. yesterday. He had beeu 1 j sick for several weeks with a car-1 buncle on his neck, and diabetes I and other complications develop ; ed. Mr. Taylor was universally pop ular, and the news of his death will be received with sincere sor row by many people in Stokes county. He is survived by a wife and several children. The following are brothers and sisters oPthe deceased: Mr. J. S. Taylor, of Danbury; Messrs. Jno. M. and Roland C. Taylor, of Winston; Mrs. B. F. Dyer, of Leaksville: Miss Mattie Taylor, of Wiuston. Yadkin Township Sunday School Convention. At Mt. Olive, Saturday, Aug. 11 at 10 A. M., Tadkin Township Sunday School convention was callei to order by President J., I Walter Tuttle. Prayer by W. A. ' Petree. Secretary R. B. Tuttle 1 being absent. E. N. Helsabeck was elected Secretary, protein. J The order of exercises for the ; day was as follows: Mt. Olive Sunday school (Bap j tist) favored vis with a program of songs, recitations and a short talk by Mr. Joseph Covington. Popular Springs school (Chris tian) was very well reptesenteil | and rendered a short program of ! songs, recitations, address by E. '| N. Helsabeck anil a short talk by ] Supt. J. H. Helsabeck. ' NOON, i The dinner hour was enjoyed by | all and at 1 :H0 p. m. the conven- I tion reassembled. Mountain View (union Sunday School) was well represented and rendered an interesting pro gramme of songs and recitations. The Shiloh Sunday School of Pinnacle (Baptist) gave an inter esting programme of songs. The children taking a very prominent .' part. Address hy Mr. Barrette. The Trinity Sunday School (Methodist) was represented by a ' short programme of recitation. . The quarterly meeting kept thein from a full representation. , | King Sunday School (Baptist) J j was also represented by a class of girls who sang and recited. I Several schools in the township i; were not represented, and all would be glad to see them fall in , j line and help carry on the good I work. HAS STOOD THE TEST 25 YEARS. The old original GROVE'S Tasteless Chill Tonic. You know | what you are taking. It is iron j and quinine in a tasteless form, j No cure, No pay. j Miss Lizzie Adkins is visiting j her sister, Mrs. M. T. Chilton, this week. Is It You A j Own Hair ? I Do you pin yeur hat to youV own hair? Can't do it? Haven't enough hair? be you do not know Ayer's {j Hair Vigor 1 Here's 2r. :utro- 3 duction! May ihc 3cq:v, ; int- f nnce res"'t ::ihi ;>vy . owiS i • A**' jjl we know you'll hover L - | M T tMnk ♦Tjat Ay**-'* !? »!•■ '"v.t 'l.'' •»••>»* ■ wonderful h tlf grnwr t). ' >» i* iv. r r.ii ♦* i K havH n**«l \t f'.r from- MM! f «•*«; ti uOi* J I fully IMV Ituit I ant |.lr H " 4 j c.hfH-rfiOlv n»»m'n«l it i- «• • pW" h yropn- I ration."— MIW V. ft mm K, V«».»•li-.h, ft m .r"C. A rrr no , r A:>O XI'.A-iufafftnror': rf t /.$, 9 SAisniAsau. i i jLijgrs DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. Candidates For County Offices and Member Of Legislature to Be Nominated Saturday—Hon. S. P. Graves to Speak. Next Saturday at the court house here will be held the Dem ocratic Convention of Stokes County for the purpose of nom inating candidates for the county offices and a candidate to represent the county in the legislature of IW7. Hon. S. P. Graves will be here and address the Democrats on the political issues. Chairman J. D. Humphreys expects a large crowd to be present. It is not known who will be the nominees, as there has been but little discussion of candidates. A Correction. Mr. Editor : I notice in the last issue of your paper an article announcing my name as an independent candidate for the office of Treasurer of I Stokes county. I wish to say that this is entirely a mistake. While in company with some of my friends and dis cussing the various candidates I jokingly said that I believed I would come out as an independent candidate for Treasurer and some one said, "All right, you have a i right to run and I will vote for I you." And I thought this would 'be the last of it, but to continue the joke one of the party present sent the announcement to the paper that I was an independent candidato for Treasurer. I wish to say, Mr. Editor, that II am a Republican and believe in j the principles of the Republican i party and expect to support the ' ticket and would not do anything | that would hiniler or injure the; j cause. Wishing your paper and its > many readers much success, I begj I to remain, Yours very truly, ALEXANDER MERRITT. i Germanton, N. C., Aug, 13th. WALNUT COVE. Walnut Cove July 28.—We are | haviug lots of rain now a days. Mrs. J. H. Manuel visited her mother last Thursday and Friday ' She was accompanied by her hus band and two children. Mr. W. R. Brown lost a fine shoat last Tuesday by being run till over heat. Mr. E. T. Darnell called on | Misses Agues and Alice Boles : last Monday evening. I think wedding bells will ring | very soon over on Hamburg. I wonder if Mr. Jess Thum was in the rain last Sunday as he sayß he gets caught every time he goes to see Miss Kate Gatewood. Sorry to say that Mr. Isaac Neal is no better. Guess Mr. Jim Neal got a good night's rest last Sunday night as there was a girl called bed time on him at 8 o'clock. I. D. Knight calls over on the i east end of Hamburg very often. Guess Ellis Ward, Jeff I'unfa son and Walter Hutcherson will call again some dark rainy night to see their girls as they went the | other night and found the doors lclosed. Miss Cora Rothrock and Mr I Sterling James visited Miss:!* Kate, Mattie and Hannah Apple j Sunday. | I will ring off as this is my first visit. WHITE ROSE. THE END OF THE WORLD of troubles thnt robbed E. H Wolfe, of Bear On>ve. 1n.,-of nil usefulness, came when he Im'phu taking Electric Bi'i. rn Me \rnb*>-: "Two years ago Knin-j caused i/io hufferii,g, « hi-* 1 . I would never hive survived h«ti 1 not taken Electric They also cured me of Goutrijl Debility." Sure cure fur hII Stomach, Liver and Kidney complaints, Blood diseases, Headache, Dizziness and Weakness or bodily decline. Price 50c. Guaranteed by all drug stores. I ~ I Agents for nl/ Winston-Salem's I Bu t c , k s^r s fflsiMßOls? Bi s st 20c. BEST STORE. I The Big August Clearance Sale Began last Saturday. It is probably the greatest price-cutting money saving proposition ever inaugura ted here and invites the attenion of everyone economic ally inclined." FOUR SPECIALS. 20 Ladies Linen Suits. ladies' Shirt Waists. ' Double-breasted, fastened with pearl | Made of Sheer Lawns, trimmed with em buttons, tuxedPGoiiars, 3-4 sleeves, finished broidery, and round thread lace. These with turn back ouff. Seven-gored skirt waists sold originally for $1.50, however we with bias fold around button. Colors, purchased them very low and sold them for alise blue, green and white. Regular 1 sl. Our salo price, 69c each, price, $5.00. SALE PRICE, >9c EACH. SALE PRICE, $2.!»8. ! 130 Ladies' Lawn Shirt Waist i 30 Fine Sheer Lawn Shirt Waist Suits. Suits. Trimmed with tucks and embroidery in- Beautifully embroidered uud trimmed sertien. Skirt has pannel effect and em- with round thread insertion and lace. Rog * I inaortion, also deep shirved rnf- ular price, &J. 98. Sj 1 He. Regular price, $1.(59. ' Salo price, $1.98, 1 I > il_ —I 1 Order by Mail [f You Cannot Visit the Twin-City flSusy ©tore. We not (inl.v insure you against disappointment. 1 >*u you have your own purchasing agent who will] ■c that you neciire the liest. Any goods advertised will be sent subject toexaiuliiutlou. and all rhnrgcnj| repaid on all purchases amounting to #5.00 nnd over. The Semiannual Clearance Sale now in progress and $.">0,000 worth of desirable merchandise is being saerlfied Including everything for len, Women, children and the Home except Furniture. Whatever your present wantH may be, it will uyyou to get In correspondence at once with your purchasing agent at the Busy Store. ROSENBACHER'sI J I Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic 1 f has stood the test«2s years. Average Annual Sales over One and a Half Million I r bottles. DoeTthfa record of merit appeal to you? No Cure, No Pay* 50c. 8 Enclosed with every bottle i» a Ten Cent. of CWw't llock Hoot* liver J | To Cure a Cold in One Day 1 1 Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. 1 Seven MBHon boxes sold In post 12 months. This Signature, *>OX. 25C. J igjj*jaje;ijn.jpMwgigpi [i IIIIMI >ii .iiiiiii iiiwwy mmmmr OXBi IKfl INCREASES YOUR EARNING CAPACITY. DI \r KB LjMgJ 11' i. jM '" c Demand for Younu Men and You Ladlei never better A I HE (iMjBIBHI LEARN cither COMMERCIAL, SMOHTtIANIJ, UN- Tt»ke LAXATIVE BROMO Quin-1 BaWmW ciAulnd^So^X. w COMB,NHD ">«mer. jne Tublets. refund Bu ' tae " Men w " nt our Kro,,uate '- tr.onoy if it fnillj to onrc. K. W. j ■ t Wrile ,ar C»»alofoe and other informatioa. U >vE'S aignlaiire •M.sgracb, JMHI Jpgil ' E. M. COULTER, mm*. ROANOKE, VA. box. 25c. -V iraßLi * » ..

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