Briefs Adrift. Dog-days expired last Sunday. Mr. R. F, Fulk, of Pinnacle, spent Sunday in Danbury. Mr. W.M. Flynt and little son, of Gideon, were here Monday. ( Mrs. C. M. Jones and children are visiting relatives at Pinnacle. Mr. J. A. Lawson, a merchant at Dellar, visited Danbury Mon day. Mr. J. H. Gravitt, of King Route 1, was here on business Monday. Messrs. C. A. Tilley and David Stewart were Danbury visitors Monday. j The hotels at Vade Mecum Springs will remain open until October 1. j Our public roads are in a most deplorable condition. Thay need sunshine. Mr. David Duncan, of Dillard, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. J, H. Stewart. Mr. R. P. Joyce, a Walnut Cove merchant, was in town a short while Thursday. Deputy Collector J. A. Petree, of Walnut Cove, was a Daubury visitor Tuesday. Mr. Sam H. Stewart has been ill for several days, with some symptoms of fever. Mrs. Means, of I \cord, is the guest of Mrs. Sank - at Piedmont Springs. 9 Mrs. J. T. Smith and little dau ghter are visiting relatives at Courtney, Yadkin cjunty. j Mr. E. C. Slieppard, a merchant nnd iio*tmaster "at Dellur, was I Tuesday afternoon. Rev. W. T. Albright, of Stokes >burg, attended the Sunday School Convention here Saturday. Mrs. Sallio Duncan, acccmpan- j ied by Mr. R. H, Simpson, of Dillard, was in town Thursday. Misses Eda Cunningham, Louise 1 Ronnie, M(>zelfe Partee and Laura Noel, of Piedmont, visited Dan- j y Saturday afternoon. Miss Bettie Cox, an inmate of the County Home, died Wednes day of paralysis and other com-! plications. She was aged ;S7 years. J Mrs. Adams, of Walnut Cove,| * k ?xi accompanied by her daughters,! " Misses and Rhoda, spent | a short while in Daiibcrj' Tuesday.! Misa Dora Deshazo, of Spencer, | Va., returned to Piedmont Springs Monday after spending some time with friends at Gideon. Miss De etrn/.o expects to be at Piedmont uutil about Sept. 15th. Misses Mo/.elle Partee, of Blue- j field, W. Va,. and Louise Rennie, of Richmond, Va., who have been j at Piedmont Springs for some ; time, returned to their respective; homes Monday. Misses Minnie and Annie King, ' of Spencer, Va., who spent the past month at Piedmont Springs, left yesterday for Madison, where : they expect to visit before return ing home. It i.» learned that the people of ( the neighborhoods along Snow l Orei k are divided on the question of where the propose! bridge shall In located, and that s me of thenf* are iffering to donate con siderable sums of money on con dili-'U t .ht the bridge i 6 buiit at the lord of their choice. This Contest f'ir location is pretty sure fo mean no bridge at nil unless the co'jteiflnuts can settlj their differences. Dr. B W. Mebane, of Mount . Air.V- spent Friday, Saturday and 1 Sunday here. He was kept busy deli veiing tv > addresses, and ta-j king • the- a -tive work in theSun-i day School Cqnvention on Satur day, preaching twioj in the Pres h) terian chnrch, Sunday morning and night; lecturing in the Sun- J day School and preaching to the color, d people Sunday afternoon. Dr. Mebane is an excellent preach- DILLARO. - V Dillard, Aug. 28.—Mr. Ohfls. Mitchell, of Woodlnwn, Graysnn county, Va., is visiting relatives and friends at this place. He whs formerly of Stokes, being born and raised here. Mr. Chas. W. Peebles left for West Va. last Tuesdny to secure employment. Messrs. N. E. Perry and C. H. Powell, two traveling salesmen of Winston, were in town last Fridny talking drugs and groceries. Deputy Collector J. A. Petree, of Walnut Cove, passed through town Friday with a still that he captured near Buffalo. Mr. J. Wilson Mitchell made a business trip to Madison Saturday. Mr. W. T. Pitzer, who holds a railroad position at Spencer, is at home on a vacation. Mr. F. M. Davidson is suffering from an attack of rheumatism. We note with regret that W. L. Mitchell is again prostrated witli asthma. Mr. W. P. Ward, who is a brick mason and has been at work in Norfolk, Birmingham and other places, is at home to rest up. Master Harold Essex spent the day at his grandfather's, Mr. M. T. Mitchell's, last Friday. There are several petitions being circulated in this neighborhood asking for a bridge to be built acroes Snow Creek. A bridge across that dangerous ford is very much needed and wo are anxious for one. A Hay Ride at Campbell. Campbell, Aug. 27.—A party of our young people recently took an exciting hay ride from Campbell across the country a distance of 8 miles and back over the roughest road imaginable, but they report a great time nevertheless. The party j was composed of Robt. Morefield, ! onr R. F. D. carrier; Mrs. Eugene Ivelly, of Providence, R. I.; Miss Berch Tilley, of Sandy Ridge; Miss Lucy Bateman and Miss Stella Watkins, of Campbell, and others. They started out by ma king a raid on a watermelon patch and carrying off several large mel ons, but the wagon jostled so much that they only succeeded it} diving their heads into a melon now and then, with the result of getting their eyes full of juice and their hair full of seed. They suc ceeded in making a good many people think the end of the world had come, while others not quite so excitable thought it a gang of Id eeese going over. Others thought some one was dead in the neighborhood and made preparn tion to go out and investigate the! cause of such a racket. They made all grades of noises as they went along at a break-neck speed, ex citing the dogs, cows and every thing in their wake. They arrived home safe and sound by 9 o'clock P. M. They will give the people a rest for a few days and then go again after the next load. All who wish to join the excursion are oor dially invited. For date and par ticulars call and see. D. Misses Lucy Brower and Rachel and Annie Hollingswortb, of Mt. Airy, are the guests of Miss Raohel Moore, at Smith. A> H Dressing i'nflfe - Nearly every one likes a fine hair dressing. Something' to make the hair more manage able; to keep it from being too rough, or from spliiting at the ends. Something, too, that will feed the hair at the same time, a regular hair-food. Well-fed hair will £!'.'] will remain where it b 1 ups- - on the head, not cat. : cum;. The bast fclmj of n tMiUrii ,; >1 . "Bold tor ov. r U. v v . M Mad»b*.T.C Ayfr* - ym JLUo ouuuuMi4tv: j v» /luetic GERMANTON ROUTE 1. German ton Route 1, Aug 27 Some of the farmers are cutting tobacco in this section. -Little Ralph Rutledge has been ill for some time, but is better now. Misses Elleu Briggs, Minuie Hartgrove, Clemmie Pulliam, Primmie Tuttle, Lilla rulliarn, antl also Mr. Willie Hartgrove and Mr. L. O. Tuttle spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Bruoe Ri ser last Sunday. Guess they had jj a nice time. Messrs. Nnmie Tuttle and Gro ver Allen called on Misses Maggie and Pearlie Tuttle last Sunday. • Mr. Charlie Holland, of Win-/, ston, called on Miss Clemmie Pul-' liam last Saturday. Old coals arc easily kindled. Miss Lilla got disappointed Sunday as Mr. Marshal Watts did. not call. Cheer up, Lilla, per- f haps it will not rain next Sunday. Mr. L. O. Tuttle called on Miss ' Ellen Fowler last night. Wonder 1 if he has returned home yet. Miss Martha Meadows was all smiles last Saturday as she was sporting the black. Cheer up, Ellen, he will come back again. THE COW BOY. FRANCISCO. Francisco, August 27—Mr. Lee | Francis had his brother curing! tobacco for him yesterday, so he j could go to Tom's Creek, but it i J rained and he did not got to go. Mr. Bob Francis calls on Miss Millie Ward right often. Wo j think they will soon part the sin- ! gle life of wretchedness and enter into tho happy bonds of blessed- i ness. The people have begun to cut a good deal of tobacco. Mr. Millard Collins lost a fini»i J hog night before last. Mr. Grover Frans calls on Miss Nannie Flippin right often. Mr. Jesse Beasley fays the rats have been eating his mule's hoofs. Something strange but true. Tf anyone can beat that, just let us hear from them through the col umns of the Reporter. Francisco and the Clubfoot ball team of Smith played at Francis co Saturday. The Clnbfoots beat the Francisoo team one run. Miss Fannie Frans has got sor ry for Mr. Meg Simmons, I think. I see he is going black to see her again. TWO BROWN-EYED GIRLS. A Correction. Mr. Editor . In my artiple. in your last week's issue, I notice you tnade a mistake in giving the number of acres of land. You printed 10,000 or 15,- 000, when it should have been 1,000 or 1,500. Yours truly, J. WESLEY MOREFIELD. P. S. Mr. Tom Hylton told me he would give SIOO.OO toward macadamizing a road from Walnnt Cove to Danbury. Mr. D. S. R. Martin, of Ayers ville, paid the Reporter a pleasant call Tuesday. He was returning from a visit to Donnahn. Mis 9 Olive Noel, who has been at Piedmont for several weeks, left yesterday for her home at Bells, Tenn, HAS STOOD THE TEST 25 YEARS. Tho old oiiginal (3 ROVE'S Tasteless Chil! Tur.ic. You know i *li*t you fre taking. It is iron tnd quinine in a tnsleless form . No cure, No pav. Dr. W. H. Wakefield, of Charlotte, [ N. C., will be in Danbury a | the McCanless Hotel on Saturday [Sept. Bth, for one day only. His practice is limited to the Eye, Ear { Nose and Throat, and Fitting ! lasses. Aug.l(s 4t lif buying insurance you want to obtain the best company, with the most liberal contract and the lowest rates. We can till all these requirements in either Fire, Life or Accident Insurance. A postal will bring you our terms. RANK OF STOKES COUNTY. Insurance Department, Walnut Cove, N. C. AcrpY»«-«* J |lfc_ USt RTY- 6f A-rp STB. i f. Patterns f(j jpT.Sc and f LiijW and zi)c. BEST STORE. The Bsg August Clearance Saie Began last Saturday. It is probably the greatest price-cutting money-saving proposition ever inaugura ted here and invites the attenion of everyone economic ally inclined." FOUR SPECIALST 20 Ladies Linen Suits. Ladies' Shirt Waists. Double-breasted, fastened with pearl Made of Sheer Lawns, trimmed with ein buttons, tuxedo collars, 3-4 sleeves, hnished broidery, and round thread lace. These Z h hinn f I M ' , b f v !! I ' gore l 8 i waists sold originally for $1.50, however we with bias fold around button. Colors, - purchased them very low and sold them for price | ."k) gre9n " wlllte - R e g">«r sl. Our sale price, 09c each. I SALE PRICE, $2,98. SALE PRICE, (59c EACH. 130 Ladies' Lawn Shirt Waist 30 Fine Sh??r Lawn Shirt Waist '1 Suits. Suits Trimmed with tucks and embroidery in- Beautifully embroidered and trimmed" sertion. Skirt lias punnel etlect and em- with round thread insertion and lace. Ree broidery insertion, also deep shirved rnf- ular price s:i 98 . tie. Regular price, §1.69. ' Sale prioe, $1.98. | Order by Mail 1 llf You Cannot Visit the Twin-City J ■ Busy Store. We nut only insure you against dlsappolrtiiioi I, but ,v«. 11 have your own purchasing agent who win iB Bbj s,> «' that you secure the best. Any goods advertised will be sent subject to examination, and all charsresfß I prepaid on all purchases amounting; to and over. ■ i The Semi=Anniiii Clearance Sale I I Is now In progress and #:>O.(KK» worth of desirable merchandise is being saerllied Including H Men. Women, Children and tlie Home except Furniture. Whatever your present wants n- I payyon to Kef in correspondence at once with your purchasing agent at the Httsy stoi- IRC N, N. c. * I Take Lsb I Seven Million 1 TO CURE A Take LAXAT ine Tablets, nuney if it fai GROVE'S ai( box. 2")o. Are yon in Fire, Life, B Liability insu us. BANK OF SI

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