Briefs Adrift. Mr. W. E. Shelton was a visit" r here yesterday. Mr. T. J. Davis was a Danbury visitor Monday. • Mr. Jas. Smith, of Red Shoals, was in town Saturday. Mr. C. J. Tinsley, of Danville, was a visitor here Monday. Mr, J Spot Taylor attended tlie Bryan speaking at Winston. Mr. S. B. Stewart is spending several days at Winston this week. Messrs. Taylor Dunlap and Ross Gann, of Gideon, were here Sat urday. Mr. Jno. Alley, of Hartman, was .long Danbnry's visitors Sat urday. Mr. Geo. Simmons left today for Winston where he expects to take a position. Mr. A. W. Davis has been sutfer ing the past week £rom an attack of tonsiiitis. Mr. Joseph Coleman, of Dan bury Route 1, was in town a short ■while Monday. Miss Judea Ray left Monday to attend school at the State Normal at Greensboro. Miss Flora Hutchens, of Peter's Creek, Va., is among the new pu rils in school this week. Miss Jessie Pepper left Monday tor Hickory, where she goes to enter Claremont College. A child of Andy Moore, col., near Meadows, rolled off a bank and broke its leg Tuesday. Farmers will soon be through curing tobacco. The crop gen erally is reported to be sorry. Mr. T. W. Hylton, a progressive merchant and saw mill man, of Campbell, was here Saturday. Prayermeeting at the M. E. church Sunday night was con > ducted by Prof. M. T. Chilton. Mr. Jesse Wall, traveling sales man for the Madison Grocery Co., visited the Danbury merchants Saturday. Mr. T. Hutchens, of Madison, was here Saturday talking to the farmers in the interest of his ware house, Planters. Mr. Walter W. King, Jr., of Greensboro, spent several days the past week with his parents, re turning home Monday. Mrs. W. W. King returned Fri day from a pleasant stay of two weeks at Wrightsville, where she had been in the interest of her health. Misses Nellie and Mary Joyce and Blanch Pepper left yesterday for Greensboro where they will attend the fall term of the State Normal College. Messrs. J. Wesley Moretield, J. N. Corn and W. Frank Brown have been drawn to serve as Fed eral court jurors at Greensboro in October. Mrs. M. T. Chilton returned Sunday from a visit to relatives at Red Shoals. She was accompanied home by her brother, Mr. Henry Adkins, of Dillard. Misses May Wall and Jessie McAnally, of Saxon, and Dora Covington, of Delk, are among the new students who have entered school here the past week. Mr. Thomas Rothrock, of Wal nut Cove, accompanied by Misses Mary Lewellyn, of Madison, and Rhoda Adams, of Walnut Cove, spent a short while in Danbury Sunday afternoon. At the present writing the Re porter has learned of only one or two barns of tobacco being burned in Stokes this season. Quite a number aro usually burned in the county. The indications are that Prof. Smith's school will have the lar gest attendance in its history, this year. The attendance now is about as large as usual and a num ber of more pupils are expected in a few days. MRS. NEAL TO LEAVE COVE HOTEL Mr. L. G. Lewis Improving—Other Walnut Cove News. Walnut Cove, Sept. 19. Mrs. M. L. Neal, who has for the past year oonductod tho Cove Hotel, will remove to tho eastern part of town the first of the coming! month. It is not known at this writing who will take charge of the hotel. It is rumored that some of our citizens are figuring on | buying the property, which is j owned by Dr. W. A. Lash, of 1 Greensboro. Should they do so considerable improvement will likely be made in the building. Mr. E. E. Shore, of Rural Hall, is learning the system of banking at the bank here, preparatory to taking charge of the Rural Hall bank, of which Mr. Shore will be oashier. Mr. L. G. Lewis, who recently had a stroke of paralysis, is much improved. Mr. N. M. Pickett, of the Madi son Grocery Co., visited onr mer chants today. Mr. R. R. Rogers spent Sunday at Mount Airy. Miss Harriet Ross, of Walnut Cove Route 1, left the past week to attend school at Littleton Fe male College. Messrs J. C. Wall and Emory Rothrock the visitors in town today. Sudden Death Of Dr. Mclver. Dr. Chas. D. Mclver, President of the State Normal and Industrial College, died of a stroke of apo plexy on the Bryan train between Durham and Greensboro Monday. Mr. Bryan, who was a dear person al friend of Dr. Mclver, knelt by the dead man's side and wept like a child. Dr. Mclver was one of the brightest men in North Carolina and the South. He will probably be succeeded by State Superin tendent Joyner. Court Next Week. Next week is court. The term will probably continue two woeks. The State docket is rather small, but the civil docket is large. The following prisoners are in jail : Two men named Mabe, charged with unlawful living ; Mose Bullen, charged with shoot ing John Andy Bullen ; Neely Cardwell and John Young who are serving out sentences for re tailing imposed at the last term of court. Stolen Bride Brings Trouble. Winston, Sept. 14. The Sentinel this afternoon prints a special from King, Stokes county, to the effect that about 12 o'clock Tuesday night Miss Gusta Fulk left her room at the home of her father and met her lover, Mr. Dalton Butner, of Tobaccoville, who was in waiting with a buggy The oouple drove to the home of a magistrate in Forsyth county and were married. Mr. R, G. Fulk. father of the bride, had a warrant issued for Mr. Butner, his son-in law. The latter was cited to ai - pear before 'Squire J. C. Newsoin at King and answer to tho charge of abduction. After hearing the evidence the magistrate sent the defendant up to the Superior court on a bond of S2OO, which he gave. Mr. Fulk says his daughter is under age and that several days ago he notified the Registers of Deeds of several different counties not to issue license. However, the papers were recently secured by parties from Register of Deeds Lindsay, of Forsyth. The bride permitted to go with the groom to his, home. It is thought that the bric&'s father will soon withdraw his objections to the in dictment and that the unpleasant ness arising from the marriage will be amicably adjusted. Death Of a Young Man. A young man namad Hartgrove, who was a aon of Mr. Henry Hart grove, of Yadkin township, died after a few days illnesß of typhoid fever Sunday. About 10,000 persons heard Bryan speak at Winston Tuesday. Wachovia Loan & Trust Company Makes Announcement. Winston-Salem, N. C., Sept. 1. To our customers and friends : Beginning with this date, we will pay four per cent, interest! (4 per cent) on Savings Fund Ac counts. All money remaining on de- i posit in the Savings Department [ from this date to October 1, next j will be credited with interest at' the rate of 4 per cent, per annum,; and after that date, interest will; be declared and credited at regular , interest periods, namely, Ist days of each January, April, July and October. . We fully appreciate your ac counts, whether they have been large or small, and if you are not already our customer, we will ask that you call and see us soon, and then open an account with us, for i any amount from SI.OO and up wards and let it catch the next in terest period. We have succeeded in fully establishing a large and absolutely safe Banking Institution where all classes may deposit their spare earnings and savings, keeping it 1 absolutely safe from accidents and bad investments, paying a liberal rate of interest and yet available when you need it. We take this opportunity of thanking our friends for the lib eral part they have contributed j towards the remarkable success we have attained and any business you may favor us with, whether in person or by mail, will have ourj best attention. Very respectfully, WACHOVIA LOAN & TKUBT CO. Sep. 13-2wks. Election For 1906 On Tuesday the 6th Day Of Nov. And the Polls To Keep Open From Sunrise Until Sunset. The registration books shall be open for registration from A. M. until sunset each day, except; Sundays, from the 4th day of Oc tober until sunset on the 27th of October. The Registrar shall attend and keep his books open at the voting precincts from S) A. M. until sunset on Saturdays the (>th, 13th, 20th and 27th of October for registration. The Registrars shall attend at the precinct on Saturday before the election being 3rd day of No vember from 9A. M. to 3 P. M., when the books shall be open for inspection and challenge of others. I If any voter's name is challenged I the Registrar shall appoint a time and place, before the day of elec-1 tion, when he and the judges shall hear and decide the objections. All persons who are already properly registered in their voting precincts need not register anew. WALNUT COVE ROUTE 1. Walnut Cove Route 1, Sept. 17 —As we haven't seen anything from this section in the Reporter in some time, will send you a few lines. We aro very sorry to note the pad death of Mr. Cabell Moser, who died at Winston last Friday. A large crowd visited Mr. Major Meadows last Sunday. Among them were Mr, Dock Tuttle and family ; Mr. Sam Meadows and family ; Mr. Charlie Meadows and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Moser, Mr. Herbert Ray, Misses Berclm Dun lap, Nealie White, Nannie Mont gomery ; Messrs. Isaiah and S. C. Montgomery, Geo. Hampton, Joe Hampton, Presley and Frank Bowman, Tommy and Chas. Voss, Luther Fowler and Bob Smith. Como again, boys and girls, we en joyed having your company. Mr. Oliver Smith, who has been sick for somo time, is getting along nicely, we are glad to note. WONDER WHO. UAI I ICTFR'Q Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Modiclne for Busy People. Brings Golden Health and Renewed Vigor, A specific for Constipation. Indigestion. Liver ana Kidney troubles. Pimples, Eczema. Impure Itlood, Had Breath. Sluggish Uowels. Headache and Mackache. Its HocUy Mountain Tea In tab let form. 36 cents a box. Genuine mado by LIOLXLSTBB Duuu COMPANY. Madison, Wis. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE l| ■ ™ J I I ! Meyers - I | Westbrook Co. , Successors to D. D. Schouler 1 \ j Winston=Sascm , s feig De= partment Stores Fall £;ooda of every description aad the largest line ever shown here, I have arrived at the Htore, and you are invited call and Inspect them, EjSP" We arc agents for IJutterick Patterns. Skinner's I Satins, VV. 15. Corsets. Warner's Si cist Proof Corsets, * Columbia Yarns, Sorosis Shoes, Royal 5 ntlergarments, Phipp's Hats, Castle's llats, Rogers & Pallet Toilet | Articles. Mail orders given prompt attention. ! Order by /Hail J | If You Cannot Visit Hie Twin-City I IIIISJ Store. |\\ e nut • >l»J\ insure \ oil against !i^;ij »|#t»j uiim'jjl, luit uit )i;i ve your uwii who will m see that ,VIMI secure the best. An.v «DIIII .Hlvertise.l will l>e sent subject to EXU initiation, ami all charinsH H H prepaid i>n nil purchases iniiouiitinn to S.YIMI ,unt over IThe SemiArmuai Clearance Sale I Is now in progress and s.~>MK)o w >rt li of • ;i 1 lai-n-h.-indise is sacriiied Including everythingfor I Men, \\ omen, children and t lie I ionic except I'urniture. W'lui level" your present wants may lie 11 will I pnyyoit to get In correspondence at oiire with your purchasing itgeut ;it tlie liusv Store. ' ' ' ROSEN BACH ER'SI I Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic 1 I has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales over One and a Half MiHion I I bottles. Does this record of merit appeal to you ? No Core, No Pay. 50c. I BgBHM—IIHII'iIIi H'IHJ teSrSSBM®MBB2SS* V "9\3. SKMS3B&2SHKB3B $f SALARIED POSITIONS ss 1 FOtt GRADUATES ul TDK National Col Ic^e* ROANOKE, VA. Tlio Honnoke Kvt'liilix World ( daily l says, "tln- National linsiness I( 'ollejie plaees more st u den I s in jfimil positions than .-niy ul her I nisi iicss college In t lie South." I literestinjf. t liorounh >•'turses; only pro fessional instructors: wholesome sorial and moral intinenees. Write today for our handsome cataloyne nnd liraiilifnl speeimens of penniansliip. Address I'. M. ('Ol'I■ TKIt. President. — FOR SALE I am ottering for sale the Central Hotel in the town of Walnut Cove. The prop erty consists of house anil lot. Has good well of water and fruit trees, nivd. is excellent location for hotel or boarding house. Would lease for term of years. MRS. S. C. LANDREW, Walnut Com N C. \ The Yadkin Valley lnstituto. of j BoonviHe, is one of the best places j in the State for the education of boys and girls. Many of our conn- i ty's citizens have sent and are! sending their sons and daughters to this excellent school. See ad ! in this issue, or for further partic- i ulars address N. R. Hanun, agent, j Dalton, N. C,, or J. L. Veach.l principal Boonville, N. C. \ Tho difference between Hitting sod Missing iathedif. V nerem ebetween an Accurate ami an Inao urate Arm. P !w),e *isely—discriminate I Get a STEVENS! L F«>rty years of eperiencel« behind our trUd an I b frevtd line of KIFLKg, PISTOLS, SHOTGUNS F Klile Telescopes, Etc. ■ Ask yourdealer and Insist Send 4c in stan>i« f«»r 140 fc on the STBVINS. If you catalog describing h . n cu »»tains points on Slioot- I receipt of. atalog price. Ing. Ammunition, Etc. b Beautiful three-color Aluminum Hanger will be fof4 1 warded for to cent* in stamps. J. 9TEVKNB ARMS AND TOOL CO., R P.O. Boa 4090 CHirorss FALLS. MASS.,U.S. A.