BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUED • Effort to Be Made to Compel Stokes County to Allow Meadows and Sauratown Townships to Expend Railroad Taxes For Public Roads and Schools. Dr. A. G. Jones and Mr. John A. Burton, on the part of Sauratown townsnip, and Mr. J. Spot Taylor, on the part of Meadows township, N " v - s sjlaiotiffs, have brought suit against the commissioners of Stokes county "te.Qompel the county to allow Sauratown and Meadows the county taxes on the N. X: W and Southern Railways, same to be ex pended for better roads anil schools for the two townships. The suit is set for trial next week, the plaintiffs being represented by Lindsay Patterson and WyW. King while the defendants' counsel is N. O. Petree. The complainants base their pleas on an act passed by the Legislature of 18SI»i reading in part as follows : Section 1. The commi i'»i) • ' f Sio'&e* eounlv are hereby authorized and directed to >et apart from all Jher county ; • \es ill the " •\c«' (mid ea-h year :»s county taxes by the Cape Kear :«ud Yadkta Viillcy Kaiivo !vl r«'iui any on thei: property lyiuif and being in Sauratown and Meadow township* respectively o -a d •guilty ot* Stoker; and the turn so respectively paid each ye.u on the property in each oi -aid townaipx bv >aid ralvoal ontpaay shall be expended exclusively within the saidLSnarutowii at'-! >ietd.w townships respectively tor reforming the public roads, building bridges, extending it-hooN. o. • urh other purposes as the commissioner' inav deem best, ami n>»t otherwise. At the last meeting of the Board a petition signed by 104 taxpayers of Sauratown and Meadows, incorporating the provisions of the above act, was refused by the board on the ground (1) that the act is un constitutional and unjust to the other townships and (2) that the alleged rights of the petitioners are barred by the statute of limita tions. The petitioners take the position that they paid the taxes which brought the railroads and should exclusively reap the benefits arising therefrom. They demand not only that they shall be allowed the county taxes accruing on the property of the two railroads in the future, but that they shall be reimbursed for the !SI."{,(XX) they have al ready spent, FARMERS MEETING AT DAN BURY OCTOBER I Secretary Sharp Writes the Stokes Farmers. Intelligence, N. C.. Sept. IS. Danbury Reporter : Please call attention to the County Meeting of Stokes county to be held at Danbury, Monday, October 1. Please urge every farmers' --Wganization to have full representations there. They are entitled to one delegate for every five members and besides urge every farmer in the county to be present. In my mind, this meeting means much for the farmers of the county and State. Yours truly, J. M. SHARP, JR., State SecrtSry. PETER'S CREEK. VA. People are very busy curing to bacco and cutting tops. Miss Flora Hutcbens is talking of going to school at Danbury. Wonder what Mr. Bob will do ? Mr. Austin Holt is rocking the cradle and singing by-o-baby these days. Mr. Sandy Beasley is visiting at Mr. J. A. Hill's very often. What's your attention, Sandy ? Miss Dakota, though I guess. Miss Emma Collins is wearing a smile as her fellow called Sun day. Mr. Charlie Wright happened to bad luck last Sunday night , when he went to see his best girl. On his way back he saw a haunt at the Morrison graveyard. MAMA'S DARLING. Conductor Early Mortally Wounded. Feed Barn Burned. Winston-Salem, Sept. 13 Cap tain Early, conductor of a work train on the Norfolk & Western, was shot and mortally wounded yesterday at Pembroke, Va„ by a negro named Pembroke, who es caped arrest. Captain Early had discharged the negro because he j was worthless and would not work. Pembroke weut away and the conductor anticipated no trouble. After going to the shanty where the force eat and sleep, Pembroke returned and, pulling a pistol from his pockot. tired upon Captain Early, the ball taking eff ect in the abdomen. The attend ing physician says there is no chance for the conductor. Cap tain Early is a married man and is liked by all who know him. - A. large feed barn owned by Mr. E. W. Linville, at Walker town, was destroyed by tire about 6 o'clock Friday evening. A straw atack near the barn was struck by lightning, from this the building, • frame structure, ignited. He saved his Btock but lost a reaper, other farming maohinery and a Quantity of feed stuff, f, - r GIDEON. Gideon, Sept. 18. People here are about done cut ; ting tobacco. The crop is about one-third short of an average and the quality very inferior. Nearly i the entire fodder crop is lost —so much rain recently and plowing for wheat has been but little done. Messrs. Ed and Marvin Mitch ell have bought a mower and will try to save some peavines when the rain stops, if it ever does. The unfavorable weather has prevented many people from go ing to hear Bryan at Winston to. day. Regular services at Wilson Sun day by Elder J. J. Joyce. W. M. Flynt is out again after being slightly indisposed for a week, lam sorry to say. " Miss Mattie Deshazo opened school hore the 10th inst. which is progressing nicoly. Hope people will soon take more interest in ed ucation. Miss Mattie is a fine lady and an excellent teacher and we wish her much success. Mr. R. G. Hall lost a tine horse a few dayß ago. The animal was taken suddenly ill and died in a few hours. Mr. W. A. Lasley, who has been spending the summer with his mother and sister, will return in a few days to his western home in New Mexico. Miss Malissa Lasley is attend ing the Holiness Convention in i Greensboro. H. GOT OFF CHEAP. He may well think, he has got off cheap, who, after having con tracted constipation or indigestion, is still able to perfectly restore his health. Nothing will do this but j Dr. King's New Life Pills. A quick, pleasant, and certain cure for headache, constipation, etc. j 25c at all druggists; guaranteed. NOTICE—When you want pigs' call at my place on Walnut Cove R. F. D. No. 1. I have the thoroughbred Poland China and the mixed stock. A nice lot on ; hand now. -J. W. FOWLER. Sept 13-tf KIMBALL, WEStW* Kimball, West Va., Sept. 15/ Mr. Editor : 1 I will tell yon some more about ! this country and the people that is here. The people are composed most ly of North Carolinians and Vir ginians (that is the white and colored) wit h thousands of Huncs, Talleyß and Dagos. I will give you a little history of the country. It is one mountain set right by another with no Huts be tween the hills—runs right down together with the tallest timber you ever saw. Sawmilling and coal mining is the business here. They are putting a band saw up and building a tram road up a hollow l-l miles long that will furnish work for several men for a good while. The mill will cost SIOO,OOO to complete it, and will commence work in two weeks. I have beeu hunting in the mountains. There is a good many squirrels, turkeys and pheasonts here. One mountain 1 hunted on is 20 miles square. A gentleman said there is panthers in it, but I did not see any. Nearly all the lands belong to the coal companies. People living in those mountains seems to be contented. They raise vegetables and tie them on horses or mules and carry them to mar ket where they can got the high est prices. I went to a Mr. Burke's, living in the mountains, he said that he leased his place for SIOO per year, .pf 120 acres. He raised corn, to bacco, millet and all kinds of garden vegetables and fruit. He said he raised a rutabagar last year that weighed ;>2 pounds. The reason they get the land so cheap is that they look after the timber for the company. Next Saturday is pay day here. I guess they will have to kill a few men, as that is the fashion here on pay day. But there are some good people here. They have preaching and prayermeeting reg ular. They have a K. P. lodge composed of as good Christian gentlemen as I ever met, and sev eral other orders. Orders are very fashionable here. D. S. W. Mr. J. P. Lynch, of Delk, was hero Saturday. Mr. Lynch leaves this week for Bluetield, West Va., to look after the affairs of his son, Tyler, who was accidentally killed on the public works there a few days since. Mr. Lynch and fam ily have the sincere sympathy of many friends in their sorrow. ATTACKED BY A MOB | and beaten, in a labor riot, until covered with sores, a Chicago ! street car conductor applied Bnck , leu's Arnica Salve, and was soon i sound and well. "I use it in my i family," writes G. J. Welch, of : Tekonsha. Mich., "and find it per i feet." Simply great for cuts and 1 burns. Only 25c at all druggists. ;TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY 1 Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quin ine Tablets. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E, W. GROVE'S signature is on each box, 25c. If a Cow ; Butter mankind would have to invent milk. Milk Is Na ture's emulsion butter put in shape for diges tion. Cod liver oil is ex tremely nourishing, but it has to be emulsified jefore we can digest it. Scott's Emulsion combines the best oil with the valuable hypo phosphites so that it is easy to digest and does far more good than the | oil alone could. That! makes Scott's Emulsion the most strengthening, nourishing food-medi cine In the world. Sand for Vee sample. V. \ECOTT & BOWNE, Chemists Kmj-4-l 5 Paarl Stroet New York AOc. and $1 .00. All druggists 7®= r* "H PINE HALL. Pine Hull, Sept. IH. - Mr. Mebauo Parish, salesinatl-for J. C. Flinn Son, is off on a vacation visiting friends in Greensboro and otlier places, j Anotlier man get in trouble in the Pine Hall ford a few days ago and had to bo ditched out. We had a pleasant call from the senior editor of the Reporter a few days ago. Mr. Isaac N'eal is very sick and probably won't live but a short while. Mrs. W. M. Robbins and little girls are visiting at Mr. Chisman's. Rev. Mr. Rankin, Presbyterian minister, pleached some excellent sermons for us last week. B aver Island township has paid tribute to Stokes county gov ernment for a long time and as yet has had very little of the bene fits of the government. Its our time to be noticed. The commis sioners should build bridges at both Pine Hall and Snow Creek. We have waited patiently. No other places so much need attention and none that would be more appreciated. Mc seems to have opened up a hornet's nest in the baseball camp. From the tone of X Y Z's letter, he must have been hit. Mc has simply expressed the senti ment of hundreds of good people in Stokes county. The time has been when baseball seemed to be all right, but like many other seemingly innocent amusements, has been carried too far, We are told that large sums of money are bet on many of the match games of to-day. Mark this prediction, the time is not far off when a col lege has a baseball team to rove about the country and play match games, it will not get our boys. A j few days ago I heard an old hon est farmer say that had boys to ed ucate. but that he would never send them to a baseball college. Mc, like a great many others, has boys to raise. He sees the ten Jeucy of the baseball craze and one among the few has had the moral courage to speak out his opinion. We give Mc and XV Z both credit for speaking out their = honest opinion. This is a priv ilege that we all have and no one shoul 1 got mad at another for his honest opinion. PETER'S CREEK. VA.. ROUTE 1. Peter's Creek. Va., Route 1, Sept. I^.—The farmers of our sec tion are very busy cutting and cur ing tobacco. Several nice curings have been made already. Mr. and Mrs. R. 11. Lawson visited their son, Mr. LI. C. Law son, of Stuart, Va.' last Saturday and Sunday. Miss Cora Leak lias resumed her position with the American Superban Corporation at Rocky Mount, N. C., after spending sev eral weeks vacation with her home people of this place. Mr. John Rangely passed through our place Friday. Messrs. C. C. Hutcherson and P, C. Sheppard, both of Sandy Ridge, passed through Tuesday on ronte home from an extended vis it over on Francisco Route 1. Several of our joung people at tended services at Big Creek Sun day. Misses Mamie and Maud Boul-' I din,, who have been spending sev eral months vacation with their grandmother, Mrs. Hundley, of this place, returned to their posi tion at Davidson Wednesday. Mr. A. J. Hill and daughter, a?-, coinpanied by Miss Amy Hundley, made a trip to Mt. Airy last week, ! Miss Ada Leak returned last week from a visit to her sister,! Mrs. M. C. R. Smith, at Pilot Mt Miss Marilh Bernard, of May berry, Va., who has been teaching near Mr. C. W. Blancett's, closed her school and returned to her home last week, much to the re gret of her many friends here. Miss Mamie Leak will begin | teaching at Leak's school house Monday. Messrs. J. Ellis Hill and George Floyd mado a trip to Tim. Va re cently. . JOHNIE. j State of North Carolinn, I Stokes county. \ Notice of Appointmeut of Reg istrars and Judges of Election : The following named persons were appointed registrars and | judges of election for the various , J precincts in Stokes county, N. 0., on Monday, September 17th, 1900, by the Board of Elections of Stokes County N. C, Their names together with the names of the va rious precincts for which they were appointed are as follows, to-wit : Datibury, N. E. Pepper, regis trar; T. J. Davis, li. II 11, Blair, judges. Walnut Cove, C. T Willis, reg istrar; W L. Vaughn, J. H. Ful ton, judges. Freeman's. W. E. Lasley, reg istrar; W. W. Fulp. S. W. Neal, judges. Wilson's Store, J. G. Ross, reg istrar; Joe Hicks, J. Walter Fow ler, judges. Germanton, L. M. McKenzie, registrar; K. T. Beck, G. T. Ba ker, judges. King, J. S. D. Pulliam, regis trar; Sanders R. Fulp, Samuel Kiser, judges. Boyles, J. T. Johnson, registrar; John R Ham, W. (1. Slate, jud ges. Pinnacle, J. R. Stone, registrar; Mc D. Boyd, V. G. Watson, jud ges. Francisco, R. E. Smith, regis trar; J. W. Dearman, John H. Jessup, judges. Lawsonville, R. L. Lawson, reg istrar; J. S. Whitten, O. M. Ben nett, judges. Sandy Ridge, G. L. Ziglar, reg- I istrar; R. L. Pratt, Thomas H. ; Priddy, judges. Mitchell's, E. L. Mitchell, reg istrar; W. J. Adkins, W. M. Peo bles, judges. Pine Hall, J. C. Flint), registrar; Green F. Dauiel, Thos. G. Rey nolds, judges. This September 13th, 1900. J. H. ELLINGTON, Chm. Bd. of Elections, of Stokes county. J. F. Smith, Sec. Appointments For Preaching. Stuart, Va., Sept. IS. Editor Reporter : Please publish in your valuable paper the following appointments : Elder Monday, a Primitive Bap tist minister, and N. B. Gilbert will, if the Lord is willing, preach at the : On Monday after the second Sunday in October at the Rock House, Tuesday at Pine Grove, Wednesday at Snow Creek, North View at night, Thursday at Wilson, Friday at Mayodan, thence to the Mayo Association, j On Tuesday after the third Sun day in October N. B. Gilbert will preach at Pine Ridge, Wednesday at Clear Spring, Friday, Saturday and Sunday at Fish River Asso i ciation. Elder Monday will preach at Buffalo Tuesday after the third Sunday in October. Wednesday at Pleasant Grove, Thursday at Ru.«se! Creek Conveyances will be desired. Yours truly, N. B. GILBERT. KING. - King. Sept. 15—Farmers in this section are busy cutting and cur ing tobacco. Mr. D. S. Hooker had a barn of tobacco bnrried the past week. Miss Martha Goff left Thursday for Greensboro where she will be j the guest of her sister, Mrs. Me j daria. Miss Kate Stone is visiting her sister, Mrs. Schaub, at High Point. Mr. Dolph Butner and Miss Gusta Fulk were married Tues day. We wish them all the hap piness possible in their new life. Mr. S. M. Goff returned Friday from Greensboro where he has beon one of the jurors of th.i Fed eral Colli t. v . , _ FOR SALE—One tine work ox. Weight 1200 pounds Anyone desirifig to purchase samo call on or write L. T. ISOM, Walnut Cove, N. C, Route 8. | Report of the Condition*of The Bank of Stokes County At the Close Of Business Sept. 5. 1906. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts.. .131,571.00 Overdrafts, secured.... 172 HI Banking houses 1,407 31 Furniture and fixtures.. 988 54 Duo from banks 10,259 7(1 I Cash items 2f>o 74 I Gold coin 455 oo Silver coin 352 85 National bank notes.... 7,113 00 Total $52,041 07 LIABILITIES. Capital stock $10,000.00 Undivided profits.. 1,011 40 Bills payable 4,000 00 Deposits 37,030 27 Total 52,641.07 Stato of North Carolina, I County of Stokes. ( 89, We, Eugene Pepper and R. R. Rogers, Cashiers of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of our knowledge and belief. EUGENE PFPPER, - R. R. ROGERS, Cashiers. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th day of Sept. 1900. E. P. PEPPER, Notary Public. Correct—Attest : JESSE H. PItATHER, W. J. BYERLY, L. E. PRATHER, Directors. NOTICE. State of North far. I 111 the Su- Mokes County. I perior Court. Before th e clerk. Order and notice to , nonresidents. Benjamin !•'. Moore, l'lff. vs. William Moore, .las. Moore. Loretta Moure, Kemlile Moore, I'earce Moore. Bcrtn Moore, Elkanah Moore. II II I e y M o or e. Charity Moore, all of the aliove named of whom are the children of Hart Moore, deceased, the child of Ra chel Moore, deceased, to ! wit: Millard Martin and the htisliand of said Mil lard Martin, to-wit : David Mart ill, the children of Phillls Moore, to-wit : Mar tha Martin. Emma Coin, Jflj 10(1 Coin, the brother of the wife of W. T. Moore, de ceased, to wit : George Joyce, defendants. In the above entitled action or special proceeding it appearing to the Court upon affidavit filed that the defendants, William Moore, .las. Moure. I'earce Moore, David Martin and George Joyce, are mm-rcsldcnts of the-state of North Carolina, and after due diligence cannot be found therein, and cannot be personally served with process, and are neces sary parties to this action, the same being an action or special proceeding for t lie sale of a tract of land for par tition among the plaintiff and such of the defendants as are tenants in [ common with the plaintiff, said tract of land containing about JO acres adjoining the lands of f. M. •-helton aid others and for further description see Kecord of Orders and Decrees No. 11, page 20(1 111 the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Stokes county, N. C., and it lielng that lot which was assigned to W. T. Moore, who lias since died and upon his death it descended to his five children, to-wit: Victoria Moore, • I'ilia Moore. Frank Moore, Arthur Moore and Marvin Moore, and upon their death it descended to the par ties hereto subject to a charge of $11(1.00 due to plaintiff. Benjamin 1«\ Moore, which sum plaintiff will ask the Court to order paid to him by the Commissioner Itcfore the division of the proceeds is made. It is there fore' ordered by the Court that pub lication of notice IK* made for four successive weeks in the Danliury Ite porter, a newspaper published in Stokes county. North Carolina, not- Ifyng thedefendants, William Moore. James Moore, I'earce Moore, David Martin and George Joyce that an ac tion or special proceeding as above entitled lias been Instituted against them and others In the Superior Court of Stokes county, N. C. for the purposes above set forth, and re quiring them to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of tokes county, N. C.. in Dil'ibury, N. ('., on or before the 1:1 th day of Oct., liMMi, and answer or demur to the petition tiled in tills cause, and let the defendants. Win. Moore, James Moore, I'earce Moore. David Martin _ and George Joyce take 11 of ire that if they fail to appear and answer or demur to said petition 011 or lief ore the time specified above the relie' de manded In the petition will be grant ed. This the -list day of Aug,, lIMHi. M. T. CHILTON, Clerk Superior Court. J. D. Humphreys, Att.v. for l'lff. NO TICK. Having duly qualified as executor of the last will and testament of J. T. Lynch, deceased, notice is hereby given to all iiersons holding claim's against said deceased, to present them to me duly authenticated, for payment 011 or before the first dav of October lIKI7, or this notice will lie pleaded in bar of their recovery; and all |arsons indebted to said deceased are hereby requested to make tannie diate payment. This the 17th day of Sept.. lIMMi J. I>. LYNCH, Kxecutor of J. T. Lynch. I'o.—Pilot Mt., N. ('., It. K. 1'). No. 1 N. (>. Petrei'. Att.v, for executor.

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