| The Big Clearance Salet | • 3s Over ( | A grand success. Tliousaiidfn of cus- n n tomers came and bought and saved I £ hundreds of dollars by so doing. 1 Now for the next: few weeks every- 1 body iiboul this store will be on the S L getting f IB new goods and making rj 1 preparaifon for our faH business. | r DuHug this time we liave a few more I ft two-piece, and a few three-piece suits 1 U that we are offering al jtisi half price. 1 Come to see us. VVe always take care u I. of our § | nTL CKANFOiRD & CO. I ■ One Pr;i*e i iolhicrs. Winston, N. C. m I L~ J fF~ y We Arc /Now Open and Rec?dy For Business at i new PicDnoiiT! rl I J Th-2 Biggest. and Best y iff-k ftf,/ - SZ IO • ?«» V/erc>K>»se Lvcr DBIU jf| | V For the RRl'e of LE T TO'JRCCO. k; | Come to see ua when in Winston IUKJ make our lone 1 I a your home whethrr von briug tobacco or not. Your friotii';:, 11. W. HORFLEET & CH). If tobacco ' £h:s to fire up, save tlie I j primings. Do ft let them waste, 'i .ley | | | waste. They v. "5 you good prices. ' PRsE;. , B ■hL S ~ i •» t. J?-/-*? .»,") * Bite r^ I Old Fasiiiattl State Fair $:;.5 IN MOM. V WZDS TJ3F OISTHnCJTED fc a Qreatest Race Meet o YW ■ Mla Puw— i roning J? Facing, ..£•■: >zu u f.tuepU' Chase Evtry KIAHR Tvrr* ACTION $ Richmond Hors* i>ur'»» ; FHJI'WcJi-—Plir' tShov. II =OFL of the Country. 5.1u,»)M:.60 «•* Cash i'rizes. fi.Mtsst Lire r J f xk feulii Siw IUH ; n ii:e Son Ik Premium List Includes l' Money Prctrivaiz Si E '~y Class —Dairy JJer,!--. Li. e • Sc:k yjufr.iily, Sh'.«p .'>>•• l S- + Poultry and Live Stpcl, I'i 'tins, "aiu I'ro.tjiol-., P.'iraung £ meats, Manufactured Articles. Pd r i'.vxl Exhibit. lv-Un/rate Aft ..' Department iacluillng iieu.'. l . 1 Wo i;. Write for Prwr*Sfrrw ;JrA To-Dtty § IM „I W |„ mm, AIIIIIN-1 mim mmiii B MA MM ll— N r Reduced Rate* '>u Ail Kailroatln THE VIRUSNIA STATE FAIR ASSOCIATION, Inc. RICHMOND, VIRGINIA %—hi i ii r .mr^:ic«W'Jßfflr.asr , xs3HßaMi*AcJj i ' £:. ■ s-m H MADISON. ! Editor Roporter: si I'ltT.sa make this announcement through your paper. The LiJl g:>mo between Knoll Heo.'si and Mill Croek Saturday, Aug. 18l't, was a veTy enthusastic one. Both tennis d'd nice work The M II Cree* boys went down I in defeat. The score being 17 to lfi iti fa' o' of Knoll Hearst. Kvoll Hearst and Mill Cree' r ball trams will cross bats on the i laLtcr'rf rround Aug. 25. A nice j g me "i expected. The ladies a'e ! invited. PLAYER. John Dolscn Nominated. i M;\ -;ohn Dobson was on last (Situ dty nominated for Solicitor •y the iJt'publican Judicial Con ! vert: n at Winston. Tofo'cco Flues and Repairs. I am : t H irtnian, N. C., to make your tobacco Hues and sell you j all kinds of repairs. Will only iba here until first of Sept. Send in your order? at once. J. H. ROBERTSON. 1 Af£lß 2t UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 1789-1906. I A'jad o! the State's fiduc»li u»I Sy*tcm. I * DEPARTMENT. Coilsgiate, Engineering, Graduate, Law, Medicine, I'harmacy. I Library contain* volume-*. New wnfw worka, electiv' llyrlitx. central lie/itlnv: «yntem. New dormitories, K.vmnaH'uui, Y. M. V. A. tiutlillnjc. 682 STUDENTS. 74 IN FACULTY. The Fall term Levins Kept, 10, mh;. Adrtmw FnAXCIB P. VIABLE, PttRBIDENT, CHAPEX HILL, N. C, The office™ for the ensuring year are ' \ 7 MURRY BRANCH. Murry Brauoh, Aug 20 —Farm- ers iu this section are talking of cutting tobacco right soon. Mr. Charlie Sisk visited his cousins near Red Shoals Saturday night. Mr. Herbert Kay and sister, Miss Judea. visited Miss Grace J. Dunlap "Sunday. Mrs. Sarah Simmons was dis appointed Sunday, as her best fellow never called. Oheer up, don't never give him out until he dies. -- Mrs. Jim Smith, of Meadows, is visiting her parents rear Gideon this week. Lookout Miss Daisy Dodson; the first Saturday Mr. Herbert Ray and Miss draco J. Dunlap are talking of visiting you. Mr. Biuce Gatewood called on his best girl Sunday as usual. We guess he wiil call some day to CHiry her home with him JANE. binnacle Defeats West.'ield 13 to 2. Pinnacle, Aug. 20 —The Pinna cle ball team defeated the giant team of Westfield, August 18, at J. M. Mitchell & Son's store. The i features of the-gaine were Mikle's pitching for Pinnacle ami Ininan's fine running catch for Westfield. At the end of the nine iunings the score was IS to 2. The line-up of tho Pinnacle tenrn : Mikle, pitch; Short, catch: Coon, Ist base; Stone, E. 2nd base; George, 3rd base; Shelton, U. fiold; Putner, C. field; Gordon, L. fiold; Moser, short, stop. PILL. Killed Thirty-Four Rattlesnakes. j Vade Mecuiu, Aug. 20.—A ten ant on the farm of Mr. W. L. Hall here last v.eek killed 34 rattle suakes in one lot, One of them was a very large one, while the others were small. The creeks hoie were the high est Thursday evening ever known in the recollection of our oldest citizens. The miiullust branches were past fording, Crops in thi-3 section are look ing well. Ff-rmers are beginning to cut tobacco. Mr. W. L. Hall! says his tobacoo is the best he 1 ever had. COMPROMISES IN MARRIED LIFE. • If marriage meant the wedding of a saint and nn angal there would bo no problems to solve, no perfection to attain, no progress to make. This may ho wby there are no marriages in heaven. On earth, it is different; husband and wife are stronply human. No matter how lovingly united or I how sweet their acoord, they never : have the same temperaments, ten j dencies or tastes. Their needs are I different, their manner of looking at things is not identical, and in varying ways their individualities assert themselves, At any crtic&l ! moment if both express at the same time, a desire to defer to the | other's taste, the result is foreor idained for happiness. This makes ' matrimony not merely union, but i unison and unity. The spirit of compromise does not mean a con tinuous performance in the way of 6elf-surrender and Belf-s#crafice it does not mean ceasing to ba jj voice and becoming an echo; it does not imply or justify the loss of individuality; it means simply tha instinctive recognition of the best way ofjt of a difficulty, the : quickest taking Jo avoid a collision, i ttie kindly view of toieroiiep jn the presence of weakness and errors i of another, the courage to meet an | explanation half-way, the geuer j osity to be fiiat to apologize for a discord, the largeness of mind that ! does not fear a sacrifice of dignify j in surrendering in the interests of the highest harmony of the two rather than the personal vanity one.—From the Sept, Delineator. A MYSTERY SOLVED. "How to keep off periodic at tacks of biliousness and habitual constipation *vas a mystery .that Dr, King's New Life Pills solved .for nfe," Writes John N. Pleasant, of Magnolia, Ind. The only pills that are guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction to everybodj or money refunded. Only 25c at all drug stores. | Vcic/kin Valley - - ** JB & Ssoonoi/le, (3. 2 FALL TERM OPENS AUGUST 23; l'JOfi. Good board fa in nice bou&iis s(>.so to $7.00. TtiitL"i $1.01) fo P2X/). Mu -Bi° and piano, $3.00. Sk, k PARENTS : Send us your b-iys • d ■ i.'h «. ' w> will educate them and ko;«p them under j» »o>l tiv •i! on -e. Fiji K YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN :' L' yon n-e king >urr* 1 ?* own way tbroligh 1 if»>. ooine and spon.i Borne ti no \ >th us, © | jH| we will do yon good. r ir Wjite at once to \ 9 9 SBeacA, Sv> | or N. R. HAMM, Agent for Schoc , r ' N C. J . ; ■ S?fy ■ - W^uM: Esj mada to imitate GR APl£, ...:d they ari all imitations— because that rich, sweet flavor is peculiar to the genuine Leaf, and M |g| we have been buying and manufacturing it for over fifty years. 9 I IT IS MADE BY A FIRM TSIAT ItNOV.'S HOW 9 BLUE' FRONT) STORE, WAL/NUT COVE, N, C. 1 1 eiaini fo have tliel LARGEBT store on rarthwr liui the CHEAPEST. H J. WILL EAST, WALNUT UOVE. \ f New Clothing Stora ||j J at MADiSON, N. C. "I I fe TO BUY YOUR NEXT SUIT. We have j.nd m, t '.vwl „ 1 g !»)«line. Prices to eoit all. Suits from $2.50 to $25.00. KM 0 We al»o carry a nice line of Slv>es, Hnts nnd In ®P U fact we carry everything tlmt you will Hud in a firU ehia»tur- It ■ nislung ejore for men 'and boys.' -'iHi VL.J. LACKEY &C sa &s%oru .L'V - ;.„M "' John A» BiEr-^ii IValnut Cove, Sf» C„ | Head quarters Tor the Stokes Con:- tyf p!e who want the best good ail lowest prices. Keep; aiwav.s J liaiiii afl kinds offarni? ' iJ plies—Dry Goods S;. Groceries of a- kinds,, s tools, and Guanos. } At Winston Prio

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